Counterterrorism in the Lake Chad Basin Commission and Its Effects on Tenure

  • 투고 : 2019.07.30
  • 심사 : 2019.09.17
  • 발행 : 2019.09.30


이 글은 아프리카 지역의 정부조직인 차드 분지 호수위원회(LCBC) 회원국이 테러조직인 보코하람의 테러 행위에 맞서기 위해 형성한 다국적군의 활동이 참여국 정치지도자들의 권력 유지에 어떤 영향을 행사하는지 조사했다. 2010년에서 2018년 기간 나이지리아, 카메룬, 니제르, 차드의 정치지도자들과 관련된 데이터를 조사한 결과 이 지역에서 독재국가의 지도자들보다 민주주의 국가의 정치지도자들이 반테러주의 활동의 실패에 대해 더 많은 정치적 비판에 직면한 결과 권력 유지에 실패했음을 파악했다.

This essay examines the relationship between counterterrorism within the Lake Chad Basin Commission hereinafter referred to as LCBC and its effects on leaders' tenure in office. The countries of the LCBC, an intergovernmental institution promoting regional integration in the sub-region, established the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) primarily to maintain peace and security. In April 2012 the mandate of this structure was reinvigorated and broadened to manage the ongoing menace perpetrated by the Islamist terrorist group, Boko Haram in the sub-region. The political consequences, however, has not been identical for leaders of the member states of the LCBC participating in this counterterrorism operation. This essay primarily relies on secondary data derived from available public data sets in explaining this phenomenon. The phenomenon of leaders in Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad between 2010 and 2018 is used to examine the relationship between counterterrorism in the Lake Chad Basin Commission and its effects on political survival. Results suggest that leaders of highly democratic countries are more likely to lose office and held accountable for either perceived inaction or failure in the counterterrorism operation than their counterparts in autocratic states.



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