Figure 1. FRP suface redamation method
Figure 2. Covalent bond of alumino silicate inorganic binder
Figure 3. SEM photograph of cenosphere
Figure 4. Cenosphere used in experiments
Figure 5. Test progress
Figure 6. Table flow test
Figure 7. Bond strength according to heating temperature change
Figure 8. Sectional failure formation by high temperature
Figure 9. SEM photograph of inorganic binder(before heating)
Figure 10. SEM photograph of inorganic binder(after heating)
Figure 11. Backside temperature test
Table 1. Mix proportions
Table 2. Specimen condition
Table 3. Chemical composition of binder
Table 4. Chemical composition of alkali-activator
Table 5. Chemical composition of hybrid epoxy
Table 6. Physical and chemical composition of cenosphere
Table 7. Physical composition of EVA polymer
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