Figure 1. Speciment of adhesive in tension strength test
Figure 2. Insulation system & flame exposed test
Figure 3. Adhesion in tension
Figure 4. Adhesion in tension according to freeze thawing
Figure 5. Water absorption coefficient
Figure 6. Insulation surface of flame exposed
Table 1. Chemical composition of ordinary portland cement
Table 2. Physical properties of ordinary portland cement
Table 3. Composition of dolomite aggregate
Table 4. Specification of acrylic resin
Table 5. Composition of binder
Table 6. Specification of expandable graphite
Table 7. Physical properties of glass fiber mesh
Table 8. Specification of fly ash and silica fume
Table 9. Specification of insulation
Table 10. Experiment process
Table 11. Experimental factors and levels in this study
Table 12. Temperature change of insulation system and expanded depth of surface preparation mortars after 15 minutes of flame exposure
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