질문이 있는 '지층과 화석' 관련 STEAM 수업 자료 개발 및 적용

Development and Application of STEAM Class for Stratum and Fossil with Questions

  • 투고 : 2018.10.19
  • 심사 : 2018.11.15
  • 발행 : 2018.11.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of 'strata-fossils' STEAM program with questions on the academic achievement, creative problem-solving ability and scientific interests of elementary students. For this purpose, the STEAM program with questions was developed and applied to the third and fourth graders in elementary school. As a result, the academic achievement, creative problem-solving ability and scientific interests of the group applying the program showed a significant improvement in the post-test than the pre-test. The result of learner satisfaction survey of the STEAM program was also high. This means that the STEAM program class with questions for 'strata-fossils' could be meaningful works to encourage students' academic achievement as well as their creative problem-solving ability and scientific interests. Therefore, it seems necessary to apply for other themes in elementary science continuously.


Table 1. The study subjects

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Table 2. The main contents of STEAM program and STEAM elements for stratum and fossil with questions

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Table 3. The result of a pre-test and post-test comparison on academic achievement

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Table 4. The result of a pre-test and post-test comparison on creative problem solving ability

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Table 5. The result of a pre-test and post-test comparison on scientific interest

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Table 6. The result of learner satisfaction survey of the STEAM program

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