제주 곶자왈 사진을 디지털 프린팅 활용한 문화관광상품 디자인 개발 - 제주관광셔츠를 중심으로 -

Design Development of Cultural Tourism Products Applying DTP of Jeju Gotjawal - Focusing on Jeju Souvenir Shirts -

  • 안현주 (한성대학교 패션디자인전공)
  • 투고 : 2015.08.27
  • 심사 : 2015.10.12
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


The purpose of this study is to develop cultural tourism products of Jeju Free International City, utilizing the images of its blessed natural environment listed on the UNESCO World (Natural) Heritage Site. To do this, the concept of cultural tourism products is defined, and the current situation and features of Jeju cultural tourism products are closely researched and examined, and then through survey study, responded by Jeju residents and tourists, purchasing behaviors, consumer preferences of Jeju tourists, and improvement plans for tourism products are examined in detail. According to the survey, the important elements for cultural tourism products of Jeju are extracted and employed in the development of tourism T-shirts, and the developing process of souvenir shirt designs using the unique images of Jeju are presented. Five textile pattern designs, based on the nature images of Jeju 'gotjawal' forests, are created and employed in 5 souvenir shirt designs, and this led to the development of 10 styles of tourism souvenir shirts. With their trendy design embodying unique images of Jeju, practicality, and functionality, these shirts are not just for tourists visiting Jeju but also for everybody, any age, and anywhere. The suitability and validity of the designs as the cultural tourism products representing Jeju are evaluated by consumer preference survey. Through this study, the infinite possibility of developing cultural tourism products utilizing unique natural environments of Jeju are confirmed. Development of tourism souvenir shirts reflecting the current fashion trends and tourists' tastes can be led to the construction of positive images of Jeju, the success in attracting tourists, and, eventually, market extension for cultural tourism products.



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