A Study on the Interpretation Trend of Current Cases for Warranty in U.S.A

미국의 Warranty 제도와 관련된 판례동향 연구

  • Received : 2009.10.29
  • Accepted : 2009.12.14
  • Published : 2010.02.20


Under the Civil Code and related law in Korea, the liability for defects after delivery belongs to the Contractor. However, various disputes have occurred in relation to the remedy of such defects and the compensation for damages, which are the main liability of a contractor in the event of defects. Despite court decisions regarding defect liability, many problems prevail in the real world. For this reason, this working-level research considers the introduction of a performance warranty contract system. To establish the system successfully, it is necessary to analyze the trend of various warranty cases in the US. Therefore, the warranty system of the US was first examined, and the effect of acceptance, notification and burden of proof, remedies under warranty clauses, and default termination were investigated and analyzed in this study.

건설사업계약은 우리나라에는 관련법령에 따라 목적물의 준공이후 시공자가 하자담보책임을 부담하고 있다. 그러나 하자담보책임의 주요 내용인 하자보수, 손해배상과 관련하여 많은 분쟁이 있다. 이러한 분쟁의 결과에도 불구하고 하자와 관련하여 항상 많은 문제점이 발생하고 있어 정부에서는 성능보증계약제도의 도입에 대해 검토하는 등 다양한 대책을 준비 중에 있다. 본 제도가 제대로 적용되기 위해서는 미국의 Warranty제도와 관련하여 다양한 판례동향을 분석할 필요성이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 미국의 Warranty제도를 살펴보고, 목적물 인수효과, 입증책임, 구제조치, 계약해제에 대한 동향을 제시하였다.



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  19. USA Case, Astubeco, Inc., ASBCA 8727, 1963 BCA, 3941
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  28. USA Case, Harwell Constr. Co., ENGBCA PCC-30, 79-2 BCA, 14,061
  29. USA Case, Instruments for Indus., Inc., v. United States, 496 F.2d 1157(2d Cir. 1974)
  30. USA Case, Inter-West, Ltd., DOTBCA 2238, 92-3 BCA, 25,073
  31. USA Case, Jo-Bar Mfg. Corp., ASBCA 17774, 73-2 BCA, 10,311
  32. USA Case, Jo-Bar Mfg. Corp., ASBCA 18292, 73-2 BCA, 10,353, recons. denied, 74-1 BCA 10,392
  33. USA Case, Joseph Penner, GSBCA 4647, 80-2 BCA, 14,604
  34. USA Case, Joseph Penner, GSBCA 4647, 80-2 BCA, 14,604
  35. USA Case, Julian A. McDermott Corp., ASBCA 23435, 80-1, 14,210
  36. USA Case, Jung Ah Indus. Co., ASBCA 22632, 79-1 BCA, 13,642, recons denied, 79-2 BCA 13,916
  37. USA Case, Keco Indus., Inc., ASBCA 13271, 71-1 BCA, 8727
  38. USA Case, Kordick & Son, Inc. v. United States, 12 Cl. Ct. 662 (1987)
  39. USA Case, Luster-On prods., Inc., ASBCA 23367, 80-2 BCA, 4,777
  40. USA Case, Massman Constr. Co., ENGBCA 3443, 81-2 BCA, 15,212
  41. USA Case, Mercury Chemical Co., ASBCA 12882, 69-1 BCA, 7769
  42. USA Case, Oklahoma Aerotronics, Inc., ASBCA 25605, 87-2 BCA, 19,917
  43. USA Case, Philadelphia Biologics Center, ASBCA 32567, 88-3 BCA, 21,147
  44. USA Case, Southwest Welding & Mfg. Co. v. United States, 188 Ct. Cl. 925. 413 F.2d 1167, 1969
  45. USA Case, Triple "A" Machine Shop, Inc., ASBCA 16844, 73-1 BCA, 9826
  46. USA Case, United Tech. V. United States, 27 Fed. Cl. 393 (1992) recons. denied, 31 Fed. Cl. 698, 1994
  47. USA Case, Utley-James, Inc., GSBCA 6831, 88-1 BCA, 20518
  48. USA Case, Wickham Contracting Co., ASBCA 32392, 88-2 BCA, 20,559

Cited by

  1. Investigation of Disputes for Nominated Sub-contractor(NSC) -Focused on the Judicial Precedent of NSC issues in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong- vol.16, pp.6, 2015,