- Issue 26
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- Pages.369-394
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- 2008
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- 1226-7627(pISSN)
A Study on the Critical Introspection about Expansion of Literature
문학 확장에 관한 비판적 성찰
I have developed these sentences on the critical position with reference to the Practicality of Literature that is raising an issue as a device to break through the Crisis of Literature. Since it is obvious fact that the Crisis of Literature today had been brought due to the development and its expansion of the electronic civilizational technology or imagery industry, the raising an issue of Industrialization as the plan for breaking through the Crisis of Literature is wrong direction. Even though it is the desperate countermeasure in compliance with the change of the times, as far as its purpose was not clearly defined, it is difficult to achieve the anticipated results. Because, when the purpose of literature becomes different likely as the below-noted, its results appear as contrastive: •Pursuit of Profits → Estrangement of Human-being/ Impersonalization ⇒ Road to Crisis of Human-being •Human-being Itself → Standard for Human-being/ Recovery of the Dignity ⇒ Road to Restoration of Human-being Considering of such process, I intend to emphasize for the literary writers to perceive certainly the ordinary truth that enables to revive both Literature and Human-being when Literature cherishes the most literature-like feature. In the flood of the occidental culture and the material civilization, if the matter of grasp evidently at Self Identity is required before anything else for modern people who lost the self identity, and are wavering within the confusion of the sense of values, this writer is on confident that the very literature/poetry could do the function of responding index substantially to this requirement.