지하층 합벽 무지주 시스템 거푸집의 적용성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Applicability of Non-Supporting System Forms for Single Face Walls in Underground Construction

  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


Underground building constructions are recently more important because the ratio of underground area is increasing in the huge and high-rise building construction projects. For reducing the total building construction periods, it is required to reduce not only the over-ground structural work periods but also the underground structural work periods. Therefore, this study is proposed the non-supporting system forms for single face walls in underground building construction by one of the methods for reducing the underground structural work periods and investigated the applicability of the non-supporting system forms by analyzing the case-study in civil construction project. In regard of construction duration, the results of analyzing the case-study showed that the non-supporting system forms are better than the euro forms with soldier system for single face walls in underground building construction. In addition, it is showed that the cost of these two forms is similar and usage the working space and safety in non-supporting system forms are better that those of the euro forms with soldier system, too.



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