도시 가로공간 가로시설물의 이용실태 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 전주시 상업가로를 중심(中心)으로 -

A Study on the Improvement Plan for the Actual Conditions of use in the Street Facilities of Urban Street Space- With the commercial Street on the Jeonju City -

  • 박미화 (전북대학교 대학원 건축.도시공학과) ;
  • 유응교 (전북대학교 건축.도시공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


In Korea, the top priority of the exterior space in the urban commercial street has been put on the road and parking for cars, not on the street for pedestrians, because of the lack of institutional urban planning, the land use of high density, the pursuit of maximum commercial profit, etc. Also, it is true that the form and facade of the street buildings which form the characteristics of the commercial street are regarded as the consumption-stimulating tool and, subsequently, are symbolized for commercial profit. This study starts from the recognition of reality, and, with the perspective of general plan for urban exterior space, tries to improve the environmental design of street space. Also, this study searches the ways to enhance the cultural, art, aesthetic and functional values of a city, as well as the ways to promote commercial activities and to perform commercial symbolism and pedestrian functions. This study aims at exploring the importance of street environmental design and the information of environmental design, so that the problems of current street environment, which generates the disorder and chaos of information, may be solved. Also, this study aims at promoting the continuous development for the future street environmental design and design plan.



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