A Comparative Study between Korea and the United States on Executive and Supportive Programs for the Multifamily Housing Remodeling

공동주택 리모델링 시행 프로그램에 관한 한.미간 비교연구 - 미국 리모델링 관련 제도와 전문가 대상 면접조사 결과를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2007.12.25


The study is based on a two-year research study titled 'A study on the Development of the Programs for Housing Policy to support Multi-family Housing Remodeling in Korea'. The primary purpose of this two-year study was to recommend governmental program initiatives for supporting multi-family housing remodeling activities in Korea. As a part of this research study, this article was written based on the results from the two surveys regarding multi-family housing remodeling in the United States and Korea, and a focus group with housing researchers affiliated to the Joint Center for Housing Studies. Major research findings are presented as follows: First, there have been various types of supportive programs for single- and multi-family housing remodeling in the United States. Those have focused on lower income families than middle income families. Compared with the programs in the United States, the apartment remodeling in Korea has been focusing on small population of the multi-family housing owners. Apartment remodeling in Korea needs supportive programs for rental housing remodeling and the housing remodeling for low-incomes. Second, there have been various types of remodeling activities made in multi-family housing properties in the United States. Size of remodeling project also varied. Their remodeling activities were based on the long-term repairing plans initiated by professional apartment management groups. For making our multi-family housing properties more sustainable, we also need to have the long-term repairing plans. Third, the apartment property remodeling has been regarded as a substitute of reconstruction of apartment properties. However, remodeling should be regarded as one of the most efficient ways to extend the life-cycle of apartment buildings. Thus, benefits and executive plans of apartment remodeling should be studied by a professional research center under our governmental responsibilities as done in the United States.



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