An Investigation on Determinants of Apartment Price in Ilsan Area

일산지역의 공동주택 평당매매 가격결정 특성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2007.12.25


The purpose of this paper is to find out the factors affecting the apartment price given three sets of variables such as characteristics of apartment building, apartment site, and location. Data of 1,579 housing units in 224 apartment complex sites in Ilsan city were selected from the housing information of four public and private housing sources in 2006. The first set of variables for physical features include housing size (pyoung), preferring-floor, building orientation, heating system and structure of entrance. The second set of variables for building were number of housing units, built year and rank of construction company. The third set of variables for location were distance from number of school, the subway station, distance of department store and park. For the analysis, the hedonic price model, which was one of the methods to estimate social convenience, was used along with the SPSS statistical program and regression analysis. The results are as follows, Firstly, in the structural characteristic variables, it was analyzed that all of the variables except facing affected the apartment price. Secondly, In the site characteristic variables, unusually all of the variables were not affected the apartment price in Ilsan city. Finally, the locational characteristic variables number of school, the subway station, distance of department store and park affected the apartment price. In case of Ilsan city, educational facilities was likely to positively contribute to the price of apartment.



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