초등학교 3학년 학생의 기초수학 능력과 읽기 능력의 상관 분석

An analysis of the correlation between the fundamental mathematical capability and the reading capability of the elementary 3rd graders

  • Lee Bong-Ju (Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this study is to extract some suggestions in developing the elementary students' abilities to solve the fundamental mathematical problems by analyzing the degree of the correlation between the fundamental mathematical capability and the reading capability of the elementary 3th graders. In order to achieve this goal, this article analyzed the correlation between the fundamental mathematical capability and the reading capability on the basis of the studying result about the diagnostic evaluation conducted on 20,556 elementary 3th graders by the KICE as a national level basic scholastic achievement evaluation. The coefficient of correlation between the fundamental mathematical capability and the reading capability was .621. As such, it shows that the reading capability plays an important role in solving the fundamental mathematical problems. Particularly, the coefficient of correlation between the corollary arguments and the problem solving ability and the reading capability was the highest among the sub-capabilities of fundamental mathematical capability. In addition, judging from the result that the coefficient of correlation between the practical understanding capability and the solving capability of the fundamental mathematical problems was .528, it informs that the practical understanding capability takes an' important part in developing the fundamental mathematical capability of the elementary students. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the understanding capability plays the very important role in solving the fundamental mathematical problems. In particular, the results suggest that it is necessary that the pupils should be simultaneously supported not only by the capability of the mathematical basis, but also by the reading capability, especially the practical understanding capability about the problems, in order to develop the capability to solve the fundamental mathematical problems.
