ER 유체로 작동되는 벨브의 제작 및 성능실험

Design and Performance Test of Valve Operated by ER Fluids

  • 장성철 (경남대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 염만오 (경남대학교 기계자동화공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Recently ER fluids are put to practical use in fluid power industry field. As only with electrical signal change to the valve in which ER fluid flowing, ER fluid flow is controlled, so devepment of simple ER valves have been tried. In this case a technical problem is to check the pressure drop caused from flow rate change in valves because the pressure drop is very small. In this study ER valves are designed and manufactured, and small pressure drop induced from flow rate change is checked by pressure transducer which is made with appling strain gage. The ER valves and pressure drop check method are considered to be applied to the fluid power industry.



  1. IEE Proceeding-D v.138 no.4 Electro-Rheological Valves in a Hydraulic Circuit Simmonds,A.L.
  2. Jorunal of Modern Physics v.6 Design and Development of Flow Based Electro-Rheological Devices Brooks,D.A.
  3. JSME v.62 no.601 A Control valve by Making use of an ER Fluid Yokota,S.;Kondoh,Y.
  4. Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering v.11 Performance Investigation of a Cylindrical Valve Featuring Electro-Rheological Fluids Choi,S.B.;Cheong.C.C.
  5. KSMTE v.12 no.1 Flow Rate-Pressure Drop Characteristics of Dispersive ER Fluid According to Change of Electric Field Strength in Clearance between Parallel Plates Jang,S.C.;Yum,M.O.;Kim,D.T.
  6. Korea Journal of Materials Research v.4 no.2 The Electrical and Rheological Properties of Zeolite Based ER Fluids Jug,D.W.;Choi,Y.D.;Kim,S.G.
  7. J.of Rheology v.33 The Yield Stress An Engineering Reality Hartnet,J.P.;Hu,R,Y.Z.