- 지질학회지 v.27 제주도 서귀포층의 지하분포와 지하수와의 관ㄹ계 고기원
- 기초과학지원센터, 미발간 연구보고서 도입 첨단기기의 선은평가 및 활용도 제고에 대한 기초연구-지구과학 관련 연구 기기에 관하여(Ⅱ) 박계헌;초만식;이석훈;정창식;이광식;한정희
- 기초과학지원연구소, 미발간 연구보고서. UCPN0010-025-4 지질 및 해양 시료의 미량조성 및 구조분석법 연구 (Ⅰ) 박계헌;박병권;김윤중;이인성;최만식;박은주;이광식;정창식;한정희;이석훈;신형선;박찬수;김용준
- 요약, 지질학회지 v.27 제주도 화산암의 암석화학적 진화(2): 제주 동부 월라봉부근 시추코아 연구 박준범;권성택
- 지질학회지 v.29 제주도 화산암의 지화학적 진화: 제주 북부지역의 화산층서에 따른 화산암류의 암석기재 및 암석화학적 특징 박준범;권성택
- 지질학회지 v.29 제주도 화산암의 지화학적 진화(Ⅱ): 제주 북부지역의 화산암류의 미량원소적 특징 박준범;권성택
- 암석학회지 v.2 제주 북부 화산암의 광물화학 박준범;권성택
- 암석학회지 v.3 제주도 화산암류의 암석학 및 지구화학 박준범;권성택
- 지질학회지 v.31 제주 북부 화산암류의 분화: 질량득실평가 박준범;권성택
- 지질학회지 v.12 제주도 화산암류에 대한 암석화학적 연구 원종관
- 성산도폭 지질설명서 원종관;이문원;이동영;손영관
- 한국동력자원연구소, 85-5-08 제주지역 지열조사연구 윤상규;김원영
- 요약, 지질학회지 v.28 재주도 동부지역의 지질구조 윤선;고기원;박원배;김호원;채종일
- 제주도 제4기 지질조사연구 이동영;윤상규;김주용;김윤종
- 광산지질 v.24 제주도 임해지역에서의 해수침입 최순학;김영기;이동영
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- Geophy. Res. Lett. v.12 geodynamic mixing in mesosphere boundary layer and the origin of oceanic islands Allegre, C.J.;Turcotte, D.L.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.105 Major element, REE, and Pb, Nd and Sr isotopic geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of eastern China: implications for their origin from suboceanic-type mantle reservoirs Basu, A.R.;Wang, J.;Huang, W.;Xie, G.;Tatsumoto, M.
- Chem. Geol. v.92 Geochemistry of Inaccessible Island volcanics Cliff, R.A.;Baker, P.E.;Mateer, N.J.
- J. Petrol. v.23 The lead, neodymium and strontium isotopic structure of oceanic redge basalts Cohen, R.S.;O'Nions, R.K.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.48 A Nd isotopic study of the Kerguelen islands: influences on enriched oceanic mantle source Dosso, L.;Murthy, V.R.
- Geology v.15 Regional Middle Proterozoic enrichment of the subcontinental mantle source of igenous rocks from central Montana Dudas, F.O.;Carlson, R.W.;Eggler, D.H.
- J. Geophys. Res. v.94 How preexisting weakness controlthe style of continental breakup Dunbar, J. A.;Sawyer, D. S.
- Chem. Geol. v.97 Magmatism in South China basin 2. Post-spreading Quaternary basalts from Hainan Island, south China Flower, M.F.J.;Zhang, M.;Chen, C.-Y.;Tu, K.;Xie, G.
- Nature v.309 A large scale isotope anomaly in the southern hemisphere mantle Hart, S.R.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.90 Heterogeneous mantle domains: signature, genesis and mixing chronologies Hart, S.R.
- Mantle metasomatism Isotope variations in recent volcanics: a trace-element perspective Hawkesworth, C.J.;Kempton, P.;Rogers, N.W.;Menzies M.A.;Menzies, M.A.(ed.);Hawkesworth, C.J.(ed.)
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.96 Continental mantle lithosphere, and shallw level enrichment process in the Earth' mantle Hawkesworth, C.J.;Rogers, N.W.;Ellam, R.M.;van Calsteren, P.W.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.57 mantle plumes from ancient oceanic crust Hofmann, A.W.;White, W.M.
- Bull. Volcanol. v.29 Lateral variation of basalt magma across continental margins and island arcs Kuno, H.
- Ph. D. Thesis University D'ORLEANS Petrology and tectonic setting of the Cretaceous to Cenozoic volcanics of South Korea; geodynamics implications on the East-Eurasian margin Lee, J. S.
- Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., Series 3 v.15 Petrology and geochemistry of Jeju volcanic Island, Korea Lee, M.W.
- J. Geol. Soc. Korea v.30 Stratigraphy and petrology of volcanic rocks in southern Cheju Island, Korea Lee, M.W.;Won, C.K.;Lee, D.Y.;Park, G.H.
- A classification of igneous rocks and glossary of terms Le Maitre, R.W.;Bateman, P.;Durek, A.;Keller, J.;Lameye;Le Bas, M.J.;Sabine, P.A.;Schmid, R.;Sorensen, H.;Streckeisen, A.;Wooley, A.R.;Zanettin, B.
- Mantle metasomatism Source regions of Mid-ocean ridge basalts: evidence for enrichment processes Le Roex, A.P.;Menzies, M.A.(ed.);Hawkesworth, C.J.(ed.)
- Chem. Geol. v.114 major-and trace-element compositions of Cenozoic basalts in eastern China: Petrogenesis and mantle source Liu, C.-Q.;Masuda, A.;Xie, G.-H.
- Contrib. Mineral. Pertol. v.110 Distribution of titanium and the rare earth elements between peridotitic minerals McDonough, W.F.;Stosch, H.-G.;Ware, N.
- Nature v.301 Mantle reservoirs and oceanic island basalts McKenzie, D.;O'Nions, R.K.
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- J. Geophy. Res. v.94 Chemical geodynamics in a back arc region around the Sea of Japan: implications for the genesis of alkaline basalts in Japan, Korea, and China Nakamura, E.;Campbell, I.H.;McCulloch, M.T.
- Nature v.316 The influence of subduction processes in the geochemistry of Japanese alkaline basalts Nakamura, E.;Campbell, I.H.;Sun, S.-S.
- Tectonophysics v.174 Chemical geodynamics in a back-arc region of Japan based on the trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions Nakamura, E.;McCulloch, M.T.;Campbell I.H.
- Chem. Geol. v.68 Asthenospheric injection and back-arc opening: isotopic evidence from the northeast Japan Nohda, S.;Tatsumi, Y.;Otofuji, Y.;Matsuoa, T.;Ishizaka, K.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.79 Coupled trace element and isotope enrichment in the Cook-Austral-Samoa islands, southwest Pacific Palacz, Z.A.;Saunders, A.D.
- Columbia Univ. Ph.D. dissertation thesis Sr, Nd and Pb isotope studies of Ocean Island basalts: constraints on their origin and evolution Park, K.-H.
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- Continental basalts and mantle xenoliths Role of sub-continental lithosphere in magma genesis at active continental margins Pearce, J.A.;Hawkesworth, C.J.(ed.);Norry, M.J.(ed.)
- Chem. Geol. v.59 Pb-, Sr- and Nd-isotopic systematics and chemical characteristics of Cenozoic basalts, eastern China Peng, Z.C.;Zartman, R.E.;Futa, K.;Chen, D.G.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.59 Correlated Nd, Sr and Pb isotope variation in Walvis Rigde basalts and implications for the evolution of their mantle source Richardson, S.H.;Erlank, A.J.;Duncan, A.R.;Reid, D.L.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.58 New He, Nd, Pb, and Sr isotopic constraints on the constitution of the hawaiian plume: results from Koolau Volcano, Oahu, Hawaii, USA Roden, M.F.;Trull, T.;Hart, S.R.;Frey, F.A.
- J. Petrol. Special Lithosphere Issue Origin of MORB and chemically depleted mantle reservoirs: trace element constaints Saunders, A.D.;Norry, M.J.;Tarney, J.
- Nature v.242 Iceland mantle plume: geochemical study of Reykjanes Ridge Schilling, J.G.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.53 Geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths in basalt from Hannuoba, Eastern China: Implications for subcontinental mantle heterogeneity Song, Y.;Frey, F.A.
- Chem. Geol. v.85 Isotopic characteristics of Hannuoba basalts, easterm China: implications for their petrogenesis and the composition of subcontinental mantle Song, Y.;Frey, F.A.;Zhi, X.
- Nature v.304 Pb, Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic evidence of multiple sources for Oahau, Hawaii basalts Stille, P.;Unruh, D.M.;Tatsumoto, M.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.50 Pb, Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic constraints on the origin of Hawaiian basalts and evidence for a unique mantle source Stille, P.;Unruh, D.M.;Tatsumoto, M.
- Nature v.336 geochemical evidence for plume-mantle interactions beneath Kerguelen and Heard Islands, Indian Ocean .Storey, M.;Saunders, A.D.;Tarney, J.;Leat, P.;Thirlwall, M.F.;Thompson, R.N.;Menzies, M.A.;Marriner, G.F>
- Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London v.297 Lead isotopic study of young volcanic rocks from mid-oean ridges, ocean islands and island arcs Sun, S.S.
- Earth Planet, Sci. Lett. v.113 Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes of ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks of Eastern China: enriched components EMI and EMII in subcontinental lithosphere Tatsumoto, M.;Basu, A.R.;Wankang, H.;Junwen, W.;Guanghong, X.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta v.55 Dupal anomaly in the Sea of Japan: Pb, Nd, and Sr isotope variations at the eastern Eurasian continental margin Tatsumoto, M.;Nakamura, Y.
- Chem. Geol. v.97 Magmatism in South China Basin 1. Isotopic and trace-element evidence for an endogenous Dupal mantle component Tu, K.;Flower, M.F.J.;Carlson, R.W.;Xie, G.;Chen, C.-Y.;Zhang, M.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.104 The origin of ocean island basalt end-member compositions: trace element and isotopic constraints Weaver, B.L.
- Alkaline igneous rocks, Geol. Soc. Sp. Pub. v.30 Geochemistry of ocean island basalts from the South Altantic: Ascension, Bouvet, St. Helena, Gough and Tristan da Cunha Weaver, B.L.;Wood, D.A.;Tarney, J.;Joron, J. L.;Fitton, J.G.(ed.);upton, B.G.J.(ed.)
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.84 Isotopic evolution of lavas from Haleakala crater, Hawaii West, H.B.;Leeman, W.P.
- Nature v.296 Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry of oceanic basalts and mantle evolution White, W.M.;Hofmann, A.W.
- Igneous Petrogenesis Wilson, M.
- Jour. Korean Inst. Mining Geology v.19 Paleomagnetism and radiometric age of trachytes in Jeju Island, Korea Won, J. K.;Matsuda, J.;Nagao, K.;Kim, K. H.;Lee, M. W.
- J. Geophy. Res. v.89 Origin of Hawaiian tholeiites: a metasomatic model Wright, T.L.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.87 The origin of Samoa: new evidence from Sr, Nd and pb isotopes Wright, E.;White, W.M.
- Tectonophysics v.133 Cenozoic extensional tectonics in China Xiangyuan, M.;Daning, W.
- Tectonics v.12 An indentation model for the north and south China colision and the development of the Tan-Lu and Honam fault systems, Eastern Asia Yin, A.;Nie, S.
- Ghem. Geol. v.88 Geochemistry of Hannuba basalts, eastern China: constraints on the origin of continental alkalic and tholeiitic basalt Zhi, X.;Song, Y.;Frey, F.A.;Feng, J.;Zhai, M.
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.58 Cenozoic volcanic rocks of eastern Chian-secular and geographic trends in chemistry and strontium isotopic composition Zhou, X.;Armstrong, R.L.
- Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. v.14 Chemical geodynamics Zindler, A.;Hart, S.R.