Research and development of a three-stage door binder to improve the fire resistance of fire doors

방화문의 내화성능 향상을 위한 3단 문 결속기 연구개발

  • 임보혁 (건축자재시험연구원(주)) ;
  • 이주원 ((주)동광명품도어 기업부설연구소) ;
  • 조동환 (건축자재시험연구원(주)) ;
  • 이해열 ((주)동광명품도어 기업부설연구소)
  • Published : 2023.11.10


Doors that are opened and closed when entering or exiting a general building are connected to the door frame and open and close. They are equipped with door locking devices of various structures, and are either locked to the door frame for the closing operation or released from the door frame for the opening and closing operation. Here, a single-stage door binding device having a door latch that is independently disposed at the center of one axis of the door is commonly used. On the other hand, if the size of the door is over a certain size or if the door is medium to large, the opening and closing operation may not be performed smoothly with only a single stage binder, or the closing state may not be achieved stably during the closing operation. In particular, in the case of the single-stage binding device provided in medium to large fire doors, the door is fixed to the door frame unstable, causing fatal errors in the fire prevention function of the fire door. Accordingly, in order to fundamentally solve these problems, we researched and developed a three-stage door binding machine that combines a top and bottom fastening structure with a single-stage fastening structure. This 3-stage door binder not only has the fire resistance performance of a fire door, but also has a T-shaped terminal in its fastening method, so if you eliminate the upper and lower fastening, it is a 1-stage binder like a regular product, but if you remove the door latch of the 1st-stage binder, it functions as an upper and lower 2-stage binder and forms a single mold. We researched and developed a three-stage door binder that can manufacture and produce three products at the same time, satisfying both product performance and price.



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  2. 심한영, 박원준. 공동주택 대피공간.공용부 방화문 구조 및 성능에 관한 통계적 분석. 한국건축학회지. 2022. 제22권 3호. p. 239-249.