ER-Valve 간극내에서 분산계 ER유체의 유동특성

Flow Characteristics of Dispersive ER Fluid Clearance between ER-Valve

  • 장성철 (경남대 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 염만오 (경남대 기계자동화공학) ;
  • 이종두 (거창문대학 기계설계) ;
  • 장성수 (거창문대학 기계설계과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In this research 4 plate type ER-Valves which have same surface but different width and length are designed and an experimental apparatus is constructed. With this experimental apparatus, flow rate and pressure drop of ER fluid flowing in ER-Valve are measured by varying electric field strength of ER-valve, and relation between valve types and pressure drop is also experimented. ER fluid is made silicon oil mixed with 40wt% starch having hydrous particles. The pressure drop according to the strength of electric field by differential pressure gauge in the present ER-Valve was used. This test reviewed experiment for the special changes of ER fluids in the steady flow condition.
