• 제목/요약/키워드: yeast mating

검색결과 49건 처리시간 0.026초

Construction of a Large Synthetic Human Fab Antibody Library on Yeast Cell Surface by Optimized Yeast Mating

  • Baek, Du-San;Kim, Yong-Sung
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.408-420
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    • 2014
  • Yeast surface-displayed antibody libraries provide an efficient and quantitative screening resource for given antigens, but suffer from typically modest library sizes owing to low yeast transformation efficiency. Yeast mating is an attractive method for overcoming the limit of yeast transformation to construct a large, combinatorial antibody library, but the optimal conditions have not been reported. Here, we report a large synthetic human Fab (antigen binding fragment) yeast surface-displayed library generated by stepwise optimization of yeast mating conditions. We first constructed HC (heavy chain) and LC (light chain) libraries, where all of the six CDRs (complementarity-determining regions) of the variable domains were diversified mimicking the human germline antibody repertoires by degenerate codons, onto single frameworks of VH3-23 and $V{\kappa}1$-16 germline sequences, in two haploid cells of opposite mating types. Yeast mating conditions were optimized in the order of cell density, media pH, and cell growth phase, yielding a mating efficiency of ~58% between the two haploid cells carrying HC and LC libraries. We constructed two combinatorial Fab libraries with CDR-H3 of 9 or 11 residues in length with colony diversities of more than $10^9$ by one round of yeast mating between the two haploid HC and LC libraries, with modest diversity sizes of ${\sim}10^7$. The synthetic human Fab yeast-displayed libraries exhibited relative amino acid compositions in each position of the six CDRs that were very similar to those of the designed repertoires, suggesting that they are a promising source for human Fab antibody screening.

Discovery and Functional Study of a Novel Genomic Locus Homologous to Bα-Mating-Type Sublocus of Lentinula edodes

  • Lee, Yun Jin;Kim, Eunbi;Eom, Hyerang;Yang, Seong-Hyeok;Choi, Yeon Jae;Ro, Hyeon-Su
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.582-588
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    • 2021
  • The interaction of mating pheromone and pheromone receptor from the B mating-type locus is the first step in the activation of the mushroom mating signal transduction pathway. The B mating-type locus of Lentinula edodes is composed of Bα and Bβ subloci, each of which contains genes for mating pheromone and pheromone receptor. Allelic variations in both subloci generate multiple B mating-types through which L. edodes maintains genetic diversity. In addition to the B mating-type locus, our genomic sequence analysis revealed the presence of a novel chromosomal locus 43.3 kb away from the B mating-type locus, containing genes for a pair of mating pheromones (PHBN1 and PHBN2) and a pheromone receptor (RCBN). The new locus (Bα-N) was homologous to the Bα sublocus, but unlike the multiallelic Bα sublocus, it was highly conserved across the wild and cultivated strains. The interactions of RcbN with various mating pheromones from the B and Bα-N mating-type loci were investigated using yeast model that replaced endogenous yeast mating pheromone receptor STE2 with RCBN. The yeast mating signal transduction pathway was only activated in the presence of PHBN1 or PHBN2 in the RcbN producing yeast, indicating that RcbN interacts with self-pheromones (PHBN1 and PHBN2), not with pheromones from the B mating-type locus. The biological function of the Bα-N locus was suggested to control the expression of A mating-type genes, as evidenced by the increased expression of two A-genes HD1 and HD2 upon the treatment of synthetic PHBN1 and PHBN2 peptides to the monokaryotic strain of L. edodes.

이담자효모 Rhodosporidium toruloides의 성pheromone(Rh.A)에 의한 성접합형 특이적 인산화 저해 반응 (Mating-type-specific inhibition of phosphorylation by sexual pheromone (Rh. A) on heterobasidiomycetous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides.)

  • 정영기
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.322-328
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    • 1997
  • Two phosphorylated proteins having molecular weights of 57kD and 72kD were detected from the slubilized membrane protein fraction of mating type a cells of Rhodosporidium toruloides which belongs to heterobasidiomycetous yeast. The phosphorylation of the protein was inhibited by a sexual pheromone, Rhodotorucine A (Rh. A), which is secreted from mating type a cells. On the other hand, counterpart mating type A cells and M-39 strain which is a styerile mutant derived from a cells, had also the same two phosphorylated proteins, However, the phosphorylation of the protein from A cells, and M-39 strain were not inhibited by the Rh. A. It suggests that inhibition of the phosphorylation reaction by the Rh. A in mating type a cells is a mating-type-specific reaction that relate to transduction mechanism of sexual pheromone signaling.

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효모의 에탄올 생산능 및 세포 생존능의 증진을 위한 Rare-mating과 원형질체 융합 (Rare-Mating and Protoplast Fusion for the Improvement of Ethanol Producibility and Cell-Viability of Yeast)

  • 강태영;김근
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.312-316
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    • 2001
  • 에탄올 발효능이 우수한 Saccharomyces에 속하는 4 균주를 가지고 여러 조합의 mating-pair 또는 fusion-pair를 만들고 이들 pair들로부터 만들어진 hybrid주들의 에탄올 생성능과 생존능을 통계적으로 분석한 결과, 에탄올 생성능에서는 차이가 없었으나, 생존능의 경우는 [S. kluveri $khl{\times}S.$ cerevisiae cp3]의 균주조합이 가장 우수한 hybrid를 낼 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 실제로 에탄올 생성능과 잔당, 효율, 생존능에서 두루 우수한 균주는 [S. kluveri $khl{\times}S$ cerevisiae cp3] 조합에서 얻어진 융합주 clone No. 3가 에탄올 생성능 10.11%(w/v) 또는 12.81%(v/v), 잔당 3.53%(w/v), 생존능 62.65%, 발효 효율 92.2%로서 가장 발효능과 생존능이 우수한 균주로 선정되었다.

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이담자균 효모 Rhodosporidium toruloides에서 Rhodotorucine A에 의한 막단백질 인산화의 저해와 Trigger Peptidase의 관련성

  • 정영기;이태호;류병호
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.641-646
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    • 1996
  • [$\gamma$-$^{32}$P]ATP was used to test phosphorylation of membrane proteins of mating type a cells of heterobasidiomycetous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides separated by non-denaturing electrophoresis. The phosphoprotein was observed in the membrane proteins. The phosphorylation was inhibited by the pheromone rhodotorucine A (Rh. A) secreted by mating type A of the yeast. Rh. A didn't inhibit the phosphorylation in the presence of a trigger peptidase (TPase) inhibitor, antipain. Partially digested Rh. A by trypsin maintained the phosphorylation inhibitory activity. These results show that TPase activity plays an important role in the transduction of pheromone signal in the yeast.

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이담자균 효모의 성분화과정중 인지질의 작용과 배지조성의 제한이 성분화에 미치는 영향 (The Action of Phospholipids and Effect of Medium Composition During Sexual Differentiation Process in Heterobasidiomycetous Yeast Rhodospotidium toruloides.)

  • 정영기;강원대;남수완
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 1996
  • The action of phospholipid on the rhodotorucine A(RH.A) acceptance by heterbasidiomyceteous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides mating type a cells and the effect of medium composition during sexual differentiation were investigated. Activation of trigger peptidase(TPase)was very sensitive to the originated phospholipid from R. toruloides and was more sensitive to phospholipid liposome made up of phospholipi. Phospholopod present on the membrance of mating type a cells consists of phospatidylglycerol(PG), phosphatidylethanolamine(PE), phospatidylcholine(PC), phospatidylinositol(PI), and phosphatidylserine(PS) of 12.9, suprisingly 45.4, 11.0, and 13.9%, respectively. As the result of using C-1 and N-1 mediums which limited C and N sources capable of inhibiting the synthesis of phospholipid, it resulted inhibiting sexual dlfferentiation and production of Rh.A from mating type Acells.

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이담자 효모의 세포간 성응집의 특성과 표면단백질의 관련성 (Characterization of Sexual Agglutination and Involvement of Cell-Surface Protein Sexual Cell-Cell Interatrions of Heterobasidiomycetous Yeast)

  • 정영기;이태호;최용락;강원대
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 1995
  • When mating type A and a cells of heterobasidiomycetous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides were mix-cultured, both of the mating type cells have shown strong agglutination. But this agglutination was not detactable when the A and a cell were cultured separately. From reagglutination made just after the result of disassembling the agglutination by sonication, we knew that the agglutination was sexual-agglutination, not simple physical cell agglutination. The sexual agglutination was progressed actively on logarithmic phase and, in addition, progressed faster on mating type a cell treated with rhodotorucine A. These sexual agglutination have been inhibited by several protease such as trypsin, pronase, chymotrpysin and thermolysin and inhibited by 5 mM DTT as well.

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이담자효모 Rhodosporidium toruloides의 막단백질 인산화와 성 Pheromone, Rhodotorucine A의 작용 (Effect of Sexual Pheromone on Phosphoryation of Membrane Protein in Heterobasidiomycetous Yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides)

  • 정영기
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.1246-1251
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    • 1997
  • When the membrane protein fraction of mating type a cells of heterobasidiomycetous yeast R. toruloides was phosphorylated in vitro, two phosphorylated proteins of 72Kd and 57Kd were detected on SDS-polyacryamide gel. The phosphorylation reaction was inhibited by rhodotorucine A(Rh. A) which is a sexual pheromone secreted by mating type A cells. The inhibition of phosphorylation by Rh. A was dependent on $Ca^{2+}$, and independent on $Mg^{2+}$ or calmodulin. When adding trigger peptidase(TPase) inhibitor, antipain, no inhibition of phosphory was observed. Also, by adding the trysin-digested product of Rh. A, the phosphorylation was inhibited as the action of Rh. A. From these results, it is expected that the inhibition of membrane protein phosphorylation should be caused by the digested product of Rh. A with TPase.

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Saccharomyces cerevisiae를 이용한 온도조절형 발현 Vector의 개발 (Construction of a Temperature Controlled Expression Ve e tor in Saccharumy ces cerevisiae)

  • 최진옥;황용일
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.214-220
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    • 1993
  • The mating type a of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant with hmla2-102 and sir3-8ts was changed to type alpha by changing the growth temperature from 25C to 35C. A temperature-sensitive expression vector system was constructed using mating factor alpha1 (Mfalpha1) gene encoding alpha factor which is expressed in the type alpha cells. Vectors with different copy numbers were constructed by joining the promoter and pre or prepro-secretion single sequence of Mfalpha1 to promoterless PHO5' gene as a reporter gene.

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효모의 접합과정에 관여하는 유전자의 연구 (Genes involved in mating processes of saccharomyces cerevisiae)

  • 장광엽;박문국;정봉우
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.210-215
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    • 1989
  • In order to elucidate and characterize the signal transduction pathway(s) whereby yeast cells respond to mating pheromone, we have isolated mutants which are able to conjugate in the absence of the alpha-factor receptor. Sixty-one suppressors of a ste2-deletion mutation which also confer a ts conditional "start" arrest phenotypw have been subjected to genetic analysis. The mutants could be assigned to three complementation groups designated CDC70, CDC72 and CDC73, which are unlinked to each other as well as to the previously identified start genes. Quantitation of mating ability of the cdc70, cdc72 and cdc73 mutations in a ste2-deletion background gives levels ranging from 0.1% to 0.3% of wild type, depending on the allele and the gene. The results indicate that the signals from mating pheromone might be mediated by the CDC70, CDC72 and CDC73 products. products.

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