• Title/Summary/Keyword: within establishment

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Establishment Status of the Mandatory Courses for the Qualification of Sensory Developmental Rehabilitation Specialist - Within Curriculums of Baccalaureate Occupational Therapy Programs (감각발달재활사 자격기준 관련 필수과목 개설현황 조사연구 - 4년제 작업치료학과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2017
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate establishment status of the mandatory courses designated by Ministry of Health & Welfare for qualification of sensory developmental rehabilitation specialist(SDRS), within curriculum of baccalaureate occupational therapy(BOT) programs in Korea Methods : This is a narrative study to investigate and analyze certain courses established in curriculums of all 4-years occupational therapy(OT) programs, which is 32 schools. Results : 1) The shared mandatory subject, 'Understanding Children with Disabilities(UDC)', has been established at 9 schools. For the branch mandatory subjects, 'Neuroscience(NS) or Neuroanatomy' has been established at all 32 schools, 'Sensory Processing Dysfunctions and Intervention(SPDI)' or 'Sensory Integration' has been established at 31 schools, and each of 'Assessment & Evaluation for Children(AEC)' and 'Practicum of Sensory Rehabilitation(PSR)' has been established 7 schools for same. 2) For the mandatory courses, all 32 schools were offering designated- and alternative courses of NS, SPDI, AEC, but there was no change in the number of schools offering the practicum course since there was no case of alterative for it. 3) In terms of general provision score, there were 4 schools for score 7, 4 schools for score 6, 2 schools for score 5, 1 schools for score 4, 2 schools for score 3, and 19 schools for score 2. Conclusion : Establishment of the mandatory courses required to the qualification of SDRS among the BOT programs in nation were investigated. Including alternative courses, all the branch mandatory courses except practicum course are established in all the 32 schools. However, the shared mandatory subject, UDC and the practicum subject were established in only few schools. In the provision level evaluation of BOT programs for the SDRS qualification, it is shown that many schools has been started the provision already but still many schools' curriculum did not reflect the willingness and accuracy well. For the schools planning successful accreditation in near future, it is recommended that they prioritize the establishment of the shared mandatory course and the practicum course since these two subjects are recognized as critical factors for that. In addition, it is also needed of comparative inspections for course title and syllabi based on the guideline provided by Ministry of Health & Welfare.

Wage Differentials between Standard and Non-standard Workers (정규-비정규근로자 임금격차)

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Park, Ki Seong
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the wage differentials between standard and non-standard workers are estimated using the data from the Establishment Employment Survey of 2003. The estimated wage differentials between standard and non-standard workers become greater controlling for the fixed effects of establishments. The within-establishment wage differential is estimated to be 20.7% between male standard and male non-standard workers in unorganized establishments controlling for establishment heterogeneity. However, the estimated overall wage differential is reduced to 6.8% due to the high wages of non-standard workers in large size establishments and the low wages of standard workers in small size establishments. This difference between 20.7% and 6.8% reflects the between-establishment wage differential. In organized establishments, the wage differential becomes larger, 21.8%, between male standard and male non-standard workers. For the male workers, the greatest wage differential between standard and non-standard workers is found in unorganized large size establishments: it is 35.9%. In organized establishments, it contracts to 25.8%. The additional estimations on the probability of becoming non-standard workers are done. For the male sample, the probability of standard workers to become non-standard workers in unorganized establishments is 6.0 percentage points higher than that in small size organized establishments. The probability is 20.7 percentage points higher for the female sample. However, the signs of the interaction terms of union and large size establishments are all negative. While the effect of large size establishments reduces the effect of union on the probability to 7.3 percentage points for the males, it reduces the probability to 16.0 percentage points for the females.

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A Study on the State of Convenience Facilities for the Accessibility of a Disabled Person in Dental Institutions in the City of Cheongju (청주시 소재 치과의료기관의 장애인 접근성 확보를 위한 편의시설 실태조사)

  • Lim, Soon-Ryun;Kim, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the state of convenience facilities for the disabled in dental institutions in an effort to provide some information on the improvement of the accessibility of disabled people to dental institutions. A survey was conducted on the licensed dental institutions in the city of Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, from March to April, 2011. The findings of the study were as follows. The dental offices were the majority of the dental institutions investigated, and for the establishment of the dental institutions. Some of the offices were established before 1990, and some were established in 2011. The time period of establishment varied within the offices. As for the location of the dental institutions within the buildings, they were mostly on the second or third floor. Regarding the convenience facilities for the disabled, the most installed convenience facilities were boardwalks and elevators, and the least installed ones were parking lots and restrooms for the disabled. The hospitals and public dental centers were equipped with all the convenience facilities investigated in this study. Overall, the dental institutions that were established in and after 2006 were equipped with more convenience facilities than the dental institutions that were established before 1990. And the dental clinics that were on the third or higher floor were more equipped with elevators and outdoor slope ways than those that were on the first or second floor. Therefore the revision of the law is required to urge even the primary dental institutions to compulsorily install the convenience facilities. The findings of the study are expected to make a contribution to the improvement of the accessibility of disabled people to dental institutions.

The Analysis of the Real Condition of School Health and the Establishment of a Management System (학교보건(學校保健)의 실태분석(實態分析)과 운영체계(運營體系) 정립(定立))

  • Chang, Kwan-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.24-55
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    • 1993
  • School health aims to guide and manage growing students from elementary schools to high schools in order to grow healthily through the formation of healthy life habits, the self-control health management guide and the making of pleasant school health environments. Even though this school health plays an important role in guiding the students who are in the period of growing to have a perfect personality as a democratic people of our country in the school education, there are many lacks, such as they still don't know the word itself, "school health" or recognize its importance. Also it's a real condition to practice items concerned with the health under the condition of unestablished structure. 1. The results of analyzing school health real conditions. Based on treatises concerned with school health and various statistical materials which are announced by concerned people. We divided and analyzed school health into the items concerned with health education, the items with health management, and the items with school health environments, and investigated the level of the present school health and its necessity. As the items concerned with health education, we investigated the necessary range of school health education, the effect of health education on children's daily life, family's health and the interesting contents of school health. And as the items with health management, I investigated children's obesity, dental caries, eyesight, clinics, a health examination, drug abuse, spirit health, providing meals for school children, and school health manpower. And as the items conerned with school health environments, we investigated the recognition of the problem of natural environments, the management of purification district around the school, the problem of environments within the school and classroom lighting. As the results of analyzing these, I realized that the present level of school health is still in unsatisfactory situation and school health is needed necessary. 2. The establishment of school health. In order to set the school health, above all, the management system of School health should be set. I classified and systemized the contents of each item which had been promoted till now according to the function. They are classified as followings Based on classifying school health into (1) health education, (2) health management and (3) health environments, I divided school health education into the health education of health subjects, the health education of concerned subjects and the education of health life. And I divided health management into the health managements for a prevention and a cure. And I divided health environments into the environment around the school and within the school. Each system set like these is not fixed invariably and I should keep the relationship of mutual supplement between health education and health management, between health management and health environments, and between health environments management and health education. When we run these systemetic school health, students' health could be maintained and improved to more proper directions.

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Analysis of the Focal Issues on the Digital Textbook Policy and Exploration for the Improvement of the Policy (디지털교과서 정책의 쟁점 분석 및 개선을 위한 시사점 탐색 연구)

  • Jang, Deok-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the issues of digital textbook policy in Korea, using the four dimensional model of Cooper, Fusarelli, & Randall(2004). Building upon systematic review of the policy documents, journals, and articles, I found some issues and implications for the betterment of the policy: From normative dimension, it is important to overcome widespread view of textbook based on positivist epistemology. From structural dimension, we need to move to curriculum-based textbook system and stabilize the organization in authority within the Ministry of Education. From constituentive dimension, much more consideration and support within the authority are to be provided to teachers and students. Lastly, it is critical to develop and disseminate an effective instructional model and build capacity of teachers' ICT from technical dimension. Building upon the results, clarification of policy objectives, establishment of priorities for school grades and subjects in the mid- to long-term perspective, and the establishment of communicative venue for the gathering of opinions of teachers and students who are key participants and activation of operations.

A Study on the Introduction of Food Safety Damage Relief System (식품안전 피해구제제도의 도입방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.199-222
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    • 2017
  • Currently, many punitive damages (or statutory damages) and class action laws are discussed in relation to the consumer damage relief system. It is in the background of the argument that the introduction of such a victim relief system will solve many small and large consumer damages. There are many cases in which the punitive damages compensation or the class action system are introduced in relation to the food safety damage naturally. Although the introduction of such a system can clearly help the consumer to relieve large-scale damage, it can not solve all the problems at once because the company can reject the system despite the introduction of such a system. In particular, class action lawsuits should have the same type of damage, but most of the damage caused by food safety is accompanied by physical harm, resulting in various complications such as the physical characteristics of the victim, the health environment. The class action system may not provide a solution in that the content and type of the damage may be different. In this regard, this study aims to investigate the introduction of the food safety damage relief system through the introduction of an administrative dispute settlement system by an administrative agency that occupies an absolute position in the existing consumer protection from this point of view. In reality, the Food and Drug Administration, which is the largest among government agencies related to food, operates a passive attitude consumer protection system such as function like guidance, supervision and surveillance. And it is necessary to make a complementary proposal. In the current law, there is only a small part of the consumer protection work that is positively legal, and even after the damage is scientifically identified, it is not possible to present the solution to the damage suffered by the consumer through legislation. This is a fact that has been raised. In this paper, we propose a reasonable and rapid disaster relief procedure through a separate mechanism within the administrative agency, which is the administration agency, that the dispute settlement procedure due to food safety damage is insufficient by solving the case through the court through counseling, dispute adjustment and civil proceedings. In order to solve the problem of food insecurity and the food industry, various ways of rational solution of the problem were considered. The possibility of (1) Establishment of a food safety dispute resolution committee; (2) Establishment of a food safety disaster relief committee; and (3) Establishment of a food safety disaster relief committee was discussed. In addition, a plan for the creation of a food damage compensation fund was also proposed.

The Tourism Development Plan of Muan County in relation to the Construction of the Um International Airport (무안 국제공항 건설에 따른 주변지역 관광개발 방안)

  • 이덕안
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.173-191
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    • 1998
  • The Purpose of this study is to Present the tourism development Plan of Muan County in relation to the establishment of the Muau international Airport. This study criticizes the stereotypical tourism development plans carried out by numerous loyal self-governments. The highest purpose of tourism is to create an experience that cannot be had In a Person's daily life. Tourism development in Muan must be loyal to this philosophy of tourism. This study raises three key questions: What is the nature of tourism\ulcorner; For whom is tourism developed\ulcorner , Why is tourism being developed\ulcorner The answers to the three key questions are very basic ones. but are not being fulfilled in the tourism development of Korea, as fellows. Firstly, tourism development should be carried out to strengthen the special characteristics of tourism resources. Secondly, tourism development should encourage the participation of local residents within the Process, and it should be helpful to the local industry and the resident's income. lastly, the development should refrain from relying heavily on money-making businesses but seek to enrich the lives of visitors and hosts together. This study presents five distinctive tourism development schemes for Muan. They are as follows: the establishment of a scenic byway leading to the Airport: the development of Hoeshan lotus reservoir as a tourist resort for Buddhists and as a traditional health care center: the utilization of the .Japanese military airport relics as an historical and cultural tourist attraction: the establishment of a salt-water spa complex: and the vitalization of agricultural tourism by utilizing the advantage of the Muan international Airport.

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The Demand Estimation Studies for the Establishment of the Second Convention Center in Busan : With the emphasis on time series analysis and Huff model (부산광역시 제2전시컨벤션센터 건립을 위한 수요예측연구 - 시계열분석과 Huff모형을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Ho;Ha, Seuong-Bum
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2017
  • This study suggests the estimation of the demand for the exhibition center in Busan and to valid reasons for the establishment of the 2nd Convention Center in Busan. The validity for the estimated demand is acquired by examining the studies conducted by the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy. The qualitative data for the phased establishment of the area is suggested in accordance to the results of the demand estimation. From previous study(Oh, 2017), Kangseo-gu, Busan has been evaluated to be the final candidate for building a new convention center in the city of Busan. The potential synergy effects of on-going developmental projects in Kangseo region is one of the influential factors for the MICE professionals' opinion in the qualitative analysis. Moreover, the region has available land to hold the facility of more than 100,000 square meter to overcome the current drawback of BEXCO, insufficient space to hold large events. Lastly, the expansion of Gimhae International Airport would bring an increased international flights that would also lead to an increase in MICE industry for the region. The virtual effect of the more than one million $m^2$-sized oconvention center is examined via Huff Model and the results suggests a logical estimated data for further demand needed for the south east regions, not just within the city of Busan.

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Analysis on Organization Performance Based on Hospital Culture (기독병원과 일반병원의 조직문화 특성에 따른 조직성과 분석)

  • Kim, Woon-Shin;Nam, Eun-Woo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.242-265
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    • 1999
  • Our study attempt is to see organizational performance according to the differences between types of hospital cultures. To determine theoretical relationship between the organizational culture and the performance, we select two hospitals in Pusan which are different in the purposes and shapes of establishment. We surveyed their members on a questionnaire based on the type of the organizational culture of the two institutions, analyzed, and review its organizational effectiveness. For the survey with questionnaires, which had been preliminary studied to raise its validity, question forms were distributed to 528 persons in April, 1999 based on the self-responses and recollected within 48 hours. The recollection rate was high(89.96%) and the quantity of questionnaires used for our final analysis was 430(81.44%). The Cronbach Coefficient Alpha of the questionnaires was 0.742. Regarding statistical techniques for analysis of the written materials, dispersion analysis(ANOVA) was adapted to test the organizational effectiveness of the two hospitals having the different organizational cultures, and Pearson Correlation was applied to determine correlations was among all variables. T-test was performed to test organizational effectiveness based on the differences in the extent of sharing the culture, organizational committment and work satisfaction between the two health institutions. From our analysis, we obtain the following conclusions. First, concerning with organizational culture of the two hospital, one of which is a christian hospital and the other is a private foundation hospital, the former is conservative and human-oriented but the latter focuses on renovation and accomplishment. Second, the private establishment has a relatively higher organizational effectiveness that the religious hospital as a result of analyzing the extent of sharing culture, organizational committment and work satisfaction. Third, it has been found that the correlations between the extent of the sharing culture and the organizational committment, the extent and work satisfaction, and the committment and the satisfaction are respectively positive influencing organizational effectiveness, especially work satisfaction. Fourth, cultural factors by which the christian hospital is affected more positively including human relations among its members, belief, its idea of establishment, tradition, work responsibility, power, and wage. On the other hand, factors such as director's leadership, personnel management, wage, hospital regulations and department managers' management ability have been seen as negative influences in order. And fifth, for the private foundation hospital human relations among its members, wages, work responsibility, director's leadership and department managers' management ability were positive in their sequence while wages, personnel management, hospital regulations, welfare and department managers' management ability were considered as negative influences in order. As these results of this study, the higher extent of sharing organizational culture, the more increasing in both organization committment and work satisfaction, the higher the effectiveness. Although it was somewhat difficult to generalize the results whose subjects were the two hospitals only, it was obvious that organizational culture was an important influential factor of organizational effectiveness. It is questionable that the extent of sharing organizational culture, organizational committment and work satisfaction as variables affecting the effectiveness have their validity, but this study has its significance in that it provided an approaching to evaluate the organizational culture of individual hospitals making allowances for such variables related to the general activities in its hospital. We hope the results of the study could be useful for the managerial strategies of the institutions.

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Study on Environmental Project Factors in Peripheral Spaces around Children's Parks within Low-rise Housing Areas by Using IPA Analysis - Focusing on user consciousness survey - (IPA분석을 이용한 저층주거지 내 어린이공원 주변공간의 환경계획요인에 관한 연구 - 이용자 의식조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Yeonhee;Byun, Gidong;Ha, Mikyoung
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to draw safe environmental project factors for enhancing the safety of children in peripheral space around children's park and suggest environmental project measures for peripheral spaces around children's parks, based on the survey of children's park users' consciousness on peripheral spaces. Physical space range for this study was limited to low-rise housing area wihtin the radius of 250m, as peripheral spaces around children's parks in which children's playgrounds were built. In addition, the target areas for examining users' consciousness on peripheral spaces around children's parks were selected according to following criteria. 1)areas with highter portion of children; 2) those with higher portion of single-family houses/multi-housing/tenement houses, which constitute low-rise housing areas; and 3) those with higher safety accident rate of children, which was measured based on criminal and traffic accidents. The finding are as follows: first, users' consciousness on safety accidents that are likely to occur in peripheral spaces around children's parks was examined to show that there is most prominent difference between satisfaction and necessity. This result suggests that users are clearly conscious of the necessity of environmental improvement rather than the satisfaction with the current peripheral environment around children's park.; second, for the difference between satisfaction with and necessity of environmental project factors for access/boundary spaces around children's pakrs, there is most significant difference between the satisfaction with and the necessity of establishment of facilities against illegal parking for clear visibility of community roads, for access spaces, and the separate establishment of bicycle racks around main entry into parks, for boundary spaces. Users' necessity of the establishment of them is judged to be derived from the fact that the safety of children and even adults is threatened, because bicycles invaded into the deep inside of children parks. This study analyzed a correlation between satisfaction and necessity through factor and IPA analysis, and should be initially considenred if the future environmental improvement project would be conducted to promote safe environment in peripheral spaces around children's parks in the future. It will be necessary to provide practical environmental project factors through a field investigation.