• Title/Summary/Keyword: wilson

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Validity of Gravity Models for Individual Choies (개인별 선택행위에서의 동력모형의 유효성)

  • 음성직
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 1983
  • Within the conventional transportation planning process, "trip distribution" has a significant role to play. The most widely applied trip distribution model is the gravity model, for which Wilson provided the theoretical basis in 1967. The concept of the gravity model, however, still remains ambiguous if we analyze the "trip distribution" with a disaggregate data set. Thus, this paper hypothesizes that the gravity technique is still valid even with the disaggregate data set, by proving that the estimated coefficients of the gravity model, which is derived under the principle of entropy maximization, are identical with those of the multinomial logit model, which is derived under the principle of individual utility maximization.tility maximization.

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유전적으로 개량된 미국젖소의 최적영양관리

  • Clark Perry Wilson
    • 종축개량
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 1992
  • 유전적으로 개량됨 젖소의 능력에 상응하는 효율적인 우유생산을 위해서는 적절하게 균형잡힌 높은 품질의 사료를 급여하여야한다. 미국에서는 이러한 젖소의 사양지침이 국립연구소(NRC : National Research Council)에 의해 발간되었다. 이 책자에서는 가용 사료자원의 영양분 함량을 실험실에서 분석한 자료를 가지고 보다 균형잡힌 사료의 조제에 사용할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 또한 컴퓨터에 의한 균형사료의 계산 프로그램의 사용은 사료조제 과정을 신속하게 해주고 오류도 줄일 수 있게 해준다. 지속적인 유전능력 개량에 덧붙여서 미국에서는 아래에서 언급되는 두가지의 새로운 사양관리 전략이 도입되면서 보다 효율적인 우유생산에 이바지하고 있다.

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Property analysis of electromagnetic fields radiated by electrostatic discharge (정전기 방전에 의한 전자계 복사의 특성 해석)

  • ;Osamu Fujiwara
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.34D no.12
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1997
  • Serious troubles may occur in electromagnetic equipments due to electrostatic discharge (ESD). The number of the damaging incidents are significantly increasing with the increased use of integrated semiconductor elements with loer operation pwoer. In order to examine the phenomena theoretically, this paper anlyzes properties of the transient electromagnetic fields rdiated by ESD. A new model is presented using the Rompe-weizel formula for the spark resistance. The numerical results of ESD fields are compared with the experimental data that were given by wilson-Ma.

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A RANS CFD Based Approach for Resistance, Maneuvering and Seakeeping

  • Sasanapuri, Balasubramanyam;Wilson, Wesley;Rhee, Shin-Hyung
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.55-71
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    • 2007
  • The primary objective of this work is to develop methodologies for virtual model basin and to demonstrate the capabilities for generic multi-hull ship geometry. A computational fluid dynamics approach is used to simulate various model basin tests for steady resistance, maneuvering and seakeeping. For a catamaran hull configuration, the methodologies are used for solving these problems and the results are discussed. Computational results are compared with the results of a benchmarked potential flow theory method for calm water resistance.


  • Jeong, J.H.;Lee, Y.S.;Yim, J.R.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 1997
  • A total of 1088 observations (272 in B, 272 in V, 272 in R, and 272 in I) were made from January to February in 1995 at Chungbuk National University observatory(CbNUO). We constructed BVRI light curves with our data. The photometric solution of these light curves was obtained by means of the Wilson-Devinney method. Our result was compared with those by previous investigators.

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Situational and Verbal Irony, and Paradox Revisited

  • Yoon, Young-Eun
    • Language and Information
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.67-94
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    • 2006
  • This paper revisits some old issues of irony, i.e., situational vs. verbal irony, and irony vs. paradox, in order to further clarify the issues. Although these issues seem to have been fully discussed, there are still unresolved and/or vague aspects that need to be accounted for. This paper also revisits the issue of theorizing the phenomenon of verbal irony, which has long been scrutinized by many philosophers and linguists including Aristotle, Grice, Sperber and Wilson, and recently, Utsumi and Attardo.

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Relativistic Hydrodynamics and Quasiperiodic Oscillations

    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.265-269
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    • 2001
  • We present preliminary numerical simulations of tilted-disk accretion around a rotating black hole. Our goal is to explore whether hydrodynamic instabilities near the Bardeen-Petterson radius could be responsible for generating moderate-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries. We review the relevant general relativistic hydrodynamic equations, and discuss preliminary results on the structure and dynamics of a thin, Keplerian disk.

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Studies on the relationship of the preparation and the particle size of the precipitated calcium carbonate (침강탄산칼슘제조건과 그 입자도에 관한 연구)

  • 나운룡
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    • v.12 no.3_4
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1968
  • The optimum reaction conditions for the preparation of the precipitated calcium carbonate of an average particle size of 0.05.mu. in diameter was set in which the Box-Wilson Plan was applied. The reaction conditions are as follows; 1) concentration of milk of lime; 6.56% w/w 2) temperature; 14.24.deg. C #) velocity of carbon dioxide introducing; 1.95l/min. The crystal form was found that of calcite in X-ray diffraction analysis. The particle size was determined by the sedimentation volume measurement. The shape was identified by the elctron micro-diffraction pattern and the electron microscopic photographs.

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Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Heat Fulx within Coniferous Canopy in Kwangneung Arboretum (광릉수목원 침엽수림에서 토양열 플럭스의 시공간적 변화)

  • 김현탁;박윤호;김연희;엄향희;최병철
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.430-431
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    • 2002
  • 기상변동에 대한 적절한 해석을 위하여 장기관측을 통한 다양한 지표 생태계에서의 수분 및 에너지 순환에 대한 연구가 진행(Grelle, et al., 1997: Wilson and Baldocchi, 2000)되고 있으며, 모형을 이용한 연구에서도 이에 대한 검증과 보다 정확한 자료의 산출을 위해서 양질의 관측자료가 절대적이라 할 수 있다. 또한 대기에 비하여 상대적으로 그 영향이 오래 지속되는 토양특성에 대한 정확한 토양수분 자료를 사용할 경우 기후 및 기상 예측의 정확도 향상에 크게 기여하는 것으로 알려져 있다(Atlas et al. 1993). (중략)

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