• Title/Summary/Keyword: water-holding capacity

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Characterization of Beef Transcripts Correlated with Tenderness and Moisture

  • Kee, Hyun-Jung;Park, Eung-Woo;Lee, Cheol-Koo
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.428-437
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    • 2008
  • To identify transcriptional markers for beef traits related to meat tenderness and moisture, we measured the transcriptome of the Longissimus dorsi skeletal muscle in 10 Korean native cattle (KNC). We analyzed the correlation between the beef transcriptome and measurements of four different beef traits, shear force (SF), water holding capacity (WHC), cooking loss (CL), and loin eye area (LEA). We obtained non-overlapping and unique panels of genes showing strong correlations (${\mid}r{\mid}$ > 0.8) with SF, WHC, CL, and LEA, respectively. Functional studies of these genes indicated that SF was mainly related to energy metabolism, and LEA to rRNA processing. Interestingly, our data suggested that WHC is influenced by protein metabolism. Overall, the skeletal muscle transcriptome pointed to the importance of energy and protein metabolism in determining meat quality after the aging process. The panels of transcripts for beef traits may be useful for predicting meat tenderness and moisture.

Functional Properties of Mechanically Deboned Chicken Meat from Various Chicken Parts (부위별로 제조된 기계발골 계육의 가공적성에 관한 연구)

  • 이성기;김희주;김용재;조규석;김종원
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 1994
  • The functional properties of mechanically deboned chicken meat(MDCM) from whole carcass, whole carcass without exsanguination, neck without skin, leg hone, and upper back and rib were studied. Also, the effects of adding different levels of gelatin and MDCM to the comminuted meats were investigated. Proximate composition values of MDCM ranged from 54.2 to 68.6% moisture, 14.5 to 19.7% protein, 12.3 to 30.1% fat, and 1.1 to 1.3% ash. The MDCM from leg hone had a higher content of fat, and a lower contents of moisture and protein. The MDCM from neck without skin tended to be opposite to the MDCM from leg hone. The total pigment and myoglobin levels were highest in MDCM from whole carcass without exsanguination such as 3.83 and 0.29 rng /g, and those from the other parts were 1.58~2.93 mg /g and 0. 17~0.31 mg /g, respectively. The emulsifying capacity and water holding capacity were highest in MDCM from neck without skin which contained lower levels of fat, collagen and hydroxyproline, but a higher level of salt soluble protein. The emulsifying capacity of comminuted meat decreased as gelatin content increased. The extractability of hydroxyproline from gelatin showed a higher solubility in acidic solution. The MDCM could he added up to 20% level without detrimentally affecting functional properties of comminuted meats although they had less water holding capacity and cooking loss as the proportion of MDCM increased.

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Physicochemical Characteristics of Super-Yield Korean Rice Cultivar depending on Milling Condition (초다수성 국내쌀 품종의 분쇄방법에 따른 이화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Na-Young;Ha, Ki-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1065-1070
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    • 2015
  • A high-yield Korean rice cultivar cv. Boramchan and Hanmaeum, and rice cultivar for use in staple cv. Hopum were prepared and investigated for their physiological characteristics. Water content, water holding capacity, amylose content, damaged starch content, particle size, and pasting properties of the rice flours were measured. Moisture content of the Boramchan and Hanmaeum, made under wet and dry milling conditions, were as follows: wet conditions (14.79% and 13.56% respectively) and dry conditions (7.98% and 7.14% respectively). Water holding capacity of the Boramchan and Hanmaeum made by wet milling condition was 236.67% and 231.35%, respectively. Water holding capacity of the samples made by dry milling condition showed a higher score compared with other samples. The amylose content of Hopum, Boramchan, and Hanmaeum made by dry milling condition were 19.12%, 19.55% and 19.59%, respectively. Damaged starch contents of the samples made by wet milling showed a lower score. Final viscosity of Hopum, Boramchan, and Hanmaeum made by wet milling condition was 2,604, 3,052, and 2,917 cp, respectively. In this study, the results indicated that the super-yield Korean rice flour made by wet milling condition tends to show a lower water holding capacity, damaged starch contents and particle size, as compared to controls. However, a setback of the super-yield Korean rice flour was a higher score as compared to the controls, regardless of the milling conditions.

Comparison of soybean varieties for physical properties of Tofu (콩 품종별 두부의 물리적 특성의 비교)

  • Chang, Cheon-Il;Lee, Jung-Kun;Kim, Woo-Jung
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 1990
  • The physical characteristics of texture, water holding capacity, color and swelling of soybean curd were studied for 14 varieties of soybeans grown in Korea. The relative water holding capacity, measured by moisture absorption method with using filter paper, was high for Millyang-21. Danyeob and Hwangum, low for Suwon-138, -141 and -142. All of the soybean curd prepared showed negative Sag values, which indicates swelling properties of Tofu as it as released from pressed condition. The most swollen variety was Suwon-138 and the least one was Suwon-142. Generally, soybean curd having high moisture content had low valuss in hardness but no significant relationship was found. Elasticity ud cohesiveness showed a little differences except Suwon-138. Other textural characteristics of fracturability, adhesiveness and gumminess showed a wide range in their values among the varieties.

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Effect of Modified Starch on the Frozen Storage Stability of Fish Cake Eomuk (어묵의 동결안정성에 변성전분이 미치는 영향)

  • JEONG, Yeon Gyeom;PARK, Jin-Seok;JEONG, Yu-Rin;CHUN, Byung-Soo;PARK, Dae Chan;LEE, Heon Suk;JANG, Mi Soon;SHIM, Kil Bo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.290-296
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    • 2020
  • We investigated the effect of the modified starch [physical treatment, acetate (SA-1, SA-2, and SA-3), hydroxypropyl (HS), and acetylated distarch adipate] content on the physicochemical properties of fish cakes, called Eomuk in Korea, during storage at -20℃. When wheat flour (native starch, NS) was used, the moisture content decreased during frozen storage, resulting in a lower water-holding capacity and higher expressible drip. Compared with NS, adding modified starch had a lower effect on the moisture content during frozen storage. The water-holding capacity and expressible drip differed with the type of modified starch added. The expressible drip was lowest with HS; the SA-3 and HS modified starch were whiter than NS. Therefore, HS and SA-1 are suitable additives to improve the quality of frozen fish cakes.

Composition, Water-Holding Capacity and Effect on Starch Retrogradation of Rice Bran Dietary Fiber (미강 식이섬유의 조성과 보수력 및 전분노화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Heon;Moon, Tae-Wha
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.288-294
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    • 1994
  • Dietary fiber contents in brans of the two representative Korean rice varieties, Chucheong and Sucheon were measured by the AOAC method, and the composition of total dietary fiber (TDF) was analyzed with the acid detergent fiber (ADF) procedure. Rice bran contained more than 25% of TDF, most of which was insoluble dietary fiber. Hemicellulose was shown to be the major constituent and rice bran dietary fiber contained distinctive amounts of cellulose and uronic acid. Consecutive acidalkaline treatment of rice bran considerably increased soluble dietary fiber (SDF) content and water-holding capacity (WHC). WHC of wheat flour-rice bran dietary fiber mixture increased with the proportion of rice bran dietary fiber. Analysis of the differential scanning calorimetry thermograms revealed that rice bran dietary fiber effectively retarded retrogradation of wheat starch.

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Evaluation of Meat Color and Physiochemical Characteristics in Forequarter Muscles of Holstein Steers

  • Moon, Sung Sil;Seong, Pil-Nam;Jeong, Jin Young
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.646-652
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    • 2015
  • The beef forequarter muscle comprises approximately 52% of carcass weight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiochemical characteristics and meat color from forequarter muscle of Holstein steers. Fifteen forequarter muscles were trimmed of external connective tissue and fat. An experimental group of eight Holstein steers was assessed using meat color, water-holding capacity, drip loss, and Warner-Bratzler shear force value at the same quality grade. The M. omotransversarius (0.45 kg) had the highest (p<0.05) lightness (L*) value, whereas the M. teres major (0.4 kg) and M. triceps brachii (caput laterale) (0.52 kg) had the lowest (p<0.05) values. The M. semispanitus capitus (1.48 kg), which is a neck muscle, had the highest values for both redness (a*) and yellowness (b*), whereas the lowest (p<0.05) values were for the M. teres major. The M. omotransversarius, M. latissimus dorsi (1.68 kg), and M. rhomboideus (1.2 kg) were ranked high (p<0.05) in water-holding capacity. The drip loss value was the highest for the M. longissimus dorsi thoracis (p<0.05; 1.86 kg), while the M. infraspinatus (2.28 kg), M. supraspinatus (1.38 kg), M. brachiocephalicus (1.01 kg), and M. pectoralis superficialis (1.18 kg) had the lowest (p<0.05). The Warner-Bratzler shear force value indicated that the M. pectoralis profundus (3.39 kg), M. omotransversarius, and M. brachiocephalicus were the toughest (p<0.05), whereas the M. subscapularis (0.86 kg), M. longissimus dorsi thoracis, M. teres major, and M. infraspinatus were the most tender cuts (p<0.05). Here, muscle type explained most of the variability in the forequarter physiochemical characteristics. Thus, our findings suggest that these muscle profile data will allow for more informed decisions when selecting individual muscles to produce value-added products from Holstein steers.

Changes of Protein Composition and Muscle Tissues in Top Shell Meat during Frozen Storage (바다방석고둥육의 동결저장중 단백질조성과 근육조직의 변화)

  • 송대진;김창용;박환준
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.763-770
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    • 1993
  • To investigate the quality changes during frozen storage, top shell, Omphalius pfeifferi capenteri, was stored at -18$^{\circ}C$, -$25^{\circ}C$ and -3$0^{\circ}C$ immediately after shelling and water holding capacity, protein composition and histological features were examined with the lapsed period of the storage. During the storage period, amount of free drip was increased with higher frozen temperature and longer frozen period, but with the longer storage period, the lower water holding capacity was observed. The extractability and composition of muscle protein, sarcoplasmic protein and stroma protein were rather stable regardless of frozen temperature and frozen storage period. However, the extractability of myofibrillar protein was decreased with higher frozen temperature and longer frozen storage period. On the changes of muscle tissue structure, following points were observed. 1) In the muscle tissue structure of fresh sample, fine muscle fiber was closely distributed all over the tissue regardless of cross and longitudinal section. 2) In tissue structure under frozen state, it was observed that ice crystals apparently grew with the higher storage temperature. Empty spaces between muscle bundles which wee formed by aggregations of muscle fiber were observed after 3 months storage at -18$^{\circ}C$ . 3) Tissue structure in thawed state was restored satisfactorily after 1 month storage regardless of storage temperature. After 3 months storage at -3$0^{\circ}C$, muscle tissue was well restored, but at -18$^{\circ}C$, empty spaces were apparent due to incomplete restoration.

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Effects of Species on the Isocyanate-bonded Flakeboard Properties

  • Kwon, Jin Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2007
  • Flakeboards made from ring- and drum-cut flakes of Douglas-fir, hemlock, red lauan and kapur using two kinds of resin levels were evaluated for the selected properties according to flake thickness. The pH and buffering capacity of four species were determined. Those of kapur were extremely different from the other three species. These pH and buffering capacity values result in the poor internal bond strength of kapur flakeboard. The internal bond strength was affected significantly by flake thickness, resin content and species. MOR and MOE in bending strength were maximized at medium drum-cut flake thickness. Screw holding strength was not consistent for flake thickness, but it was influenced by species. Thickness swelling and water absorption of Douglas-fir and hemlock flakeboard were minimized at medium drum-cut flake thickness.