• Title/Summary/Keyword: water surface slope

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Evaluation for Non-Point Sources Reduction Effect by Vegetated Ridge and Silt Fence (식생밭두렁과 실트펜스를 이용한 밭 비점오염 저감효과 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Kim, Sang-Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was to test the non-point source pollution (NPS) control by the vegetated ridge and silt fence through field monitoring. The experiment plots were established with three sizes which are 5 m width by 22 m length with 8 %, 3 % slope and 15m width by 15 m length with 6 % slope. Flumes with the floating type stage gages were installed at the outlet of each plot to monitor the runoff. For a rainfall monitoring, tipping bucket rain gage was installed within the experiment site. Water quality samples were monitored during the heavy rainfall occurred. The amount of rainfall from 4 monitored events ranged from 27.6 mm to 130 mm. The runoff reduction rate could vary depending on slope, soil, crop growth condition, rainfall amount, rainfall intensity, antecedent moisture condition, and many other factors. The runoff from vegetated ridge and silt fence treatment plots was 24.05 % and -8.28 % lower than that from control plot, respectively. The monitoring results showed that the average pollution loads reduced by vegetated ridge compared to control were BOD 36.62~53.60 %, SS 40.41~73.71 %, COD 39.34~56.41 %, DOC 49.08~53.67 %, TN 26.74~67.23 %, and TP 52.72~91.80 %; by silt fence compared to control were SS 41.73 %, COD 1.93 %, and TN 2.38 %. The paired t-test result indicated that the vegetated ridge and silt fence were statistically significant effect in SS load reduction, with a 5 % significant level. Monitored results indicated that vegetated ridge and silt fence were both effective to reduce the pollutant from the field surface runoff.

Geomorphic-characteristics of debris flow induced by typhoon "RUSA" in 2002 using Shalstab Model and Remote Sensing: case study in Macheon region near Jiri-Mountain (원격탐사와 수치 모형을 이용한 2002년 태풍 "루사"에 의해 발생한 토석류 발생지점특성: 지리산 마천면 지역을 사례로)

  • Kim, Minseok;Kim, Jin Kwan;Cho, Youngchan;Kim, Sukwoo
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2011
  • Kompsat EOC-1 imagery, high resolution air-photo imagery and Shalstab model were used to analyze the geomorphic characteristics of the place of debris flow occurred by typhon "RUSA" in 2002, Macheon-Myen, Gyeongsang prefecture, Republic of Korea. On gully-head over 35 degree of slope angle, almost debris flow started, where slope angle is more than internal friction angle. The result simulated by Shalstab model presented larger vulnerable area to debris flow than the area where debris flow really occurred, this error would be attributed to the assumption for steady-state condition with full saturated surface. To predict the debris flow accurately, further study for rainfall and soil water flow will be needed.

Mapping the Potential Distribution of Raccoon Dog Habitats: Spatial Statistics and Optimized Deep Learning Approaches

  • Liadira Kusuma Widya;Fatemah Rezaie;Saro Lee
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 2023
  • The conservation of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in South Korea requires the protection and preservation of natural habitats while additionally ensuring coexistence with human activities. Applying habitat map modeling techniques provides information regarding the distributional patterns of raccoon dogs and assists in the development of future conservation strategies. The purpose of this study is to generate potential habitat distribution maps for the raccoon dog in South Korea using geospatial technology-based models. These models include the frequency ratio (FR) as a bivariate statistical approach, the group method of data handling (GMDH) as a machine learning algorithm, and convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) as deep learning algorithms. Moreover, the imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) is used to fine-tune the hyperparameters of the machine learning and deep learning models. Moreover, there are 14 habitat characteristics used for developing the models: elevation, slope, valley depth, topographic wetness index, terrain roughness index, slope height, surface area, slope length and steepness factor (LS factor), normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, distance to drainage, distance to roads, drainage density, and morphometric features. The accuracy of prediction is evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. The results indicate comparable performances of all models. However, the CNN demonstrates superior capacity for prediction, achieving accuracies of 76.3% and 75.7% for the training and validation processes, respectively. The maps of potential habitat distribution are generated for five different levels of potentiality: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high.

Prediction of Lane Flooding on a Model Site for Rainfall Safety of Rubber-tired Tram (바이모달 트램 모의운행지역에서의 강우에 대한 노선침수 예측)

  • Park, Young-Kon;Yoon, Hee-Taek;Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Kim, Jong-Gun;Park, Youn-Shik;Kim, Tae-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1209-1212
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    • 2007
  • Urban flooding with surcharges in sewer system was investigated because of unexpected torrential storm events these days, causing significant amounts of human and economic damages. Although there are limitations in forecasting and preventing natural disasters, integrated urban flooding management system using the SWMM(Storm Water Management Model) engine and Web technology will be an effective tool in securing safety in operating rubber-tired transportation system. In this study, the study area, located in Chuncheon, Kangwon province, was selected to evaluate the applicability of the SWMM model in forecasting urban flooding due to surcharges in sewer system The catchment are 21.10 ha in size and the average slope is 2% in lower flat areas. Information of subcatchment, conjunctions, and conduits was used as the SWMM interface to model surface runoff generation, water distribution through the sewer system and amount of water overflow. Through this study, the applicability of the SWMM for urban flooding forecasting was investigated and probability distribution of storm events module was developed to facilitate urban flooding prediction with forecasted rainfall amounts. In addition, this result can be used to the establishment of disaster management system for rainfall safety of rubber-tired tram in the future.

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Region-Scaled Soil Erosion Assessment using USLE and WEPP in Korea

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Jung, Kang-Ho;Yun, Sun-Gang;Kim, Chul-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.314-320
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    • 2008
  • During the summer season, more than half of the annual precipitation in Korea occurs during the summer season due to the geographical location in the Asian monsoon belt. So, this causes severe soil erosion from croplands, which is directly linked to the deterioration of crop/land productivity and surface water quality. Therefore, much attention has been given to develop accurate estimation tools of soil erosion. The aim of this study is to assess the performance of using the empirical Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the physical-based model of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) to quantify eroded amount of soil from agricultural fields. Input data files, including climate, soil, slope, and cropping management, were modified to fit into Korean conditions. Chuncheon (forest) and Jeonju (level-plain) were selected as two Korean cities with different topographic characteristics for model analysis. The results of this current study indicated that better soil erosion prediction can be achieved using the WEPP model since it has better power to illustrate a higher degree of spatial variability than USLE in topography, precipitation, soils, and crop management practices. These present findings are expected to contribute to the development of the environmental assessment program as well as the conservation of the agricultural environment in Korea.

Numerical Simulation of Internal-External Wave Field Interaction in Permeable Coastal Structures (투과성 해안구조물 내-외부 파동장의 수리특성에 관한 순치모의)

  • Cha, Jong-Ho;Yoon, Han-Sam;Ryu, Cheong-Ro;Kang, Yoon-Koo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated interactions between the internal-external wave field of a permeable coastal structure consisting of rubble. The study examined the application criteria of an existing numerical model (CADMAS-SURF V.4.0) and proposed a modified method to provide reasonable results. In particular, the study focused on and emphasized the water surface profiles in front of a structure, wave run-up/run-down on a slope, and internal water level fluctuations due to the drag coefficient and porosity of a rubble mound structure. In conclusion, the result show that when the vertical fluctuations of the internal water levels in permeable coastal structures exhibited high-quality representation. Sane responses can be seen for wave run-up/run-down characteristics on its slopes.

A study on distribution of plant communities around chunji in a crater on mt. paektu (백두산 분화구내 천지 주변의 식물 군락 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Nam-Kee;Yeau, Sung-Hee;Lee, Sun-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 1992
  • We investigated major plant communities and seed dispersal patterns in areas a(alt. 2,263 ~2,350m),b(alt. 2,350~2,420m), c(alt. 2,420m) with levels of a crater on mt. paektu. Thirty two species distributed around chunji consisted of 24 perennial herbs, 1 biennial herb and 7 alpine dwarf shurbs. Their fruit types were quite diverse; capsule(11), achene(10), grain(4), legume(2), follicle(2), schizocarp(2) and drupe(1). in area a, adjancent to the chunji(lake) water surface, gramineae sp., cyperaceae sp., chrysanthemum zawadskii and bistorta ochotensis were occured as members of the major plant communities. Species of gramineae and cyperaceae seem to have become dominant because their seeds float well. Astragalus membranaceus is legume and endures the winter cold and summer drought. in area c, alpine dwarf shrubs (e. g.rhododendron redowskianum, rhododendron aureum, empetrum nigrum) were dominant. In area c, compared to a and b, the weather is drier because of strong wind and lower water holding capacity of the soil. Therefore the pattern of plants distributing around chunji is different from that in western slope on mt.paektu. environmental factor such as wind, temperature and water may contribute to the pattern.

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Research on estimating roughness coefficient for 1-D hydraulic model using river flow measurement data and water surface slope (실측자료와 수면경사를 활용한 1차원 수리모형의 조도계수 산정 연구)

  • Seong Jun Kim;Chang Sung Kim;Geunsoo Son;Sunghyun Kwak;;;Hong Koo Yeo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.290-290
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    • 2023
  • 하천의 조도계수는 하천의 수리특성을 나타내는 대표적인 지표로써 수리모형의 모의를 수행하는데 중요한 매개변수 중 하나이다. 하지만 현재 수리모형의 조도계수는 하천정비기본계획시에 수립된 하나의 조도계수를 사용하여 모의를 수행하고 있어 유량 또는 수위에 따라 동일한 조도계수를 적용하게 되면 수위를 과대 또는 과소 모의 할 수 있는 문제가 있다. 따라서 다양한 유량 조건에 따른 모의결과의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위해서는 유량 규모에 따른 조도계수를 산정하여 검토할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 삼례교를 대상으로 하였으며, 실측된 유량자료를 활용하여 유량 또는 수위에 따른 조도계수를 산정하였고 HEC-RAS 모의 결과와 비교하였다. 분석결과, 삼례교 지점의 경우 일반적으로 수위가 증가할 수록 조도계수가 감소하다가 일정한 경향을 보이는 것과 상이하게 수위가 증가할수록 조도계수가 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 하천 내에 관목이 형성되어있어 조도계수가 증가한 것으로 판단된다. 추후, 다양한 지점을 대상으로 분석을 통해 환경부 등 하천 관련 사업과 하천기본계획 수립 시 조도계수 표준화를 통한 합리적 설계에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Hybrid Element Model for Wave Transformation Analysis (파랑 변형 해석을 위한 복합 요소 모형)

  • 정태화;박우선;서경덕
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2003
  • In this study, we develop a finite element model to directly solve the Laplace equation while keeping the same computational efficiency as the models based on the extended mild-slope equation which has been widely used for calculation of wave transformation in shallow water. For this, the computational domain is discretized into finite elements with a single layer in the vertical direction. The velocity potential in the element is then expressed in terms of the potentials at the nodes located at water surface, and the Galerkin method is used to construct the numerical model. A common shape function is adopted in horizontal direction, and the cosine hyperbolic function in vertical direction, which describes the vertical behavior of progressive waves. The model was developed for vertical two-dimensional problems. In order to verify the developed model, it is applied to vertical two-dimensional problems of wave reflection and transmission. It is shown that the present finite element model is comparable to the models based on extended mild-slope equations in both computational efficiency and accuracy.

Application based on the strictly combined method of BEM and CADMAS-SURF (BEM-CADMAS-SURF 결합해석법에 기초한 수치조파수조의 응용)

  • Kim, Sang-Ho;Yamashiro, Masaru;Yoshida, Akinori;Shin, Seung-Ho;Hong, Key-Yong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2009
  • The hybrid numerical model is developed by combining BEM that can calculate the wave motion rapidly under the potential theory and CADMAS-SURF that solves Navier-Stokes equations for the free surface variation near the structure, In the hybrid model the calculation of wave motion in a wide field of wave reflection for deep water area is conducted by BEM but for shallow water area by CADMAS-SURF. Especially the hybrid model can calculate random wave motions for long term period more rapidly with almost similar accuracy than the calculation of wave motion which was carried out by CADMAS-SURF only. In this study the coupling model was applied to the calculation of the strong nonlinear wave motion such as wave runup and overtopping at the coastal structure on the mild-slope bottom and the results of numerical model were compared with the Toyosima's experiments of regular wave runup and Goda's design diagram of ramdom wave overtopping, respectively.