• Title/Summary/Keyword: value-added information service

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A Study on the Effect of Quality and Benefit of Business Consulting Service on Customer Commitment (비즈니스 컨설팅 서비스의 품질과 편익이 고객과의 결속관계에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hyoung-Mo;Gim, Gwang-Yong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2008
  • A business consulting service combines company's knowledge and information with external's ones systematically. This combination achieve knowledge synergy and make added value for the business as a whole. Therefore, a business consulting service has been called Knowledge Ware Industry. Consulting corporations and consultants must provide valuable services for running and growing their business successfully. A value of business consulting service could be identified offset quality and benefits from costs. This study conducted survey about business consulting service quality by SERVPERF model and benefit, customer commitment. The research result showed that the quality of business consulting service effects on the benefit positively and benefit increased customer commitment. Finally, there is positive relationship between customer commitment and intention of continuing of the business consulting service.

Business Trends in Geo-Spatial Information and Service Market

  • Heo, Joon
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.351-354
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    • 2005
  • NASA's remote sensing market analysis and forecast projects 3.3 billion dollars in 2005. On the other hand, a market research firm expected that world commercial remote sensing imagery, GIS software, Data, and value-added services will generate 8.3 billion dollar in 2007. It has been widely believed that geo-spatial information and service market is growing rapidly and has a huge potential, but it is not clearly understood where it is now and will be heading in the future. Also, it could be a significant question to answer where the industry in Korea fits the best in the world business trends and where it should be strategically heading to take a large market share. Furthermore, if it could be worth being considered as a Korean strategic industry for the future. Instead of pursuing direct answers to the questions, the author will start reviewing general business practices, major business transactions such as merging and acquisitions (M&A's) and initial public offerings (IPO's), and research on market capitalization and revenue of major companies. Throughout the study, a list of common grounds in the market was uncovered and realized as follows: (1) value-added data matters in geo-spatial information and service market; (2) private sector grows faster; (3) characteristics of multi-national industry; and (4) Dependency on major industry. Based on the findings, the author presents a list of recommendations as conclusions.

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A Study on User-centered Information Service Applying Digital Information Service in Special Information Center (디지털정보서비스를 통한 전문정보센터의 이용자중심 정보서비스 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Hee-Yoon
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.54-73
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    • 1998
  • Responding to the growing trend toward information society through digitalization of relating tools, a specialized information center is called for the change in its role. It must create the more value-added service for customers by menas of combination of various digital media with communication network, domestic and foreign. This study analyzes the theoretical framework and concrete examples of digital information services in special information center pursuing user-centered service. To make an efficient execution of user-centered information service, the effort is needed to develop and enlarge digital information services improving the level of service.

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Searching for Best Practices in Developing Ports as Logistics Centers

  • Jun, Il-Soo;Yi, Sang-Won
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.183-207
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    • 2005
  • Global firms are seeking to implement their global logistics strategies in two ways: the use of centralized inventories and/or postponement of final assembly. These strategies stress the importance of regional logistics centers. In most cases, regional logistics centers are located in or near ports so that changing demands can be met with economy, reliability and flexibility, The port can profit not only from the activities of logistics center itself, but also the increasing flow of cargo through the logistics center. A number of ports respond to this trend by shifting their emphasis from traditional cargo-handling services to value-added services. This paper presents guidelines drawn from the best practices of ports to be successful logistics centers to provide many aspects of value-added logistics services. These include: Effective Planning and Development of Logistics Centers; Institutional Incentive Scheme; Development of Free Trade Zones; Financing Infrastructure related to Logistics Centers; Developing Logistics Service Providers and Logistics Professionals; Development of Information Technology; and Regulatory and Administrative Issues. These guidelines will help managers of ports and policy makers of governments in the East Asian region learn to recognize, analyze and adopt the best practices for use.

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The Survey of Domestic and Foreign for On-Line Monitoring System at Low Voltage Facilities (저전압 전기설비의 온라인 감시시스템 구축을 위한 국내외 실태조사)

  • Kim, Young-Seok;Shong, Kil-Mok;Kim, Sun-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, the survey and the analysis of domestic and foreign for on-line monitoring system at low voltage facilities example for value added service about electrical safety were executed. According to survey, in Japan, they are executing the on-line electrical facilities monitoring in based on IT basic law for the information of society construction and not only electrical safety but also value added service such as alarm for earthquake, security are being done. In USA and Europe using power line communication(PLC), the on-line observation and building district management service were being realized. Observing the domestic case, electrical safety related with service such as distribution panel product incorporating load management and leakage current measurement was being executed in some companies. From the survey, it is necessary to improve on the law and the system for market activity in domestic.

A Study on the Service Export Strategy of China and the Counter Plan of Korea (중국의 서비스수출전략과 한국의 대응방안)

  • Kim, Mie-Jung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.323-341
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    • 2006
  • The world industry structure is characterized as service economics concerned with key words of global, information and culture. Developed countries have expanded a value-added of service economics along with rapid growth of service economics. In this change of economic environment in the world, China have converted their strategy of an economic management into coping with the industrial structure of service in the 11th 5-year plan. The purpose of the paper, therefore, is to find out the new commerce strategy of China, and searching for the counter plan of Korea. Chapter 2 begins with the change of economic strategy in China and their cultural factors using service industry. Chapter3 deals with, from the basis of chapter 2, China's service export strategy to abroad and our counter plan that is able to export and expand Korean service and culture industry into China.

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Design of XML based Information Exchange Format for Consumer Service (전력수용가 서비스를 위한 XML 기반 정보교환 표준 설계)

  • Oh, Do-Eun;Kim, Sun-Ic;Song, Jae-Ju;Yang, Il-Kwon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.10
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    • pp.2052-2058
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    • 2009
  • The standardized and open information model called common language and information exchange format should be firstly defined for the interoperable power system and two-way information exchange among the components of the power system. The information models and information exchange formats for power facilities and power system applications are being defined in power system area, but the information model and information exchange format for the consumer area are not being yet defined besides of metering information model. An architecture and open standard for the information exchange between energy service provider and consumer are required to provide various value added services through the networking with devices in consumer premise. In this paper, an architecture for the two-way communications between energy service provider and consumer is defined and psXML(power system XML) for the information exchange is designed.

Reliable Billing Schemes for Service Types in Mobile Communication Environments (이동통신 환경에서 신뢰할 수 있는 서비스별 과금 방법)

  • 김순석
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1714-1725
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    • 2003
  • In this paper we propose reliable billing schemes between users and contents providers where a user is provided value­added service for a paid contents using mobile terminals. Our schemes support various types of services such as short messages, bell sounds, images or music data transmissions, and games in mobile communication environments. Using hash chain method, we also reduced the computational overhead of mobile terminals and the volume of data transmitted between the user and the content provider. Content providers can save memory space because they don't need to store each user's usage evidence but still can charge.

The Value-Added Brokerage Concept for Steering the CBSD Environments (CBSD 활성화를 위한 확장된 부가가치 중개 개념)

  • Sim, U-Gon;Baek, In-Seop;Lee, Jeong-Tae;Ryu, Gi-Yeol
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.8D no.6
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    • pp.681-690
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we propose a steering concept that considers overall aspects in the CBSD (Component-Based Software Development) environments. While many researches which are concentrated on using components, market promotion and component development itself seem to be insufficient. To overcome this problem, we introduce a brokerage concept called“Value-Added Brokerage Concept”that provides the following three services:1) domain architecture-based component promotion, 2) intelligent component search, and 3) white-box service. Domain architecture-based component promotion facilitates balancing component production and promoting architecture-level large scale reuse. Intelligent component search enables to overcome the long time search and selection problem. Finally, white-box service is for solving maintenance problems, which is one of the most critical problem in the CBSD environments. Especially, we expect this proposed concept would be well adapted to our national environments.

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Comparison of the RCA Between China and KOR: From the Perspective of Value-Added

  • Xiaosong Jiao;Yingqi Cao;Lily Jiao;Chandaith Neak;Yaqian Zhang
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - This paper empirically explores the RCA of electrical equipment trade between China and Korea from the perspective of gross trade and value-added trade. The goal of this paper is to scan the electrical equipment's RCA, the decomposition of gross exports, and the impacts of an exerted shock. Design/methodology - We applied the domestic value-added method in measuring the RCA, which could be more accurate than traditional RCA since it excludes foreign value-added. Based on the research purpose, this paper follows the framework of Koopman, Wang, and Wei (2014)-as extended by Wang, Wei, and Zhu (2018). It extracts the data from the 2019 Multi-regional Input-Output (MRIO) databases compiled by the Asian Development Bank in January 2021. Findings - After rigorous examination, the main findings are as follows: First, the electrical equipment sector maintains a consistent comparative advantage in either assessing method. Second, China exports more gross goods of electrical equipment to the world than South Korea does, but there is a trade deficit with Korea. Third, South Korea and P.R. China are the most significant bilateral partners of foreign value-added sourcing. Finally, it is surprising that there is a shock on electrical equipment; the partner's service, as well as manufacturing sectors, would be affected. Originality/value - This paper explores the revealed comparative advantage between Korea and China from traditional gross export and value-added perspectives. Second, we apply the information from the 2019 MRIO database compiled by the Asian Development Bank in January 2021, reflecting the current situation. Third, this paper analyzes the electrical equipment and the impacts on other parties' sectors. Finally, we carry out the subjects that deserve to be investigated in the future.