• Title/Summary/Keyword: users' preference

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A Recommender System for Device Sharing Based on Context-Aware and Personalization

  • Park, Jong-Hyun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.174-190
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    • 2010
  • In ubiquitous computing, invisible devices and software are connected to one another to provide convenient services to users [1][2]. Users hope to obtain a personalized service which is composed of customized devices among sharable devices in a ubiquitous smart space (which is called USS in this paper). However, the situations of each user are different and user preferences also are various. Although users request the same service in the same USS, the most suitable devices for composing the service are different for each user. For these user requirements, this paper proposes a device recommender system which infers and recommends customized devices for composing a user required service. The objective of this paper is the development of the systems for recommending devices through context-aware inference in peer-to-peer environments. For this goal, this paper considers the context and user preference. Also I implement a prototype system and test performance on the real ubiquitous mobile object (UMO).

PCRM: Increasing POI Recommendation Accuracy in Location-Based Social Networks

  • Liu, Lianggui;Li, Wei;Wang, Lingmin;Jia, Huiling
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.5344-5356
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    • 2018
  • Nowadays with the help of Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs), users of Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation service in LBSNs are able to publish their geo-tagged information and physical locations in the form of sign-ups and share their experiences with friends on POI, which can help users to explore new areas and discover new points-of-interest, and promote advertisers to push mobile ads to target users. POI recommendation service in LBSNs is attracting more and more attention from all over the world. Due to the sparsity of users' activity history data set and the aggregation characteristics of sign-in area, conventional recommendation algorithms usually suffer from low accuracy. To address this problem, this paper proposes a new recommendation algorithm based on a novel Preference-Content-Region Model (PCRM). In this new algorithm, three kinds of information, that is, user's preferences, content of the Point-of-Interest and region of the user's activity are considered, helping users obtain ideal recommendation service everywhere. We demonstrate that our algorithm is more effective than existing algorithms through extensive experiments based on an open Eventbrite data set.

A Model to Determine the Visual Preference for the Color of Benches Located in Urban Parks (도시공원 벤치색상의 시각적 선호 결정 모형)

  • 유상완
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2001
  • In this paper it is investigated that the visual elements of preference which influence the visual preference for bench. "What color of bench is preferred when the location is the same\ulcorner" Started from those questions, the elements of preference which influence the visual preference for bench is investigated. In this research, a equal standard mark system is applied for the evaluation of visual elements of preference and then the relationship between the visual preference and the elements of preference are examined by the method of multiple regression analysis. The result of primary factor analysis from the visual evaluation in this paper will affect visual preference of the bench in urban park. Thus, the result of this study will contribute to development of urban parks for the maximum satisfaction of park visitors supplying necessary information for a resting place planning and design. It will provide a useful management guide of urban park facilities to prepare a strategic management plan of the benches from the users point of view. Especially, to know the correct preference of people, which will be provided by the evaluation of visual preference to bench will be the key to rest place planning.

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A Study on Impact of Media Use Characteristics/Evaluation for Guide Channel on Intention to use VOD provided by Multichannel Service Provider (유료방송 서비스 이용자의 미디어 이용특성과 가이드 채널에 대한 평가가 VOD 이용의사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Joh, Seong Je;Lee, Yeong Ju
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 2016
  • In this study VOD usage patterns(VOD use and paid amount) of IPTV users were investigated reflecting the level of media use characteristics such as TV viewing time, star preference, and genre preference. Also the impact of media using characteristics and the evaluation of guide channel on the intention to use VOD was analyzed. The web survey was conducted against the respondents who have used VOD and guide channel. The results are as follows. Among the media usage characteristics, star preference has the impact on the VOD use, while genre preference has relation to the willingness to pay for VOD. Secondly, the intention to view the guide channel, entertainment of the channel, and the users' genre preference have significant impacts on the intention to use VOD. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the viewing rate of guide channel by providing the customized promotion strategy and diverse events based on the analysis of VOD usage.

Analysis on Visual Preference of Golf Course -The case of Tae-gu Country Club- (골프장의 시각적선호분석 -대구 칸트리 클럽을 사례로-)

  • 김용수;성영탁
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to present data to the landscape planning and design through analyzing correlation between visual preference of users and nonusers and the landscape of hole in golf couses. Stimulus objects were selected from the 18 holes in Tae-gu Country Club. Preference value was judged through photo simulation by 35 subjects photographed at Tee and Interpoint (IPI, IP2), and classified into three landscape types and nine landscape components from photo analysis by researcher. For test of difference between groups toward each stimulus, t-test was used, and Duncantest, Correlation analysis for finding out correlation between preference degree and the landscape of each hole. The results of this study were as follows: As a result of analysis of preference value between groups for each hole, it has been shown that there was scarcely difference with each other. Form the relation between preference degree and spacial structure of hole, the holes making up a superior preference group have been shown that the greater part of the holes had a downward slope or a gentle slope mostly and then a visible ratio of fairway was high, and had diversified scenery by a lotus pond, a solitary planting tree, the roll of a fairway, facilities for convenience, etc. The holes making up a low-ranking preference group have been shown that the greater part of the holes had upward slope or a similar slope to it and had characteries of the bad condition of lawn, the nearby factories and odors, the monotonous scenery of a fairway, an unreasonable mixing of holes, etc. From the relation between preference degree and landscape components forming hole, it has been shown that the preference degree between users and nonusers had positive correlation to the occupied ratio of space of landscape components at Tee and Approach. At Tee, it has been shown that the preference degree of two groups were related with a lawn surface of fairway negatively, a lotus pond, a sky positively, and the preference degree of nonusers was related with iron-top for electric transmission positively. At Approach, it has been shown that the preference degree of two groups were related with iron-top for electric transmission negatively, and the preference degree of nonusers was related with a building positively. From the relation between preference degree group to each hole and the occupied ratio of space of landscape types, it has been shown that the constituent ratio of a high-ranking group was 1:2.4:2.2 and a low-ranking group was 1:4.1:5.1 among vertical type, horizontal type and background at Tee, but the constituent ratio of space of a high-ranking group was similar to a low-ranking group at Approach.

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PIRS : Personalized Information Retrieval System using Adaptive User Profiling and Real-time Filtering for Search Results (적응형 사용자 프로파일기법과 검색 결과에 대한 실시간 필터링을 이용한 개인화 정보검색 시스템)

  • Jeon, Ho-Cheol;Choi, Joong-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a system that can serve users with appropriate search results through real time filtering, and implemented adaptive user profiling based personalized information retrieval system(PIRS) using users' implicit feedbacks in order to deal with the problem of existing search systems such as Google or MSN that does not satisfy various user' personal search needs. One of the reasons that existing search systems hard to satisfy various user' personal needs is that it is not easy to recognize users' search intentions because of the uncertainty of search intentions. The uncertainty of search intentions means that users may want to different search results using the same query. For example, when a user inputs "java" query, the user may want to be retrieved "java" results as a computer programming language, a coffee of java, or a island of Indonesia. In other words, this uncertainty is due to ambiguity of search queries. Moreover, if the number of the used words for a query is fewer, this uncertainty will be more increased. Real-time filtering for search results returns only those results that belong to user-selected domain for a given query. Although it looks similar to a general directory search, it is different in that the search is executed for all web documents rather than sites, and each document in the search results is classified into the given domain in real time. By applying information filtering using real time directory classifying technology for search results to personalization, the number of delivering results to users is effectively decreased, and the satisfaction for the results is improved. In this paper, a user preference profile has a hierarchical structure, and consists of domains, used queries, and selected documents. Because the hierarchy structure of user preference profile can apply the context when users perfomed search, the structure is able to deal with the uncertainty of user intentions, when search is carried out, the intention may differ according to the context such as time or place for the same query. Furthermore, this structure is able to more effectively track web documents search behaviors of a user for each domain, and timely recognize the changes of user intentions. An IP address of each device was used to identify each user, and the user preference profile is continuously updated based on the observed user behaviors for search results. Also, we measured user satisfaction for search results by observing the user behaviors for the selected search result. Our proposed system automatically recognizes user preferences by using implicit feedbacks from users such as staying time on the selected search result and the exit condition from the page, and dynamically updates their preferences. Whenever search is performed by a user, our system finds the user preference profile for the given IP address, and if the file is not exist then a new user preference profile is created in the server, otherwise the file is updated with the transmitted information. If the file is not exist in the server, the system provides Google' results to users, and the reflection value is increased/decreased whenever user search. We carried out some experiments to evaluate the performance of adaptive user preference profile technique and real time filtering, and the results are satisfactory. According to our experimental results, participants are satisfied with average 4.7 documents in the top 10 search list by using adaptive user preference profile technique with real time filtering, and this result shows that our method outperforms Google's by 23.2%.

A Study on the Color Planning of the Community Center (구민회관의 실내 색채계획에 관한 연구)

  • 김명선;주서령
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.41
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    • pp.226-235
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    • 2003
  • The importance of the community centers has been increased throughout the decade. With the interest on the centers, the quality of the architectural design of the centers have been much improved. But the importance of the interior design and color' design of the centers have been ignored. It is quite sure that the quality of the interior design impact on the satisfaction degree of the users. And color is the important element which can control the quality of the interior design economically. This study surveyed the three community centers in Seoul to investigate the status of the color usages. And to consider the user's need, and preference in color design, this study performs the questionnaire about the color image and color pallette preference of the users and interior design professionals. Mainly highly bright and low chromatic YR colors were used, giving rigid and monotonous atmosphere. The most preferred color image were warm, bright and secondly friendly, simple, soft, open. And the preference for pallette were various but we can find the difference of color preference and color combination type according to the user's group. As a result, This study proposes the basic guidelines for color design, such as ideal color Image and color and color combination type and color pallette. This proposals can be applied as a basic guideline for color design of the community centers.

Agent-based Multimedia Personalcasting(AMP) (에이전트 기반 멀티미디어 퍼스널캐스팅)

  • 박성준;김문철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.243-246
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    • 2002
  • It is expected that intelligent broadcasting service (IBS) will be able to provide broadcast programs based on user preference and program-associated information (metadata) in order to assist users to easily navigate the program contents being broadcast. So users can access program contents anytime/anywhere in the way they want. In this paper we propose a framework for IBS based on an intelligent software agent platform so called FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents). We use an FIPA implementation. so called FIPA-OS, as a platform for exchanging user preferences and program information as FIPA messages between a server and clients. The user preference is modeled as the User Preference description scheme in MPEG-7 MDS (Multimedia Description Scheme).

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Performance Improvement of Collaborative Filtering System Using Associative User′s Clustering Analysis for the Recalculation of Preference and Representative Attribute-Neighborhood (선호도 재계산을 위한 연관 사용자 군집 분석과 Representative Attribute -Neighborhood를 이용한 협력적 필터링 시스템의 성능향상)

  • Jung, Kyung-Yong;Kim, Jin-Su;Kim, Tae-Yong;Lee, Jung-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.3
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2003
  • There has been much research focused on collaborative filtering technique in Recommender System. However, these studies have shown the First-Rater Problem and the Sparsity Problem. The main purpose of this Paper is to solve these Problems. In this Paper, we suggest the user's predicting preference method using Bayesian estimated value and the associative user clustering for the recalculation of preference. In addition to this method, to complement a shortcoming, which doesn't regard the attribution of item, we use Representative Attribute-Neighborhood method that is used for the prediction when we find the similar neighborhood through extracting the representative attribution, which most affect the preference. We improved the efficiency by using the associative user's clustering analysis in order to calculate the preference of specific item within the cluster item vector to the collaborative filtering algorithm. Besides, for the problem of the Sparsity and First-Rater, through using Association Rule Hypergraph Partitioning algorithm associative users are clustered according to the genre. New users are classified into one of these genres by Naive Bayes classifier. In addition, in order to get the similarity value between users belonged to the classified genre and new users, and this paper allows the different estimated value to item which user evaluated through Naive Bayes learning. As applying the preference granted the estimated value to Pearson correlation coefficient, it can make the higher accuracy because the errors that cause the missing value come less. We evaluate our method on a large collaborative filtering database of user rating and it significantly outperforms previous proposed method.

Analysis on the Actual Status of Users of Public Nature Burial and Cremated Bodies Using the Public Cremation Facilities in the Capital Area through the Funeral Information System and the Activation Plan of the Public Nature Burial

  • Choi, Jae-sil;Kim, Jeong-lae
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2019
  • In the study, we suggest that the activation plan of the public nature burial in the capital area through funeral information system as follows. First, according to the report on the social survey announced by the National Statistical Office in December 2017, the Korean people's preference of nature burial was 43.6% while the actual utilization rate of national nature burial in 2017 was only 8.8%, which showed a huge gap between preference and utilization rate of nature burial. Therefore, through the activities to improve the awareness of nature burial by performing the national promotion and education, and also the investment for the expansion or improvement of nature burial facilities in the level of central government and local government, the preference of nature burial should be led to the actual demand. Second, during the period from 2011 to 2018, the utilization rate of public nature burial in the capital area was annually increased by average 26.9%, which showed the huge increase of demand for nature burial. Thus, each local government should carry forward the policies for expanding the supply of public nature burial focusing on the woodland burial showing the high preference of users of public nature burial. Third, even though the public cremation facilities are installed or operated by local governments in the capital area, Seongnam City without the public cremation facilities should install the public nature burial for the enhancement of users convenience by providing the One Stop Total Funeral Service.