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Comparison of Standing Carbon in Urban Park and Roadside Green Space, and Their Relationship with Net Primary Production and Climatic Factors, Temperature and Precipitation (도시공원과 도로변 녹지의 식물체 탄소량 비교 및 순일차생산량과 기후요인인 기온과 강수량과의 관계)

  • EungPill Lee;HeonMo Jeong;Sung-Ryong Kang;Inyoung Jang
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.398-409
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we analyzed previous research to compare the standing carbon, which are the major carbon reservoirs, in urban park and roadside green space, representative urban forests. We also investigated how climatic factors, such as temperature and precipitation, affect net primary production. The analysis revealed that more research has been conducted on urban park compared to roadside green space. The standing carbon, net primary production, planting density, and bulk density were approximately 1.8 times, 3.0 times, 6.5 times, and 1.3 times higher in urban park than in roadside green space, respectively. However, the gravel content was about 1.2 times higher in roadside green space, and there was no significant difference in the diameter at breast height between urban park and roadside green space. Additionally, net primary productivity was significantly related to the annual average temperature (R2=0.0926, p=0.0355), average temperature during the beginning of growth (R2=0.1169, p=0.0174), and monthly average of sum of daily precipitations during the end of growth (R2=0.1817, p=0.0025). The study confirmed that among the climatic factors, the annual average temperature, spring temperature, and autumn rainfall are related to the reduction of ecosystem services, and this effect is likely to be similar across other types of urban forests. Therefore, it suggests that soil management to alleviate water stress is necessary to enhance net primary production.

Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island based on Local Climate Zone of Automatic Weather Station in Seoul Metropolitan Area (자동기상관측소의 국지기후대에 근거한 서울 도시 열섬의 공간 분포)

  • Hong, Je-Woo;Hong, Jinkyu;Lee, Seong-Eun;Lee, Jaewon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.413-424
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    • 2013
  • Urban Heat Island (UHI) intensity is one of vital parameters in studying urban boundary layer meteorology as well as urban planning. Because the UHI intensity is defined as air temperature difference between urban and rural sites, an objective sites selection criterion is necessary for proper quantification of the spatial variations of the UHI intensity. This study quantified the UHI intensity and its spatial pattern, and then analyzed their connections with urban structure and metabolism in Seoul metropolitan area where many kinds of land use and land cover types coexist. In this study, screen-level temperature data in non-precipitation day conditions observed from 29 automatic weather stations (AWS) in Seoul were analyzed to delineate the characteristics of UHI. For quality control of the data, gap test, limit test, and step test based on guideline of World Meteorological Organization were conducted. After classifying all stations by their own local climatological properties, UHI intensity and diurnal temperature range (DTR) are calculated, and then their seasonal patterns are discussed. Maximum UHI intensity was 4.3C in autumn and minimum was 3.6C in spring. Maximum DTR appeared in autumn as 3.8C, but minimum was 2.3C in summer. UHI intensity and DTR showed large variations with different local climate zones. Despite limited information on accuracy and exposure errors of the automatic weather stations, the observed data from AWS network represented theoretical UHI intensities with difference local climate zone in Seoul.

An Econometric Analysis of Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effect with Urban Forest (계량경제적 접근을 통한 도시림의 도시열섬 완화효과 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Kim, Eui-Gyeong;Yang, Jun-Seok;Kim, Hyeon-Geun;Shin, Hae-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to identify the relationship between urban heat island effect and forest, analyzing electricity consumption model and temperature change model. Electricity consumption model was adopted to clarify a role of forests in alleviating the heat island effect at the national scale, while temperature change model was adopted to clarify a role of forests in mitigating urban heat island effect on metropolis with using econometric analysis. The analysis results from both models clearly show a negative correlation between the urban forests within living areas and heat island effect. In particular, when urban forests within living area per person increases by 1m2, the average municipal electricity consumption decreases by 0.02MWh and the summer daytime temperature for metropolitan cities decreases by 1.15C.


  • Lee, Kwon-H.;Wong, Man-Sing;Kim, Gwan-C.;Kim, Young-J.;Nichol, Janet
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.556-559
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    • 2007
  • The Urban Environmental Quality (UEQ) indicates a complex and various parameters resulting from both human and natural factors in an urban area. Vegetation, climate, air quality, and the urban infrastructure may interact to produce effects in an urban area. There are relationships among air pollution, vegetation, and degrading environmental the urban heat island (UHI) effect. This study investigates the application of multi-spectral remote sensing data from the Landsat ETM and TM sensors for the mapping of air quality and UHI intensity in Seoul from 2000 to 2006 in fine resolution (30m) using the emissivity-fusion method. The Haze Optimized Transform (HOT) correction approach has been adopted for atmospheric correction on all bands except thermal band. The general UHI values (Δ(TurbanTrural)) are 8.45 (2000), 9.14 (2001), 8.61 (2002), and 8.41C (2006), respectively. Although the UHI values are similar during these years, the spatial coverage of "hot" surface temperature (>24C) significantly increased from 2000 to 2006 due to the rapid urban development. Furthermore, high correlations between vegetation index and land surface temperature were achieved with a correlation coefficients of 0.85 (2000), 0.81 (2001), 0.84(2002), and 0.89 (2006), respectively. Air quality is shown to be an important factor in the spatial variation of UEQ. Based on the quantifiable fine resolution satellite image parameters, UEQ can promote the understanding of the complex and dynamic factors controlling urban environment.

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A Study on The Effect of Anthropogenic Heat Flux and Land-Use on Thermal Environment in Pusan (인공열과 land-use가 부산시의 열적 환경에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • 김유근
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2000
  • In order to overtake a quantitative analysis of effect of anthropogenic heat and different land-use on urban thermal environment numerical simulation of surface energy budget was carried out under typical summer synoptic condition. It is beneficial to understand surface temperature of complex urban surace. The different land-use types are classified of rice field farm fruit garden residential region forest water and swamp by using map scaled 1/25000 of Pusan metropolitan. The model predicts that maximum heat island intensity in the central part of Pusan is 7C at 2000 LST in summertime. The surface temperature is propotional to the density of constructions. The effect of anthropogenic heat generation on surface temperature is the increase of 0.3C at 1400LST in the central part of Pusan during summertime.

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A Study on the Summer Thermal Environment in Korean Urban Residences (도시주택의 여름철 온열환경에 관한 측정실험 연구)

  • 윤정숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 1989
  • This is a basic study designed to discover the most comfortable thermal environment for Korean residences. The purpose of the research is to observe and measure the summer thermal environment in Korean urban detached single family houses and apartments by utilising proposed evaluation standards and methods. The technique used involves the measurement of environmental elements, such as indoor temperature, relative humidity and radiant temperature both in detached single family houses and apartments. Also, in order to understand the resident's thermal comfort response. ASHRAE' thermal sensation 9th level, indoor temperature 5th level, and thermal discomfort 4th level in the psycho-physical voting scale (1972) was used. In conclusion, among Korean urban residences, detached single family houses provided a more stable thermal environment than apartments, as shown by physical psychological evaluations. The possible reason for such stability in detached single family houses may be the usage of reinforced concrete structures which maintain consistent temperatures.

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Estimation of Surface Temperature of the Urban Area in Cheongju Using ASTER Data (ASTER에 의한 청주시주변의 지표면온도 추정)

  • Park, Jong-Hwa;Na, Sang-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.563-568
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    • 2005
  • Land surface temperature (LST) for large areas can only be derived from surface-leaving radiation measured by satellite sensors. These measurements represent the integrated effect of the surface and are superior to point measurements on the ground, e.g. in Urban Heat Island. ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) is an imaging instrument that is flying on the NASA's Terra satellite launched in December 1999. ASTER acquires 14 spectral bands and can be used to obtain detailed datas of land surface temperature, emissivity, reflectance and elevation. Spatial resolution of 90m of TIR channels of ASTER is useful when we analyze the spatial variations of surface heat fluxes in urban areas. The purpose of this study is to extract the LST using ASTER TIR channels.

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Effect of Building and Green on Outside Thermal Environment (건물과 녹지배치가 외부 열환경 변화에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Son, Won-Tug;Choi, Hyun-Sang;Choi, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2010
  • Significant air temperature increases in urban areas are known as the heat island phenomenon in a global scale. Therefore, we use CFD simulation in order to analyze quantitative effects by placing a Building and Green on the heat island phenomenon in urban area. The present study quantitatively analyzes the Urban Heat Island Effects, Outdoor air temperature, and Humidity and air flow.

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Air Temperature Modification of an Urban Neighborhood Park in Summer - Hyowon Park, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do- (여름철 도시근린공원의 기온저감 효과 - 경기도 수원시 효원공원 -)

  • Park, Sookuk;Jo, Sangman;Hyun, Cheolji;Kong, Hak-Yang;Kim, Seunghyun;Shin, Youngkyu
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1057-1072
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    • 2017
  • In order to investigate the effect of air temperature reduction on an urban neighborhood park, air temperature data from five inside locations (forest, pine tree, lawn, brick and pergola) depending on surface types and three outside locations (Suwon, Maetan and Kwonsun) depending on urban forms were collected during the summer 2016 and compared. The forest location had the lowest mean air temperature amongst all locations sampled, though the mean difference between this and the other four locations in the park was relatively small (0.20.5C). In the daytime, the greatest mean difference between the forest location and the two locations exposed to direct beam solar radiation (brick and lawn) was 0.50.8C (Max. 1.62.1C). In the nighttime, the mean difference between the forest location and the other four locations in the park was small, though differences between the forest location and locations with grass cover (pine tree and lawn) reached a maximum of 0.91.7C. Comparing air temperature between sunny and shaded locations, the shaded locations showed a maximum of 1.5C lower temperature in the daytime and 0.7C higher in the nighttime. Comparing the air temperature of the forest location with those of the residential (Kwonsun) and apartment (Maetan) locations, the mean air temperature difference was 0.81.0C, higher than those measured between the forest location and the other park locations. The temperatures measured in the forest location were mean 0.91.3C (Max. 2.03.9C) lower in the daytime than for the residential and apartment locations and mean 0.41.0C (Max. 1.33.1C) lower in the nighttime. During the hottest period of each month, the difference was greater than the mean monthly differences, with temperatures in the residential and apartment locations mean 1.01.6C higher than those measured in the forest location. The effect of air temperature reduction on sampling locations within the park and a relatively high thermal environment on the urban sampling locations was clearly evident in the daytime, and the shading effect of trees in the forest location must be most effective. In the nighttime, areas with a high sky view factor and surface types with high evapotranspiration potential (e.g. grass) showed the maximum air temperature reduction. In the urban areas outside the park, the low-rise building area, with a high sky view factor, showed high air temperature due to the effect of solar (shortwave) radiation during the daytime, while in the nighttime the area with high-rise buildings, and hence a low sky view factor, showed high air temperature due to the effect of terrestrial (longwave) radiation emitted by surrounding high-rise building surfaces. The effect of air temperature reduction on the park with a high thermal environment in the city was clearly evident in the daytime, and the shading effect of trees in the forest location must be most effective. In the nighttime, areas with high sky view factor and surface types (e.g., grass) with evapotranspiration effect showed maximum air temperature reduction. In the urban areas outside the park, the high sky view factor area (low-rise building area) showed high air temperature due to the effect of solar (shortwave) radiation during the daytime, but in the nighttime the low sky view factor area (high-rise building area) showed high air temperature due to the effect of terrestrial (longwave) radiation emitted surrounding high-rise building surfaces.

Change of Thermal Environment with Urban Expansion (도시 확장에 따른 온열환경의 변화)

  • Kim, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2007
  • The surface changes due to urban expansion and the increase of artificial heat releases have brought significant climate changes such as heat island phenomenon in urban area. Furthermore, these changes also have brought serious problems such as air temperature increase, wind changes, and air pollution in urban area. Comprehensive analytical technologies considering various effects are required to analyse complicated mechanism of climate changes, and review the efficient measures. In this research, the effect of the urban expansion in Tokyo and Bangkok area on urban environment will be discussed. By using CFD, urban development and the mechanism of global warming and wind change are studied in those two cities. As a result of numerical research, the surface changes of city could bring the environmental changes in urban area.