• 제목/요약/키워드: type of question

검색결과 534건 처리시간 0.029초

중소기업의 기술협력에서 출연연의 차별적 특징에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Distinctive Characteristics of Government Funded Research Institutes Engaged in Technological Cooperation with SMEs)

  • 전승표;박훈;유재영
    • 기술혁신학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.607-641
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    • 2017
  • 최근 출연연과 중소기업의 기술협력에 대한 범정부적 요구가 증가하면서 출연연의 중소기업 기술혁신 지원에 대한 긍정적인 시각과 부정적인 시각이 공존하는 것은 사실이다. 비록 선행연구를 통해서 출연연의 중소기업 지원은 중소기업의 기술혁신 성과를 높이는 경향이 있다는 사실은 확인되었지만, 본 연구는 왜 중소기업의 기술협력 대상이 꼭 출연연이어야 하는가라는 측면에서는 의문을 던진다. 이런 질의에 답하기 위해서, 본 연구는 먼저 2007년부터 2014년까지 중소기업의 외부 기술협력 행태의 시간적 변화를 정성적으로 살펴보았다. 다음으로 중소기업 기술협력 대상의 여러 대안과 비교해서 출연연과 기술협력을 하는 중소기업의 특징은 차별점이 있는지 군집분석을 통해서 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 출연연과 기술협력을 진행하는 기업의 특징을 규명하고, 향후 행정 효율화 및 선진화라는 측면에서 출연연 기술협력이 유력한 기업을 찾는데 도움을 주기 위해서, 판별분석을 활용해 기술협력 유력기업 판별식을 찾았다. 연구결과에 따르면 첫째, 중소기업 외부 기술협력의 대안들과 비교해서 출연연은 최고 수준의 만족도를 보이는 등 대안들 중에서 경쟁력이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 중소기업을 위한 출연연 기술협력의 필요성은 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 중소기업들을 구분하는데 있어서 출연연 기술협력 여부는 큰 의미가 없었다. 다만 대상에 상관없이 기술협력을 수행하는 중소기업들이 구분되는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 출연연과 기술협력을 하는 중소기업은 이미 공동연구가 활발했고 정부지원제도 활용에 익숙한 특징이 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 출연연을 활용한 국가 R&D 전략에 여러 가지 시사점을 제공하고 출연연의 중소기업 지원 정책과 관련된 행정의 효율화에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

국제항공운송 과정에서의 기장 등의 직무상 불법행위에 기한 운송인의 손해배상책임이 가지는 특수성 (The Characteristic of the Carrier's Liability Due to the Illegal Act of the Crew during International Air Transportation)

  • 김민석
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.3-37
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    • 2020
  • 국제 노선을 운항하는 항공기의 기장 등은 항공기내 불법방해행위에 대한 대응과 관련하여 항공기 내에서 경찰공무원과 거의 동일한 업무를 수행한다. 이는 기장 등의 업무 수행과 관련하여서도 경찰관의 직무상 불법행위에 기한 국가의 배상책임과 같은 문제가 발생할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 이와 관련한 국제항공운송인의 손해배상책임을 판단하는 데에 있어서는 경찰의 직무상 불법행위에 기한 손해배상책임과 구별되는 아래와 같은 특수한 문제가 있을 수 있다. 기장 등의 대응조치에 기한 손해배상청구가 있는 경우, 우선 도쿄 협약에 따라 적법한 행위인지 여부가 판단되고 나서, 다음으로 국가배상법이나 몬트리올 협약, 민법에 따른 손해배상청구권이 성립하는지를 살펴야 한다. 도쿄 협약에 따른 검토는 한다. 이는 우리 판례가 수사기관의 행위의 적법성을 판단하는 기준인 비례원칙과 크게 다르지 않다. 다만, 법원은 이를 판단함에 있어 기장의 업무 환경의 특수성을 충분히 감안하여야 할 것이다. 기장 등의 조치가 도쿄 협약에 따라 보호받지 못하는 경우 비로소 민사상 손해배상청구의 청구권규범에 따른 검토를 하여야 한다. 기장 등은 우리 법상 공무수탁사인이므로 국가배상도 가능할 것으로 보이나, 몬트리올 협약과의 조화로운 해석이 필요하다. 한편 항공기 내에서 행해진 기장 등의 위법한 조치에 대하여는 몬트리올 협약이 적용되어야 한다. 운송과정에서 발생한 사건에 대하여 몬트리올 협약은 민법보다 우선 적용되어야 하고, 기장 등의 직무상 불법행위가 그 적용범위에서 제외된다는 규정이 없기 때문이다. 반면, 항공기 내에서 발생한 사건을 원인으로 운송 종료 후 이루어진 위법한 조치에 대하여는 민법이 적용된다. 조건설에 따라 몬트리올 협약의 적용범위를 무한히 확장하는 해석은 허용될 수 없기 때문이다. 즉, 기장 등의 직무상 불법행위에 기한 손해배상청구의 경우 구체적 행위가 취해진 장소에 따라 손해배상청구의 청구권규범이 달라지고, 그에 따라 전보될 수 있는 손해의 유형이나 증명책임분배가 달라진다. 운송인 및 승무원은 이러한 점을 염두에 두고 임무를 수행하되 특히 비례원칙을 준수하여야 하고, 법을 해석할 때에는 승무원의 특수한 업무환경을 충분히 고려하는 것이 필요하다.

A Study on the Meaning and Strategy of Keyword Advertising Marketing

  • Park, Nam Goo
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2010
  • At the initial stage of Internet advertising, banner advertising came into fashion. As the Internet developed into a central part of daily lives and the competition in the on-line advertising market was getting fierce, there was not enough space for banner advertising, which rushed to portal sites only. All these factors was responsible for an upsurge in advertising prices. Consequently, the high-cost and low-efficiency problems with banner advertising were raised, which led to an emergence of keyword advertising as a new type of Internet advertising to replace its predecessor. In the beginning of 2000s, when Internet advertising came to be activated, display advertisement including banner advertising dominated the Net. However, display advertising showed signs of gradual decline, and registered minus growth in the year 2009, whereas keyword advertising showed rapid growth and started to outdo display advertising as of the year 2005. Keyword advertising refers to the advertising technique that exposes relevant advertisements on the top of research sites when one searches for a keyword. Instead of exposing advertisements to unspecified individuals like banner advertising, keyword advertising, or targeted advertising technique, shows advertisements only when customers search for a desired keyword so that only highly prospective customers are given a chance to see them. In this context, it is also referred to as search advertising. It is regarded as more aggressive advertising with a high hit rate than previous advertising in that, instead of the seller discovering customers and running an advertisement for them like TV, radios or banner advertising, it exposes advertisements to visiting customers. Keyword advertising makes it possible for a company to seek publicity on line simply by making use of a single word and to achieve a maximum of efficiency at a minimum cost. The strong point of keyword advertising is that customers are allowed to directly contact the products in question through its more efficient advertising when compared to the advertisements of mass media such as TV and radio, etc. The weak point of keyword advertising is that a company should have its advertisement registered on each and every portal site and finds it hard to exercise substantial supervision over its advertisement, there being a possibility of its advertising expenses exceeding its profits. Keyword advertising severs as the most appropriate methods of advertising for the sales and publicity of small and medium enterprises which are in need of a maximum of advertising effect at a low advertising cost. At present, keyword advertising is divided into CPC advertising and CPM advertising. The former is known as the most efficient technique, which is also referred to as advertising based on the meter rate system; A company is supposed to pay for the number of clicks on a searched keyword which users have searched. This is representatively adopted by Overture, Google's Adwords, Naver's Clickchoice, and Daum's Clicks, etc. CPM advertising is dependent upon the flat rate payment system, making a company pay for its advertisement on the basis of the number of exposure, not on the basis of the number of clicks. This method fixes a price for advertisement on the basis of 1,000-time exposure, and is mainly adopted by Naver's Timechoice, Daum's Speciallink, and Nate's Speedup, etc, At present, the CPC method is most frequently adopted. The weak point of the CPC method is that advertising cost can rise through constant clicks from the same IP. If a company makes good use of strategies for maximizing the strong points of keyword advertising and complementing its weak points, it is highly likely to turn its visitors into prospective customers. Accordingly, an advertiser should make an analysis of customers' behavior and approach them in a variety of ways, trying hard to find out what they want. With this in mind, her or she has to put multiple keywords into use when running for ads. When he or she first runs an ad, he or she should first give priority to which keyword to select. The advertiser should consider how many individuals using a search engine will click the keyword in question and how much money he or she has to pay for the advertisement. As the popular keywords that the users of search engines are frequently using are expensive in terms of a unit cost per click, the advertisers without much money for advertising at the initial phrase should pay attention to detailed keywords suitable to their budget. Detailed keywords are also referred to as peripheral keywords or extension keywords, which can be called a combination of major keywords. Most keywords are in the form of texts. The biggest strong point of text-based advertising is that it looks like search results, causing little antipathy to it. But it fails to attract much attention because of the fact that most keyword advertising is in the form of texts. Image-embedded advertising is easy to notice due to images, but it is exposed on the lower part of a web page and regarded as an advertisement, which leads to a low click through rate. However, its strong point is that its prices are lower than those of text-based advertising. If a company owns a logo or a product that is easy enough for people to recognize, the company is well advised to make good use of image-embedded advertising so as to attract Internet users' attention. Advertisers should make an analysis of their logos and examine customers' responses based on the events of sites in question and the composition of products as a vehicle for monitoring their behavior in detail. Besides, keyword advertising allows them to analyze the advertising effects of exposed keywords through the analysis of logos. The logo analysis refers to a close analysis of the current situation of a site by making an analysis of information about visitors on the basis of the analysis of the number of visitors and page view, and that of cookie values. It is in the log files generated through each Web server that a user's IP, used pages, the time when he or she uses it, and cookie values are stored. The log files contain a huge amount of data. As it is almost impossible to make a direct analysis of these log files, one is supposed to make an analysis of them by using solutions for a log analysis. The generic information that can be extracted from tools for each logo analysis includes the number of viewing the total pages, the number of average page view per day, the number of basic page view, the number of page view per visit, the total number of hits, the number of average hits per day, the number of hits per visit, the number of visits, the number of average visits per day, the net number of visitors, average visitors per day, one-time visitors, visitors who have come more than twice, and average using hours, etc. These sites are deemed to be useful for utilizing data for the analysis of the situation and current status of rival companies as well as benchmarking. As keyword advertising exposes advertisements exclusively on search-result pages, competition among advertisers attempting to preoccupy popular keywords is very fierce. Some portal sites keep on giving priority to the existing advertisers, whereas others provide chances to purchase keywords in question to all the advertisers after the advertising contract is over. If an advertiser tries to rely on keywords sensitive to seasons and timeliness in case of sites providing priority to the established advertisers, he or she may as well make a purchase of a vacant place for advertising lest he or she should miss appropriate timing for advertising. However, Naver doesn't provide priority to the existing advertisers as far as all the keyword advertisements are concerned. In this case, one can preoccupy keywords if he or she enters into a contract after confirming the contract period for advertising. This study is designed to take a look at marketing for keyword advertising and to present effective strategies for keyword advertising marketing. At present, the Korean CPC advertising market is virtually monopolized by Overture. Its strong points are that Overture is based on the CPC charging model and that advertisements are registered on the top of the most representative portal sites in Korea. These advantages serve as the most appropriate medium for small and medium enterprises to use. However, the CPC method of Overture has its weak points, too. That is, the CPC method is not the only perfect advertising model among the search advertisements in the on-line market. So it is absolutely necessary that small and medium enterprises including independent shopping malls should complement the weaknesses of the CPC method and make good use of strategies for maximizing its strengths so as to increase their sales and to create a point of contact with customers.

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간호교육기관의 실험실습설비 보유실태 조사 (A Survey on the Actual State of Laboratory Facilities and Equipments at Nursing Schools)

  • 임난영;이선옥;서문자;김혜숙;김문실;오경옥
    • 대한간호
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to examine the standards for evaluation of laboratory facilities and equipment. These constitute the most important yet vulnerable area of our system of higher education among the six school evaluation categories provided by the Korean Council for University Education. To obtain data on the present situation of holdings and management of laboratory facilities and equipment at nursing schools in Korea, questionnaires were prepared by members of a special committee of the Korea Nursing Education Society on the basis of the Standards for University Laboratory Facilities and Equipment issued by the Ministry of Education. The questionnaires were sent to nursing schools across the nation by mail on October 4, 1995. 39 institutions completed and returned the questionnaires by mail by December 31 of the same year. The results of the analysis of the survey were as follows: 1. The Physical Environment of Laboratories According to the results of investigation of 14 nursing departments at four-year colleges, laboratories vary in size ranging from 24 to 274.91 pyeong ($1{\;}pyeong{\;}={\;}3.3m^2).$. The average number of students in a laboratory class was 46.93 at four-year colleges, while the number ranged from 40 to 240 in junior colleges. The average floor space of laboratories at junior colleges, however, was almost the same as those, of laboratories at four-year colleges. 2. The Actual State of Laboratory Facilities and Equipment Laboratory equipment possessed by nursing schools at colleges and universities showed a very wide distribution by type, but most of it does not meet government standards according to applicable regulations while some types of equipment are in excess supply. The same is true of junior colleges. where laboratory equipment should meet a different set of government standards specifically established for junior colleges. Closer investigation is called for with regard to those types of equipment which are in short supply in more than 80 percent of colleges and universities. As for the types of equipment in excess supply, investigation should be carried out to determine whether they are really needed in large quantities or should be installed. In many cases, it would appear that unnecessary equipment is procured, even if it is already obsolete, merely for the sake of holding a seemingly impressive armamentarium. 3. Basic Science Laboratory Equipment Among the 39 institutions, five four-year colleges were found to possess equipment for basic science. Only one type of essential equipment, tele-thermometers, and only two types of recommended equipment, rotators and dip chambers, were installed in sufficient numbers to meet the standards. All junior colleges failed to meet the standards in all of equipment categories. Overall, nursing schools at all of the various institutions were found to be below per in terms of laboratory equipment. 4. Required Equipment In response to the question concerning which type of equipment was most needed and not currently in possession, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) machines and electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors topped the list with four respondents each, followed by measuring equipment. 5. Management of Laboratory Equipment According to the survey, the professors in charge of clinical training and teaching assistants are responsible for management of the laboratory at nursing schools at all colleges and universities, whereas the chief of the general affairs section or chairman of the nursing department manages the laboratory at junior colleges. This suggests that the administrative systems are more or less different. According to the above results, laboratory training could be defined as a process by which nursing students pick up many of the nursing skills necessary to become fully qualified nurses. Laboratory training should therefore be carefully planned to provide students with high levels of hands-on experience so that they can effectively handle problems and emergencies in actual situations. All nursing students should therefore be thoroughly drilled and given as much on-the-job experience as possible. In this regard, there is clearly a need to update the equipment criteria as demanded by society's present situation rather than just filling laboratory equipment quotas according to the current criteria.

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간호 관리 능력 개발을 위한 교육 연구 (Needs on Management Development Program for Head Nurse)

  • 박정선
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.84-99
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study are to identify the actual educational contents of management for head nurse and to propose the educational subjects according to identity the needs of head, charge, and staff nurses. The subjects were investigated the actual Management Development Programs and educational needs of head nurses and prospective nurse manager(charge nurse, staff nurse with a lot of clinical experiences) in general hospitals. The tools were composed of two questionnaires: One was developed from the literature review for making items to measure actual situation. The other was revised Katz's model for measurement of educational needs. The first respondents of actual situation were 27 general hospitals with over 400 beds in Seoul and the second respondents were 89 head nurses, 67 charge nurses and 136 nurses at 3 hospitals by convenient sampling out of 27 general hospitals. Data were collected by telephone interview, mail questionnaire and visiting from 7th of October through 30th of November in 1997. In data analysis, general characteristics of the respondents and actual status of Management Development Programs were analyzed by frequency and percentage. Educational needs according to general characteristics were analyzed by ANOVA The results were as follows: 1. Actual situation of Management Development Program 1) Seven hospitals(26%) had Management Development Program for prospective managers and 14 hospitals (52%) for head nurses. 2) Education Department existed in 14 hospitals (52%). 3) One hospital(4%) had top level managers took part in the Management Development. 4) Two hospitals selected head nurse, who had finished courses of Management Development. Eight hospitals(30%) assessed educational needs. The assessment tools consisted of making a question via questionnaire(75%), determining at department meeting(12%) and interview(13%). 5) Educational programs had 3 types: 10 lecture type, 7 discussion type and 4 role play type programs. 6) One hospital evaluated the change of learner's attitude. 7) Four hospitals scored educational point, but that was measured only by attending. 8) Actual Management Development Programs were as follows. parenthesis indicates the number of hospitals. (1) Management Development Programs for Prospective manager. Role perception of Middle level Manager (1) . Role reconstruction of Nurse Manager (1). Workshop for Charge Nurse (1). Nursing Delivery System and Nursing Process (1). Communication (1). Motivation (1) (2) Management Development Programs for Head nurse.. Head nurse's Role (5). Administrative Work (7). Service Education (4). Prevention and Countermeasure of Nursing Incidence (3). Appraisal (3) 2. The results of needs on Management Development subject 1) The educational needs of all respondents on 3 skill domains showed positive agreement to strongly positive agreement. 2) High priority(more than 4.5) items were 12 of 24 Human skill items(50%), 1 of 6 Technical skill items(16%), and 2 of 13 Conceptual skill items (15%). 3) Out of high priority items, 8 items were instituted. 4) All respondents showed high needs on 3 skill domains regardless of 3 positions (head nurse, charge nurse, and nurse). Educational needs of Human skill domain, according to position were 108. S, 108.7, 106.8 (mean score = 72) , needs of Technical skill domain were 26.5, 26.6, 26.I(mean score=18), and needs of Conceptual skill domains were 56.9,56.7, 55.1(mean score=39). 5) Needs of 3 skill domains according to clinical career showed significant difference. Out of respondents, nurses with career of over 16years showed lowest degree of needs in Human skill domains(F=4.47, P=.004) and Conceptual skill domain(F=2.93, P=.034). 6) Educational needs according to educational background were not significant difference. But out of respondents, nurses educated at 3-year junior college relatively showed lowest needs in all of the 3 skill domains. With the above-mentioned findings, further study is necessary for generalization of this study at hospitals with different bed size and location. Also it is needed to study about management skill of nurse and charge nurse, and effective educational method.

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우리나라 직장인 피로의 역학적 특성 (Correlates of Self-rated Fatigue in Korean Employees)

  • 장세진;강명근;현숙정;차봉석;박종구;박준호;김성아;강동묵;장성실;이경재;하은희;하미나;고상백
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2005
  • Objective : To elucidate the correlates of self-rated fatigue in Korean employees. Methods : The data for 10,176 (men, 7,984; women, 2,192; mean age, 34.2; SD: 8.8) employees recruited from a nationwide sample were examined. A structured questionnaire was used to measure the participants' fatigue, sociodemographics (sex, age, education, and marital status), job-related characteristics (work duration, grade at work, work hours, shiftwork, employment type, and magnitude of workplace), and health-related habits (smoking, drinking, coffee intake, and exercise). Two types of measurement for fatigue were used to evaluate the magnitude of fatigue: self-rated question and a standardized measurement tool (Multidimensional Fatigue Scale: MFS). Results : According to the self-rated fatigue, 32% of employees reported that they felt fatigue for the past two weeks, and 9.6% of males and 8.7% of females had experienced excessive fatigue (6 months or more). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that fatigue measured by MFS was more common in women, younger, college or more graduated, single, and employees who do not regularly exercise. Fatigue was also associated with long work hours, and the size of the workplace (<1,000 employees). Conclusions : These results suggest that fatigue has been considered as a common complaint, and that it is affected by job-related factors like work hours and the workplace size as well as sociodemographics or health-related behaviors. Further research is needed to clarify the effects of fatigue on adverse health outcomes, work performance, work disability, sick absence and medical utilization, and to examine the relationship of job characteristics (e.g.: work demand, decision latitude) to fatigue.

Morroniside Protects C2C12 Myoblasts from Oxidative Damage Caused by ROS-Mediated Mitochondrial Damage and Induction of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress

  • Hyun Hwangbo;Cheol Park;EunJin Bang;Hyuk Soon Kim;Sung-Jin Bae;Eunjeong Kim;Youngmi Jung;Sun-Hee Leem;Young Rok Seo;Su Hyun Hong;Gi-Young Kim;Jin Won Hyun;Yung Hyun Choi
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.349-360
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    • 2024
  • Oxidative stress contributes to the onset of chronic diseases in various organs, including muscles. Morroniside, a type of iridoid glycoside contained in Cornus officinalis, is reported to have advantages as a natural compound that prevents various diseases. However, the question of whether this phytochemical exerts any inhibitory effect against oxidative stress in muscle cells has not been well reported. Therefore, the current study aimed to evaluate whether morroniside can protect against oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in murine C2C12 myoblasts. Our results demonstrate that morroniside pretreatment was able to inhibit cytotoxicity while suppressing H2O2-induced DNA damage and apoptosis. Morroniside also significantly improved the antioxidant capacity in H2O2-challenged C2C12 cells by blocking the production of cellular reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial superoxide and increasing glutathione production. In addition, H2O2-induced mitochondrial damage and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were effectively attenuated by morroniside pretreatment, inhibiting cytoplasmic leakage of cytochrome c and expression of ER stress-related proteins. Furthermore, morroniside neutralized H2O2-mediated calcium (Ca2+) overload in mitochondria and mitigated the expression of calpains, cytosolic Ca2+-dependent proteases. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that morroniside protected against mitochondrial impairment and Ca2+-mediated ER stress by minimizing oxidative stress, thereby inhibiting H2O2-induced cytotoxicity in C2C12 myoblasts.

Possible Causes of Paleosecular Variation and Deflection of Geomagnetic Directions Recorded by Lava Flows on the Island of Hawaii

  • Czango Baag
    • IUGG한국위원회:학술대회논문집
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    • IUGG한국위원회 2003년도 정기총회 및 학술발표회
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    • pp.20-20
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    • 2003
  • In the summers of 1997 and 1998 and in February of 2000 we made 570 measurements of the ambient geomagnetic field 120 cm above the pavement surface of State Route 130, south of Pahoa, the island of Hawaii using a three-component fluxgate magnetometer. We measured at every 15.2 m (50 feet) interval covering a distance of 6, 310 m (20, 704 ft) where both historic and pre-historic highly magnetic basalt flows underlie. We also collected 197 core samples from eight road cuts, 489 specimens of which were subject to AF demagnetizations at 5 - 10 mT level up to a maximum field of 60 mT. We observed significant inclination anomalies ranging from a minimum of $31^{\circ}$ to a maximum $40^{\circ}$ where a uniform inclination value of $36.7^{\circ}$ (International Geomagnetic Reference Field, IGRF) was expected. Since the mean of the observed inclinations is approximately $35^{\circ}$ we assume that the study area is slightly affected by the magnetic terrain effect to a systematically shallower inclinations for being located in the regionally sloping surface of the southern side of the island (Baag, et al., 1995). We observed inclination anomalies showing wider (spacial) wavelength (160 - 600 m) and higher amplitudes in the historic lava flows area than in the northern pre-historic flows. Our observations imply that preexisting inclination anomalies such as those that we observed would have been interpreted as paleosecular variation (PSV). These inclination anomalies can best be attributed to concealed underground highly magnetic dikes, channel type lava flows, on-and-off hydrothermal activities through fissure-like openings, etc. Both the within- and between-site dispersions of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) are largest (up to ${\pm}7^{\circ}$) above the flows of 1955, while the area of pre-historic flows in the northern part of the study area exhibit the smallest dispersion. Nevertheless, mean inclinations of each historic flow of 1955 and 1790 are almost identical to that of the corresponding present field, whereas mean of NRM (after AF demagnetization) inclinations for each of the four pre-historic lava flow units is twelve to thirteen degrees lower than the present field inclination. We observed three cases of very large inclination variations from within a single flow, the best fitting curves of which are linear, second and third order polynomials each from within a single flow, whereas no present field variations are observed. This phenomena can be attributed to the notion that local magnetic anomalies on the surface of an active volcano are not permanent, but are transient. Therefore we believe that local magnetic anomalies of an active volcano may be constantly modified due to on going subsurface injections and circulations of hot material and also due to wide spacial and temporal distribution of highly magnetic basaltic flows that will constantly modify the topography which will in turn modify the local ambient geomagnetic field (Baag, et al., 1995). Our observations bring into question the general reliability of PSV data inferred from volcanic rocks, because on-going various geologic and geophysical activities associated with active volcano would continuously deflect and modify the ambient geomagnetic field.

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동결견에 대한 뜸치료 효과의 체계적 문헌고찰 (A Systematic Review of Moxibustion for Frozen Shoulder)

  • 한시훈;이기언;변다영;김영익;김민균;민부기;임한빛;정연재;오민석
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2019
  • Objectives The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of moxibustion theraphy for frozen shoulder through systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods The effect of moxibustion for frozen shoulder was constructed as a key question to search randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in 16 databases without type of publication restriction. Results A total of 790 studies were searched and 22 RCTs were finally selected through primary and secondary selection/exclusion process. In most of the evaluation indexes used in each study, moxibustion treatment for shoulder pain was statistically significant compared with other treatments. A meta-analysis of effective rate in 10 studies comparing moxibustion with acupuncture and acupuncture showed a statistically significant effect of moxibustion treatment. And there was a significant effect on the improvement of the shoulder mobility, but the effect size of shoulder pain was no significant effect for shoulder pain reduction. In addition in the result of meta-analysis of 4 studies' effective rate comparing moxibustion with electronic acupuncture, the effect of moxibustion was significantly higher than that of electronic acupuncture in frozen shoulder. Conclusions Moxibustion therapy was effective in symptoms in patients with frozen shoulder. However because of the high risk of bias in the quality of the included studies, the applicability of this study seems to be limited. It is thought that future randomized controlled trials will need to be designed and performed by reviewing ways to minimize bias.

인슐린의 포도당 이동 촉진 기전에 관한 연구 -세포내부 미세구조와 Cytochalasin B 결합단백질의 분포- (A Study on the Mechanism of Insulin Sensitivity to Glucose Transport System: Distribution of Subcellular Fractions and Cytochalasin B Binding Proteins)

  • 하종식
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 1990
  • What makes glucose transport function sensitive to insulin in one cell type such as adipocyte, and insensitive in another such as liver cells is unresolved question at this time. Recently it is known that insulin stimulates glucose transport in adipocytes largely by redistributing transporter from the storage pool that is included in a low density microsomal fraction to plasma membrane. Therefore, insulin sensitivity may depend upon the relative distribution of gluscose transporters between the plasma membrane and in an intracellular storage compartment. In hepatocytes, the subcellular distribution of glucose transporter is less well documented. It is thus possible that the apparent insensitivity of the hepatocyte system could be either due to lack of the constitutively maintained, intracellular storage pool of glucose transporter or lack of insulin-mediated transporter translocation mechanism in this cell. In this study, I examined if any intracellular glucose transporter pool exists in hepatocytes and this pool is affected by insulin. The results obtained summarized as followings: 1) Distribution of subcellular fractions of hepatocyte showed that there are $24.9{\pm}1.3%$ of plasma membrane, $36.9{\pm}1.7%$ of nucleus-mitochondria enriched fraction, $23.5{\pm}1.2%$ of lysosomal fraction, $9.6{\pm}1.0%$ of high density microsomal fraction and $4.9{\pm}0.5%$ of low density microsomal fraction. 2) In adipocyte, there were $29.9{\pm}2.6%$ of plasma membrane, $19.4{\pm}1.9%$ of nucleus-mitochondria enriched fraction, $26.7{\pm}1.8%$ of high density microsomal fraction and $23.9{\pm}2.1%$ of low density microsomal fraction. 3) Surface labelling of sodium borohydride revealed that plasma membrane contaminated to lysosomal fraction by $26.8{\pm}2.8%$, high density microsomal fraction by $8.3{\pm}1.3%$ and low density microsomal fraction by $1.7{\pm}0.4%$ respectively. 4) Cytochalasin B bound to all of subcellular fractions with a Kd of $1.0{\times}10^{-6}M$. 5) Photolabelling of cytochalasin B to subcellular fractions occurred on 45 K dalton protein band, a putative glucose transporter and D-glucose inhibited the photolabelling. 6) Insulin didn't affect on the distribution of subcellular fractions and translocation of intracellular glucose transporters of hepatocytes. 7) HEGT reconstituted into hepatocytes was largely associated with plasma membrane and very little was found in low density microsomal fraction which equals to the native glucose transporter distribution. Insulin didn't affect on the distribution of exogeneous glucose transporter in hepatocytes. From the above results it is concluded that insulin insensitivity of hepatocyte may due to lack of intracellular storage pool of glucose transporter and thus intracellular storage pool of glucose transporter is an essential feature of the insulin action.

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