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A Systematic Review of Moxibustion for Frozen Shoulder  

Han, Si-Hoon (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Lee, Gi-Eon (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Byun, Da-Young (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Kim, Young-Ik (Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Kim, Min-Kyun (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Min, Boo-Ki (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Lim, Han-Bit (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Jeong, Yun-Jae (Department of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, Daejeon Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine)
Oh, Min-Seok (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.29, no.3, 2019 , pp. 35-49 More about this Journal
Objectives The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of moxibustion theraphy for frozen shoulder through systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods The effect of moxibustion for frozen shoulder was constructed as a key question to search randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in 16 databases without type of publication restriction. Results A total of 790 studies were searched and 22 RCTs were finally selected through primary and secondary selection/exclusion process. In most of the evaluation indexes used in each study, moxibustion treatment for shoulder pain was statistically significant compared with other treatments. A meta-analysis of effective rate in 10 studies comparing moxibustion with acupuncture and acupuncture showed a statistically significant effect of moxibustion treatment. And there was a significant effect on the improvement of the shoulder mobility, but the effect size of shoulder pain was no significant effect for shoulder pain reduction. In addition in the result of meta-analysis of 4 studies' effective rate comparing moxibustion with electronic acupuncture, the effect of moxibustion was significantly higher than that of electronic acupuncture in frozen shoulder. Conclusions Moxibustion therapy was effective in symptoms in patients with frozen shoulder. However because of the high risk of bias in the quality of the included studies, the applicability of this study seems to be limited. It is thought that future randomized controlled trials will need to be designed and performed by reviewing ways to minimize bias.
Frozen shoulder; Moxibustion; Randomized controlled trial; Systematic review; Meta-analysis;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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