• Title/Summary/Keyword: training manpower

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Curricula Innovation Study for the Advancement of Allied Health Sciences Education through the Current Junior College System (전문대학(專門大學)의 학제(學制) 다양화(多樣化)를 통한 보건계(保健系) 학과(學科)의 계속교육과정(繼續敎育課程) 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Jong-Hak;Whang, Sun-Chul;Rhim, Kook-Hwan;Ham, Yong-Woon;Kim, You-Hyun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.95-120
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    • 1996
  • College level educational training system for the allied health manpower in the country is one of the oldest junior college education programs, and has been developed at very steady phase. Since the school years of the programs limited for 2 to 3 years by the education related law, qualification of the manpower is insufficient to meet the rapidly changing needs in the field of allied health and medicine. The system is comparable with that of developed countries where 4-year baccalaureate degree programs are basically required to be an allied health personnel. Thus, education and training background of allied health program graduates of the country confronts the barriers in competition and cooperation with the graduates of foreign countries at equal basis. Beside, junior college graduates can hardly find the way through advanced courses at 4-year colleges in their specialties except a few programs such as environmental sicience or courses in hygiene. It has long been sought to develop the education and training programs for junior college graduates. Some of them are already materilized and some show remarkable progress while some need to tackle. Wide opening of the opportunity to enroll extensive education program for the junior college graduates of allied health science majors in 4-year colleges with eventual grant of bachelor's degree for those who successfully completed the programs should soon be substantiated. The study was focused to emphasize the necessity of the extensive education and training for the junior college graduate allied health manpower, and to show possibility of the education program development in connection with the 4-year degree granting education programs. The outcome of the study can be summarized as followings. 1. A total number of graduates from eight allied health sciences related programs of junior colleges by the year of 1995 are 109,320. 2. According to the survey report analysed through questionnaires, 99.7% of respondents including administrative deans and professors of junior colleges agreed with the establishment of extensive education and training programs in junior colleges. 53.9% of administrative deans, 52.9% of professors and 47.6% of the graduates expected that it is possible to learn more about their majors, and to earn bachelor's degree through the extensive education programs. Other opinions include that the programs can provide supplementary opportunities to fortify in the area of basic life science, and development of research and technology. 3. It was also found through the survey that 91.2% of the deans, 87.8% of the professors and 68.2% of the graduates responded that the most appropriate organizations to open the extensive education and training programs for allied health manpower are junior colleges where allied health personnel are taught and trained. The majority of the respondents agreed that the acceptable number of credits offered for the previous 2-year junior college graduates are $50\sim60$, and those for the current 3-year graduates are $20\sim30$ units. 4. It was strongly suggested through the survey that baccalaureate degree should be granted for those who successfully completed the extensive courses. The suggestion was claimed by 94.1% of the deans, 89.4% of the professors and 83.4% of the graduates. 5. The model curricula for the extensive education and training programs for the allied health manpower are designed for the purpose of broad capability in practice, enrichment of knowledge and promotion of proficiency for the self access in the major areas. 6. To meet the universal standards of allied health education and training program, it is recommended that opening of the curricula for the extensive, and as well as intensive, courses within junior colleges(continuation education institute) should be materialized. The special baccalaureate degree programs within junior colleges are also recommended to accommodate the junior college graduates and to grant the degree fellowing successful completion of the courses. As a part of the education revolution in progress, the school years at junior college level should be flexible depending upon the nature of course and trend of the universe. For instance, the school years for the allied health manpower should be extended to two to four years from current two to three years.

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A study on a curriculum for information protection specialty manpower training (정보보호 전문 인력 양성을 위한 교육과정 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Moon-Ku
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.811-818
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    • 2004
  • The spreading of internet, combined with the computerization of industry and the life whole has created an incereased demand on the private life protection and information portection, but due to the lack of specialty manpower on the information protection industry field there are many difficulties. Therefore, in this paper a curriculum for an information protection specialty manpower training is proposed. The proposed curriculum indispensability 1,2 and classified with a selection 1,2 and classified with a selection 1,2. The information protection application field into 9 segments of domains, and to carry out the curriculum in a ring structure. The curriculum based on the information security field's 9 domains and related field practical business, and the course offered after graduation to deepen the specialty, need to be carried out by each domain in order to continuously carry out the information security deepening process.

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A TQM case of Centralized Sequential Decision-making Problem

  • Chang, Cheng-Chang;Chu, Yun-Feng
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.131-147
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    • 2003
  • This paper considers that a public department under specialized TQM manpower constraints have to implement multiple total quality management (TQM) policies to promote its service performance (fundamental goal) by adopting a centralized sequential advancement strategy (CSAS). Under CSAS, the decision-makers (DMs) start off by focusing specialized TQM manpower on a single policy, then transfer the specialized TQM manpower to the next policy when the first policy reaches the predetermined implementation time limit (in terms of education and training). Suppose that each TQM policy has a different desirous education and training goal. When the desirous goals for all TQM policies are achieved, we say that the fundamental goal will be satisfied. Within the limitation of total implementation period of time for all policies, assume the desirous goals for all TQM policies cannot be achieved completely. Under this premise, the optimal implementation sequence for all TQM policies must be calculated to maximize the weighted achievement of the desirous goal. We call this optimization problem a TQM case of "centralized sequential decision-making problem (CSDMP)". The achievement of the desirous goal for each TQM policy is usually affected by the experience in prior implemented policies, which makes solving CSDMP quite difficult. As a result, this paper introduces the concepts of sequential effectiveness and path effectiveness. The structural properties are then studied to propose theoretical methods for solving CSDMP. Finally, a numerical example is proposed to demonstrate CSDMP′s usability.

Development of Dynamic Manpower Supply and Demand Model in Software Industry (소프트웨어 산업 동태적 인력수급 모델 개발)

  • Jaerim Jung
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2023
  • The most important thing in digital transformation is SW technology. However, many companies are having difficulty securing SW technology and manpower. In particular, it is reported that the shortage of SW manpower will increase further. The government is carrying out manpower training policies and many support projects to resolve SW manpower supply and demand policies, but accurate predictions of demand and supply of the software industry are essential for these policies to be effectively established. Therefore, this study developed a simulation using a system dynamics methodology that can perform dynamic structural analysis to resolve the supply and demand imbalance in the software industry. System dynamics is appropriate to find the cause and policy alternatives from a dynamic perspective on the imbalance in manpower supply and demand in the software industry. In detail, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) methodology was used to develop a prediction model for manpower demand and supply in the software industry, and scenario analysis was performed to derive policy implications.

A Scheme of Training the MND Information Security Manpower (국방 정보보호 인력 양성 방안)

  • 박상서;최운호
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2001
  • As soon as possible, our military have to trainning the information security manpower for Cyber Warfare, it should be block the foreign infowarrior to go by way of other country from our system. An emergency, we can protect our military information system and this thesis provide checkpoint about how we consider about trainning the infowarrior for future war.

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Factors Affecting on the Work-related Performance Level of TB Control Manpower (결핵관리전담요원의 업무수행정도와 영향요인)

  • Lee, Jin Beom;Kim, Young Im;Choi, Sook Ja;Choi, Young
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.254-261
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of performance of TB control manpower in Korea and to identify the affecting factors associated with it. Methods: This study employed a quantitative observational with cross-sectional design and the subjects were consisted of 189 TB (Tuberculosis) control manpower who were working in both community health centers and private hospitals. Variables included in this study were demographic, social, work-related characteristics, aqhnd self-efficacy. A reliability of the instrument for the performance was Cronbach's ${\alpha}$=.91. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression using SPSS (19th version). Results: The mean value of the degree of work-related performance of TB control manpower was $4.4{\pm}0.49$9 and it was higher than those of general nurses working in any other health care departments. The mean differences in the degree of work-related performance were in self-efficacy, workplace, the number of full charge manpower in TB, the number of participation in in-depth education, and the willingness to job maintenance. In multiple regression analysis, factors associated with TB control manpower' work-related performance were self-efficacy (${\beta}$=.164, p=.025), workplace (${\beta}$=-.186, p=.023), the number of participation in in-depth education(${\beta}$=.339, p<.002), and the willingness to job maintenance (${\beta}$=-.157, p=.036). Conclusion: Results of this study showed that work-related performances of manpower working in private hospital were higher than those of manpower in public health centers. So, it is necessary to enhance nation's active intervention to improve effectiveness and reduction of risk factors in TB policy.

A Study on the Policy of the technical manpower of Small and medium SW companies in the Digital Convergence (디지털 융합시대 중소 SW기업 기술인력의 안정적 확보 정책 연구)

  • Noh, Kyoo-Sung;Yang, Chang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2022
  • Due to COVID-19, non-face-to-face cultures such as remote classes, remote work, and tele-medicine are spreading. The major contributors to the settlement of such a non-face-to-face society are small and medium SW companies and SW manpower. However, recently as large platform companies and foreign big tech companies hire thousands of SW manpower, SW small and medium-sized companies are experiencing a serious manpower shortage. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest policy alternatives for SMEs to stably secure SW manpower and support continuous business operation. To achieve this purpose, this study examines the current status of the SW industry and manpower, then summarizes related issues and suggests policy alternatives to solve these issues. Those policies include the reinforcement of incentives to support manpower retention such as the Naeil Chaeum deduction system, youth housing union composition, special military service system, recruitment of manpower through the contract semester system of employment conditions, reinforcement of customized education through supplementation of the SW manpower training voucher system, SW field skill standardization, establishment of a governance system for nurturing SW manpower, preparation of countermeasures against the outflow of manpower to large companies, and a win-win cooperation program for large and SME SW manpower.

Learning System for Big Data Analysis based on the Raspberry Pi Board (라즈베리파이 보드 기반의 빅데이터 분석을 위한 학습 시스템)

  • Kim, Young-Geun;Jo, Min-Hui;Kim, Won-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.433-440
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    • 2016
  • In order to construct a system for big data processing, one needs to configure the node by using network equipments to connect multiple computers or establish cloud environments through virtual hosts on a single computer. However, there are many restrictions on constructing the big data analysis system including complex system configuration and cost. These constraints are becoming a major obstacle to professional manpower training for big data areas which is emerging as one of the most important national competitiveness. As a result, for professional manpower training of big data areas, this paper proposes a Raspberry Pi Board based educational big data processing system which is capable of practical training at an affordable price.

A Research of Loading Equipment Simulator Development (하역장비 시뮬레이터 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Son, J.K.;Kwon, S.J.;Bae, J.I.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07d
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    • pp.2772-2774
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    • 2000
  • According to the development of marine transportation business and the modernization and over sizing of vessel transportation equipment. shipping equipment used in the terminal are getting more atomized and speedier. thus the efficiency of shipping and discharging depends upon the degree of practice of terminal operating manpower. It means that cultivation of experts in this field is essentially needed and it is becoming a serious problem to guarantee the training programs to provide high-class. high-skilled manpower. The best result can be expected when we use the real equipment for training purposes. but it will cause many difficulties such as budget problem. To overcome this situation. we developed the Virtual Container Crane Simulator(VCCS System) which enables the operator to learn the operation of the equipment as well as safety problems within a short time. VCCS system begins with establishing the direction of operation by setting the appropriate motions for each step. and then it instructs the basic operation. It enhances the driver's ability to cope with accidents during operation and completes and completes the mastery of operating techniques with The repetition of practice.

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A Study on Domestic Information Security Education System (국내 정보보호 교육체계 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Woo;Chai, Seung-Woan;Ryou, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.545-559
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    • 2013
  • There is a limitation on counteracting recent cyber-attacks with only technical security measures because they become more intelligent and large-scale to aim at employees instead of systems directly or to be conducted with unspecified multiple PCs. Thus, comprehensive measures revolved around related manpower are necessary to deal with them. However, domestic information security education system which is the base of professional manpower training lacks medium-and long-term plans for information security education, verification of education programs, and information sharing among educational institutions. This paper suggests information security education development plans for resolving problems on domestic education systems and improving cyber information security environment such as a national information security education master plan, certification system introduction of education programs, and professional manpower database management.