• Title/Summary/Keyword: tracking model

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3-Dimensional Path Planning and Guidance using the Dubins Curve for an 3-DOF Point-mass Aircraft Model (Dubins 곡선을 이용한 항공기 3자유도 질점 모델의 3차원 경로계획 및 유도)

  • O, Su-Hun;Ha, Chul-Su;Kang, Seung-Eun;Mok, Ji-hyun;Ko, Sangho;Lee, Yong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we integrate three degree of freedom(3DOF) point-mass model for aircraft and three-dimensional path generation algorithms using dubins curve and nonlinear path tracking law. Through this integration, we apply the path generation algorithm to the path planning, and verify tracking performance and feasibility of using the aircraft 3DOF point-mass model for air traffic management. The accuracy of modeling 6DOF aircraft is more accurate than that of 3DOF model, but the complexity of the calculation would be raised, in turn the rate of computation is more likely to be slow due to the increase of degree of freedom. These obstacles make the 6DOF model difficult to be applied to simulation requiring real-time path planning. Therefore, the 3DOF point-mass model is also sufficient for simulation, and real-time path planning is possible because complexity can be reduced, compared to those of the 6DOF. Dubins curve used for generating the optimal path has advantage of being directly available to apply path planning. However, we use the algorithm which extends 2D path to 3D path since dubins curve handles the two dimensional path problems. Control law for the path tracking uses the nonlinear path tracking laws. Then we present these concomitant simulation results.

An Implementation of Markerless Augmented Reality and Creation and Application of Efficient Reference Data Sets (마커리스 증강현실의 구현과 효율적인 레퍼런스 데이터 그룹의 생성 및 활용)

  • Koo, Ja-Myoung;Cho, Tai-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.204-207
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents how to implement Markerless Augmented Reality and how to create and apply reference data sets. There are three parts related with implementation: setting camera, creation of reference data set, and tracking. To create effective reference data sets, we need a 3D model such as CAD model. It is also required to create reference data sets from various viewpoints. We extract the feature points from the model image and then extract 3D positions corresponding to the feature points using ray tracking. These 2D/3D correspondence point sets constitute a reference data set of the model. Reference data sets are constructed for various viewpoints of the model. Fast tracking can be done using a reference data set the most frequently matched with feature points of the present frame and model data near the reference data set.

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A Study on the Prediction of the Surface Drifter Trajectories in the Korean Strait (대한해협에서 표층 뜰개 이동 예측 연구)

  • Ha, Seung Yun;Yoon, Han-Sam;Kim, Young-Taeg
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2022
  • In order to improve the accuracy of particle tracking prediction techniques near the Korean Strait, this study compared and analyzed a particle tracking model based on a seawater flow numerical model and a machine learning based on a particle tracking model using field observation data. The data used in the study were the surface drifter buoy movement trajectory data observed in the Korea Strait, prediction data by machine learning (linear regression, decision tree) using the tide and wind data from three observation stations (Gageo Island, Geoje Island, Gyoboncho), and prediciton data by numerical models (ROMS, MOHID). The above three data were compared through three error evaluation methods (Correlation Coefficient (CC), Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE), and Normalized Cumulative Lagrangian Separation (NCLS)). As a final result, the decision tree model had the best prediction accuracy in CC and RMSE, and the MOHID model had the best prediction results in NCLS.


  • Bang, Young-Seok;Lee, Gil-Soo;Huh, Byung-Gil;Oh, Deog-Yeon;Woo, Sweng-Woong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.211-218
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    • 2010
  • An analysis model on debris transport in the containment floor of pressurized water reactors is developed in which the flow field is calculated by Eulerian conservation equations of mass and momentum and the debris particles are traced by Lagrange equations of motion using the pre-determined flow field data. For the flow field calculation, two-dimensional Shallow Water Equations derived from Navier Stokes equations are solved using the Finite Volume Method, and the Harten-Lax-van Leer scheme is used for accuracy to capture the dry-to-wet interface. For the debris tracing, a simplified two-dimensional Lagrangian particle tracking model including drag force is developed. Advanced schemes to find the positions of particles over the containment floor and to determine the position of particles reflected from the solid wall are implemented. The present model is applied to calculate the transport fraction to the Hold-up Volume Tank in Advanced Power Reactors 1400. By the present model, the debris transport fraction is predicted, and the effect of particle density and particle size on transport is investigated.

Vehicle-Tracking with Distorted Measurement via Fuzzy Interacting Multiple Model (Fuzzy Interacting Multiple Model을 이용한 관측왜곡 시스템의 차량추적)

  • Park, Seong-Keun;Hwang, Jae-Pil;Rou, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Eun-Tai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.863-870
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a new filtering scheme for vehicle tracking with distorted measurement is presented. This filtering scheme is essential for the implementation of the adaptive cruise control (ACC) system. The proposed method combines the IMM and the probabilistic fuzzy model and is named as the Fuzzy IMM (FIMM). The IMM is employed to recognize the intention of the preceding vehicle. The probabilistic furry model is introduced to compensate the distortion of the range sensor. Finally, a computer simulation is performed to illustrate the validity of the suggested algorithms.

A model-based adaptive control method for real-time hybrid simulation

  • Xizhan Ning;Wei Huang;Guoshan Xu;Zhen Wang;Lichang Zheng
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.437-454
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    • 2023
  • Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS), which has the advantages of a substructure pseudo-dynamic test, is widely used to investigate the rate-dependent mechanical response of structures under earthquake excitation. However, time delay in RTHS can cause inaccurate results and experimental instabilities. Thus, this study proposes a model-based adaptive control strategy using a Kalman filter (KF) to minimize the time delay and improve RTHS stability and accuracy. In this method, the adaptive control strategy consists of three parts-a feedforward controller based on the discrete inverse model of a servohydraulic actuator and physical specimen, a parameter estimator using the KF, and a feedback controller. The KF with the feedforward controller can significantly reduce the variable time delay due to its fast convergence and high sensitivity to the error between the desired displacement and the measured one. The feedback control can remedy the residual time delay and minimize the method's dependence on the inverse model, thereby improving the robustness of the proposed control method. The tracking performance and parametric studies are conducted using the benchmark problem in RTHS. The results reveal that better tracking performance can be obtained, and the KF's initial settings have limited influence on the proposed strategy. Virtual RTHSs are conducted with linear and nonlinear physical substructures, respectively, and the results indicate brilliant tracking performance and superb robustness of the proposed method.

Structurally Enhanced Correlation Tracking

  • Parate, Mayur Rajaram;Bhurchandi, Kishor M.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.4929-4947
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    • 2017
  • In visual object tracking, Correlation Filter-based Tracking (CFT) systems have arouse recently to be the most accurate and efficient methods. The CFT's circularly shifts the larger search window to find most likely position of the target. The need of larger search window to cover both background and object make an algorithm sensitive to the background and the target occlusions. Further, the use of fixed-sized windows for training makes them incapable to handle scale variations during tracking. To address these problems, we propose two layer target representation in which both global and local appearances of the target is considered. Multiple local patches in the local layer provide robustness to the background changes and the target occlusion. The target representation is enhanced by employing additional reversed RGB channels to prevent the loss of black objects in background during tracking. The final target position is obtained by the adaptive weighted average of confidence maps from global and local layers. Furthermore, the target scale variation in tracking is handled by the statistical model, which is governed by adaptive constraints to ensure reliability and accuracy in scale estimation. The proposed structural enhancement is tested on VTBv1.0 benchmark for its accuracy and robustness.

Performance Analysis of Optimal Tracking Load Balance Scheme in Hierarchical LTE Networks (계층적 LTE 네트워크에서 최적의 트래킹 로드밸런스 기법의 성능분석)

  • Jeon, Minsu;Jeong, Jongpil
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2013
  • Tracking is a process which explores user equipment (UE) in the area of tracking in terms of cells. In this paper, two tracking schemes based on macrocell-microcell tiers in hierarchical LTE networks, PMMT and IMMT, are evaluated. In this network, UE can receive a signal from macrocells and overlapping microcells, and can be called from each macrocell or microcell-tier in the PMMT. Also, the UE can be called from the combined macrocell-tier and microcell-tier in the IMMT. Finally, we analyze the optimization of load balance between marcocell-tier and microcell-tier, and an analytical model is developed to evaluate those two arrangements.

Track-following Control for Disk Surface Defect of Optical Disk Drive Systems. (광디스크 드라이브의 디스크 표면 결함에 대한 트래킹 제어)

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Jeong, Dong-Seul;Chung, Chung-Choo
    • 정보저장시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2005
  • In oprical disk drives, surface defects on a disk distort tracking error signal and disturb a precision tracking control.. A conventional method against disk defect is held the tracking control signal when a defective portion is detected. However, if the defective portion is getting longer, objective lens will get away from following track. In order to keep the postion of spot from following track, the servo system must predict tracking error and control the object lens in the defective portion. A tracking control system for optical disk drives was proposed recently based on both Coprime Factorization(CF) and Zero Phase Erro. Tracking(ZPET) control. The system was proposed for overcome the limit of previously tracking error. But there were no research about the method against the defective portion. This paper proposes a new and simple ZPET construct. as a new method against the defective portion. From experimental results, we have proved that proposed method improves the performance against the defective portion, decreases the uncertainty of a model, and requires less memory than the previously proposed method.

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Object Segmentation/Detection through learned Background Model and Segmented Object Tracking Method using Particle Filter (배경 모델 학습을 통한 객체 분할/검출 및 파티클 필터를 이용한 분할된 객체의 움직임 추적 방법)

  • Lim, Su-chang;Kim, Do-yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.1537-1545
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    • 2016
  • In real time video sequence, object segmentation and tracking method are actively applied in various application tasks, such as surveillance system, mobile robots, augmented reality. This paper propose a robust object tracking method. The background models are constructed by learning the initial part of each video sequences. After that, the moving objects are detected via object segmentation by using background subtraction method. The region of detected objects are continuously tracked by using the HSV color histogram with particle filter. The proposed segmentation method is superior to average background model in term of moving object detection. In addition, the proposed tracking method provide a continuous tracking result even in the case that multiple objects are existed with similar color, and severe occlusion are occurred with multiple objects. The experiment results provided with 85.9 % of average object overlapping rate and 96.3% of average object tracking rate using two video sequences.