• Title/Summary/Keyword: topographical survey

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Ecological Characteristics of Buxus sinica Habitat Distributed on the Ridge of Gyeokjabong(Mt.), Bogildo (보길도 격자봉 일대 능선부에 분포하는 회양목 생육지의 생태적 특성)

  • Soo-Dong Lee;Min-Hwa Jin;Hyun-Kyung Kang;Chung-Hyeon Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.662-675
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    • 2022
  • This study was intended to investigate and analyze the current status of the plant community structure in order to provide basic data for the systematic conservation and management of the Buxus sinica area appearing on the ridgeline connecting the Gyeokjabong(Mt.) and Keungiljae, on Bogildo Island. In consideration of location characteristics such as density, topography, and direction of B. sinica appearing in the shrub layers, a total of 26 sites were set as the survey area for representative vegetation communities or areas with changes in topography. According to DCA and TWINSPAN, it was classified into 6 communities, namely Carpinus turczaninovii-Deciduous broad-leaved, C. turczaninovii, C. turczaninovii-B. sinica, C. turczaninovii-Evergreen broad-leaved, Q. acuta, and D. trifidus-Q. acuta. The community dominated by C. turczaninovii maintains the status quo for the present moment, however, Q. acuta will dominate the surrounding area in the long term, so Q. acuta has high succesion potential. In the case of the Q. acuta and D. trifidus-Q. acuta communities, Q. acuta, known as the climax species of warm-temperate forests, will maintain dominant status. In a case of B. sinica, the community dominated by C. turczaninovii will remain in good status due to the topographical conditions, but the community dominated by Q. acuta growth difficulties are expected due to the high coverage. In the relationship between environmental factors and vegetation distribution, analysis showed that only soil pH affect vegetation distribution. Furthermore, the soil acidity (pH) was 3.78-5.30, the electrical conductivity was 0.186-0.543 dS/m, and the organic matter content was 2.25-2.89%.

Phytosociological Vegetation Classification and Community Characteristics in Maruguem (the Ridge Line) Area of Mt. Jirisan (Yuksipryeong to Cheonwangbong), the Baekdudaegan (백두대간 지리산권역(육십령-천왕봉 구간) 마루금의 식물사회학적 유형분류 및 군집 특성)

  • Song, Ju Hyeon;Kim, Ho Jin;Lee, Jeong Eun;Cho, Hyun Je;Park, Wan Geun;Yun, Chung Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the forest vegetation structure in the Maruguem (ridge line) area from Yuksipryeong to Cheonwangbong, Baekdudaegan, was analyzed using vegetation classification, importance values, species diversity, and NMS. Data were collected using 373 quadrates in a Braun-Blanquet vegetation survey conducted from May to October 2020. Vegetation was classified into nine vegetation units, which were verified using DCA analysis. Vegetation units 1-5, which were grouped by sub-alpine region, showed high importance values, mainly for sub-alpine vegetation, such as Abies koreana, Picea jezoensis, Pinus koraiensis, and Betula ermanii. In Maruguem, which is not high above sea level, importance values for species such as Pinus densiflora and Quercus serrata were high due to the topographical characteristics of the ridge. The A. koreana community (vegetation unit 1-5), which had a relatively high average elevation, had higher species diversity compared with that of other vegetation units. According to NMS analysis, for abiotic environmental factors, there was a positive correlation between vegetation units 1, 2, 4, and 5 and elevation. Overall, this study describes all low-elevation area vegetation (P. densiflora and Lindera erythrocarpa) to high-elevation area vegetation (A. koreana and P. jezoensis) as well as the characteristics of the Baekdudaegan ridge vegetation that did not include valley vegetation.

Ecological Characteristics and Their Implications for the Conservation in the Taehwagang River Estuarine Wetland, Ulsan, South Korea (울산 태화강하구습지의 생태적 특성 및 보전을 위한 제안)

  • Pyoungbeom Kim;Yeonhui Jang;Yeounsu Chu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 2023
  • Estuarine wetlands, which form a distinctive brackish water zone, serve as important habitats for organisms that have adapted to and thrive in this environment. Nonetheless, excessive development and utilization result in artificial disruptions that alter the distinctive functions and attributes of estuarine wetlands. To collect the basic data for the conservation of estuarine wetlands with excellent ecosystems, we investigated the vegetation distribution characteristics and biota status of the Taehwagang River Estuarine Wetland. Data from vegetation surveys have shown that 25 plant communities of six physiognomic vegetation types, including willow vegetation, lotic and lentic herbaceous vegetation, floating/submerged vegetation. In the upper reaches, where topographical diversity was high, various types of wetland vegetation were distributed. In terms of biodiversity, a total of 696 species, including 7 endangered wildlife species, were identified. Due to good ecological connectivity, tidal rivers are formed, brackish water species including various functional groups are distributed around this section. The inhabitation of various water birds, such as diving and dabbler ducks, were confirmed according to the aquatic environment of each river section. The collection of ecological information of the Taehwagang River Estuarine Wetland can be used as a framework for establishing the basis for conservation and management of the estuarine ecosystem and support policy establishment.

Changes in Benthic Polychaete Community after Fish Farm Relocation in the South Coast of Korea (어류양식장 이전 후 저서다모류 군집 변화)

  • Park, Sohyun;Kim, Sunyoung;Sim, Bo-Ram;Park, Se-jin;Kim, Hyung Chul;Yoon, Sang-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.943-953
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate sediment recovery after the relocation of fish cage farms, by examining the changes in sediments and the benthic polychaete community. A preliminary survey was carried out in October 2017, before the relocation of the farms, and monthly surveys were conducted from November 2017 to October 2018 after the farms were moved. Subsequently, it was conducted every 2-3 months until October 2020. The survey was carried out at three stations (Farm1-3) at the location of the removed fish farms and at three control stations (Con1-3) without farms. The overall organic carbon content of the farm stations was higher than the control stations, but it gradually decreased after the farm was demolished, and there was no statistically significant difference about one year after the relocation of the farms (p<0.05). In the benthic polychaete community, abiotic community appeared at the farm stations in the summer, and consequently, the community transitioned to a low-diversity region with the predominant species Capitella capitata, which is an indicator of pollution. Until the abiotic period in the summer of the next year, the species diversity increased and the proportion of indicator species decreased, showing a tendency of recovering the benthic polychaete community, and these changes were repeated every year. In this study, the abiotic community appeared every year owing to the topographical characteristics, but as the survey progressed, the period of abiotic occurrence became shorter and the process of community recovery progressed expeditiously. Biological recovery of sediments after the relocation of the fish farms is still in progress, and it is imperative to study recovery trends through continuous monitoring.

Distribution Characteristics of Land and River Aggregate Resources in Yeongam Area by Deposition Period (영암지역 육상 및 하천 골재의 퇴적 시기별 분포 특성)

  • Jin Cheul Kim;Sei Sun Hong;Jin-Young Lee;Ju Yong Kim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a surface geological survey was first conducted to investigate aggregate resources in the Yeongam area of Jeollanam-do, and a drilling survey was conducted in the lower part of the surface, which was difficult to identify through a surface geological survey, to determine the spatial distribution of aggregates. Drilling sites were selected considering the topographical development and Quaternary alluvium characteristics of the study area, and river aggregate drilling surveys were conducted at a total of 5 points and land aggregate drilling surveys were conducted at a total of 28 points. Borehole core sediments were classified into seven sedimentary units to determine whether they could be used as aggregates, and optically stimulated luminescence dating was performed on representative boreholes to measure the depositional period for each sedimentary unit. As a result of the study, most of the Yeongam area had a very wide river basin, so it was estimated that there would be a large amount of aggregate, but the amount of aggregate was evaluated to be very small compared to other cities and counties. Most of the unconsolidated sedimentary layers in the Yeongam area are composed of blue-grey marine clay with a vertical thickness of more than 10 m. The sand-gravel layer corresponding to the aggregate section is distributed in the lower part of the marine clay, thinly covering the bedrock weathering zone. This is because the amount of aggregates themselves is small and most of the aggregates are distributed at a depth of 10 m below the surface, which is currently difficult to develop, so the possibility of developing aggregates is evaluated to be very low. As a result of dating, it can be seen that the blue-grey marine clay layer is an intertidal sedimentary layer formed as the sea level rose rapidly about 10,000 years ago. The deposition process continued from 10,000 years ago to the present, and as a result, a very thick clay layer was deposited. This clay layer was formed very dominantly for about 6,000 to 8,000 years, and the sand-gravel layer in the section where aggregates deposited in the Pleistocene period can exist was measured to have been deposited at about 13.0 to 19.0 ka, and about 50 ka, showing that it was deposited as paleo-fluvial deposits before the marine transgression process.

A Study on the Establishment and Application of Landscape Height Based on View and Topographical Features - Focusing on the Maximum Height Regulation District around Bukhan Mountain National Park - (조망 및 지형특성에 따른 경관고도 도출과 적용 방안 - 북한산 국립공원 인근의 최고고도지구를 중심으로 -)

  • Chang, In-Young;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Cho, Woo-Hyun;Shin, Young-Sun;Kim, Eon-Gyung;Kwon, Yoon-Ku;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2011
  • The landscape of Seoul was dynamically changed and developed with the rapid post-war economic growth. Seoul city designated a height regulation district to preserve and manage the city landscape and protect it from haphazard construction. The designation of a maximum height regulation district has obvious purpose and simple regulations which makes the implementation and management easy to apply yet the altitude restriction lacks an objective basis for its enforcement. Many studies have been done and the current uniform height regulation requires more objective and logical guidelines. This study selected the Bukhan Mountain area, a National Park designated to protect the environment, to present a new landscape height guideline to minimize environmental degradation and to harmonize the artificial and natural landscapes of the area. Document research was done to identify the regulation types(absolute height regulation, view line regulation, oblique line restriction regulation) and principles for height regulation district establishment, acknowledge the current status and issues of the Bukhan Mountain area's maximum height regulation district. Gangbuk-Gu was chosen as the site and survey was conducted on outstanding view points and view corridors of residents. From document research, an appropriate landscape height guideline was selected and applied to Gangbuk-Gu. According to the guideline, suitable heights for buildings were suggested. These were then applied to three-dimensional simulations and a final guideline was suggested.

A Study on the Valley Shapes with Different Parent Rocks in Yeongnam Area (영남지역(嶺南地域) 주요(主要) 모암별(母岩別) 곡간(谷間)의 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Eul-Soo;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Kim, Min-Tae;Jung, Ki-Yuol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to obtain the basic information to increase the practical use of soil survey data through the subdividing of valley shapes with soil sequences due to different parent rocks, and to study the relationship between the valley shapes and parent rock. The various rocks such as sedimentary(gray shale and sand stone) and igneous rocks(granite, granite gneiss and andesite porphyry) which are the major parent rocks in Yeongnam area were investigated. The characteristics of valleys formed and the kinds of soils derived from different rocks were analysed by using aerial photographs and topographical maps scaled 1:5,000. The rill density in igneous rock area was as high as 40. But the rill bifurcation ratio of first order stream was higher in the sedimentary than the igneous rocks except granite area. The mean slope of valleys in igneous areas was about 8%, which was higher than that of the sedimentary areas. The variability of valley width in the complexly metamorphosed rock, such as granite gneiss, and andesite porphyry, was greater than in sedimentary and in granite rocks. Based on the variability of valley widths and valley slopes, it was possible to classify the valleys into two types. The "Uterus-shaped valleys" had wide variability of valley width and were located in the areas of granite gneiss and andesite porphry rocks. while the "Roots-shaped valleys" had narrow variability of valley width and were located in the sedimentary areas. "Uterus-shaped valleys" were typified by having land forms of mountain foot slopes and alluvial fans, and the soil drainage sequences also had complexities. So that, we concluded that the variability of valley width and valley slopes was associated with kinds of parent rocks and metamorphism which influences soil sequence and characteristics.

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A study on the utilization of drones and aerial photographs for searching ruins with a focus on topographic analysis (유적탐색을 위한 드론과 항공사진의 활용방안 연구)

  • Heo, Ui-Haeng;Lee, Wal-Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.22-37
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    • 2018
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have attracted considerable attention both at home and abroad. The UAV is equipped with a camera that shoots images, which is advantageous for access to areas where archaeological investigations are not possible. Moreover, it is possible to acquire three-dimensional spatial image information by modeling the terrain through aerial photographing, and it is possible to specify the interpretation of the terrain of the survey area. In addition, if we understand the change of the terrain through comparison with past aerial photographs, it will be very helpful to grasp the existence of the ruins. The terrain modeling for searching these remains can be divided into two parts. First, we acquire the aerial photographs of the current terrain using the drone. Then, using image registration and post-processing, we complete the image-joining and terrain-modeling using past aerial photographs. The completed modeled terrain can be used to derive several analytical results. In the present terrain modeling, terrain analysis such as DSM, DTM, and altitude analysis can be performed to roughly grasp the characteristics of the change in the form, quality, and micro-topography. Past terrain modeling of aerial photographs allows us to understand the shape of landforms and micro-topography in wetlands. When verified with actual findings and overlapping data on the modelling of each terrain, it is believed that changes in hill shapes and buried Microform can be identified as helpful when used in low-flying applications. Thus, modeling data using aerial photographs is useful for identifying the reasons for the inability to carry out archaeological surveys, the existence of terrain and ruins in a wide area, and to discuss the preservation process of the ruins. Furthermore, it is possible to provide various themes, such as cadastral maps and land use maps, through comparison of past and present topographical data. However, it is certain that it will function as a new investigation methodology for the exploration of ruins in order to discover archaeological cultural properties.

Prediction of Acer pictum subsp. mono Distribution using Bioclimatic Predictor Based on SSP Scenario Detailed Data (SSP 시나리오 상세화 자료 기반 생태기후지수를 활용한 고로쇠나무 분포 예측)

  • Kim, Whee-Moon;Kim, Chaeyoung;Cho, Jaepil;Hur, Jina;Song, Wonkyong
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2022
  • Climate change is a key factor that greatly influences changes in the biological seasons and geographical distribution of species. In the ecological field, the BioClimatic predictor (BioClim), which is most related to the physiological characteristics of organisms, is used for vulnerability assessment. However, BioClim values are not provided other than the future period climate average values for each GCM for the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) scenario. In this study, BioClim data suitable for domestic conditions was produced using 1 km resolution SSPs scenario detailed data produced by Rural Development Administration, and based on the data, a species distribution model was applied to mainly grow in southern, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gangwon-do and humid regions. Appropriate habitat distributions were predicted every 30 years for the base years (1981 - 2010) and future years (2011 - 2100) of the Acer pictum subsp. mono. Acer pictum subsp. mono appearance data were collected from a total of 819 points through the national natural environment survey data. In order to improve the performance of the MaxEnt model, the parameters of the model (LQH-1.5) were optimized, and 7 detailed biolicm indices and 5 topographical indices were applied to the MaxEnt model. Drainage, Annual Precipitation (Bio12), and Slope significantly contributed to the distribution of Acer pictum subsp. mono in Korea. As a result of reflecting the growth characteristics that favor moist and fertile soil, the influence of climatic factors was not significant. Accordingly, in the base year, the suitable habitat for a high level of Acer pictum subsp. mono is 3.41% of the area of Korea, and in the near future (2011 - 2040) and far future (2071 - 2100), SSP1-2.6 accounts for 0.01% and 0.02%, gradually decreasing. However, in SSP5-8.5, it was 0.01% and 0.72%, respectively, showing a tendency to decrease in the near future compared to the base year, but to gradually increase toward the far future. This study confirms the future distribution of vegetation that is more easily adapted to climate change, and has significance as a basic study that can be used for future forest restoration of climate change-adapted species.

A Case Study on the Development of Environment Friendly Citrus Farming in Jeju - Focusing on Graduate Farms of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (제주 친환경 감귤 농업 발전을 위한 사례연구 - 한농대 졸업생 농가를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, S.K.;Kim, J.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to find what difficulties the agricultural successors, the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF) graduates, face with in implementing eco-friendly agriculture in Jeju, and what solutions they can be provided with. This research, a case study on the basis of open-ended survey questions, has 6 cases out of 8 graduates who have or had implemented eco-friendly citrus farming. In Jeju, 24 graduates have involved in citrus farming. According to the case study, only one case was environment-friendly farming method at the pesticide-free level, and the others at organic farming level. All the cases have tried to alter main crops or to diversify management for coping with global climate change and market-opening. On analyzing operating cost to gain product of merchantable quality, it revealed that the environment-friendly farming method needs much more managing efforts than the conventional farming does. But to the contrary, the materials cost in the environment-friendly farming method was lower than in the conventional farming method. In the total production and the price, the environment-friendly farming was 20~50% lower and 10~50% higher than the conventional farming, respectively. Difficulties which the graduates confronted with in implementing the environment-friendly agriculture are as below. Firstly, many of the difficulties have resulted from lack of the environment-friendly farming techniques, and the high cost of farm scale improvement due to high price of land and topographical features of Jeju. Secondly, the agricultural successors, the KNCAF graduates, have trouble in obtaining approval of their parents to changeover from the conventional farming to the environment-friendly farming. Lastly, there is no advisory organizations and experts for environment-friendly farming in the given area. For shift to the environment-friendly farming, followings are needed. Agricultural Technology & Extension center, with cooperation of leading farms in environment-friendly farming, should have a key role in offering education and consults on the environment-friendly farming techniques. Also, this organization should inform rapidly the research results to the farmers, and their feed-back should be involved in the next research. Therefore, it is suggested that the forum called 'Environment-friendly Organic Farming Forum in Jeju' tentatively is organized.