• Title/Summary/Keyword: time geography

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Spatial Distribution of Aging District in Taejeon Metropolitan City (대전광역시 노령화 지구의 공간적 분포 패턴)

  • Jeong, Hwan-Yeong;Ko, Sang-Im
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2000
  • This study is to investigate and analyze regional patterns of aging in Taejeon Metropolitan city-the overpopulated area of Choong-Cheong Province-by cohort analysis method. According to the population structure transition caused by rapid social and economic changes, Korea has made a rapid progress in population aging since 1970. This trend is so rapid that we should prepare for and cope with aging society. It is not only slow to cope with it in our society, but also there are few studies on population aging of the geographical field in Korea. The data of this study are the reports of Population and Housing Censuses in 1975 and 1985 and General Population and Housing Censuses with 10% sample survey in 1995 taken by National Statistical Office. The research method is to sample as the aging district the area with high aged population rate where the populations over 60 reside among total population during the years of 1975, 1985, 1995 and to sample the special districts of decreasing population where the population decreases very much and the special districts of increasing population in which the population increases greatly, presuming that the reason why aged population rate increases is that non-elderly population high in mobility moves out. It is then verified and ascertained whether it is true or not with cohort analysis method by age. Finally regional patterns in the city are found through the classification and modeling by type based on the aging district, the special districts of decreasing population, and the special districts of increasing population. The characteristics of the regional patterns show that there is social population transition and that non-elderly population moves out. The aging district with the high aged population rate is divided into high-level keeping-up type, relative falling type below the average of Taejeon city in aging progress, and relative rising type above the average of the city. This district can be found at both the central area of the city and the suburbs because Taejeon city has the characteristic of over-bounded city. But it cannot be found at the new built-up area with the in-migration of large population. The special districts of decreasing population where the population continues to decrease can be said to be the population doughnuts found at the CBD and its neighboring inner area. On the other hand, the special districts of increasing population where the population continues to increase are located at the new built-up area of the northern part in Taejeon city. The special districts of decreasing population are overlapping with the aging district and higher in aged population rate by the out-migration of non-elderly population. The special districts of increasing population are not overlapping with the aging district and lower in aged population rate by the in-migration of non-elderly population. To clarify the distribution map of the aging district, the special districts of decreasing and increasing population and the aging district are divided into four groups such as the special districts of decreasing population group-the same one as the aging district, the special districts of decreasing population group, the special districts of increasing population group, and the other district. With the cohort analysis method by age used to investigate the definite increase and decrease of aging population through population transition of each group, it is found that the progress of population aging is closely related to the social population fluctuation, especially that aged population rate is higher with the out-migration of non-elderly population. This is to explain each model of CBD, inner area, and the suburbs after modeling the aging district, the special districts of decreasing population, and the special districts of increasing population in Taejeon city. On the assumption that the city area is a concentric circle, it is possible to divide it into three areas such as CBD(A), the inner area(B), and the suburbs(C). The special districts of increasing and decreasing population in the city are divided into three districts-the special districts of decreasing population(a), the special districts of increasing population(b), and the others(c). The aging district of this city is divided into the aging district($\alpha$) and the others($\beta$). And then modeling these districts, it is probable to find regional patterns in the city. $Aa{\alpha}$ and $Ac{\beta}$ patterns are found in the CBD, in which $Aa{\alpha}$ is the special district of decreasing population and is higher in aged population rate because of aged population low in mobility staying behind and out-migration of non-elderly population. $Ba{\alpha}$, $Ba{\beta}$, $Bb{\beta}$, and $Bc{\beta}$ patterns are found in the inner area, in which neighboring area $Ba{\alpha}$ pattern is located. $Bb{\beta}$ pattern is located at the new developing area of newly built apartment complex. $Cb{\beta}$, $Cc{\alpha}$, and $Cc{\beta}$ patterns are found in the suburbs, among which $Cc{\alpha}$ pattern is highest in population aging. It is likely that the $Cc{\beta}$ under housing land readjustment on a large scale will be the $Cb{\beta}$ pattern. As analyzed above, marriage and out-migration of new family, non-elderly population, with house purchase are main factors in accelerating population aging in the central area of the city. Population aging is responsible for the great increase of aged population with longer life expectancy by the low death rate, the out-migration of non-elderly population, and the age group of new aged population in the suburbs. It is necessary to investigate and analyze the regional patterns of population aging at the time when population problems caused by aging as well as longer life expectancy are now on the increase. I hope that this will help the future study on population aging of the geographical field in Korea. As in the future population aging will be a major problem in our society, local autonomy should make a plan for the problem to the extent that population aging progresses by regional groups and inevitably prepare for it.

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The concept of Sang(象) and its application in the Oriental Medicine (상(象)의 개념(槪念)과 한의학적(韓醫學的) 적용(適用))

  • Baek, Yu-Sang;Park, Chan-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.92-109
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    • 1999
  • They say Y$\breve{o}$k'ak(易學) is the root of Oriental studies. This means philosophy, astronamy, geography, medicine, music, numbers are all based on Yin-Yang, and Five phases theory of Y$\breve{o}$k'ak. Nowadays studies are very much specialized but as we go back to old times, we cannot dearly set these studies apart. All the studies can be comprehensively understood with Y$\breve{o}$k'ak(易學). The original purpose of Y$\breve{o}$k'ak is to predict future with highly symbolized signs, Sang-Su(象數). However you cannot fully understand Y$\breve{o}$k'ak without knowing the principle of change in Sang-Su itself. We have to keep thinking about how we should further study Y$\breve{o}$k'ak, treat diseases with Sang-Su, and how Sang-Su can be used in medicine. As a previous step to this process, I will consider relationship of Y$\breve{o}$k'ak and medicine in this paper. This study will help us to set the goal and method in studying medicine. Conclusions of this paper are following: 1. The purpose of understanding a subject is to understand the principle of the subject. The principle of every subject can be turned into principle of changes in the universe. This principle is not affected by time nor space. It is only seen through the changes of subjects. 2. The reason we cannot easily understand the principle is that we have biased mind. How we should overcome this is through developing virtue, and by keep inspecting things over and over. 3. We see the outcome of changes inside but we should not neglect the principle. Therefore we see the principle through Sang. Sang is in between Principle(理) and Things(物), thereby has characteristics of both. Which means it is much like Principle but specific Things is related and it is much like Things but it is not easily understood. 4. There are various kinds of Sang. Mind-Sang(心象) is an image that comes before expressing it with symbols or words. When it is expressed in symbols or words, it is no longer considered as same Sang. Sang in symbol are Kwaesang(卦象), Hyosang(爻象) and Sang in words is Kyesa(卦辭). The characteristic of all these Sang is that it cannot be explained through the logics. 5. If we call Sanghak as the study with Sang, the method is same as that of understanding the principle. The fundamental purpose of Sanghak is to understand the principle of things and then apply this principle to the practical world so that the world can be a better place. So I would say Sanghak is the study of a saint and a ruler. 6. Since the object of medicine is human being who are the mixture of Principle and Ki, we can use Sang which is also related to both Principle and Ki. Actually terms we use in Oriental medicine are not easily understood without the knowledge of Sanghak. 7. When we diagnose a patient, we are looking for Sang that comes from the body inside. When we do the treatment, we cannot neglect the original change that's happening in our body. Therefore studying Sang is a necessary step to do the full diagnosis and treatment. 8. The method of studying medicine is first to get rid of biased mind, taking right Sang from various classics and then apply those Sang to actual situations.

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Distribution and Petrology of the Columnar Joint in South Korea (남한에서 주상절리의 분포와 암석학적 특성)

  • Ahn, Kun Sang
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2014
  • This study has been designed to collate distribution, morphology, petrology of columnar joint in South Korea. Reported columnar joint areas in South Korea are 68, until the present time. These can be divided into five group by geography and volcanic activity. 1) The 16 columnar joint areas are distributed in Hantangang region. The 15 areas in this region are composed of basaltic lava in the Quaternary period, and the other 1 area is composed of volcanic rocks in the Cretaceous period. 2) The 18 columnar joint areas are distributed in Jeju island. Most of them are composed of basaltic lava(alkali basalt and Hawaiite), and the Sanbangsan and Baegrokdam area are composed of trachyte in the Quaternary period. Colonnade, entablature and chisel mark of the columnar joint are typically occur in basaltic lava. 3) The 5 columnar joint areas are distributed into the Ulleung island and Dokdo including Guksubawi. These are consisted of relatively well-formed trachyte columns in the Quaternary period. 4) The 8 columnar joint areas are distributed into the Pohang, Gyeongju and Ulsan region and consist of the Tertiary period volcanic rock. It's shape are dome, radial, horizontal and vertical. The 4 columnar joint areas are reported in the Pyeongtaek and Asan city of Chungcheongnamdo and Gosung of Gangwondo. All of them are the Tertiary period basalt. 5) The 15 columnar joint areas are distributed into the west and south coast region. Those are consisted of various rock type(from basalt to dacite), various occurrences(lava flow to welded tuff), and various diameters(20 cm to several meters). The columnar joint of Mudeung mountain and Juwang mountain are welded tuff in the Cretaceous period. The columnar joint is distributed over a wide area in South Korea, 5 in Gangwondo, 13 in Gyeonggido, 2 in Chungnam, 14 in Gyeongbuk, 1 in Jeonbuk, 10 in Jeonnam, 5 in Gyeongnam, and 18 in Jeju. The columnar joints in South Korea can be arranged in order of formative period, 18 in the Cretaceous period, 12 in the Tertiary period, and 38 in the Quaternary period. By magma series, 36 are belong to alkaline series and 32 are belong to sub-alkaline series.

A Study of Unregistered Manufacturing Plants: Their Problems and Alternative Policies (首都圈 無登錄工場 問題와 對策에 관한 硏究)

  • Hwang, Man-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.489-507
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the increasing number of unregistered manufacturing plants and related problems, and to recommend alternative solutions to the problems. Data are obtained from a field survey of randomly selected small scale manufacturing plants in Seoul and its suburban cities. A total number or respondents are 533, and 416 of them are unregistered plants. The Capital Regional Planning has had a goal during last three decades to lead a balanced regional economic development by restriction manufacturing plants in the Capital Region and by encouraging them in other regions in the nation. It was 1984 when a comprehensive planning was established to achieve this goal. Sets of various regulations, by-laws and codes have been implemented to regulate manu-facturing activities in the Capital Region to achieve the goal. The region is divided into three sub-regions, and a different degree of regulations is applied to each sub-region. Only a certain types of industries are allowed in a particular sub-region. For instance, a plant manufacturing high-technology products could be allowed in the most urbanized sub-region. All manu-facturing plant in the Capital Region which has ares size of larger than 200"\;"$m^2$ is compulsory to register to the local government office. In practice, however, it is not common or sometimes almost impossible to get approval for many applicant manufacturers because of strict regulations. There have been increasing number of plants in the Capital Region during last several decades, despite the strict regulations. Many of those newly established plants are without formal registration at the local administration office. howerver. These are so called 'unregisterd' plants. Surveyed data and many government official data show that many of unregistered plants have been established in recent years. which indicate that current regulations are no longer effective. The number of unregistered plants are increasing tin the Capital Region because of many locational advantages in the region for plants, particularly those in small scale. Unregistered plants are the source of many problems, such as local water pollution or noise pollution in residential areas. There are also many administration problems, bed\cause they are not registered. The central government has attempted to cure the problems of unregistered plants. For example, the government allowed a unregistered plant to remain at present site for three ydars, if it met certain conditions in three years. However, this program was unsuccessful because many of those plants were not able to meet the concitions. Three times the government renewed the term for those which did not meet conditions since 1989, but it was afraid to be without success. There are many evidences that current policies to control manufacturing plants are not effective. The Capital Region must face mounting problems if ploicies are not reformed soon. This study suggests that the policy of the Capital Regional Planning has to be reoriented to provide more favorable policies for manufacturing plants in the Capital Region than current regulations which is aimed to restrict manufacturing activities. It is time to improve many existing problems in the region through reforms and of current regulations to foster unregistered plants. This study also proposes many smaller-area sub-divisions instead of current three large area sub-regions which is too broad to apply single kind of regulation, or codes. Flexible regulations and codes can be applied to such a small-area sub-divivisions based on location and industrial characteristics of the individual sub-divisions. It is necessary to provide decent industrial environment in the Capital Region, which is best equipped to provide many favorable industrial locational factors in the nation, thus this nation can be further prepared to compete in an inter-national market at an era of globalization in manufacturing.

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Analysis on Social Area of Taegu (대구시의 사회지역분석)

  • Choi, Seok-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 1997
  • Today, rapid progress of urbanization is discovered commonly in many countries, especially in developing countries, which has led to spatial order and development process of city. Historically, Taegu was a walled city and formed mono-nucleus which was restricted by the castle. As the city grew gradually, the castle was removed as a result of diversification in traffic network, change of socio-economic environment, formation of industrial base and functional distribution. According to reconstruction maps of residential patterns, there was distinctive residential segregation among ethnic groups. Koreans in Taegu in 1939, aggregated densely in the southern and western parts of the city. The Japanese were concentrated densely in the northern and eastern parts of Taegu. And the street pattern within residential areas of the Korean people was shaped like a maze type in contrast with Japanese residential areas, which showed grid pattern of streets. This is another general pattern of almost all colonial cities, especially in Asia. Through this process, today it appears that, out of overall residential areas which occupy the highest ratio in urban land use, those for eminent people influence the functional development of urban spatial structure very heavily as a key point in urban residetial structure. Truly, residential segregation can be seen as the spatial manifestation of uneven distribution of such important scarce resources as housing and residential environment. In this study, the characteristics of locational distribution of the eminent people show their socially and economically stabilized standing in Taegu, taking the aforesaid situation as a background of the study. And the process of this study is as follows ; to examine the forming process of residential areas in the city as a theoretical supporting, to put in order on classical interpretation to formation of residential areas, and general type modern residential areas formation, and economic decision factor of land use. Therefore, this study aims to examine growth and development of eminent persons' residential areas and, at the same time, extract locational characteristics through the pattern of eminent persons' location and predict changes in the future.

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Assessment of Natural Environment - II. Based on the Plant Taxa of the Natural Parks and Ulleung island- (자연환경 평가 -II. 국내 자연공원과 울릉도의 식물군을 이용하여-)

  • 김철환;이희천
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2001
  • This study aims to compare and analyze the environment of natural parks and Ulleung island using the plant taxa classified by five degrees based on their distributional ranges. The scores differentially given based on the importance of each degree; taxa belonging to the fifth degree are given to 20 scores each, fourth 10, third 5, second 3.3, and first 2.5, respectively. The total assessed scores were ranked as Mt. Halla, Seorak, Jiri, Deokyu, Is. Ulleung, Mt. Sobaek, Odae, Palgong, Chink, Taebaek, Songni, Juwang, Gaya, Duryun, Gaeryong, Bukhan, Naebyeon, Worak, Naejang, Cheongryang, Naeyeon, Myeongii, Jokye, Mudeung, Wolchul, Geumo, Juheul, Biseul, Hwangmae, Jangan, Seonun, Moak, Seonam, Chilgap, and Gibaek, in order, respectively. It is suggested that the natural environments assessing more than 1,000 of total scores such as Mt. Halla and Mt. Deokyu are regarded as the most excellent ones, and those between 700 to 1,000 of total scores such as Is. Ulleung and Mt. Odae are regarded as relatively excellent ones. Natural parks scored between 500 to 700 such as Mt. Palgong and Mt. Gaya are regarded as good ones and parks scored between 300 to 500 such as Mt. Duryun and Mt. Mudeung are regarded as normal ones. The area assessed less than 300 of total scores such as Mt. Wolchul and Mt. Gibaek are regarded as the most inferior ones. The total scores of the national parks are generally higher than those of the provincial and county parks. In addition, Ulleung island has a total of 882.9 scores. Therefore, according to the IUCN the Ulleung island should be included in the criterion of the preservative model of natural ecosystem, suggested by Ministry of Environment. At the same time, Ulleung island should be included to the superior model of natural scenery resources by its uniqueness of topography, geography and natural environments. Ulleung island is assessed as having relatively excellent natural environments as compared with other national parks, suggesting that the island should be designated as a new national park.

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A Historical Study on Fruits in Korea (우리나라 과실류(果實類)의 역사적(歷史的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kang, Choon-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.301-311
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    • 1990
  • The agriculture of Korea was begun in the neolithic era partly and generalized around 4,000 B.C. Discovery of acorn and stoneworks used in agriculture in neolithic era in 8,000 B.C to 6,000 B.C suggests that prehistoric ancestors of Korean night use acorn, hazel-nuts, and haws, etc. as foods. Cultivation of chestnuts, peaches, plums, pears, and japanese apricots was found in Mahan, the tribal states, and in the period of three kingdoms and Balhae dynasty too. In the period of Koryo, pears, plums, japanese apricots, pine nuts, apricots, grapes, jujubes, gingko nuts, oranges, and citrons were cultivated and used in diet. Sejongsilrokjiriji(1454), a geography of the early chosun, and Sinjungtonggukyojisungnam(1492) show that they cultivated almost all fruits we are now cultivating such as hazel-nuts, haws, nutmeg nut, and so on. Loquats seem to be brought in the early chosun era and figs around 16th century. Pecans, sweet cherries were brought around 1,900 and recently tropical fruits like kiwis were brought in and used in a large scale. In addition, Some fruits were used in medical treatments. Fruits increase the pleasure of the diet and sometimes they are used as a measure of a standard of living. Fruits have been improved and used for a long time, their status in our diet will be maintained resolutly.

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Improvement of GPS positioning accuracy by static post-processing method (정적 후처리방식에 의한 GPS의 측위정도 개선)

  • 김민선;신현옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.251-261
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    • 2003
  • To measure the GPS position accuracy and its distribution according to the length of the baseline, 30 minutes to 24 hours observations at the fixed location were conducted with two GPS receivers (Ll, 12 channels) on May 29 to June 2, 2002. The GPS data received at the reference station, the rover station and the ordinary times GPS observation station operated by the National Geography Institute in Korea were processed in kinematic and static post-processing methods with a post -processing software. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The number of the satellite that could be observed continuously more than six hours was 16 and most of these satellites were positioned at east-west direction on May 31, 2002. The number of the satellite observed and the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) determined by the average of every 10 minute for the day were 8 and 3.89, respectively. 2. Both the average GPS positions before and after post-processing were shifted (standalone: 1.17 m, post -processing: 0.43m) to the south and west. The twice distance root mean square (2drms) measured with standalone was 6.65m. The 2drms could be reduced to 33.8% (standard deviation 0=17.2) and 5.3% (0=2.2) of standalone by the kinematic and the static post-processing methods, respectively. 3. The relationship between the length of the baseline x (km) and the 2drms y (m) obtained by the static post-processing method was y=0.00l6x+0.006 $(R^2=0.87)$. In the case of the positioning with the static post-processing method using the GPS receiver, it was found that a positioning within 20cm 2drms was possible when the length of the baseline was less than 100km and the receiving time of the GPS is more than 30 minutes.

Flexible Specialization: A New Paradigm for Modern Industrial Society ? (柔軟的 專門化(Flexible Specialization) : 현대 産業社會의 새로운 패러다임 ?)

  • Lee, Deog-An
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.148-162
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    • 1993
  • There is much speculation that modern capi-talist society is undergoing fundamental and qualitative chnge towards flexible specialization. The purpose of this study is to examine this hypothesis. This paper focusses on: the idea of flexible specialization; the significance of this transition; industrial district; and the implicati-ons of this new production system for Korean industrial space. Main arguments of this study are as follows: First, as all different groups of researchers apply the idea of flexible specialization according to their own specifications, the current debate on this topic is not much fruitful. Not surpri-singly, the concept of flexible specialization has overlapped with subocontracting. This intergration of subcontracting into flexible specialization systems, however, is inappropriate because the two concepts have different historical contexts. The other cause of this controversy is its inherent weekness, conceptual ambiguity. Thus, today's flexibility becomes tomorrow's rigidity. Secondly, transition towards flexible speciali-zation has only been partially achieved even in advanced capitalist countries. The application of dualistic explanatory framework, such as rigidity versus flexibiity, mass production versus small-lot multi-product production, and de-skilling versus re-skilling, has resulted in great exaggeration of the transformation, from Fordism to post-Fordism. There is no intermediary part between two places. Considering that the workers allocated to the Fordist mass production assembly line are not as large as one might imagine, the shift from mass to flexible production has only limited implications for the transformation of capitalist economy. Thirdly, 'industrial district' contorversy has contributed to highlighting the importance of small firms and areas as production space. The agglomeration of small firms in specific areas is common in Korea, but it is quite different from the industrial district based on flexible specialization. The Korean phenomenon stems from close interactions with its major parent firm rather than interactions between flexible, specialized, autonomous and technology-intensive smll firms. Most Korean subcontractors are still low-skilled, labour-intensive, and heavily dependent on their mojor parent firms. Thus, the assertion that the Seoul Metropolitan Area adopts flexible specialization has no base. Fourthly, the main concern of flexible speciali zation is small firms. However, the corporate organization that needs product diversification and technological specialization is oligopolistic large corporations typified by multinational corporations. It is because of this that most of these organizations are adoptiong Fordist mass production methods. The problem of product diversification will be resolved naturally if economic internationalization progresses further. What is more important for business success is the quality and price competitiveness of firms rather than product diversification. Lastly, in order to dispel further misunderst-anding on this issue, it is imparative that the conceptual ambiguity is resolved most urgently. This study recommends adoption of more speci-fied and direct terminology (such as, factory automation, computer design, out-sourcing, the exploitation of part-time labor, job redesign) rather than that of ideological ones (such as, Taylorism, Fordism, neo-Taylorism, neo-Fordism, post-fordism, flexible specialization, peripheral post-Fordism). As the debates on this topic just started, we still have long way to go until consensus is reached.

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Geomorphic Features of Bing-gye Valley Area(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) -Mainly about Talus- (의성 빙계계곡 일대의 지형적 특성 -테일러스를 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 1998
  • Bing-gye valley(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) is well known as a tourist attraction because of its meteorologic characteristics that show subzero temperature during midsummer. Also, there are some interesting geomorphic features in the valley area. Therefore, the valley is worth researching in geomorphology field. The aim of this paper is to achieve two purposes. These are to clarify geomorphic features on talus within Bing-gye valley area, and to infer the origin of Bing-gye valley. The main results are summarized as follows. 1) The formation of Bing-gye valley It would be possible to infer the following two ideas regarding the formation of Bing-gye valley. One is that the valley was formed by differential erosion of stream along fault line, and the other is that the rate of upheaval comparatively exceeded the rate of stream erosion. Especially, the latter may be associated with the fact that the width of the valley is much narrow. Judging that the fact the width of the valley is much narrow, compared with one of its upper or lower valley, it is inferred that Bing-gye valley is transverse valley. 2) The geomorphic features of talus (1) Pattern It seems to be true that the removal of matrix(finer materials) by the running water beneath the surface can result in partly collapse hollows. Taluses are tongue-shaped or cone-shaped in appearance. They are $120{\sim}200m$ in length, $30{\sim}40m$ in maximum width. and $32{\sim}33^{\circ}$ in mean slope gradient. The component blocks are mostly homogeneous in size and shape(angular), which reflect highly jointed free face produced by frost action under periglacial environment. (2) Origin On the basis of previous studies, the type of the talus is classified into rock fall talus. When considered in conjunction with the degrees of both weathering of blocks and hardness of blocks, it can be explained that the talus was formed under periglacial environment in pleistocene time. (3) The inner structure of block accumulation I recognize a three-layered structure in the talus as follows: (a) superficial layer; debris with openwork texture at the surface, 1.3m thick. (b) intermediate layer: small debris(about 5cm in diameter) with fine matrix(including humic soil), 70cm thick. (c) basal layer: over 2m beneath surface, almost pure soil horizon without debris (4) The stage of landform development Most of the blocks are now covered with lichen, and/or a mantle of weathering. It is believed that downslope movement by talus creep well explains the formation of concave slope of the talus. There is no evidence of present motion in the deposit. Judging from above-mentioned facts, the talus of this study area appears to be inactive and fossil landform.

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