• Title/Summary/Keyword: thought record

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China's Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications for Global Development

    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.91-118
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    • 2021
  • China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is China's contribution to the need for the world to collectively address deficits of peace, development, governance, and problems relating to climate, the environment and human health. The rise of China and the BRI do challenge the current 'rules-based global order' and the economic dominance and moral, political, economic, and cultural leadership of the United States and its allies. However, China's goal is not hegemony but a multipolar world in which common values coexist with principles of peaceful coexistence (including non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states). The evolution of the BRI is outlined, and the ways in which it reflects Chinese interests are summarized, including its roles in addressing natural resource dependence and excess capacity, a transition from investment promotion and factor-intensive growth to going out and industrial upgrading, going West, and the effective deployment of China's foreign exchange assets. Although China does therefore potentially gain, the BRI is designed so that partners also gain in a quest for win-win co-operation and mutual benefit. The values that underlie this approach and the call for a community with a shared future are compared with competing western values, whose roots lie in Enlightenment thought and are associated with a record of colonialism and imperialism. In this light, the article concludes with a consideration of the global implications of the BRI, the challenges it confronts and the likelihood that the unipolar moment will give way to a multipolar global development path.

A study of Medicine in the Period of the Three Kingdoms (三國) (삼국시대(三國時代) 의학(醫學)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Sheen, Yeong-Il;Park, Chan-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.3
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    • pp.444-500
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    • 1989
  • I have felt seriously a desire to study and analyse the medicine of the period of the Three Kingdoms when I thought and studied the ancient medical history. Therefore in Chapter II I inquired into the background of Politico-social and the currency of thought. In the Chapter III inquired into the system of Medical politics in the period of the Three Kingdoms. In the Chapter IV inquired into the general view of the period of the Three Kingdoms. In the Chapter V inquired into the writings of Medicine and Doctors. From this study, I reached at following-conclusions. 1. The Three Kingdoms are politically opposed to each other, but socialo culturaly cooperated, connected each other to import the technique and thought which developed in China, so generally their system and life pattern are alike. 2. On the system of medical politcics Goguryeo(高句麗) had the system of court phisician, Baek jeo(百濟) had medical doctor and collector in the Ministry of Drug which took charge of teaching and medical treatment and specially had spellchanting doctor who treat epidermic and psychological diease untreated with herb and acupuncture, Shilla(新羅) had the system of Yak chun which was charge of teaching and treatment, and had the Chimbang(針房) which assist doctor in the system of Yagchun(藥典制度). 3. The medical interchange with China made the Three Kingdoms to import the medical books. So the theory of medicine was systematized and the art of treatment developed. In the aspect of Herb the Three Kingdoms and China actively exchange their own district product. 4. The medicine of Three Kingdoms accommodated Yin Yang Ohang theory(陰陽五行說), the theory of body compose with four element(四大 : 地水火風) and the theory of life cultivation and breathing(導引養生說) with Therefore in many aspect of oriental medicine basic theory and treatment would improved. 5. The epidermic diease occurred in period of Three Kingdoms, is represented Yeok(疫), that is after all Ohn Diease(溫病), and epidermic diease, is relfected by earthquake, heavy rain, terrible droughty and eclipse of sun. The treatment of this diease did not developed in that time, we presume that there are many persons killed. 6. As the record of five starr(五星), comet(彗星) and eclipse of sun was showed, the astronomy of oriental medicine in the Three Kingdoms was high level and it became the mothers womb of Korean astronomy. 7. The medicine of the Three Kingdoms, concreted with Chinese medicine and their own ancient one, was reflect on Japanese medicine to improve the medical theory and treatment. 8. The Three Kingdoms peculiarly published Korea Nosabang(高麗老師方) Baekjyeo Shinjipbang(百濟新集方), so this independent medicine reflected on the development of natural hurb(鄕約) of the period of Korea(高麗).

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A Study on the Taboo of Marriage Luxury of Chosun Period (조선시대 혼인사치의 금제에 관한 고찰)

  • 김경희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1998
  • As for the taboo of dress and its ornaments which was applied to only populace one-sidedly mainly under the power structure of feudalistic centralization of government like Chosun dynasty, the aspect of taboo was diversified all the more by having relation with various phenomenon of social structure characteristics, and the taboo items to be given in accordance with the flow of time shows the diversity. Especially, the structure of dress and its ornaments in Chosun period showed the side of social position relation and luxury control, and the taboo of dress and its ornaments which was derived from the current thought about China was given frequently. To respect the frugal virtue and moderate the life has relation with the stream of the times in individuals or nations. And, that it is externalized is dress and its ornaments. As the luxury about dress and its ornaments was serious in accordance with times, it appeared by having relation with whole economic question of nations. Then, this researcher thought this by relating this to the culture of customs. This researcher thought that the luxury about clothing gets to go to extremes and the law and order collapses, according as public morals get to be very lax. And, it can be said that the way to be able to control this is that the customs should be thoroughly obeyed and that the system to be able to play the role of braking is taboo. So, this researcher thinks that it is significant to examine the achievement which has contributed toward the life of dress and its ornaments by successive kinds on the basis of a true record of the Vidynasty and other all sorts of literatures about the real situation of prohibition order which has been from the first king to Kojong at the last period of nation. The criticism and taboo about luxury which have been discussed at Chosun period may be subdivided into some kinds in accordance with the subjects. But, in this tests, as it sis the real situation that the case to be due to the lavish necessary articles for marriage which is coming to fore as our social problem nowadays is increasing remarkably, this researcher tries to examine the taboo about the marriage luxury at Chosun period in the order of successive generations. Thus, before examining the taboo of marriage luxury, this researcher tries to examine about the taboo of textile luxury and study the taboo of marriage luxury, as the marriage luxury governs almost everything of textile luxury and it is regarded as the origin of marriage luxury, especially. And, this researcher tries to study as to how was the penal regulations based on it at the same time.

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A Study of Communication Factor in the Chinese augury bone (은상(殷商)시기 갑골문(甲骨文)에 나타난 커뮤니케이션 속성(屬性))

  • Lee, Bum-Soo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.43
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    • pp.305-328
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    • 2011
  • This study examines a study of communication factor in the Chinese augury bone, as a communication text, a communication history text and a communication thought text, in terms of sender message channel audience effects, interdisciplinary research. In many respects, it is generally accepted that the Chinese augury bone have been the generic references of the Oriental culture. Based on various research results about The Chinese augury boney as a communication text, this paper explores factors of communication text related with meta-communication as the definition of communication and a structure of communication, a method of communication. The Chinese augury bone consider graphic element as communication tool, its manager as sender or communicator, the record as message, the bone as channel, its reader as audience, text understanding and behavior as effects, the augury bone producer as journalist, the tying bone in a bundle as old style book. In the Chinese augury bone, one property of communication thought is that the political ideology, which is related to the strong and weak of the graphic style and determines the naming method of kings.

From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Nuclear and Artist Response in Japan (히로시마에서 후쿠시마까지, 핵과 미술가의 대응)

  • Choi, Tae Man
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.13
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    • pp.35-71
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this essay is to examine the responses of artists on nuclear experiences through an analysis of the nuclear images represented in contemporary Japanese art. Japan has previously as twice experienced nuclear disaster in 20th century. The first atomic bombs were dropped in 1945 as well as the 5th Fukuryumaru, Japanese pelagic fishing boat, exposed by hydrogen bomb test operated by the US in 1954 nearby Bikini atoll. Due to Tsunami taken place by the great earthquake that caused the meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in March 2010, Japan is being experienced a nuclear disaster again. Despite practical experiences, comtemporary Japanese art has avoided the subject of nuclear disasters since the end of the Asia-Pacific War for a variety of reasons. Firstly, GHQ prohibited to record or depict the terrible effect of atomic bomb until 1946. Secondly, Japanese government has tried to sweep the affair under the carpet quite a while a fact of nuclear damage to their people. Because Japan has produced numerous war record paintings during the Second World War, in the aftermath of the defeated war, most of Japanese artists thought that dealing with politics, economics, and social subject was irrelevant to art as well as style of amateur in order to erase their melancholic memory on it. In addition, silence that was intended to inhibit victims of nuclear disasters from being provoked psychologically has continued the oblivion on nuclear disasters. For these reasons, to speak on nuclear bombs has been a kind of taboo in Japan. However, shortly after the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, the artist couple Iri and Toshi Maruki visited to ruin site as a volunteer for Victim Relief. They portrayed the horrible scenes of the legacy of nuclear bomb since 1950 based on their observation. Under the condition of rapid economical growth in 1960s and 1970s, Japanese subculture such as comics, TV animations, plastic model, and games produced a variety of post apocalyptic images recalling the war between the USA and Japanese militarism, and battle simulation based on nuclear energy. While having grown up watching subculture emerged as Japan Neo-Pop in 1990s, New generation appreciate atomic images such as mushroom cloud which symbolizes atomic bomb of Hiroshima. Takashi Murakami and other Neo-Pop artists appropriate mushroom cloud image in their work. Murakami curated three exhibitions including and persists in superflat and infantilism as an evidence in order to analyze contemporary Japanese society. However, his concept, which is based on atomic bomb radiation exposure experience only claimed on damage and sacrifice, does not reflect Japan as the harmer. Japan has been constructing nuclear power plants since 1954 in the same year when the 5th Fukuryumaru has exposed until the meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Plant although took place of nuclear radiation exposures of Three Mile and Chernobyl. Due to the exploding of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, Japan reconsiders the danger of nuclear disaster. In conclusion, the purpose of this paper may be found that the sense of victim which flowed in contemporary art is able to inquire into the response of artist on the subject of nuclear as well as the relationship between society, politics, culture, and modern history of Japan and international political situation.

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A Study on the Symbolism of Auspicious Animal Sculptures Installed on Woldae(月臺) Stone Railing at the Geunjeongjeon(勤政殿) of Gyeongbokgung(景福宮) - Based on Twenty-eight Mansions - (경복궁 근정전 월대 석난간에 설치된 서수 조각물의 내용 및 상징적 의미 연구 -28수 관련 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Ho-Sun;Han, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2020
  • There are stone sculptures diversely shaped in several parts of Gyeongbokgung. Geunjeongjeon is a place where the stone sculptures are intensively placed among the various palace buildings of Gyeongbokgung, and it is more important because it contains the phases of the age of the dynasty and the symbolism of governing philosophy. What can be seen in the structure of auspicious animal sculptures is based on the form of instinctive thought that the heavenly and human order systems are in an organic correspondence with each other, especially with regard to astronomical events such as Samwon Sasin 12jisin 28su. The parts that have been interpreted only in Sasin and 12jisin in the interpretations such as wild dogs, Gyoryong, camels, wolves, and apes were able to clarify the contents by revealing the form of 28su. In particular, as Beopsu Ssangbeopsu at the corner may be related to the guardian deity who governs water, called Yimun, Chimi, and Chimun, it is one of Bibo's ways to protect the palace that was vulnerable to fire. In addition, the shape of the existing 28su placed Dambi, but Ha Woldae at the Geunjeongjeon was assumed to have a camel statue and a planned arrangement of double meaning with the Bibo form of Pungsu Sasinsa, and it is also a feature of the arrangement of Woldae at the Geunjeongjeon. The actual composition of auspicious animals at the Nambogye of Geunjeongjeon was in the order of Haechi, wild dogs, horses and Jujak, and the contents of "Gyeongbokgung Construction Daily Record" were in the order of Haechi, horses, wild dogs, and Jujak. As to different composition layouts, based on the contents of the "Gyeongbok palace Construction Daily Record", the composition of Samjae Cheonjiin (天地人) was interpreted differently from the conventional interpretation of the arrangement of Woldae. All of these forms are associated with defense systems in the four directions and have become animal representations of each direction. The auspicious animal statues placed on the railing of Geunjeongjeon Woldae can be seen as reflected in a single building with the three dimensional personality that includes Pungsu's Bibo personality with the symbolic meaning that reveals the centrality as Jeong Jeon, the nation's best politics let alone the ideological system of the ancient astronomical of the East called Men Heaven Unity.

A Study on the Meaning of Geometric Analysis of Gameun Temple's Taegeuk Shapes (감은사 태극문양의 기하학적 의미 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Hwan;Park, Tae-Bong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 2021
  • This paper discusses the geometrical interpretation of the Taegeuk Shapes of Kameun Temple through the geometric analysis of mathematics. Based on the literature, This paper attempted to clarify that the origin of Gameunsa's founding of the spirit of patriotism may coincide with historical records through historical literature and geometric meaning. First, the background of the founding of Kameun temple, geographical location located near the East Sea, especially the history of the ancient Chinese mathematics at the time, And that mathematical knowledge influenced all fields such as agriculture, architecture, and art. Secondly, it is related to the historical record as the space of about 60 centimeters, which is uniquely underground, was identified as the structure of the excavated space. It is thought that there is a strong correlation with the origin that the King Munmu changed into a dragon, and set up the temple to be able to stay. Based on these, the clues of the interpretation of the taegeuk and the triangular pattern were searched in the samcheon yanggi(參天兩地) of the Oriental and circumference of the Western. The taegeuk and triangular patterns represent the symbols of yin-yang harmony, which correspond to the origin of its creation. the Korean people regarded the mysterious dragon as a symbol of yinyang harmony. In conclusion the Shapes of Kameun temple's stone is consistent with the contents mentioned in the historical record.

Language and Symbolic Reference in Whitehead′s Philosophy (화이트헤드의 언어 이해와 상징적 연관)

  • 문창옥
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.6
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    • pp.147-166
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    • 2004
  • Whitehead's discussion of language is not to be found in any one book or article. It is interwoven with his discussion of many other questions. He was, however, greatly concerned with the problem of symbolism in general and the uses of language. He regards language, spoken or written, as an instrument devised by men to aid them in their adjustment to the environment in which they live Language is used for many specific purposes in the process of this adjustment. Words are employed not only to refer to data and to express emotions. They may be used also to record experiences, and thoughts about these experiences. Worts also function as instruments in the organization of experiences as they are considered in retrospect. Thus words free us from the bondage of the immediate. And Whitehead's theory of meaning is implicit in his discussion of the functions of language. According to him, the human mind is functioning symbolically when some components of its experience elicit consciousness, beliefs, emotions, and usages, respecting other components of its experiences. The former set of components are the 'symbols', and the latter set constitute the 'meaning' of the symbols. Whitehead points out that one word may have several meanings, i.e. refer to several different data. In order to understand, thus, the meaning to which a word refers, it is sometimes very important to appreciate the system of thought within which a person is operating. Further, Whitehead's discussion of language includes a number of cogent warning the deficiencies of language, and hence the need for great care in the use of words. In fact, language developed gradually. For the most part we have created words designed to deal with practical problems. Attention focuses on the prominent features in a situation, in particular the changing aspects of things. With reference to such data our words are relatively adequate. However, this issues in an unfortunate superficiality. The enduring, the subtle, the complex and the general aspects of the universe do not have adequate verbal representation. for this reason, Whitehead's position concerning the uses of language in speculative philosophy is stated with pungent directness. The uncritical trust in the adequacy of language is one of the main errors to which philosophy is liable. Since ordinary language does not do justice to the generalities, profundities and complexities of life, it is obvious that philosophy requires new words and phrases, or at least the revision of familiar words and phrases. Proceeding to develop the theme Whitehead contends that words and phrases must be stretched towards a generality foreign to their ordinary usage. In the same vein Whitehead refers to the need to realize that language which is the tool of philosophy needs to be redesigned just as in physical science available physical apparatus needs to be redesigned. But even these words and phrases, stretched or redesigned, are never completely adequate in philosophical speculations. They are, in his opinion, merely a great improvement over ordinary language or the language science, mathematics or symbolic logic.

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A Case analysis on the treatment of mathematics anxiety utilizing a program to change students' thought of mathematics ('생각 바꾸기 프로그램'을 적용한 수학불안 치유 사례분석)

  • Park, Hae Soung;Cho, Wan Young
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.17-48
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    • 2017
  • This case study examined mathematics anxiety of a public high school sophomore who was unable to perform well in mathematics but later overcame his fear of mathematics. In this study, he showed high levels of mathematics anxiety in the assessment tools that evaluate mathematical anxiety factors. Cognitive and behavior treatments were carried out to alleviate his anxiety. First, cognitive treatments that were implemented include: understanding his own problems, writing down his thoughts on a record sheet, and changing intermediate and core beliefs. This paper explored cognitive and affective changes and reactions during the treatment process. Second, behavioral treatments that were conducted include: the divided-page method and peer tutoring. The divided-page technique involves the test subject to write down and solve his problems on a note to see what kind of cognitive and affective changes occur during the process. This paper also explored how Su-chul, an overly competitive student, changed and reacted cognitively and affectively through peer tutoring. The results revealed that Su-chul's exam anxiety, as well as other factors, has decreased. Moreover, he regained his self-confidence by solving math problems that he had felt difficult. His competitive attitude also has turned into a cooperative and thoughtful one.

Research on Shumi-sen, Built by Baekjae Nohjagong - Excavation of Japanese Stone God Ruins, Centered on Mt. Sumeru Stone - (백제 노자공이 조성한 수미산에 대한 연구 - 일본 석신유적에서 발굴된 수미산석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyu-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2010
  • Shumi-sen(須彌山), built by Nohjagong(路子工) in the southern garden of the Palace Garden during the Asuka Period, is understood as being Sumeru based on an Indian perspective of the theory of the origin of universe. It is also viewed as Mt. Myogoh from a Chinese Buddhist worldview. It is thought to be a type of assembled stone structure with Poong-ryoon (風輪)-Su-ryoon(水輪)-Geum-ryoon(金輪)-Ji-ryoon(地輪) carved into each of the 4 stone pieces. These building shapes are thought to have been utilized as stone for exterior construction as opposed to those structures built during the Shilla Period of China and Korea. Aside from Nohjagong's record of Shumi-sen, most of the records from Japan's period of the time suggest that Shumi-sen was an important element that played a role in the scenery of the seasonal outdoor gardens. It is also thought, from the sentences and expressions surrounding the records, that a combination of the seasonal sceneries was utilized centered on Shumi-sen, and that they were all used during festival events. From a perspective of analysis and interpretation dependent on the limited literature and on observation, it cannot be verified whether the Mt. Sumeru Stone(須彌山石) excavated from the Stone God Ruins is the same Shumi-sen that Nohjagong built along with Okyo(吳橋), but it is thought that the 'Shumi-sen type stone structure' that was later built repeatedly as part of the palace garden facilities is identical to the Shumi-sen built at the Imperial Palace's southern garden, or at least a re-built structure based on the Shumi-sen that Nohjagong built with stones and ponds used to create the foundation. Thus, Shumi-sen that Nohjagong supposedly built along with Okyo is suspected to be a figurative rock arrangement and, at the same time, a miniaturized scenic rock arrangement(縮景樹石) that maximized the shape of Buddhism's Shumi-sen. On the other hand, the surface pattern on Mt. Sumeru Stone is very similar to the multi -layers of mountainous pattern icons expressed in the patterns of the Great Golden Incense Burner(百濟金銅大香爐) or Mountain-Water Scenery Sculptural Brick(山水山景紋?) that were built during the Baekjae pcriod aod the rear side of Hwalsuk-jebul Basal Byungipsang(滑石諸佛菩薩竝立像); it is suspected that similar patterns would have been used if patterns were made on Shumi-sen that Nohjagong built. Also in consideration of the physical theory of MI. Sumeru Stone, the Siphon theory of using a pressure difference in water level was applied to the fountain facilities of Mt. Sumeru Stone that seemed to have been built from the practical rock arrangement perspective for the purpose of feasts, etc.