• Title/Summary/Keyword: thermoelastic layer

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Rayleigh waves in nonlocal porous thermoelastic layer with Green-Lindsay model

  • Ismail Haque;Siddhartha Biswas
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2024
  • The paper deals with the propagation of Rayleigh waves in a nonlocal thermoelastic isotropic layer which is lying over a nonlocal thermoelastic isotropic half-space under the purview of Green-Lindsay model and Eringen's nonlocal elasticity in the presence of voids. The normal mode analysis is employed to the considered equations to obtain vector matrix differential equation which is then solved by eigenvalue approach. The frequency equation of Rayleigh waves is derived and different particular cases are also deduced. The effects of voids and nonlocality on different characteristics of Rayleigh waves are presented graphically.

Thermoelastic Instability of the Layer Sliding between Two Non-conducting Half-planes (비전도 반평판 사이에서 미끄럼 운동하는 평판 층의 열탄성 불안정성)

  • 하태원;조용구;김흥섭;이정윤;오재응
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 2003
  • Frictional heating in brakes causes thermoelastic distortion of the contacting bodies and hence affects the contact pressure distribution. The resulting thermo-mechanical coupling can cause thermoelastic instability (TEI) if the sliding speed is sufficiently high, leading to non-uniform heating called hot spots and low frequency vibration known as hot judder. The vibration of brakes to the known phenomenon of frictionally-excited thermoelastic instability is estimated studying the interface temperature and pressure evolution with time. A simple model has been considered where a layer with half-thickness ${\alpha}$ slides with speed V between two half-planes which are rigid and non-conducting. The advantage of this properly simple model permits us to deduce analytically the critical conditions for the onset of instability, which is the relation between the critical speed and the growth rate of the interface temperature and pressure. Symmetrical component of pressure and temperature distribution at the layer interfaces can be more unstable than antisymmetrical component. As the thickness ${\alpha}$ reduces, the system becomes more apt to thermoelastic instability. Moreover, the evolution of the system beyond the critical conditions has shown that even if low frequency perturbations are associated with low critical speed, it might be less critical than high frequency perturbations if the working sliding speed is much larger than the actual critical speed of the system.

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Thermoelastic Instability of the Layer Sliding between Two Rigid Non-conducting Half-planes (단단한 비전도 반평판 사이에서 미끄럼 운동하는 평판층의 열탄성 불안정성)

  • 오재응;하태원;조용구;김흥섭;이정윤
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.114-121
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    • 2004
  • Frictional heating in brakes causes thermoelastic distortion of the contacting bodies and hence affects the contact pressure distribution. The resulting thermo-mechanical coupling can cause thermoelastic instability (TEI) if the sliding speed is sufficiently high, leading to non-uniform heating called hot spots and low frequency vibration known as hot judder. The vibration of brakes to the known phenomenon of frictionally-excited thermoelastic instability is estimated studying the interface temperature and pressure evolution with time. A simple model has been considered where a layer with half-thickness$\alpha$slides with speed V between two half-planes which are rigid and non-conducting. The advantage of this properlysimple model permits us to deduce analytically the critical conditions for the onset of instability, which is the relation between the critical speed and the growth rate of the interface temperature and pressure. Symmetrical component of pressure and temperature distribution at the layer interfaces can be more unstable than antisymmetrical component. As the thickness $\alpha$ reduces, the system becomes more apt to thermoelastic instability. For perturbations with wave number smaller than the critical$m_{cr}$ the temperature increases with m vice versa for perturbations with wave number larges than $m_{cr}$ , the temperature decreases with m.

Optimum Design of Thermoelastic Multi-Layer Cylindrical Tube (열탄성 거동을 나타내는 다층 실린더의 최적설계)

  • 조희근;박영원
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2000
  • Multi-disciplinary optimization design concept can provide a solution to many engineering problems. In the field of structural analysis, much development of size or topology optimization has been achieved in the application of research. This paper demonstrates an optimum design of a multi-layer cylindrical tube which behaves thermoelastically. A multi-layer cylindrical tube that has several different material properties at each layer is optimized within allowable stress and temperature range when mechanical and thermal loads are applied simultaneously. When thermal loads are applied to a multi-layer tube, stress phenomena become complicated due to each layer's thermal expansion and the layer thicknesses. Factors like temperature; stress; and material thermal thicknesses of each tube layer are very difficult undertaking. To analyze these problems using an efficient and precise method, the optimization theories are adopted to perform thermoelastic finite element analysis.

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Design Optimization of Thermo-Elastic Structure (열탄성 구조물의 최적설계)

  • 조희근;박영원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.381-384
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    • 2000
  • Multi-disciplinary optimization design concept can provide a solution to many engineering problems. In the field of structural analysis, much development of size or topology optimization has been achieved in the application of research. This paper demonstrates an optimum design of a multi-layer cylindrical tube which behaves thermoelastically. A multi-layer cylindrical tube that has several different material properties at each layer is optimized within allowable stress and temperature range when mechanical and thermal loads are applied simultaneously. To analyze these problems using an efficient and precise method, the optimization theories are adopted to perform thermoelastic finite element analysis.

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A thermoelastic microactuator with planar latch-up operation (Latch-up 특성을 갖는 평면형의 열구동 마이크로 액츄에이터)

  • 이종현;권호남;전진철;이선규;이명래;장원익;최창억;김윤태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.865-868
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    • 2001
  • We designed and fabricated a planner-type thermoelastic microactuator with a latch-up operation for optical switching. Latch-up actuation is prerequisite to implement an optical switch with low power consumption and high reliability. The proposed microactuator consists of four cantilever-shaped thermal actuators, four displacement linkages, two shallow arch-shaped leaf springs, a mobile shuttle mass with a micromirror, and four elastic boundaries. The structural layer of the planar microactuator is phosphorous-doped 12$\mu\textrm{m}$-thick polysilicon, and the sacrificial layer is LTO(Low Temperature Oxide) of 3$\mu\textrm{m}$thickness. The displacement of actuator is as large as 3$\mu\textrm{m}$when the length of actuation bar is 100$\mu\textrm{m}$in length at 5V input voltage. The proposed microactuators have advantages of easy assembly with other optical component by way of fiber alignment in the substrate plane, and its fabrication process features simplicity while retaining batch-fabrication economy.

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Analysis of wave motion in an anisotropic initially stressed fiber-reinforced thermoelastic medium

  • Gupta, Raj Rani;Gupta, Rajani Rani
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • The present investigation deals with the analysis of wave motion in the layer of an anisotropic, initially stressed, fiber reinforced thermoelastic medium. Secular equations for symmetric and skew-symmetric modes of wave propagation in completely separate terms are derived. The amplitudes of displacements and temperature distribution were also obtained. Finally, the numerical solution was carried out for Cobalt and the dispersion curves, amplitudes of displacements and temperature distribution for symmetric and skew-symmetric wave modes are presented to evince the effect of anisotropy. Some particular cases are also deduced.

Study on Thermoelastic Instability of Automotive Disc Brakes (자동차용 디스크 브레이크의 열탄성 불안정성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Do-Hyung;Lee, In
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2001
  • This paper is focused on the frictionally induced thermoelastic instability (TEI) in automotive disk brakes. This instability leads to the formation of localized high temperature contact regions known as hot spots. This article investigates the themoelastic instability in automotive disk brake systems consisting of a finite thickness layer (disk) and two half-planes (pads) using a perturbation method. The antisymmetric mode involves hot spots located alternately on two sides of the disk. As a result the circumferentially periodic hot spots produce rotor surface distortion and Induce low frequency vibration. Also the effects of system parameters on the critical speed for TEI are investigated.

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Asymmetric transient thermal stress of a functionally graded hollow cylinder with piecewise power law

  • Ootao, Yoshihiro;Ishihara, Masayuki
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.421-442
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    • 2013
  • This paper is concerned with the theoretical treatment of transient thermoelastic problems involving a functionally graded hollow cylinder with piecewise power law due to asymmetrical heating from its surfaces. The thermal and thermoelastic constants of each layer are expressed as power functions of the radial coordinate, and their values continue on the interfaces. The exact solution for the two-dimensional temperature change in a transient state, and thermoelastic response of a hollow cylinder under the state of plane strain is obtained herein. Some numerical results for the temperature change and the stress distributions are shown in figures. Furthermore, the influence of the functional grading on the thermal stresses is investigated.

2D and quasi 3D computational models for thermoelastic bending of FG beams on variable elastic foundation: Effect of the micromechanical models

  • Merzoug, Mostafa;Bourada, Mohamed;Sekkal, Mohamed;Abir, Ali Chaibdra;Chahrazed, Belmokhtar;Benyoucef, Samir;Benachour, Abdelkader
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.361-374
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    • 2020
  • This paper is concerned with the thermoelastic bending of FG beams resting on two-layer elastic foundations. One of these layers is Winkler springs with a variable modulus while the other is considered as a shear layer with a constant modulus. The beams are considered simply supported and subjected to thermo-mechanical loading. Temperature-dependent material properties are considered for the FG beams, which are assumed to be graded continuously across the panel thickness. The used theories contain undetermined integral terms which lead to a reduction of unknowns functions. Several micromechanical models are used to estimate the effective two-phase FG material properties as a function of the particles' volume fraction considering thermal effects. Analytical solutions for the thermo-mechanical bending analysis are obtained based on Navier's method that satisfies the boundary conditions. Finally, the numerical results are provided to reveal the effect of explicit micromechanical models, geometric parameters, temperature distribution and elastic foundation parameters on the thermoelastic response of FG beams.