• Title/Summary/Keyword: the form of diagram

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  • Hong, Yong-Seok;Yoon, Young-Jooh;Kim, Kwang-Won
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.5 s.64
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    • pp.743-760
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    • 1997
  • This study was done to evaluate the correlations between the size, the form of the cranial base, head posture and the horizontal and vertical position of craniofacial structures. For this purpose, 100 cephalometric radiographs were taken from the sample composed of 51 male and 49 female, 12 measurement criteria and 37 reference points were established and digitized, then calculation was performed for the values of measurement variables and the horizontal and vertical position of reference points. The correlations be4ween them were analyzed statistically and mean facial diagrams were constructed and compared with the selected groups which were composed of 10 Samples each as large and small group from the measurement value. The following results were obtained: 1. The angles n-s-ba and n-s-ar as variables for the ion of cranial base correlated highly to the horizontal and vertical position of reference points in the cervical column with statistical significance($0.1\%$ level). 2. The angles n-s-ba and n-s-ar as variables for the form of cranial base correlated to the horizontal position of the reference points in the facial structure with statistical significance($1\%$ level), but not to the vertical position of them($5\%$ level). 3. The length n-s, s-ba, and n-ar as variables for the size of cranial base were correlated th the position of craniofacial structures in various ways, but in general, highly correlated to the horizontal and vertical position of midfacial structures around the teeth and alveolar area. 4. the angle NSL/CVT and NSL/OPT as postural variables tot the inclination of cranial base and cervical column were correlated to the horizontal position of the craniofacial structures with statistical significance($1\%$ level), but not to the vortical position of them($5\%$ level). 5. The angle OPT/HOR and CVT/HOR as postural variables lot the inclination of cranial base and true horizontal line were not correlated to the horizontal and vertical position of the craniofacial structures with statistical significance($5\%$ level). 6. The correlation between the measurement variables and horizontal and vortical positions of the reference poits in soft tissue were shown as similar to the related hard tissue points.

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Derivation of the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Based on the Watershed Characteristics (유역특성에 의한 합성단위도의 유도에 관한 연구)

  • 서승덕
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.3642-3654
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    • 1975
  • The purpose of this thesis is to derive a unit hydrograph which may be applied to the ungaged watershed area from the relations between directly measurable unitgraph properties such as peak discharge(qp), time to peak discharge (Tp), and lag time (Lg) and watershed characteristics such as river length(L) from the given station to the upstream limits of the watershed area in km, river length from station to centroid of gravity of the watershed area in km (Lca), and main stream slope in meter per km (S). Other procedure based on routing a time-area diagram through catchment storage named Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph(IUH). Dimensionless unitgraph also analysed in brief. The basic data (1969 to 1973) used in these studies are 9 recording level gages and rating curves, 41 rain gages and pluviographs, and 40 observed unitgraphs through the 9 sub watersheds in Nak Oong River basin. The results summarized in these studies are as follows; 1. Time in hour from start of rise to peak rate (Tp) generally occured at the position of 0.3Tb (time base of hydrograph) with some indication of higher values for larger watershed. The base flow is comparelatively higher than the other small watershed area. 2. Te losses from rainfall were divided into initial loss and continuing loss. Initial loss may be defined as that portion of storm rainfall which is intercepted by vegetation, held in deppression storage or infiltrated at a high rate early in the storm and continuing loss is defined as the loss which continues at a constant rate throughout the duration of the storm after the initial loss has been satisfied. Tis continuing loss approximates the nearly constant rate of infiltration (${\Phi}$-index method). The loss rate from this analysis was estimated 50 Per cent to the rainfall excess approximately during the surface runoff occured. 3. Stream slope seems approximate, as is usual, to consider the mainstreamonly, not giving any specific consideration to tributary. It is desirable to develop a single measure of slope that is representative of the who1e stream. The mean slope of channel increment in 1 meter per 200 meters and 1 meter per 1400 meters were defined at Gazang and Jindong respectively. It is considered that the slopes are low slightly in the light of other river studies. Flood concentration rate might slightly be low in the Nak Dong river basin. 4. It found that the watershed lag (Lg, hrs) could be expressed by Lg=0.253 (L.Lca)0.4171 The product L.Lca is a measure of the size and shape of the watershed. For the logarithms, the correlation coefficient for Lg was 0.97 which defined that Lg is closely related with the watershed characteristics, L and Lca. 5. Expression for basin might be expected to take form containing theslope as {{{{ { L}_{g }=0.545 {( { L. { L}_{ca } } over { SQRT {s} } ) }^{0.346 } }}}} For the logarithms, the correlation coefficient for Lg was 0.97 which defined that Lg is closely related with the basin characteristics too. It should be needed to take care of analysis which relating to the mean slopes 6. Peak discharge per unit area of unitgraph for standard duration tr, ㎥/sec/$\textrm{km}^2$, was given by qp=10-0.52-0.0184Lg with a indication of lower values for watershed contrary to the higher lag time. For the logarithms, the correlation coefficient qp was 0.998 which defined high sign ificance. The peak discharge of the unitgraph for an area could therefore be expected to take the from Qp=qp. A(㎥/sec). 7. Using the unitgraph parameter Lg, the base length of the unitgraph, in days, was adopted as {{{{ {T}_{b } =0.73+2.073( { { L}_{g } } over {24 } )}}}} with high significant correlation coefficient, 0.92. The constant of the above equation are fixed by the procedure used to separate base flow from direct runoff. 8. The width W75 of the unitgraph at discharge equal to 75 per cent of the peak discharge, in hours and the width W50 at discharge equal to 50 Per cent of the peak discharge in hours, can be estimated from {{{{ { W}_{75 }= { 1.61} over { { q}_{b } ^{1.05 } } }}}} and {{{{ { W}_{50 }= { 2.5} over { { q}_{b } ^{1.05 } } }}}} respectively. This provides supplementary guide for sketching the unitgraph. 9. Above equations define the three factors necessary to construct the unitgraph for duration tr. For the duration tR, the lag is LgR=Lg+0.2(tR-tr) and this modified lag, LgRis used in qp and Tb It the tr happens to be equal to or close to tR, further assume qpR=qp. 10. Triangular hydrograph is a dimensionless unitgraph prepared from the 40 unitgraphs. The equation is shown as {{{{ { q}_{p } = { K.A.Q} over { { T}_{p } } }}}} or {{{{ { q}_{p } = { 0.21A.Q} over { { T}_{p } } }}}} The constant 0.21 is defined to Nak Dong River basin. 11. The base length of the time-area diagram for the IUH routing is {{{{C=0.9 {( { L. { L}_{ca } } over { SQRT { s} } ) }^{1/3 } }}}}. Correlation coefficient for C was 0.983 which defined a high significance. The base length of the T-AD was set to equal the time from the midpoint of rain fall excess to the point of contraflexure. The constant K, derived in this studies is K=8.32+0.0213 {{{{ { L} over { SQRT { s} } }}}} with correlation coefficient, 0.964. 12. In the light of the results analysed in these studies, average errors in the peak discharge of the Synthetic unitgraph, Triangular unitgraph, and IUH were estimated as 2.2, 7.7 and 6.4 per cent respectively to the peak of observed average unitgraph. Each ordinate of the Synthetic unitgraph was approached closely to the observed one.

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Knowledge graph-based knowledge map for efficient expression and inference of associated knowledge (연관지식의 효율적인 표현 및 추론이 가능한 지식그래프 기반 지식지도)

  • Yoo, Keedong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2021
  • Users who intend to utilize knowledge to actively solve given problems proceed their jobs with cross- and sequential exploration of associated knowledge related each other in terms of certain criteria, such as content relevance. A knowledge map is the diagram or taxonomy overviewing status of currently managed knowledge in a knowledge-base, and supports users' knowledge exploration based on certain relationships between knowledge. A knowledge map, therefore, must be expressed in a networked form by linking related knowledge based on certain types of relationships, and should be implemented by deploying proper technologies or tools specialized in defining and inferring them. To meet this end, this study suggests a methodology for developing the knowledge graph-based knowledge map using the Graph DB known to exhibit proper functionality in expressing and inferring relationships between entities and their relationships stored in a knowledge-base. Procedures of the proposed methodology are modeling graph data, creating nodes, properties, relationships, and composing knowledge networks by combining identified links between knowledge. Among various Graph DBs, the Neo4j is used in this study for its high credibility and applicability through wide and various application cases. To examine the validity of the proposed methodology, a knowledge graph-based knowledge map is implemented deploying the Graph DB, and a performance comparison test is performed, by applying previous research's data to check whether this study's knowledge map can yield the same level of performance as the previous one did. Previous research's case is concerned with building a process-based knowledge map using the ontology technology, which identifies links between related knowledge based on the sequences of tasks producing or being activated by knowledge. In other words, since a task not only is activated by knowledge as an input but also produces knowledge as an output, input and output knowledge are linked as a flow by the task. Also since a business process is composed of affiliated tasks to fulfill the purpose of the process, the knowledge networks within a business process can be concluded by the sequences of the tasks composing the process. Therefore, using the Neo4j, considered process, task, and knowledge as well as the relationships among them are defined as nodes and relationships so that knowledge links can be identified based on the sequences of tasks. The resultant knowledge network by aggregating identified knowledge links is the knowledge map equipping functionality as a knowledge graph, and therefore its performance needs to be tested whether it meets the level of previous research's validation results. The performance test examines two aspects, the correctness of knowledge links and the possibility of inferring new types of knowledge: the former is examined using 7 questions, and the latter is checked by extracting two new-typed knowledge. As a result, the knowledge map constructed through the proposed methodology has showed the same level of performance as the previous one, and processed knowledge definition as well as knowledge relationship inference in a more efficient manner. Furthermore, comparing to the previous research's ontology-based approach, this study's Graph DB-based approach has also showed more beneficial functionality in intensively managing only the knowledge of interest, dynamically defining knowledge and relationships by reflecting various meanings from situations to purposes, agilely inferring knowledge and relationships through Cypher-based query, and easily creating a new relationship by aggregating existing ones, etc. This study's artifacts can be applied to implement the user-friendly function of knowledge exploration reflecting user's cognitive process toward associated knowledge, and can further underpin the development of an intelligent knowledge-base expanding autonomously through the discovery of new knowledge and their relationships by inference. This study, moreover than these, has an instant effect on implementing the networked knowledge map essential to satisfying contemporary users eagerly excavating the way to find proper knowledge to use.

Reconsideration of Acer pictum complex in Korea (한국산(韓國産) 고로쇠분류군(分類群)에 대한 재고(再考))

  • Chang, Chin-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.283-309
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    • 2001
  • Acer pictum complex (A. pictum Thunb. ex Murray with varieties, A. okamotoanum Nakai, A. truncatum Bunge) in eastern Asia causes frequent difficulty in identification. One hundred twenty five specimens from A. pictum complex of China, Korea and Japan and A. cappadocicum var. sinicum of China were compared to investigate patterns of intra- and interspecific variation and to evaluate a recognition of several species as well as many varieties using 22 characters for morphometric analysis. The first three PCA accounted for 59% of the total variance. No strong discontinuities existed among taxa with respect to fruit and leaf characters. Much overlap among all taxa occurred the central region of the scatter diagram. Many characters appeared to show some clinal variation with changes from east of China to Japan through Korea. This was true not only when all species as considered as a single taxon, but when characters of individual taxa were compared with geography. As one considers a path from the western part of the ranges to areas to the east, the leaves become larger in most respects and become increasingly many lobed (five to seven or nine). In general, there was a tendency toward larger nutlet with smaller wing in the area toward northeast of China (=A. truncatum), while in the east of ranges (Island Ullung-do), plants were larger with respect to characters of fruit and leaves (=A. okamotoanum). The morphological differentiation between A. okamotoanum and Japanese and Korean individuals of A. pictum was not considered sufficient to warrant recognition of either specific or varietal status and should be treated as con specific under A. pictum var. mono. Since the lectotype of Acer pictum had minute hairs uniformly on the under surface of leaves(A. pictum var. pictum), the glabrous type of A. pictum was called A. pictum var. mono as Ohahsi suggested. The univaraite analysis (the mean and maximum/minium of nutlet size and wing/nutlet length ratio) indicated geographical differentiation of northeastern populations, A. truncatum, was distinctive, but Korean individuals of A. truncatum showed an affinity between Chinese individuals of A. truncatum and Korean individuals of A. Pictum var. mono. The current results, together with qualitative character, trunk features, justify subspecific status for this taxon. The previous varieties of A. mono in Korea were indistinguishable from typical form of A. Pictum var. mono on the basis of the wing angle and nutlet size, rejecting continued recognition of these taxa as distinctive varieties. Therefore, it is recommended that only one polymorphic species of A. pictum be recognized in addition to three varieties.

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An Analysis of the High School 'Common Science' Contents and Textbooks (고등학교 ‘공통과학’의 교과내용 및 교과서 분석)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ho;Choi, Jong-Bum;Park, Moon-Kook;Cho, Kyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.453-463
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    • 1997
  • The contents of high school 'Common science' textbooks was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Seven common science textbooks were selected and its contents, structure, inquiry, activities, appendix and its characteristics were investigated, and analyzed using the Goal Clusters of Project Synthesis and Romey's indices of text evaluation were calculated. The contents of each unit are not much different among textbooks because they are written according to the curriculum ordinance and textbook guidelines of the Ministry of Education. The textbooks was consist of $471{\sim}519$ pages. It was distribute similarly among the chapter of 'materials', 'forces', lives' and 'earth'. The chapter of 'energy' and 'environment' was treat significantly. The contents and structure of common science is a mere physical consolidation. I make an alternative plan that a topic form. Inquiry activities used in the textbooks are 11 type, however most of that is interpretation of data, experiment, survey and discussion. Ninety six percents of the experiment, belong to the 1st level, four percents of that belong to the 2nd level of the Schwab's inquiry level and there are no activities of the 3rd level. Little attention is given to Goal Cluster I, II, IV in the common science textbooks currently employed. Its content should be broadened to include all Goal Clusters of Project Synthesis. Homey's indices representing the degrees of student involvement. are $0.57{\sim}1.14$ for sentence analysis, $0.60{\sim}1.67$ for figure and diagram analysis, $0.67{\sim}1.50$ for analysis of questions at chapter ends, respectively, student activity per page investigated being $0.6{\sim}0.9$. But chapter summaries cease to repeats the conclusions of the chapter also it be rather formally and inattentively written.

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EMERGY Analysis of Korean Fisheries (한국수산업의 EMERGY 분석)

  • SOHN Ji-Ho;SHIN Sung-Kyo;CHO Eun-Il;LEE Suk-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.689-700
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    • 1996
  • Fisheries products have to be produced and maintained by work processes from the environment, sometimes helped by people. In Korean fisheries both environmental production and its economic use are included within the windows of system approach. EMERGY is the sum of all inputs expressed as one form of solar energy required directly and indirectly to make a product. Calculating EMERGY flows into Korean fisheries evaluates the real wealth contributed by environmental production and its economic use. Several indices calculated from EMERGY analysis table and a three-arm diagram give perspective on the type and efficiency of the environmental uses. Net EMERGY yield ratio is a measure of its net contribution to the economy beyond its own operation. For adjacent waters fisheries in Korea, the net contribution to the economy is 11.85 or higher, which is a stimulus to the economy that is able to purchase it. EMERGY investment ratio measures the intensity of the economic development and the loading of the environment. The ratio for Korean fisheries as a whole is 0.50, for the adjacent waters fisheries 0.09 and for the shallow-sea cultures 1.28, which is lower than the same index for the industry of the developed country (7.0). The component of environment drawn into production are large compared to purchased investment in Korean fisheries. Much more EMERGY is contained in fisheries products than in the paid services used to process the products. The EMERGY exchange ratio for Korean fisheries as a whole is 6.98, for the adjacent waters fisheries is 10.69 and for the shallow-sea cultures is 1.25. Using market values to evaluate wealth of environment resources is found to be many times too small. Money is paid only to people for their contribution, and never to the environment for its contribution. Macroeconomic value is the appropriate measure for discussing large-scale considerations of an economy, including environment and human goods & services.

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A Study on the Optimal Process Parameters for Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Dust (EAFD) by Rotary Kiln (Rotary Kiln에 의한 전기로 제강분진(EAFD)의 재활용을 위한 최적의 공정변수에 관한 연구)

  • Jae-hong Yoon;Chi-hyun Yoon;Myoung-won Lee
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2024
  • As a recycling technology for recovering zinc contained in large amounts in electric arc furnace dust (EAFD), the most commercialized technology in the world is the Wealz Kiln Process. The Wealz Kiln Process is a process in which components such as Zn and Pb in EAFD are reduced/volatile (endothermic reaction) in high-temperature Kiln and then re-oxidized (exothermic reaction) in the gas phase and recovered in the form of Crude zinc oxide (60wt%Zn) in the Bag Filter installed at the rear end of Kiln. In this study, an experimental Wealz kiln was produced to investigate the optimal process variable value for practical application to the recycling process of large-scale kiln on a commercial scale. Additionally, Pellets containing EAFD, reducing agents, and limestone were continuously loaded into Kiln, and the amount of input, heating temperature, and residence time were examined to obtain the optimal crude zinc oxide recovery rate. In addition, the optimal manufacturing conditions of Pellets (drum tilt angle, moisture addition, mixing time, etc.) were also investigated. In addition, referring to the SiO2-CaO-FeO ternary system diagram, the formation behavior of a low melting point compound, a reaction product inside Kiln according to the change in the basicity of Pellet, and the reactivity (adhesion) with the castable constructed on the inner wall of Kiln were investigated. In addition, in order to quantitatively investigate the possibility of using anthracite as a substitute for Coke, a reducing agent, changes in the temperature distribution inside Kiln, where oxidation/reduction reactions occur due to an increase in the amount of anthracite, the quality of Crude zinc oxide, and the behavior of tar in anthracite were also investigated.

Preliminary Study on the Ultramafic Rocks from the Chungnam Province, Korea (충남지역에 분포하는 초염기성암의 기원규명을 위한 기초연구)

  • Wee, Soo-Meen;Choi, Seon-Gyu;So, Chil-Sup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 1994
  • Several ultramafic bodies and ultramafic origin talc deposits are distributed in Chungnam province near the contact zone with Ogchun fold belt They occur as discontinued belt form with northeast trending, and most of them are more or less sepentinized. Major, trace, and rare earth elements analyses were made of the ultramafics from the study area to constrain their origin and genetic relationships. Compared to the primitive mantle estimates of privious workers, the correlations defined by the studied rock samples indicate similar Ni but very lower $Al_{2}O_{3}$, CaO and $TiO_{2}$ contents. It is inferred that source material of the studied rocks might be residual mantle which had undergone a large degree of partial melting event. The REE patterns show relatively flat to enriched in LREE (chondrite normalized La/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios are 1.1-5.2 and 1.2-1.6). Several alternative explaination are possible for LREE enrichment patterns in the studied ultramafic rocks such as 1) enrichment due to late stage alteration, 2) enriched pre-melting composition, and 3) mixing of two components. Based on the result, the LREE enrichment characteristic of the studied rocks might be result from the mixture of two geochemically distinct components; one is depleted residual mantle and the other component which determine the abundances of incompatible elements and responsible for the LREE enrichment.

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