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User Satisfaction Analysis on Similarity-based Inference Insect Search Method in u-Learning Insect Observation using Smart Phone (스마트폰을 이용한 유러닝 곤충관찰학습에 있어서 유사곤충 추론검색기법의 사용자 만족도 분석)

  • Jun, Eung Sup
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we proposed a new model with ISOIA (Insect Search by Observation based on Insect Appearance) method based on observation by insect appearance to improve user satisfaction, and compared it with the ISBC and ISOBC methods. In order to test these three insect search systems with AHP method, we derived three evaluation criteria for user satisfaction and three sub-evaluation criteria by evaluation criterion. In the ecological environment, non-experts need insect search systems to identify insect species and to get u-Learning contents related to the insects. To assist the public the non-experts, ISBC (Insect Search by Biological Classification) method based on biological classification to search insects and ISOBC (Insect Search by Observation based on Biological Classification) method based on the inference that identifies the observed insect through observation according to biological classification have been provided. In the test results, we found the order of priorities was ISOIA, ISOBC, and ISBC. It shows that the ISOIA system proposed in this study is superior in usage and quality compared with the previous insect search systems.

Exploring the Structure of Media Criticism: A Network Analysis of the Problems in Korean Newspaper Reporting (언론보도와 비평의 구조: 신문보도의 비평에 대한 네트워크 분석)

  • Jang, Ha-Yong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.16
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    • pp.108-135
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    • 2001
  • This study examines the structure of the problems of Korean newspaper reporting raised by the civil society. Based on the differences in the mode of presentation, the problems of newspaper reporting were classified into three types; prominent, associated, and isolate problem. The relations among these problems were defined as the degree of co-occurrence in the monitoring articles. A network analysis was conducted to examine the structure of the problems in Korean newspaper reporting. A 33×33 similarity matrix of the problems was created by analyzing the data from one monitoring report and two weekly media critics newspapers. The results showed that of the 33 problems, most of them were mentioned as prominent or associated problems. The problems related to the news contents were mostly treated as prominent ones, while the problems about the news writing and reporting styles were frequently treated as associated ones. The network structure of newspaper criticism based on the co-occurrence of 33 problems were divided into six clusters. Among them, the most central was the group including the problems of "unfairness,' "biased interpretation," and "vagueness". In addition, the problems were found to have different roles in the network. Of the 33 problems, two were liaisons and four were attached isolates, indicating the hierarchical structure of problems in newspaper reporting. These results were discussed in the light of two viewpoints; the absence of objective criteria in media criticism, and the need for the comparisons of the current study's results with the opinions of newspaper readers and journalists. finally, the implications for the future studies were presented.

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Recovery of underwater images based on the attention mechanism and SOS mechanism

  • Li, Shiwen;Liu, Feng;Wei, Jian
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.2552-2570
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    • 2022
  • Underwater images usually have various problems, such as the color cast of underwater images due to the attenuation of different lights in water, the darkness of image caused by the lack of light underwater, and the haze effect of underwater images because of the scattering of light. To address the above problems, the channel attention mechanism, strengthen-operate-subtract (SOS) boosting mechanism and gated fusion module are introduced in our paper, based on which, an underwater image recovery network is proposed. First, for the color cast problem of underwater images, the channel attention mechanism is incorporated in our model, which can well alleviate the color cast of underwater images. Second, as for the darkness of underwater images, the similarity between the target underwater image after dehazing and color correcting, and the image output by our model is used as the loss function, so as to increase the brightness of the underwater image. Finally, we employ the SOS boosting module to eliminate the haze effect of underwater images. Moreover, experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of our model. The qualitative analysis results show that our method can be applied to effectively recover the underwater images, which outperformed most methods for comparison according to various criteria in the quantitative analysis.

Stock Investment of Agriculture Companies in the Vietnam Stock Exchange Market: An AHP Integrated with GRA-TOPSIS-MOORA Approaches

  • NGUYEN, Phi-Hung;TSAI, Jung-Fa;KUMAR G, Venkata Ajay;HU, Yi-Chung
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2020
  • Multi-criteria stock selection is a critical issue for effective investment since the improper stock investment might cause many problems affecting investors negatively. Investors need a range of financial indicators while they are choosing the optimal set of stocks to invest. This study aims to rank the stock of agriculture companies indexed on the Vietnam Stock Exchange Market. The data of 13 agriculture companies during the 2016-2019 periods was analyzed by analytical hierarchy process (AHP) integrated with grey relational analysis (GRA), multi-objective optimization ratio analysis (MOORA), and technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). The AHP method is employed to determine the weights of the proposed financial ratios, and GRA, TOPSIS, and MOORA approaches are used to obtain final ranking. The results indicated that HSL is the top stock with the highest rank and GRA, MOORA, and TOPSIS rankings have strong correlation values between 0.78-1. The findings suggest that the integrated model could be implemented effectively to specific analysis of industries such as oil and gas, textiles, food, and electronics in future research. Further, other techniques like COPRAS, KEMIRA, and EDAS could be employed to evaluate the financial performance of other companies to solve investment problems.

Optimization of Railway Alignment Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 철도선형최적화)

  • 강인준;이준석;김수성
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.727-732
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    • 2002
  • This study is to develop the model of alignment optimization based on design criteria by approaching through alignment of railway design and problems in economy, environment and technology for satisfying traffic volume of the main roads caused by economical and social developments. Now, Geographic Information System isn't applied when designing a present railway in home. And the design of railway alignment is still set on importance of transition curves and cant according to passenger comfort in abroad so tile study of railway alignment is at initiation phase so far. This paper is about decision of optimal alignment between two stations such as starting point and ending point automatically using GIS in optimization of railway alignment. A route between Sungsan city and Shinpung city is the training area and the study compared and evaluated optimal railway route by GIS automatically with present railway route designed. Present optimal fomulas was used in this study for optimization of railway alignment. The model of optimization of railway alignment was developed through topographical elements and it was mentioned by the model of road alignment because of the similarity in design of alignment. But the design of lateral track irregularities, cant fur passenger comfort and motion sickness fellowed by train rolling have to be considered more. Anyway, this study farmed the basis of using GIS and the study should be keep going on in the future.

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  • Choong-Wan Koo;Sang H. Park;Joon-oh Seo;TaeHoon Hong;ChangTaek Hyun
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.676-684
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    • 2009
  • Decision making at the early stages of a construction project has a significant impact on the project, and various scenarios created based on the owner's requirements should be considered for the decision making. At the early stages of a construction project, the information regarding the project is usually limited and uncertain. As such, it is difficult to plan and manage the project (especially cost planning). Thus, in this study, a cost model that could be varied according to the owner's requirements was developed. The cost model that was developed in this study is based on the case-based reasoning (CBR) methodology. The model suggests cost estimation with the most similar historical case as a basis for the estimation. In this study, the optimization process was also conducted, using genetic algorithms that reflect the changes in the number of project characteristics and in the database in the model according to the owner's decision making. Two optimization parameters were established: (1) the minimum criteria for scoring attribute similarity (MCAS); and (2) the range of attribute weights (RAW). The cost model proposed in this study can help building owners and managers estimate the project budget at the business planning stage.

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The Effect of Curiosity on Employee Performance: A Case Study in Indonesia

  • SUMA, Dewi;BUDI, Budi Alamsyah Siregar
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1385-1393
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the impact of independent behavior, goal achievement, and curiosity on employee performance and examines the impact of independent behavior and goal achievement on employee performance through curiosity. This research is conducted on a survey using explanatory research. Data collection is carried out using a questionnaire as a research instrument. The questionnaire was conducted on employees of finance companies in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The selection of companies used as research is based on the similarity of the products being marketed. In Yogyakarta, there are 54 branch offices of finance companies that carry out business activities. However, of the 54 companies, ten have the same products being marketed, namely mortgage loans, investment loans, and multipurpose loans. In contrast, other finance companies focus more on motor vehicle loans—determining the number of samples obtained by multiplying by six times the number of indicators used. The sampling technique is done by purposive sampling with specific respondent criteria. In this study, analysis techniques, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22. The results showed that the increase in employee performance was influenced by curiosity regarding independent employee behavior. This study provides recommendations human resource management practices that have an impact on organizational performance.

The Effect of Trade Integration on Business Cycle Synchronization in East Asia

  • NGUYEN, Vinh Thi Hong;HOANG, Thuy Thi Thanh;NGUYEN, Sang Minh
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2020
  • The paper aims to investigate the impact of trade integration on business cycle synchronization for the East Asian countries during 2005- 2017 based on the endogeneity hypothesis of Optimum Currency Area criteria. We test the determinants of business cycles by calculating bilateral trade, financial integration, and business cycle synchronization. Applying the system Generalized Method of Moments for dynamic panel data models, the results show that business cycle synchronization is highly associated with trade and financial integration. These findings confirm the endogeneity hypothesis that more trade integration will mitigate asymmetric shocks, and have a positive impact on the business cycle synchronization. The increased trade intensity and financial linkage lead to more correlated business cycles in East Asia. Apart from trade and financial integration, the trade structure differential, monetary policy similarity also influence the business cycle comovement. The significantly negative impact of trade structure differential on business cycle synchronization suggests that countries with less similar structures are more likely to undergo asymmetric shocks. The results also indicate that monetary policy matters for output comovement. This study recommends that the East Asian countries should focus on bilateral trade as well as financial integration with each other to reap benefits from the integration process.

Effect of Agitation, Aeration and Scale-up on Mycelial Morphology During Liquid Culture of Ganoderma lucidum (영지의 액체배양 중 균사형태에 미치는 통기.교반의 영향 및 Scale-up)

  • Lee, Hak-Su;Lee, Ki-Young;Choi, Sang-Yun;Lee, Shin-Young
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of agitation, aeration and scale-up on the mycelial growth, exo-polysaccharide (EPS) production, and mycelial morphology in the liquid culture of Ganoderma lucidum. A correlation between roughness and operating variables was also studied to scale-up the liquid culture of G. lucidum in a jar fermenter. When the agitation speed or aeration rate increased, the morphological form was changed from rough pellet to smooth pellet form. Increase of the agitation and aeration reduced the mycelial roughness. On the other hand, in the case of pellet size, it was not affected by aeration. The higher EPS production was obtained at approximately 17% of roughness and mycelial pellet size of 3~5 mm. The morphology at each fermenter was closely correlated with kLa value, and it was found that similarity of morphology would be used as a criteria of scale-up for liquid culture of G. lucidum.

Genome Sequences of Spinach Deltapartitivirus 1, Spinach Amalgavirus 1, and Spinach Latent Virus Identified in Spinach Transcriptome

  • Park, Dongbin;Hahn, Yoonsoo
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.1324-1330
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    • 2017
  • Complete genome sequences of three new plant RNA viruses, Spinach deltapartitivirus 1 (SpDPV1), Spinach amalgavirus 1 (SpAV1), and Spinach latent virus (SpLV), were identified from a spinach (Spinacia oleracea) transcriptome dataset. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) of SpDPV1, SpAV1, and SpLV showed 72%, 53%, and 93% amino acid sequence identities with the homologous RdRp of the most closely related virus, respectively, suggesting that SpDPV1 and SpAV1 were novel viruses. Sequence similarity and phylogenetic analyses revealed that SpDPV1 belonged to the genus Deltapartitivirus of the family Partitiviridae, SpAV1 to the genus Amalgavirus of the family Amalgaviridae, and SpLV to the genus Ilarvirus of the family Bromoviridae. Based on the demarcation criteria, SpDPV1 and SpAV1 are considered as novel species of the genera Deltapartitivirus and Amalgavirus, respectively. This is the first report of these two viruses from spinach.