• Title/Summary/Keyword: the State

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A Low Power Algorithm using State Transition Ready Method (상태 전환 준비 방법을 이용한 저전력 알고리즘)

  • Youn, Choong-Mo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.971-976
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we proposed a low power algorithm using state transition ready method. The proposed algorithm defined a sleep state, a idle state and a run state for the task. A state transition occurring at the time due to the delay time created in order to reduce the power consumption state in the middle of each inserted into the ready state. The ready state considering a power consumption and a delay time in state transition. A scheduling step of performing the steps in excess of the increasing problems have the delay time is long. The power consumption increased for the operation step increase. A state transition from a sleep state with the longest delay time in operating state occurs when the state is switched by the time delay caused by the increase in operating time reduces the overall power consumption reduced. Experiments [6] were compared with the results of the power consumption. The experimental results [6] is reduced power consumption than the efficiency of the algorithm has been demonstrated.

On QoS Routing and Path Establishment in the Presence of Imprecise State Information

  • Yuan, Xin;Duan, Zhenhai
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.356-367
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    • 2007
  • In large networks, maintaining precise global network state information is impossible. The imprecise network state information has significant impacts on Quality-of-Service(QoS) routing and path establishment. In this paper, we develop analytical models for investigating the QoS routing schemes that are designed to tolerate imprecise network state information, and study the performance of various QoS routing schemes, including randomized routing, multi-path routing, and probability based routing, using both the models and simulations. We further propose a new mechanism, called local rerouting, that improves the effectiveness of QoS path establishment in the presence of imprecise global network state information. Local rerouting is orthogonal to existing schemes for dealing with imprecise state information and can be used in conjunction with them to alleviate the impacts of the imprecise information. The results of our performance study indicate that local rerouting is robust and effective.

Extended State Estimation Algorithm in Power Systems (확장된 전력 상태추정 알고리즘 개발)

  • Shon, H.S.;Ha, Y.K.;Ryu, H.S.;Moon, Y.H.;Song, K.B.;Park, J.D.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.07a
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    • pp.178-180
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    • 2001
  • State estimation in power system is to estimate state variable value which minimizes the error from the real state measured by the gauge and connection state of the circuit breaker. In the past, it was difficult to determine measure function considering the correlation of the measured values. In this paper, an extended state estimation is proposed to process easily various kinds of estimation variable. The proposed algorithm is developed by expanding state variable concept based on many measured values and treating correlation between estimation variable and state variable, it is considered that the state variable satisfy some limitations named "Equality Limitation conditions".

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Development of a Real-Time Steady State Detector of a Heat Pump System to Develop Fault Detection and Diagnosis System (열펌프의 고장진단시스템 구축을 위한 정상상태 진단기 개발)

  • Kim, Min-Sung;Yoon, Seok-Ho;Kim, Min-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.2070-2075
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    • 2008
  • Identification of steady-state is the first step in developing a fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) system. In a complete FDD system, the steady-state detector will be included as a module in a self-learning algorithm which enables the working system's reference model to "tune" itself to its particular installation. In this study, a steady-state detector of a residential air conditioner based on moving windows was designed. Seven representing measurements were selected as key features for steady-state detection. The optimized moving window size and the feature thresholds was suggested through startup transient test and no-fault steady-state test. Performance of the steady-state detector was verified during indoor load change test. From the research, the general methodology to design a moving window steady-state detector was provided for vapor compression applications.

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Bonding and Etchback Silicon-on-Diamond Technology

  • Jin, Zengsun;Gu, Changzhi;Meng, Qiang;Lu, Xiangyi;Zou, Guangtian;Lu, Jianxial;Yao, Da;Su, Xiudi;Xu, Zhongde
    • The Korean Journal of Ceramics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.18-20
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    • 1997
  • The fabrication process of silicon-diamond(SOD) structure wafer were studied. Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MWPCVD) and annealing technology were used to synthesize diamond film with high resistivity and thermal conductivity. Bonding and etchback silicon-on-diamond (BESOD) were utilized to form supporting substrate and single silicon thin layer of SOD wafer. At last, a SOD structure wafer with 0.3~1$\mu\textrm{m}$ silicon film and 2$\mu\textrm{m}$ diamond film was prepared. The characteristics of radiation for a CMOS integrated circuit (IC) fabricated by SOD wafer were studied.

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The Study on the relationships between age-identity, Attitude toward the elderly and self-esteem of the elderly (노인의 연령 정체감, 노인에 대한 태도, 자아존중감 간의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Shin-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to identify how age-identity is associated with the attitude toward the elderly and self-esteem of the aged. The subjects were 366 adults aged 60 and over. The statistics used for the data analysis were reliability test, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one way ANOVA, correlation and multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows; First, The majority of elderly acknowledged psychological ages as their actual ages. Secondly, The degrees of elderlys' age-identity was 2.12, and the levels of the attitude toward the elderly was 60.62. Also, The degrees of elderlys' self-esteem was 24.16. The surveyed data showed higher means than medians. Third, The age-identity of elderly was significant with respect to spouse, religion, career, living state, sex, age, gap of actual age, health state, economic state, education, monthly living expenses. And the attitude toward the elderly was stastically significant with respect age-identity, career, spouse, religion, living state, health state, education, monthly living expenses, economic state, gap of actual age, and age. Moreover, The elderlys' self-esteem level was significant with respect to spouse, age-identity, living state, religion, career, economic state, monthly living expenses, the attitude toward the elderly, health state, education, and age. Finally, The variables affecting the age-identity of elderly were health state, economic state, religion, age that explained about 34% of the total variance. And The attitude toward the elderly were age-identity, health state, gap of actual age that explained about 19% of the total variance. Also, The variables that affect elderlys' self-esteem were economic state, age-identity, the attitude toward the elderly, sex, monthly living expenses that explained about 33% of the total variance.

Cambodia's Sangha and Its Relationship with the State (캄보디아의 승가와 국가)

  • JEONG, Yeon Sik
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-46
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    • 2011
  • The state-sangha relations in the countries of Theravada Buddhism has often been described as a mutually dependent patron-client relation in which the state and the sangha support each other by performing their due roles. Yet this theory involves a normative dimension that prescribes such a relation as the ideal in the Buddhist world. The explanatory power of this theory hence is hampered in a country where the ideal is not fully realized. In the wake of tumultuous political upheaval where political rivals vie for the state the ideal as well as the theory are put into a trial. The tragic history of modern Cambodia is a history of ceaseless conflict in which multiple contenders for the state had to define their relations with the sangha. The relations defined turned out less mutual than supposed. The state-sangha relations were rather unilaterally dependent. More often than not the sangha was subject to state control with no power to confront the state or coopted only to become a tool for political propaganda and manipulation. The sangha always played the role of client, waiting for the state to define the relation and to be benevolent. Even when the monks were forced to disrobe and when the sangha itself was annihilated, all they did was to wait for another patron state that would put the sangha back in place. The state-sangha relations the Cambodian history reveals were not close to one in which the two parties benefit each other on an equal basis. It was a patron-client relationship in which the client sangha had to be heavily dependent on the patron state. Such a unilaterally dependent relationship is the one that has prevailed in Cambodia.

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The Effect of Preparatory Information on the State Anxiety Depending on Coping Styles of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization (예비감각정보가 심도자 검사환자의 대응양상에 따라 상태불안에 미치는 영향)

  • 김조자;김기연
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.648-659
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to study what effect providing the patient with preparatory concrete information had on the state anxiety depending on coping styles of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. State Anxiety scores for 32 patients who had cardiac catheterization were examined after information was provided about the test using an audio tape. The state anxiety of patients who had a high trait anxiety level was compared to that of those who had a low trait anxiety level. The state anxiety of those who had a monitor type were compared to those of patients who had blunter type. The Trait and State Anxiety Scale of Spielberger, Miller's Behavioral Style Scale, and Krantz's Health Opinion Survey and Visual Analog Scale (Ⅰ, Ⅱ) were used. Findings were as follows : 1. Among the demographic characteristics, gender difference of the patients was significantly different for the trait anxiety level. Female patients had higher trait anxiety level than male patients. 2. Analysis of state anxiety scores indicated that the mean score of the state anxiety prior to the test was higher than the mean score of the state anxiety examined after the test. The difference was statistically significant. 3. Among the patients, 14 patients (43. 7%) used monitor type, while 18 patients (56. 3%) used blunter type. The means of preference for information measured on the Krantz' subscale was 2. 45. 4. The study results indicate that the state anxiety level of those who had a low trait anxiety level was lower than that of those who had a high trait anxiety level. 5. State anxiety levels depending upon the kind of coping style which patients used during the test were not significantly different. This study did not identify the influence of preparatory concrete information on the state anxiety depending on coping styles, and there fore a quasi-experimental study using a large sample according to different types of information, and the amount of information, coping styles is recommended.

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