• 제목/요약/키워드: the Period of Korean Enlightenment

검색결과 92건 처리시간 0.025초

개화기 방한 서양인 기록물의 디지털 아카이브 구축에 관한 연구 (Developing Digital Archives from the Records of Westerners who visited Korea during the Enlightenment Period of Chosun)

  • 정희선;김희순;송현숙;이명희
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 개화기 방한 서양인 기록물의 디지털 아카이브를 구축하여 지역문화콘텐츠로 활용하기 위하여 수행되었다. 수집대상 자료는 서양인 기록물 11권이고, 주제분류체계로부터 10개의 대주제와 120개의 소주제를 추출하였다. 37개 메타데이터 항목에 맞추어 텍스트 내용의 분석과 입력자료 유형을 분류하고 엑셀로 된 데이터베이스를 구축하였다. 그리고 디지털 아카이브 시스템 모델과 5개의 메뉴로 구성된 홈페이지 구축(안)을 제시하였다. 추후연구를 위해 아카이빙 구축을 위한 데이터의 지속적인 발굴과 아카이브 확대 방안, 아카이브 시스템간의 활발한 연계, 시스템 표준화, 시스템 호환성과 사용자 편의성을 고려한 시스템 설계를 제언하였다.

근대계몽기 세계지리 교과서 "소학만국지지(小學萬國地誌)"의 내용체계와 서술방식 (The Contents Organization and Description Style of World Geography Textbook "小學萬國地誌" in the Period of Modern Enlightenment)

  • 강창숙
    • 한국지역지리학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.747-763
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    • 2013
  • 근대계몽기(1894~1910)에 "만국지지"라 불리는 세계지리서들은 세계에 대한 새로운 지리적 지식으로 당시 사람들의 세계관과 국가관 전환에 중요한 영향을 미쳤다. 그 중에서도 1895년 근대식 학제에 의거하여 학부에서 공식 편찬한 "소학만국지지"는 1권으로 편집된 근대계몽기 초기의 세계지리 교과서이다. 이에 "소학만국지지"가 갖은 의미와 영향을 구체적인 내용체계와 서술방식을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, "소학만국지지"의 내용체계는 세계를 대륙, 국가, 지역의 규모로 구분하고, 6편의 지지를 자연지리에서 인문지리의 순서로 서술하면서, 지역을 비교하거나, 지리적 현상의 인과관계를 서술하는 근대적 지지로 구성되었다. 국한문 혼용체로 서술된 이 책의 문체와 문자 그리고 편집 체계상의 변화는, 세계 각 지역의 지명에 대한 한글 표기, 서양 근대 지식의 적극적인 수용, 근대적 지리적 지식의 대중화에 영향을 미쳤다. 이렇게 "소학만국지지"는 당시의 세계를 사회진화론과 계몽주의, 제국주의와 민족주의의 복합적 이데올로기로 견지하면서, 사람들의 인식을 중국 중심에서 근대적 세계관으로 전환하는데 필요한 구체적이고 실질적인 지식을 제공하였다.

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세조의 원각사13층석탑 건립과 그 의미체계 (King Sejo's Establishment of the Thirteen-story Stone Pagoda of Wongaksa Temple and Its Semantics)

  • 남동신
    • 미술자료
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    • 제101권
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    • pp.12-46
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    • 2022
  • 1467년에 완성된 원각사13층석탑은 한국 역사상 최후의 호불군주에 의한 최후의 도성불탑이다. 필자는 세조가 즉위 10년을 맞이하여 도성(都城) 중심부에 13층석탑을 세우고 탑에 석가사리(釋迦舍利)와 함께 '신역원각경(新譯圓覺經)'을 봉안한 뜻을 세조의 관점에 입각하여 살펴보았다. 머리말에 이어 제II장에서는 13층탑의 경전적 배경을 다각도로 고찰하였다. 특히 필자는 13층탑 건립의 직접적인 소의경전으로서 『대반열반경후분(大般涅槃經後分)』을 최초로 발굴하고, 이 경전이 7세기 후반 중부 자바에서 번역되고 동아시아에 유통된 사실을 추적하였다. 아울러 13층탑의 기원으로서 이른바 카니시카양식의 탑을 주목하고 동아시아와 한국에서의 13층탑 조성 사례를 개관하였다. 그리고 불교문헌을 탐색하여 '13층'이 깨달음[Buddha]으로 나아가는 수행 단계를 상징함을 입증하였다. 확실히 '13'은 불교도에게는 매우 특별하면서도 신성한 숫자라 할 수 있다. 이어서 제III장에서는 세조의 원각사13층탑 건립의 불교적 정치적 함의를 탐색하였다. 불교적 함의와 관련해서는, 세조가 중국에서 직접 구입하여 조선에 최초로 유통시킨 『번역명의집(翻譯名義集)』과, 그가 최초의 한글 번역에 직접 개입한 『원각경(圓覺經)』에 주목하였다. 『번역명의집』은 14세기에 출현한 일종의 불교용어집인데, 세조는 원각사탑을 창건할 무렵 이 문헌을 통하여 13층탑의 소의경전인 『대반열반경후분』을 알았을 것으로 추론하였다. 한편 세조는 대장경 전체를 상징하는 단일경전으로 '신역 원각경'을 원각사탑에 봉안하였는데, 이것이 바로 그가 최초의 한글 번역에 깊이 관여한 『원각경언해』였다. 아울러 『원각경언해』의 저본은 지금까지 알려진 것과 달리 종밀(宗密)의 『원각경략소(圓覺經略疏)』임을 밝혔다. 원각사탑 건립의 정치적 함의와 관련해서는, 조선 초 왕실의 능사(陵寺)(또는 진전사원(眞殿寺院))에 세워진 석탑-경천사13층석탑(敬天寺13層石塔), 개경사석탑(開慶寺石塔), 연경사석탑(衍慶寺石塔), 신륵사다층석탑(神勒寺多層石塔)-들을 비교 검토하였다. 그 결과 세조가 자신의 왕위계승에 정당성을 부여하기 위하여 정치적 상징으로서 원각사13층석탑을 건립하였다는 결론에 도달하였다. 본고에서 필자는 13층탑으로서의 원각사탑의 의미체계를 온전히 파악하고자 하였다. 이러한 시도는 여말선초 정점에 달한 불탑 문화를 이해할 뿐 아니라, 카니시카대탑에서 기원하고 『대반열반경후분』에 근거하는 동아시아의 13층탑을 연구하는 데 한국적 연구모델로서 기여하리라 기대된다.

개화기(開化期) 서울에서 양식적 건축 요소를 차용한 절충적 한옥(韓屋)의 입면에 관한 연구 (A Study of Hybrid Characteristics in Architectural Elevations Seoul, between 1876 and 1905)

  • 김정인
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2015
  • There have not been many debates on the subject of Korean architecture during the transformative period of Gae Wha Gi (開化期: Enlightenment Period of Korea), when Western-style buildings first appeared in Seoul. This study begins by finding and recording those buildings in Seoul that show the gradual adoption and appropriation of Western architectural elements at the turn of the 20th century. By exploring the confluence of two different architectural styles, this paper attempts to look carefully at the hybrid conditions that resulted from encounters between the Koreans and the Westerners in the late 19th and early 20th century. Beginning with discovering the first products of the Western architectural influence in Seoul, this study explores the uneasy co-existence between the traditional Korean architectural style, and the Western architectural style. This co-existence ultimately bred new building techniques, and interior layouts; the appearance of these hybrid buildings illustrate the gradual transition from the traditional way, in which users modified, combined and appropriated various elements from both styles. Analyzing historical documents and photos, this study tries to capture a detailed image of the period when the influence of the Western architecture had an unavoidable impact and brought change to the traditional architecture of Korea.

일제강점기 길장지구 한인 관련 건축활동과 시설에 관한 연구 -만선일보의 기사를 중심으로- (A Study of Architectural Activities in China Jichang(吉長) during the Japanese Colonial Period - Focused on the articles of Manseon-ilbo(滿鮮日報) in 1940 -)

  • 한동수
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2015
  • This paper deals with architectural activities related to Korean society in Jichang district in North East China, focused on the articles of Manseon-ilbo published there during the Japanese colonial period. Construction-related contents in the area closely connected with topical interest, publicity, and enlightenment as a local media source provide positive grounds about pending issues in colonial situations. This paper handles with articles issued in the 1940's newspapers just before the Pacific War. At that time Japanese enter in the Chinese continent, and construct a stable basis in the intimate association with Germany and Italy, countering against the United State. Among articles regarding architecture, most of contents are based on healthcare and public facilities, and urban planning. Overwhelmingly the most popular articles are about new constructions of educational facilities and residential matters. The shortage of goods and the excessive concentration of population resulted in urban and house problems, which were particularly much more serious in Korea society. Such social atmosphere made all activities regarding building constructions, in particular educational facilities, in civil level rather than the helps of the Japanese colonial government. Thus, through education and house matters we can read a slice of Korean society to survive in the colonial environment of Jichang district.

서양인의 조선여행 기록문을 통한 근대 식생활사(食生活史) 연구 (Study on Modern Food Culture History through Records from Foreigners' Chosun Dynasty Travel in the Enlightenment Period)

  • 김미혜
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.381-399
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    • 2016
  • The study presented attempts to analyze and categorize Chosun's food ingredients and culture through a Western perspective based on 32 representative Western documents pertaining to old Korea. Before modernization, Westerners visited Chosun during their visits to old China or Japan. Westerners were most active in Chosun from the open port period to the annexation of Korea to Japan occupation. They were teachers, missionaries, diplomats, and doctors visiting Chosun with personal goals. In 31 book traveler's journal, it records Chosen's mainly produced ingredients, such as grains, spices, fruits, cabbage, chicken, and chestnuts; foods from Chosen include kimchi, soup, and tofu. Foreigners especially liked foods made of eggs and chicken, but they did not enjoy Chosun's lack of sugar and dairy. Thirty-one book foreigners' records describe Chosun's Ondol, kitchen, crock, fermented foods, low dining tables, and chopsticks. Chosun people liked dog meat, unrestrained drinking culture, sungnyung, and tea culture. Foreign documentation on Chosun's food culture allows modern scholars to learn about Chosun people's lifestyles, as if their lives were a vivid picture.

유교적 가족윤리의 해체 전기(前期: 1880년대 초부터 1919년 3.1 운동이전까지)에 있어서의 가족윤리 실상 (The State of the Family Ethics in the Period of the Early Deconstruction of Confucian Family Ethics (From the Beginning of 1880's to the 3.1 movement of 1919))

  • 이정덕
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제38권7호
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    • pp.133-152
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    • 2000
  • This study was inquire into the state of the family ethics during the period of the beginning of 1880′s to the 3.1 independence movement of 1919 which has been the black period in the history of Korean family ethics. The research was conducted by analyzing the newspapers, magazines, related literature and articles of the period. It was the beginning of the 1860′s and by the "Cheondo-Kyo" (the Religion of the Heavenly) way that the issues regarding the equality of sexes as the central concern of the modem family ethics came to be the object of the social discourse for the first time in Korean history. The social discourse had come to be positively activated around 1900, when the intellectuals of the "Korean enlightenment" had begun to the feel necessity of the modernization of Korean socialite and the importance of the women education as the essential part of it. However, the activation of the social discourse itself, especially with the newspapers of that period did not mean the changes of the traditional Confucian family ethics, but the discourse of the modernizing forces had become the seeds for changing the family ethics of the Korean people. The made chauvinistic nature of the family ethics of the period was not so much different from those of the preceeding patriarch societies, but the state of the family ethics during the period are characterized by several social phenomenon such as the rising needs of using the "Hangle"(Korean alphabet) instead of Chinese character for the equal education of the both sexes, increasing practices of the early marriage, customs of trade marriage in accordance with the demand of excessive weeding presents, and regarding social consciousness of the traditional family ethics as patriotics attitude against the Christian rejection of the ancestor worship ritual.

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근대 한국 도서관사 연구 -개화기에 있어서 근대도서관사상의 형성과정을 중심으로- (A Study on the History of Modern Library in Korea -With Special Reference to the Formation of Modern Library Thought in the Late Yi Dynasty-)

  • 이춘희
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제16권
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    • pp.71-110
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the influential factors creating the modern library thought in the latter part of Yi Dynasty. After Korea was forced to make a treaty opening up the country in 1876, Western civilization was introduced and reforms were carried out eventually. Various influential factors could be taken into consideration as follows. (1) The envoys to Japan after 1876 (2) Tourists party to Japan organized by Gentlemen in 1982 (3) The persons who studied abroad (4) Establishment of modern schools and development of publications: on the new learning. (5) News media and others Above all, the persons who studied abroad, such as Yu Gil Jun, Yun Chi Ho, etc., in early stage has contributed most to the extension of public recognition for modern library in Korea. Therefore it can be said that the formation of modern library thought in Korea was based on the theory of the Western library as was the Japan in the period of Meiji Restoration. Patriotic intelectualls in these days believed that reform of the educational system and the diffusion of knowledge was very much meeded in order to preserve an independent Korea and to build up national strength, and then nation-wide campaign for enlightenment was earried on. For that reason the movement of the national library establishment in 1906 also should be regarded from the same point of view, that is, as a part of the enlightenment campaign. Therefore it should not go unheeded that strong patriotism was always streamed under the ground of the library campaign as well as the new learning and new education campaign. Unfortunately every plan of Korean library movement had broken down and missed the chance for having experience of self-development because of the Japanese invasion.

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<>의 형태논적(形態論的) 고찰(考察) (Morphological Study Of The 「Kyeong Syeong Baek In Baek Saek()」 - Focusing On the Declensions)

  • 전병용
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제41호
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    • pp.407-444
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구의 목적은 개화기 풍자소설인 <>을 대상으로 형태론적 특징을 고찰하고, 창작 시기를 추정하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 먼저 조어의 특징을 살핀 다음 조사를 중심으로 분석하였으며, <경셩>의 창작 시기에 대한 형태론적 분석 결과를 바탕으로 창작시기에 대한 의견을 제시하였다. <경셩>의 창작시기에 대한 기존의 논의를 타당한 것으로 본다. 문학전공자를 중심으로 선행 연구에서 <경셩>의 창작시기를 대체로 1901년 이후 1907년 이전으로 잡았는데, 본고의 형태론적 고찰을 통한 결과와도 일치하기 때문이다. 조어 특징에서, 조건법 표현인 '~ 말이면' 등장은 <경셩>의 창작시기를 추정하는 데 도움이 되었다. <경셩>의 창작시기(1910년 전후) 이전의 문헌에서는 이에 상응하는 조건법 표현은 '~ 작시면'이었는데, <경셩> 시기의 신소설에서는 '~ 말이면'으로 나타나고, 그 이후에는 '~ 것 갓흐면'이나 '~'으로 바뀌면서 현대국어의 양상에 근접하기 때문이다. 조어의 특징으로 오기(誤記)를 분석하였다. 단순한 오기와 무지(無知)에서 비롯한 오기로 나누어 살펴본 바, <경셩>의 필사자는 창작자는 물론 아니고 원전(原典)에 대한 이해가 깊은 교양인도 아닐 것으로 추정할 수 있었다. 조사의 특징에서 주격조사 '-가'의 전면적 사용이 특기(特記)할 만하였다. 주격조사 '-가'는 근대국어 초기에 이미 등장하였으나, <이언(易言)>의 한글본의 언해시기(1883년)까지는 전면적으로 쓰이지 않고 '-ㅣ'가 대신하였다. 하지만 <경셩> 시기에서는 '-ㅣ'가 화석형으로 흔적만 남기고 대부분 '-가'로 대체되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 근거로 <경셩>의 창작시기는 최소한 1883년 이후일 것으로 추정하였다.

근대시기 한국의 여의사 양성과정 성립 연구 (A Study on the Establishment of the Korean Women Doctor's Training Course in the Modern Period)

  • 신은정
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2023
  • The Gyeongseong Women's Medical Training Center was created as the result of the efforts of our internal visionaries with meaningful foreign missionaries to cultivate female doctors, yet the systematic structure of the institution developed primarily out of Korean efforts. Koreans have tried hard to cultivate their descendants and the skills of the Korean people within this framework, challenging the oppression of the ruling class in a given environment, and the results have continued to this day. First, during the Early period (1890-1909), Korea began to establish women's education and the first female doctors were trained with the help of foreign missionaries. Second, during the Growth period (1910-1919), while it was difficult for women's education to be easily expressed during Japanese colonial era, the need for women's education was growing as part of the patriotic enlightenment movement, and female students who wanted to become doctors began to go abroad. In addition, during this period, the means to train female doctors in Korea was available, but this system was not recognized by the Japanese colonial government. Third, during the Preparatory period (1920-1928), the Gyeongseong Women's Medical Class, which gave practical training to female doctors, was established and centered on Rosetta Hall and female doctors who studied abroad. Fourth, a women's medical school was established during the Establishment period (1929-1938), which created a foundation for stable supply of professional women's medical personnel. In this article, we studied the process of women who were marginalized in education until they were trained as professional intellectuals, and we hope that it will help them understand the current women's education in Korea and draw directions in the future.