King Sejo's Establishment of the Thirteen-story Stone Pagoda of Wongaksa Temple and Its Semantics

세조의 원각사13층석탑 건립과 그 의미체계

  • Nam, Dongsin (Department of Korean History, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2022.04.03
  • Accepted : 2022.05.20
  • Published : 2022.06.20


Completed in 1467, the Thirteen-story Stone Pagoda of Wongaksa Temple is the last Buddhist pagoda erected at the center of the capital (present-day Seoul) of the Joseon Dynasty. It was commissioned by King Sejo, the final Korean king to favor Buddhism. In this paper, I aim to examine King Sejo's intentions behind celebrating the tenth anniversary of his enthronement with the construction of the thirteen-story stone pagoda in the central area of the capital and the enshrinement of sarira from Shakyamuni Buddha and the Newly Translated Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment (圓覺經). This paper provides a summary of this examination and suggests future research directions. The second chapter of the paper discusses the scriptural background for thirteen-story stone pagodas from multiple perspectives. I was the first to specify the Latter Part of the Nirvana Sutra (大般涅槃經後分) as the most direct and fundamental scripture for the erection of a thirteen-story stone pagoda. I also found that this sutra was translated in Central Java in the latter half of the seventh century and was then circulated in East Asia. Moreover, I focused on the so-called Kanishka-style stupa as the origin of thirteen-story stone pagodas and provided an overview of thirteen-story stone pagodas built around East Asia, including in Korea. In addition, by consulting Buddhist references, I prove that the thirteen stories symbolize the stages of the practice of asceticism towards enlightenment. In this regard, the number thirteen can be viewed as a special and sacred number to Buddhist devotees. The third chapter explores the Buddhist background of King Sejo's establishment of the Thirteen-story Stone Pagoda of Wongaksa Temple. I studied both the Dictionary of Sanskrit-Chinese Translation of Buddhist Terms (翻譯名義集) (which King Sejo personally purchased in China and published for the first time in Korea) and the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment. King Sejo involved himself in the first translation of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment into Korean. The Dictionary of Sanskrit-Chinese Translation of Buddhist Terms was published in the fourteenth century as a type of Buddhist glossary. King Sejo is presumed to have been introduced to the Latter Part of the Nirvana Sutra, the fundamental scripture regarding thirteen-story pagodas, through the Dictionary of Sanskrit-Chinese Translation of Buddhist Terms, when he was set to erect a pagoda at Wongaksa Temple. King Sejo also enshrined the Newly Translated Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment inside the Wongaksa pagoda as a scripture representing the entire Tripitaka. This enshrined sutra appears to be the vernacular version for which King Sejo participated in the first Korean translation. Furthermore, I assert that the original text of the vernacular version is the Abridged Commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment (圓覺經略疏) by Zongmi (宗密, 780-841), different from what has been previously believed. The final chapter of the paper elucidates the political semantics of the establishment of the Wongaksa pagoda by comparing and examining stone pagodas erected at neungsa (陵寺) or jinjeonsawon (眞殿寺院), which were types of temples built to protect the tombs of royal family members near their tombs during the early Joseon period. These stone pagodas include the Thirteen-story Pagoda of Gyeongcheonsa Temple, the Stone Pagoda of Gaegyeongsa Temple, the Stone Pagoda of Yeongyeongsa Temple, and the Multi-story Stone Pagoda of Silleuksa Temple. The comparative analysis of these stone pagodas reveals that King Sejo established the Thirteen-story Stone Pagoda at Wongaksa Temple as a political emblem to legitimize his succession to the throne. In this paper, I attempt to better understand the scriptural and political semantics of the Wongaksa pagoda as a thirteen-story pagoda. By providing a Korean case study, this attempt will contribute to the understanding of Buddhist pagoda culture that reached its peak during the late Goryeo and early Joseon periods. It also contributes to the research on thirteen-story pagodas in East Asia that originated with Kanishka stupa and were based on the Latter Part of the Nirvana Sutra.

1467년에 완성된 원각사13층석탑은 한국 역사상 최후의 호불군주에 의한 최후의 도성불탑이다. 필자는 세조가 즉위 10년을 맞이하여 도성(都城) 중심부에 13층석탑을 세우고 탑에 석가사리(釋迦舍利)와 함께 '신역원각경(新譯圓覺經)'을 봉안한 뜻을 세조의 관점에 입각하여 살펴보았다. 머리말에 이어 제II장에서는 13층탑의 경전적 배경을 다각도로 고찰하였다. 특히 필자는 13층탑 건립의 직접적인 소의경전으로서 『대반열반경후분(大般涅槃經後分)』을 최초로 발굴하고, 이 경전이 7세기 후반 중부 자바에서 번역되고 동아시아에 유통된 사실을 추적하였다. 아울러 13층탑의 기원으로서 이른바 카니시카양식의 탑을 주목하고 동아시아와 한국에서의 13층탑 조성 사례를 개관하였다. 그리고 불교문헌을 탐색하여 '13층'이 깨달음[Buddha]으로 나아가는 수행 단계를 상징함을 입증하였다. 확실히 '13'은 불교도에게는 매우 특별하면서도 신성한 숫자라 할 수 있다. 이어서 제III장에서는 세조의 원각사13층탑 건립의 불교적 정치적 함의를 탐색하였다. 불교적 함의와 관련해서는, 세조가 중국에서 직접 구입하여 조선에 최초로 유통시킨 『번역명의집(翻譯名義集)』과, 그가 최초의 한글 번역에 직접 개입한 『원각경(圓覺經)』에 주목하였다. 『번역명의집』은 14세기에 출현한 일종의 불교용어집인데, 세조는 원각사탑을 창건할 무렵 이 문헌을 통하여 13층탑의 소의경전인 『대반열반경후분』을 알았을 것으로 추론하였다. 한편 세조는 대장경 전체를 상징하는 단일경전으로 '신역 원각경'을 원각사탑에 봉안하였는데, 이것이 바로 그가 최초의 한글 번역에 깊이 관여한 『원각경언해』였다. 아울러 『원각경언해』의 저본은 지금까지 알려진 것과 달리 종밀(宗密)의 『원각경략소(圓覺經略疏)』임을 밝혔다. 원각사탑 건립의 정치적 함의와 관련해서는, 조선 초 왕실의 능사(陵寺)(또는 진전사원(眞殿寺院))에 세워진 석탑-경천사13층석탑(敬天寺13層石塔), 개경사석탑(開慶寺石塔), 연경사석탑(衍慶寺石塔), 신륵사다층석탑(神勒寺多層石塔)-들을 비교 검토하였다. 그 결과 세조가 자신의 왕위계승에 정당성을 부여하기 위하여 정치적 상징으로서 원각사13층석탑을 건립하였다는 결론에 도달하였다. 본고에서 필자는 13층탑으로서의 원각사탑의 의미체계를 온전히 파악하고자 하였다. 이러한 시도는 여말선초 정점에 달한 불탑 문화를 이해할 뿐 아니라, 카니시카대탑에서 기원하고 『대반열반경후분』에 근거하는 동아시아의 13층탑을 연구하는 데 한국적 연구모델로서 기여하리라 기대된다.



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