• Title/Summary/Keyword: teachers' difficulty

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A study of Middle School Teacher's recognition and the Present Situation About Mathematics Performance Assessment (수학과 수행평가에 대한 중학교 수학교사들의 인식 및 실시 현황)

  • 김영기;양승욱
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.509-543
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the present situation of the performance assessment having been introduced for recent years as a new system to measure students' mathematical power as well as their achievement in mathematics by analyzing math teachers' recognition about the assessment. The specific research questions are as follows: (1) what is the difficulty in the administrative process of the assessment\ulcorner (2) what is mathematics teachers' recognition about the assessment with respect to its nature and purpose\ulcorner (3) what is the situation of the in-service program for the newly introduced assessment\ulcorner (4) what is the administrative procedure of the assessement\ulcorner (5) what is mathematics teachers' recognition about the effectiveness of the assessemtn\ulcorner (6) What support is requried to improve the assessemt?

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A Study on Setting of Mathematical modelling Task Space and Rating Scheme in its Complexity (수학적 모델링의 과제공간에서 과제복잡성의 평가척도(rating scheme)설정 - 예비수학교사를 대상으로)

  • Shin, Hyun Sung;Choi, Heesun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.357-371
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to decide the task space and Rating Scheme of task difficulty in complicated mathematical modelling situations. One of main objective was also to conform the validation of Rating Scheme to determine the degree of difficulty by comparing the student performance with the statement of the theoretical model. In spring 2014, the experimental setting was in Modelling Course for 38 in-service teachers in mathematics education. In conclusions, we developed the Model of Task Space based on their solution paths in mathematical modelling tasks and Rating Scheme for task difficulty. The Validity of Rating Scheme to determine the degree of task difficulty based on comparing the student performance gave us the meaningful results. Within a modelling task the student performance verifies the degree of difficulty in terms of scoring higher using solution approaches determined as easier and vice versa. Another finding was some relations among three research topics, that is, degree of task difficulty on rating scheme, levels of students performance and numbers of specific heuristic. Those three topics showed the impressive consistence pattern.

A Study on the Job Specifications of Teachers Working at Secondary Level Technical Vocational Education Institutes (중등단계 공업계열 직업교육기관 교사의 직무 인식)

  • Lee, Chan-Joo;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.30-52
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the duties of teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes, and analyze job importance, difficulty and frequency of performance perceived by teachers. For deducing the duties of teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes, they were theoretically devised by reviewing related legislations & regulations and domestic & overseas literatures. The devised duties were reviewed by 16 current teachers and 3 education experts to be revised and supplemented to complete the job model. Based on this, development of research tool was finalized, and questionnaires were used as the research tool. The results of this study are as follow. First, the job categories of teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes consisted of 7 categories that are subject instruction, student instruction, class management, curriculum organization & administration, school affairs & administrative duties, PR & field practical training and expertise enhancement. Based on the CFA, they consisted of 46 sub-factors in 10 categories with 3 categories of lesson preparation & planning, lesson administration and academic evaluation for subject instruction, and 2 categories of extracurricular student guidance and school life guidance for student instruction, and class management, curriculum organization & administration, school affairs & administrative duties, PR & field practical training and expertise enhancement. Second, job importance perceived by teachers working at secondary level technical vocational education institutes was found to be high overall with 4.10, while above average in difficulty with 3.45 and average in frequency of performance with 3.12 (1-3 times a month). As for categories with high job importance, they were found to be in the order of academic evaluation (4.32), lesson preparation & planning (4.28), expertise enhancement (4.27), lesson administration (4.26), school life guidance (4.25), class management (4.17) and PR & field practical training (4.12). In regards to categories with high job difficulty, they were found to be in the order of PR & field practical training (4.07), curriculum organization & administration (3.73), expertise enhancement (3.55), school life guidance (3.48), academic evaluation (3.35) and extracurricular student guidance (3.22). As for categories with high frequency of job performance, they were found to be in the order of class management (3.88), lesson administration (3.77), school life guidance (3.52), school affairs & administrative duties (3.40) and lesson preparation & planning (3.17).

Secondary School Science Teachers' Perceptions about the MixingPhenomenon Related to Dissolution and Diffusion (용해와확산에 관련된 혼합 현상에 대한 중등 과학교사들의 사고 특성)

  • Hur, Mi-Youn;Paik, Seong-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.585-608
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to research the characteristics of science teachers' thinking related to dissolution and diffusion. For this study, five science teachers who majored in chemistry or chemistry education were selected and interviewed. These teachers have been teaching on average for 2$\sim$6 years. From the study, it was discovered that the science teachers didn't recognize the necessity of sorting out diffusion from dissolution. The teachers divided in various mixing phenomena with diverse criteria. The science teachers had difficulty in sorting out diffusion from dissolution based on solubility and Gibbs' energy. The teachers didn't see the linkage between the contents that were divided into chapters, and didn't find omitted contents themselves in the chapters that introduced applicable principles. During the interviews, the teachers felt the need to understand the principles for understanding phenomena. But they did not have the ability to teach these principles after learning about the principles themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to develop teacher education programs, as well as a science curriculum, that helps in linking the knowledge between natural phenomena and principles.

The recognition of e-Learning formiddle school teachers and students (중학교 교사${\cdot}$학생들의 e-Learning에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Jeong, Sang-Mok;Oh, Pill-Woo;Song, Ki-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.519-528
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    • 2005
  • Computers have been increasingly recognized as tools for teaming, in addition to supporting industrial works. Such advantages e-Learning have as teaming at any time and place, distribution and management of standardized contents, mentoring with learners, immediate feed-backs, and dynamic learning have been applied in a variety of divisions. Despite of the researches and interests, the study on the different views between teachers who design and operate e-learning and students who receive lessons hasn't been enough. So it studied the recognition of middle school teachers and students on the e-Learning. <중략>The research result showed that there were similarity in the views between teachers and students on the concept of e-Learning. Many teachers and students have experienced the e-Learning directly or indirectly. Teachers and students showed similar opinions on the beforehand education and preferred subjects of the e-Learning. But the students required fast and immediate feedback of the teachers. Teachers and students showed similar opinions on the utilization of multimedia components to achieve the goal of education. But teachers thought that immediate feedback was important. The students thought it important to control the degree of difficulty. It suggests a way to activate the e-Learning of middle school efficiently with the research result.

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Prospective elementary teachers' preconceptions and experiences of diagrams in solving math word problems (초등예비교사의 수학 문장제 해결 도구로서 다이어그램에 대한 초기 관념과 수행)

  • Yim, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.161-181
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    • 2018
  • This study involved an investigation of prospective elementary teachers' preconceptions and experiences of diagrams and their ability to draw diagrams in solving math word problems. A questionnaire and two math word problems were administered to prospective elementary teachers who began to taking an introductory mathematics education course. The results from the analysis of their responses to the questionnaire items indicate that prospective elementary teachers appreciate the value of diagrams as tools for problem solving and communication. In addition, prospective elementary teachers have the will not only to teach their future students how to use diagrams but also to encourage them to draw diagrams in solving math word problems. However, the results also indicates that prospective elementary teachers neither use diagrams spontaneously in their math problem solving activities nor have confidence in drawing useful diagrams. Prospective elementary teachers also manifested low scores on the questionnaire items asking whether they were taught how to draw useful diagrams or encouraged by their teachers to use diagrams in their previous learning experiences. The results from the analysis of the diagrams that prospective elementary teachers drew in solving math word problems showed that most of them had difficulty drawing diagrams that represent their reasoning and solving process.

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A Comparative Study on Critical Review and Perceptions of Elementary Software Education Curriculum and Textbooks; Focused on Expert Teachers and Novice Teachers (초등학교 소프트웨어교육 교육과정 및 교과서의 비판적 검토 및 인식 비교 연구; 전문가 교사와 초보 교사 중심으로)

  • Song, JeongBeom
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2020
  • This study compared the perceptions of novice teachers and expert teachers on software education in the 2015 revised curriculum. Awareness comparisons were assessed by questionnaire for priorities for field support, activities for professional development, organizational hours, achievement criteria statements, and appropriateness for textbooks introduced only in 6th grade. In all questions, there was a difference in recognition between the two groups. In particular, novice teachers were '' appropriate '' in terms of organizational hours, achievement criteria, and textbooks introduced only in 6th grade. Expert teachers, on the other hand, were inadequate. In addition, as a result of analyzing the key keywords of free-response opinions about the introduction of educational robots in the curriculum and textbooks, positive keywords were obtained for both groups. However, novice teachers showed passive and passive keywords such as 'support', 'difficulty', and 'problems', and expert teachers showed differences in their educational utilization after introducing 'utilization' and 'education'.

An Analysis of the Perception of Career Education by Teachers in General High School in China (중국 일반고등학교 교사가 진로교육에 대한 인식분석)

  • Zhai Lixia;Zhouyuetong
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to observe teachers' perceptions of career education for incumbent Chinese general high school teachers.This is because no matter what the curriculum on career education looks like, career education can eventually be conducted in various directions according to the perception of teachers who provide career education. The survey categories to examine teachers' perceptions are largely divided into five categories: experience/current of career education, importance of career education, necessity of career education, difficulty in the implementation process, and method of implementation. Currently, the Chinese government strongly encourages career education, but it lacks the ability of teachers to stockpile expertise in the field.In addition, teachers showed a high awareness of the effectiveness of career education, but they expressed difficulties in recognizing how to develop vocational career skills. This study is meaningful in that it suggested the direction of improving career education through a survey of teachers' perceptions that determine the realization of career education in a situation where career education research itself is very weak for teachers in general high schools in China.

Investigation of Christian Early Childhood Curriculum Experienced by Christian Early Childhood Teachers (기독유아교사가 경험한 기독교 유아교육과정에 대한 탐구)

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Jung, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.323-345
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the recognition and difficulty of Christian early childhood education curriculum of Christian early childhood education by analyzing cases of Christian early childhood curriculum experienced by 10 Christian early childhood teachers with more than 4 years of experience in the metropolitan area. From April 4 to June 24, 2018, data were collected by transcribing through a total of 22 interviews: individual interviews (20 times) and group interviews (2 times). In order to categorize the interview data, derive the core categories, and increase the accuracy and validity of data interpretation, it was sent to the study participants for member check and verified by two early childhood education experts. As a result, the perception and difficulty of Christian early childhood teachers' perceptions and difficulties in the Christian curriculum were analyzed as 'Applying Church Education to Nuri Course', 'Applying Nuri Course to Church Education', and 'Learners Understanding for Integration of Church Education and Nuri Course' did. It is hoped that the understanding of the Christian early childhood curriculum will be helped through the recognition and difficulty of the Christian early childhood curriculum experienced by Christian early childhood teachers, and will be provided as basic data for finding a desirable Christian early childhood curriculum.

Awareness, Satisfaction, and Usage Patterns of Elementary School Teachers for Food Labeling in Busan (식품표시제도에 대한 부산지역 초등학교 교사의 인식, 만족도 및 이용실태)

  • Lee, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.254-268
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the awareness, satisfaction, and usage patterns of 257 elementary school teachers for food labeling in Busan. The survey was conducted from April 15 to June 20, 2020, by questionnaires. The perception degree of food labeling was higher in female teachers than in male teachers and did not differ significantly among age groups. The score of the understanding degree was highest in their 20s and lowest in their 30s. The degree demand in their 50s was higher than in their 30s and 40s. The reliability degree in their 20s was higher than that of those in their 40s and 50s. The verification degree and satisfaction degree did not differ significantly with age or gender. The primary reason to check food labeling was 'to confirm harmful additives (31.9%)'. Among those in their 20s and 30s, the major reason for reviewing nutrition labeling was 'nutrient', while it was 'health improvement' was most important in those in their 40s and 50s. Of the subjects, 31.1% reported that the reason for the difficulty in understanding the label was 'various forms and the small letters'. The demand for the content was highest in trans fats. Apporximately 32.3% of the teachers were educated for food labeling; 42.4% of them taught food labeling, and 62.7% of them recognized the necessity of food labeling teaching. A correlation was observed between the demand for food labeling and understanding (r=0.586). Therefore, preparing education programs for teachers according to gender and age group and developing food additives-related programs will be necessary for strengthening the teachers' ability to manage their dietary life and educate students.