• Title/Summary/Keyword: tax law

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A Study on the Land Use Control and Compensation Plan for Jeju Island Coastal Landscape Conservation (제주도 해안경관보전을 위한 토지이용규제와 보상방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.12 no.3 s.32
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2006
  • Jeju coastal landscape has been changed from 1980's. Construction of coastal road, rearing fm, restaurant and condominium are main reasons of destroying the Jeju coastal area. Recently, the law for preserving coastal landscape is effective to prevent diverse construction activities, the land is comparatively restricted in the coastal landscape preservation districts. The resident's attitude toward restricted landlord has been carried out in Jeju province and compensation program has been developed for landlord in the coastal landscape preservation district. To speak compensation programs, First, land compensation as if cash compensation and right of purchase claim, Second, incentive as if tax reducement or regional support, Third, assignment of development right.

A Study for Advancing into European Market of Korean Cuisine & the Comparison between Korean Cuisine Culture and European Cuisine Culture (한국음식문화와 유럽음식문화의 비교에 따른 한식의 유럽 진출 방안)

  • 강다원
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.88-101
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    • 2003
  • There is difference between European Cuisine and Korean Cuisine in various ways. In order to advance Korean Food into European Market, we should understand well European food-culture and food-custom. There are several process for push into the European Market. First, we inform European like that Korea traditional food (repast tool, the interior of Korean restaurant, traditional music, food-sequence, service method etc.). Second, we can introduce them ' Korean Fusion Food ' and that Korean Cuisine is ' Health foods '. For globalization of Korean Cuisine, we must understand exactly European market situation and know well the field law and tax system for business. Next, we establish the prior plan to supply with Korean food material till faraway region.

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The Improvement Direction of the Honorary Industrial Safety Supervisor System (명예산업안전감독관 제도의 운영현황 및 개선방향)

  • 이동형;김병규
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 2002
  • Though the Honorary Industrial Safety Supervisor System was activated from 1995, the system did not show the better effectiveness due to the unconcern of top management and the insufficient support of government etc. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems of the system and to present the improvement direction of that system. The research result points out that we have to consider the following countermeasures; First, the government should make up the support system by a law dealing with proper compensation and professional education for the supervisor, and tax reduction for companies. Second, the companies should make an effort firming up the safety consciousness of top management, and strengthening the employees' concern about safety through continuous safety education and campaign by a labor union, and promoting the supervisor's pride through recognition from top management and other employees.

Do Firm Characteristics Determine Capital Structure of Pakistan Listed Firms? A Quantile Regression Approach

  • KHAN, Karamat;QU, Jing;SHAH, Muhammad Haroon;BAH, Kebba;KHAN, Irfan Ullah
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of firms operating in a developing economy, Pakistan. The quantile regression method is applied on a sample of 183 non-financial companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange during the period of 2008-2017. Specifically, the empirical analysis focuses on changes in the coefficients of the determinants according to the leverage ratio quantiles of the examined listed firms. The findings show that the capital structure of Pakistan listed firms differs between firms in different quantiles of leverage. These differences are significant with the sign of explanatory variables changes with the level of leverage. The research result found tangibility, profitability and age to be positively related to leverage among listed firms in Pakistan. However, size, liquidity and non-debt tax shield (NDTS) are negatively related to leverage. A firm's growth and risk are found to be insignificant predictors of capital structure in Pakistan listed firms. Moreover, the study also found a significant impact of industry characteristic on leverage. The findings of this study indicate that an individual firm's finance policy needs to be responsive to the firm's characteristics and should match with the different borrowing requirements of listed firms.

A Study on Competition Limitation Clause of International License Contract (국제라이선스계약상 경쟁제한조항에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Won Suk;Jeong, Hee Jin;Kim, Jong Kwon
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    • v.64
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    • pp.39-64
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    • 2014
  • The object of International License Contract is technology. Technology is means to produce visible goods, which are human's intellectual creations such as Intellectual Property Right - patent, design, trademark- and Know-how. Unlike visible goods which decrease as being used, these technologies are possible to be produced expansively and develop additionally. Therefore, the way to make a contract of goods is a sales contract which transfers ownership while technology follows license contract which gives approval of use for a certain period. International license contract means that licensor has right to possess, allows licensee to use licensed technology for a fixed period and takes royalty. So there are various matters such as selection of the duration of a contract, confirmation of technology range, competition limitation, technique guidance and support, calculation of royalty, withholding tax between parties. This study examines licensor's grant of license and competition limitation. Intellectual property rights fundamentally give exclusive rights to the creator so the licensor use or dispose of his or her intellectual property rights at will. Technology transfer is possible through license contract because of this right. But licensor must exercise his or her intellectual property rights within a reasonable limit. It means, when licensor makes an unreasonable demand abusing his or her position, it is regarded as competition limitation clause and the deal itself may become null. Therefore, restraint on competition needs to be examined in detail as it influences on contract validity. Each country has their own competition laws for establishing a fair market order and inspection guide and guideline for judging whether there is any unfair act related to intellectual property rights. Judgment on intellectual property rights is subject the technology-introduced country's domestic laws and thus, contracting parties each need to precede opposite nation's domestic laws system.

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A Study on the Rational Application of Valuation for Unlisted Stock (비상장주식 가치평가의 합리적 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Su
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2014
  • Unlisted stocks, each country applies a systematic evaluation of the proposed regulations and how the objectivity and reliability of the valuation is trying to improve. In the case of Korea, the law relating to the assessment of unlisted stocks of a representative and 'Inheritance and Gift Tax Law' and the majority of the information in accordance with this law is. IFRS to the valuation of securities at fair value, such as unlisted stocks, but with the exception that non-marketable securities, the acquisition cost can be replaced by a well-known professional organizations calculation of the amount of stocks that the rules are followed. Therefore, in this study, together with the other examples given statutory valuation theory or technique has been referred to various valuation models in practice. It is significant to provide data that can be used to present a variety of methods for the valuation of unlisted shares and enable rationalization study. But the limitations of this study, the implication is obtained through a single enterprise, the research will continue to be applied to the case study and plan the future by the various sectors of the corporate scale.

A Study on the Substantial impact of US high rate tariff policy on the Korean companies -Based on analysis of Article 301 of the US Trade Law -

  • Nam, Seon Mo
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the United States and China have declared a 25% retaliatory tariff for the partner country products of 50 billion dollar scale. "Trade war" is getting full swing. Such conflicts between economic powers may spread to Japan like the domino phenomenon following the EU (European Union) and become bigger in the global trade war. As a result, Korea has an economic system with a high degree of external dependence, and there is an expert's analysis that it will become the largest victim of the global trade war. If the WTO Dispute Settlement Authority approves this US 301 retaliation measure in the same way as the past case (US-EU hormone-treated beef imports), the United States will not import any Chinese imported products Chinese products) can be imposed. If the US launches a special 301 or super 301, which is stronger than the regular 301, then China is very likely to enforce US retaliation against it, and the trade war between the two countries could become a reality. This phenomenon is likely to have a negative impact on Korean companies. In particular, Korea, which is highly reliant on intermediate goods exports to China, is expected to suffer a great deal of damage. Therefore, Korea needs flexible response at home and abroad, it is necessary to enhance the autonomy of companies and protect export industries. Adjusting corporate tax rate as well as domestic industry height will be one way. The long-term (21 months) trade war between the United States and China has resulted in economic uncertainty. The resulting damage must be compensated. It is necessary to prepare the compensation through the economic council between countries. In the future, the punitive damage compensation system should be introduced.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Blockchain and Legal System and Policy Tasks for SMEs (중소기업의 블록체인 적용효과와 법제도 및 정책적 과제에 대한 융합적 연구)

  • An, Myeonggu;Park, Yongsuk
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.14-24
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    • 2019
  • It is necessary to look into multiple subjects, such as effectiveness, laws and polices of blockchain in order to easily accept blockchain technology in small and mid-sized enterprises(SME). This study analyzes the positive effects of applying the block chain to SMEs, examines the laws and policies required to apply them, and identifies the tasks. As a result, we confirmed that it can create positive effects such as optimizing supply chain management, simplifying import and export process documents, improving product quality, facilitating flow of funds, and improving transaction reliability. Also, we confirmed that it is necessary to improve the basic law of electronic transaction, electronic commerce law, electronic financial transaction law, personal information protection legislation, and needs policy supplement for platform development, education system for SMEs, transaction standardization guidelines, tax reduction policy, and block chain research and development. More extensive practical research and specific individual legal studies are needed in the future.

Direction and Task of the Oecentralization of Power (지방분권의 방향과 과제)

  • Park, Jong Gwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2014
  • This paper with Korean to promote decentralized countries, considered previous studies related to decentralization. Next, with target scholars and professionals looked at the evaluation of the degree of decentralization and the direction. Last deduced the task of decentralization. The decentralization task is first, expansion of organizational autonomy. The organization of local government determined based on the content of the job is desirable. Second, the personnel operating is secured autonomy. Local government officials and staff is independent and uniformly control. And it is necessary to recruit such as checks and supervision of the relevant local councils and civil society. Third, the financial decentralization is the expansion. The expansion of fiscal decentralization First, determined the expansion of municipal law prescribed by the regulations within the scope of local autonomy. Next, the local switch through national expansion of fiscal decentralization is necessary. In addition, the expansion of fiscal decentralization need the expansion of the local income tax and the expansion of local consumption tax.

Suggestions for the Non-Taxation Scheme on the Compensation for Employee Invention of the University (대학 직무발명 보상금 비과세제도에 대한 제언)

  • Na, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5594-5600
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    • 2013
  • The compensation for employee invention from the university can be taxed or non-taxed depending on the classification of the type of income. The government legislated the Promotion of Industrial Education and Industry-Academic Cooperation Act and the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Promotion Act in order to improve the research productivity of universities and industrial-academic collaboration via transferring the technologies. However, the confusion with taxation on the compensation of employee invention from the university has been incurred due to the difference of legal interpretation between government bureaus. In this research, bureaucratic conflict on the non-taxation scheme is examined in a legal aspect and the effect of non-taxation scheme is also studied in aspect to personal tax exemption. Finally, some suggestions are provided for the purpose of settlement of the non-taxation scheme in order to improve employee invention from the university.