• Title/Summary/Keyword: task planning

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Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for Improving the Economic Security of the State

  • Petrunenko, Iaroslav;Pohrishcuk, Borys;Abramova, Maryna;Vlasenko, Yurii;Halkin, Vasyl
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2021
  • Ensuring the economic security of agro-industrial complexes of Ukrainian regions has become a top-priority task of state regional policy, as their stable functioning is an essential element of economic security of the whole country. It is overcoming threats to the development of the agro-industrial complex that ensures its further effective functioning and has a significant impact on the economic security of our state. Methods: logical method; methods of system analysis; synthesis; economic and statistical method; method of expert assessment; SWOT analysis; economic and mathematical modelling and planning. Results. Characteristic features of economic security have been given. The essence and significance of the agro-industrial complex in improving the economic security of the state have been determined. It has been noted that in recent years, the agro-industrial complex, which acts as a driver of the domestic economy and has a direct impact on the development of the country, has been growing (in 2019 the cereal and legume harvest exceeded 75 million tons, 20,269 thousand tons of potatoes were dug, more than 15 million tons of sunflower, 9,688 thousand tons of vegetables and 2,119 thousand tons of fruits and berries were harvested, meat and egg production increased by 137.5 thousand tons (or 5.8%) and 545.5 million pieces (or 3.4%), respectively, the number of employed population in agriculture increased by 139.8 thousand people (or 4.9%), the labour productivity in crop production increased by UAH 294.4 thousand (or 44.6%), in livestock production - by UAH 311.3 thousand (or 61.8%)). Based on the system of production and economic indicators, the analysis of the state of the agro-industrial complex has been carried out. Taking into account the results of the obtained data and using SWOT-analysis, the major threats to the development of the agro-industrial complex have been identified. Ways of overcoming threats enhancing the economic security of Ukraine have been proposed.

The effect of motor learning in children with cerebral palsy: A systemic review (뇌성마비 아동의 운동학습 효과 체계적 고찰)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2021
  • Background: Children with cerebral palsy have difficulty acquiring motor skills through motor learning due to lack of motor planning of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal dysfunction. Motor learning is the acquisition or modification of movements with the aim of developing skilled movements and behaviors. Cerebral palsy improve motor function through motor learning, and effective motor learning mainly depends on practice parameters such as learning feedback. Therefore, we investigate the effect of motor learning in children with cerebral palsy and try to present the possibility of clinical application. Design: A systemic review. Methods: Research papers were published from Jan, 2010 to Dec, 2020 and were searched using PubMed and Medline. The search terms are 'task specific training' OR 'motor learning' OR 'feedback(Mesh term)' OR 'goal activity' AND 'cerebral palsy(Mesh term)'. A total of eight papers were analyzed in this study. The paper presented the quality level based on the research evidence, and also presented PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) scores to evaluate the quality of design studies in randomized clinical trials. Results: The results showed that motor learning coaching in children with cerebral palsy improved motor function in post and follow up tests. Also, self-control feedback of motor learning is more effective than external control feedback. 100% external control feedback of motor learning is effective in the acquisition phase and 50% external feedback of motor learning is effective in the retain phase. Conclusion: These results suggest that it will be an important data for establishing evidence on the effect of motor learning arbitration methods in children with cerebral palsy to develop clinical applicability and protocols.

A Case Study: Unsupervised Approach for Tourist Profile Analysis by K-means Clustering in Turkey

  • Yildirim, Mustafa Eren;Kaya, Murat;FurkanInce, Ibrahim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2022
  • Data mining is the task of accessing useful information from a large capacity of data. It can also be referred to as searching for correlations that can provide clues about the future in large data warehouses by using computer algorithms. It has been used in the tourism field for marketing, analysis, and business improvement purposes. This study aims to analyze the tourist profile in Turkey through data mining methods. The reason relies behind the selection of Turkey is the fact that Turkey welcomes millions of tourist every year which can be a role model for other touristic countries. In this study, an anonymous and large-scale data set was used under the law on the protection of personal data. The dataset was taken from a leading tourism company that is still active in Turkey. By using the k-means clustering algorithm on this data, key parameters of profiles were obtained and people were clustered into groups according to their characteristics. According to the outcomes, distinguishing characteristics are gathered under three main titles. These are the age of the tourists, the frequency of their vacations and the period between the reservation and the vacation itself. The results obtained show that the frequency of tourist vacations, the time between bookings and vacations, and age are the most important and characteristic parameters for a tourist's profile. Finally, planning future investments, events and campaign packages can make tourism companies more competitive and improve quality of service. For both businesses and tourists, it is advantageous to prepare individual events and offers for the three major groups of tourists.

A Survey on the Job Importance of Occupational Therapists According to Length of Clinical Career (작업치료사의 임상 경력에 따른 작업치료직무 중요도에 관한 조사)

  • Park, Ky-Uyong;Kim, Min-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2021
  • Purpose : This study examined the differences in occupational therapists' jobs depending on their past clinical careers using a survey of the importance of occupational therapy tasks in South Korea. This survey sought to provide fundamental data for strengthening occupational therapists' capacities and developing clinical training programs for therapists' future careers. Methods : An online survey was used to collect data from 93 South Korean occupational therapists. The subjects were divided into three groups for the analysis of the importance of occupational therapy tasks, depending on the length of their clinical careers: less than 3 years, from 4 to 6 years, and over 7 years. Results : A within-groups comparison of task importance found that "occupational therapy evaluation" was most important in all three groups. In between-groups comparisons, "patient information check", "assessment planning and establishment", "sensory function assessment", "social skills assessment", "developmental function improvement", "basic daily activities training", "social skills improvement", and "patient education" demonstrated statistically significant differences (p<.05). Each group showed different priorities. In the less-than-3-years group, "understanding of patient's needs" was most important, followed by "arm function improvement", "arm function assessment", "nerve, musculoskeletal, and motor-related functional improvement", and "basic daily activities training". In the 4-to-6-years group, "arm function assessment" was most important, followed by "basic daily activities assessment", "patient's needs", "arm function improvement", and "patient information check". In the over-7-years group, "understanding of patient's needs" was most important, followed by "patient information check", "basic daily activities assessment", "basic daily activities training", and "sensory function assessment". Conclusion : This study found that what occupational therapists consider important in their jobs varies according to their past clinical career and that occupational therapists with more than 7 years' experience are more aware of the importance of diverse fields of occupational therapy. Differentiated education that considers length of career and a range of training programs for more experienced occupational therapists will be needed in the future.

Travel Route Recommendation Utilizing Social Big Data

  • Yu, Yang Woo;Kim, Seong Hyuck;Kim, Hyeon Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2022
  • Recently, as users' interest for travel increases, research on a travel route recommendation service that replaces the cumbersome task of planning a travel itinerary with automatic scheduling has been actively conducted. The most important and common goal of the itinerary recommendations is to provide the shortest route including popular tour spots near the travel destination. A number of existing studies focused on providing personalized travel schedules, where there was a problem that a survey was required when there were no travel route histories or SNS reviews of users. In addition, implementation issues that need to be considered when calculating the shortest path were not clearly pointed out. Regarding this, this paper presents a quantified method to find out popular tourist destinations using social big data, and discusses problems that may occur when applying the shortest path algorithm and a heuristic algorithm to solve it. To verify the proposed method, 63,000 places information was collected from the Gyeongnam province and big data analysis was performed for the places, and it was confirmed through experiments that the proposed heuristic scheduling algorithm can provide a timely response over the real data.

Development of TPACK and mathematical communication of pre-service teachers in math classes using apps for group creativity (집단창의성 발현을 위한 앱 활용 수학 수업을 위한 예비교사의 TPACK과 의사소통 능력 신장 방안)

  • Kim, Bumi
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.195-224
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    • 2022
  • In this study, pre-service mathematics teachers cultivated technology content teaching knowledge (TPACK) in the regular curriculum of the College of Education. The course was designed to enhance pre-service teachers' mathematical communication skills by using an application, which is a mobile mathematics learning content for the development of group creativity of high school students. The educational program to improve mathematics teaching expertise using the application for group creativity expression consists of pre-education, goal setting, planning, teaching at school, and evaluation. In this process, pre-service teachers evaluated technology tools. They also wrote a task dialogue, lesson play, reflective journal, and lesson plan to guide high school students to develop group creativity in both app activities. As a result of the educational program, pre-service mathematics teachers cultivated TPACK and enhanced their mathematical communication skills with high school students to develop group creativity.

A Study on Automatic Recommendation of Keywords for Sub-Classification of National Science and Technology Standard Classification System Using AttentionMesh (AttentionMesh를 활용한 국가과학기술표준분류체계 소분류 키워드 자동추천에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin Ho;Song, Min Sun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.95-115
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to transform the sub-categorization terms of the National Science and Technology Standards Classification System into technical keywords by applying a machine learning algorithm. For this purpose, AttentionMeSH was used as a learning algorithm suitable for topic word recommendation. For source data, four-year research status files from 2017 to 2020, refined by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Planning and Evaluation, were used. For learning, four attributes that well express the research content were used: task name, research goal, research abstract, and expected effect. As a result, it was confirmed that the result of MiF 0.6377 was derived when the threshold was 0.5. In order to utilize machine learning in actual work in the future and to secure technical keywords, it is expected that it will be necessary to establish a term management system and secure data of various attributes.

Consideration for defense preparedness against non-traditional security threats (focused on the threat of infectious diseases) (비전통 위협에 대한 국방 업무수행체계 유지방안 (감염병 위협 중심으로))

  • Kwon, Hyukjin;Shin, Donggyu;Shin, Youngjoo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2022
  • The national defense requires uninterrupted decision-making, even under direct or indirect impacts on non-traditional threats such as infectious diseases. Since all work utilizes the information system, it is very important to ensure the availability of the information system. In particular, in terms of security management, defense work is being performed by dividing the network into a national defense network and a commercial Internet network. This study suggests a work execution plan that takes into account the efficiency of work performed on the Internet and the effectiveness of security through effective defense information system operation. It is necessary to minimize the network contact point between the national defense network and the commercial Internet, and to select a high-priority one among various tasks and operate it efficiently. For this purpose, actual cases were investigated for "A" institution and characteristics were presented. Through the targeted tasks and operation plans to improve the effectiveness of defense tasks and ensure security, presented in this paper, it will be possible to increase the availability of task performance even in non-traditional threats such as infectious diseases.


  • Boong Yeol Ryoo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.732-737
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    • 2009
  • Due to various project delivery methods and the complexity of construction projects in the construction industry, developing the framework of construction management for critical, highly complex projects in the construction industry has become problematic. Currently, a set of construction manuals play a pivotal role in planning and managing construction projects as subcontractors try to complete their scope of work according to the instructions of a general contractor. It is challenging for general contractors to write a construction management procedure manual to cover various types of project delivery methods and construction projects. In construction, the construction procedure manuals describe specific actions to be taken through the project. In reality a few contactors own such manuals and their construction schedules include more construction operation activities. Thus, it is hard to estimate the workload and productivity of construction managers because the manual and the schedule do not present the amount of management efforts required to complete a project. This paper proposes a framework to present construction management tasks according to project delivery methods which can be applied to various construction projects. Actions for management tasks were mapped and were integrated with construction activities throughout the project life cycle. The framework can then be used to give specific instructions to project participants, collect management actions, and replicate management actions throughout the project life cycle. The framework can also be can used to visualize complete construction project to analyze and manage construction management activities in each phase of a project in order to enhance productivity and efficiency. The studies of existing construction manuals were carried out to identify construction managers' responsibilities. An artificial intelligence program, CLIPS (C-Language Integrated Production System) was used to search for appropriate actions for impending tasks from a set of predefined actions to be performed for a given situation. The framework would significantly help construction managers to understand interrelations among management tasks or actions within a project. Furthermore, the framework can be embedded into Building Information Modeling (BIM) or Facility Management Systems (FMS) so that designers and constructors would execute constructability review before construction begins.

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Short-term Scheduling Optimization for Subassembly Line in Ship Production Using Simulated Annealing (시뮬레이티드 어닐링을 활용한 조선 소조립 라인 소일정계획 최적화)

  • Hwang, In-Hyuck;Noh, Jac-Kyou;Lee, Kwang-Kook;Shin, Jon-Gye
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2010
  • Productivity improvement is considered as one of hot potato topics in international shipyards by the increasing amount of orders. In order to improve productivity of lines, shipbuilders have been researching and developing new work method, process automation, advanced planning and scheduling and so on. An optimization approach was accomplished on short-term scheduling of subassembly lines in this research. The problem of subassembly line scheduling turned out to be a non-deterministic polynomial time problem with regard to SKID pattern’s sequence and worker assignment to each station. The problem was applied by simulated annealing algorithm, one of meta-heuristic methods. The algorithm was aimed to avoid local minimum value by changing results with probability function. The optimization result was compared with discrete-event simulation's to propose what pros and cons were. This paper will help planners work on scheduling and decision-making to complete their task by evaluation.