• Title/Summary/Keyword: task planning

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Distributed Task Assignment Algorithm for SEAD Mission of Heterogeneous UAVs Based on CBBA Algorithm (CBBA 기반 SEAD 임무를 위한 이종무인기의 분산형 임무할당 알고리듬 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Moon, Gun-Hee;Yoo, Dong-Wan;Tahk, Min-Jea;Lee, In-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.988-996
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a distributed task assignment algorithm for the suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) mission of heterogeneous UAVs, based on the consensus-based bundle algorithm (CBBA). SEAD mission can be modeled as a task assignment problem of multiple UAVs performing multiple air defense targets, and UAVs performing SEAD mission consist of the weasel for destruction of enemy's air defense system and the striker for the battle damage assessment (BDA) or other tasks. In this paper, a distributed task assignment algorithm considering path-planning in presence of terrain obstacle is developed for heterogeneous UAVs, and then it is applied to SEAD mission. Through numerical simulations the performance and the applicability of the proposed method are tested.

Comparison of the Lighting Environment in Study Rooms for Juveniles between the City and the Country

  • Kim, Hyun-Ji;Jeon, Gyeong-Seon;An, Ok-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2009
  • The research aims at providing data needed for planning the lighting of a study room by comparing the lighting environments of study rooms for urban and rural juveniles. The subject of the research was 300 students in middle schools in Daegu and Checngdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do (Daegu 150 houses and Cheongdo 150 houses), and their study rooms were examined. The following is the result of the research. First, rural students stayed more time in their study room than urban students. The task that rural students (studying) and urban students (studying and using computer) all did in their study room was mainly visual work Second, although the sizes of rural study rooms were bigger than those of urban study rooms, urban study rooms had more light sources than rural study rooms. In the rate that of having a task lighting, the city(87.1[%]) was higher than the country (45.7[%]). However, the rate of using a task lighting was lot high in both the city and the country. Third, the result that compared the average values of illuminations on desk planes was that the average value of the city was 3.4 times higher than that of the country. Also, the average value of the country did not meet the standard illumination of Korean industrial standards (KS). In particular, it did not reach the lowest standard. The result is related with that only 52[%] of students who had a task lighting used it. Finally, the satisfaction of lighting environment in the city was generally higher than the country. Especially, although the country had a low illumination, the user showed a high satisfaction. It indicates that people living in the country need to understand about the needs of illumination.

The Role of The Prefrontal Lobes in Scientific Reasoning (과학적 추론 능력의 발달에서 전두엽연합령의 역할)

  • Hur, Myoung;Lawson, Anton E.;Kwon, Young-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.525-540
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    • 1997
  • The present study tested the hypothesis that maturation of the prefrontal lobes is a crucial factor determining the performance of scientific reasoning tasks, Functions of the prefrontal lobes, such as activating relevant information, sequential planning and monitoring, and inhibiting irrelevant information, are related thinking patterns with scientific reasoning. Therefore, we inferred the idea that the prefrontal lobes play an important role in scientific reasoning. To test the hypothesis. the present study investigated a prefrontal lobe patient's task solving procedures in scientific reasoning tasks and the correlation and regression analysis between a test of prefrontal lobe function and two scientific reasoning tasks, The perseverative errors in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST) was used as a measure of the prefrontal lobe function, The Melinark Type Task and the Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning were used as measures of scientific reasoning abilities. Ages and Group Embedded Figure Test were also used as measures of two alternative hypotheses, general maturation and field independency respectively. The prefrontal lobe patient showed a crucial deficiency in solving scientific reasoning tasks. In the tasks, the patient could not used the reasoning of If... and... then... therefore pattern. In correlation study, the perseveration errors of the WCST showed a significantly negative correlation with two scientific reasoning tasks. Multiple regression study also showed that the perseveration errors measured as a function of the prefrontal lobes have more contribution to scientific reasoning ability than contributions of alternative hypotheses. Therefore, the present study supported the hypothesis that prefrontal lobes play a crucial role in scientific reasoning ability, What function of the prefrontal lobes do play crucial role in scientific reasoning? The present study provided an explanation for the question, which inhibiting ability of the prefrontal lobes is responsible for the scientific reasoning ability, in a part at least. That is, perseverative tendency in task-solving procedures causes a deficiency of an ability to inhibit the wrong information to solve a task. The present study provided a possibility of neuropsychological approach in science education research. The present study also showed an importance of the prefrontal lobe development in the performance of scientific reasoning task.

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An Effect of Similarity Judgement on Human Performance in Inspection Tasks (유사성(類似性) 판단(判斷)과 검사수행도(檢査遂行度)에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Il-Mun;Lee, Dong-Chun;Lee, Sang-Do
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 1992
  • An inspection task largely can be seen as a job divided up into a series of visual search and classification subtasks. In these subtasks, an Inspector must performs to compare the standard references proposed in visual environments and recalled in his memory with the visual stimuli to be inspected. It means that the judgement of similarity should be demanded on inspection tasks. Therefore, the inspector's ability for the judgement of similarity and the difference similarity between inspection materials are important factors to effect on performances in inspection tasks. In this paper, to analysis the effect of these factors on inspection time, an inspection task is designed and suggested by means of computer simulator. Especially, the skin conductance responses(SCR) of subjects are measured to evaluate the complexity of tasks due to the difference of similarity between materials. In the results of experiment, the more similar or different the difference of similarity between materials is, the shorter the inspection time is because of the reduction of task complexity. And, When the inspector's cognition for similarity between materials is consistanct, the inpsection time is improved. Concludingly, the consistency of reponses for similarity judgement becomes a measurement to present the performance levels. And the information of inspection time that due to the difference of similarity between materials must be considered in planning and scheduling inspection tasks.

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Job Analysis of Geriatric Visiting Nurses (노인전담 방문간호사의 직무분석)

  • Baek, Hee Chong;Moon, Ji Hyun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the duties and tasks of home visiting geriatric nurses using Development A Curriculum (DACUM) method. Method: The sample consisted of 107 geriatric visiting nurses who worked at community service centers in the Seoul metropolitan area. Job analysis was conducted at a DACUM workshop after that a web-based survey was given to participants to verify the accuracy of the duties and tasks of geriatric visiting nurse. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 23. Results: A total of 8 duties and 56 tasks were identified as part of the job description of geriatric visiting nurses'. A task verification process was conducted. Overall mean ratings of the task importance were high. 'Recording' was identified as the most frequent duty, and 'Community program planning and operating' was identified as the most difficult duty. Conclusion: Duties and tasks that make up the job of geriatric visiting nurses were identified using the DACUM method. The resulting data will serve as the basis for the design of a curriculum development model for nurses involved in geriatric home visiting education programs, and will also be used to identify training needs and establish a standardized job description for geriatric visiting nurses.

Spatial Information Processing between Hippocampus and Prefrontal cortex: a Hypothesis Based on Anatomy and Physiology

  • Jung, Min-Whan
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 1998
  • The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are regarded as the highest-order association cortices. The hippocampus has been proposed to store "cognitive maps" of external environments, and the prefrontal cortex is known to be involved in the planning of behavior, among other functions. Considering the prominent functional roles played by these structures, it is not surprising to find direct monosynaptic projections from the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex. Rhythmic stimulation of this projection patterned after the hippocampal EEG theta rhythm induced stable long-term potentiation of field potentials in the prefrontal cortex. Comparison of behavioral correlates of hippocampal and prefrontal cortical neurons during an a-arm radial maze, working memory task shows a striking contrast. Hippocampal neurons exhibit clear place-specific firing patterns, whereas prefrontal cortical neurons do not show spatial selectivity, but are correlated to different stages of the behavioral task. These data lead to the hypothesis that the role of hippocampal projection to the prefrontal cortex is not to impose spatial representations upon prefrontal activity, but to provide a mechanism for learning the spatial context in which particular behaviors are appropriate.propriate.

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Fast Computation of the Visibility Region Using the Spherical Projection Method

  • Chu, Gil-Whoan;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2002
  • To obtain visual information of a target object, a camera should be placed within the visibility region. As the visibility region is dependent on the relative position of the target object and the surrounding object, the position change of the surrounding object during a task requires recalculation of the visibility region. For a fast computation of the visibility region so as to modify the camera position to be located within the visibility region, we propose a spherical projection method. After being projected onto the sphere the visibility region is represented in $\theta$-$\psi$ spaces of the spherical coordinates. The reduction of calculation space enables a fast modification of the camera location according to the motion of the surrounding objects so that the continuous observation of the target object during the task is possible.

Decentralized Motion Control of Mobile Manipulator

  • Phan, Tan-Tung;Suh, Jin-Ho;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1841-1846
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    • 2003
  • The mobile platform-manipulator discussed in this paper is a three link manipulator mounted on a mobile platform. This mobile manipulator is used for welding operation and it is able to operate in a narrow space. The task of the torch, which is mounted at the end effector of the manipulator, is to track along the seam line and the task of the mobile platform is to move the origin point of the manipulator in order to go away from the singularity of the manipulator’s configuration. In this paper, the path planning for the motion of two subsystems (i.e., the manipulator and the mobile platform) was presented by the decentralized control method. Two controllers for the mobile platform and the manipulator were designed, and the relationship between the independent controllers is its state information. The simulation results are also presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control method.

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Development of a Guide Robot with Real-Time Linux OS

  • Mun, Jun-Hak;Seo, Gon-Yeon;Kim, Jin-Oh
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.137.1-137
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    • 2001
  • A new method for a guide robot using Real-Time Linux OS is introduced in this paper. A guide robot is to guide people in museums or buildings. So it has to be more reliable and stable in its control system. In addition, it has to satisfy Real-Time operation requirement because it needs to react to changing environment prompty. The task includes localization, map building, collision avoidance, path planning, and user interface software. The modular guide robot is designed with Real-Time Linux OS, which is composed of many open sources for scheduler, interrupt dispatcher, fifos, shared memory, timer services. We developed application software to satisfy the given task. The developed guide robot moves at 0.2ms and the interrupt latency is less than 100$\mu\textrm{s}$ It is thought that the developed system can be a stable and low cost open architecture robot controller for ...

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Structural Dashboard Design for Monitoring Job Performance of Internet Web Security Diagnosis Team: An Empirical Study of an IT Security Service Provider

  • Lee, Jung-Gyu;Jeong, Seung-Ryul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2017
  • Company A's core competency is IT internet security services. The Web diagnosis team analyzes the vulnerability of customer's internet web servers and provides remedy reports. Traditionally, Company A management has utilized a simple table format report for resource planning. But these reports do not notify the timing of human resource commitment. So, upper management asked its team leader to organize a task team and design a visual dashboard for decision making with the help of outside professional. The Task team selected the web security diagnosis practice process as a pilot and designed a dashboard for performance evaluation. A structural design process was implemented during the heuristic working process. Some KPI (key performance indicators) for checking the productivity of internet web security vulnerability reporting are recommended with the calculation logics. This paper will contribute for security service management to plan and address KPI design policy, target process selection, and KPI calculation logics with actual sample data.