• Title/Summary/Keyword: supervision system

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Model Research for Development of Safety & Health Management at Small Business (소규모사업장의 안전보건경영 발전을 위한 모델 연구)

  • 김광태;정수일
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.66-70
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    • 2002
  • If we were reviewing safety standards in Korean businesses today we would find that conglomerates have a low rate of workmens accidents largely due to safety supervision being practiced on site. Unlike small businesses which experience more than 50% of the total workmens accidents with many conventional accidents occurring repeatedly. This research is presenting a course that proves safety and health programs are the most effective positive factor to increase a companys prosperity. This model research also presents basic causes of industrial accidents and has made counter proposals by trial modeling.

Comparison of International Competitive Power of Korea-Japan Plant Industry (한.일 플랜트 산업의 국제 경쟁력 비교)

  • 신용하
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.39
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 1996
  • Plant is production unit which consists of hardware for manufacturing like machinery, equipments and software for its installation like design, construction, supervision, engineering, know-how and trial operation. In the view of this, plant industry can be defined as an aggregation of manufacturers and sellers of plant. In this study, I would like to present the direction of cooperation for mutual benefit of Korea-Japan by understanding international competitive power of both countries' plant industry, which is not only growing as a national strategic industry, but also occupying the most important part in international economic cooperation.

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The study on Grabber of Restoration worker for Dispersion relay (중계기점검자동복구기 Grabber에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Jung-Ham;Park, Jong-Tack;Kim, Il-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.147-150
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    • 2012
  • This study restoration worker for dispersion relay in R-Type fire alarm system. Restoration worker very good instrument for an fire system inspector. When inspector check for fire system someone need reset for fir system to normal state. This chain of action is frequent and troublesome. In this case, If we can automatic reset for fire system it's restoration worker. This paper settlement on the problem for reset fire system. Design, make grabber for restoration worker. The test offer proof possibility restoration worker.

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Development of Web-based Protection Relay Setting Program in Power System (전력시스템 보호를 위한 웹기반 계전기 정정 프로그램 개발)

  • Bok, Jeong-Song;Jeong, Ho-Sung;Shin, Myong-Chul;Cho, In-Suk;Seo, Hee-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.07a
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    • pp.246-248
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    • 2001
  • For protection of power system, it is a prerequisite to action characteristics of protective relay about a changing environment in power system and correcting the setting value. A substation operator always reside to correct of a relay, however there are problem of efficiency. Recently, power system operation become manless and supervision and control of incident is required anywhere, introduction of new concept as a intellectual manless protective relay is a recent trend. This paper is the web-based protective relay setting program that a manager make an analysis of operation and incident of power system through the web at a remote place corresponding recent manless of system and approach the protection relay and then can correct the error.

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The fundamental study on improvement of railway accident survey system (철도사고조사제도 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 정병현;문대섭;왕종배
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2002.10b
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    • pp.913-921
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    • 2002
  • Recently, fundamental innovation for the improvement of Korean railway industry is proceeding with the vertical separation into infrastructure and operation, and the privatization of railway operation. And also, with the advent of an era of high-speed railway, starting of Korea Train Express (KTX) will give a great change to circumstances of railway industry. It requires that a railway safety regulation policy and accident survey system cope effectively with this restructuring of railway system. Under these great changes, safety must have the first priority, and the function of management and supervision on railway safety will be ten to the governments responsibility; In this paper, according to changes of railway safety management system, foreign states railway accident system and direction of korea railroad accident survey system will be also introduced.

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A.I supervision system (인공지능 무인 감독 시스템)

  • Kim, Da-Hee;Kim, Han-Na;Jang, Hwa-Yeong;Park, Hye-Won;Cho, Joong-Hwee
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.1043-1046
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    • 2021
  • 인공지능 무인 감독 시스템을 이용하여 코로나 시대에 다수의 인원이 한 공간에서 시험을 볼 수 없는 상황을 극복하고, 전염병의 확산을 피해 언제 어디서든 시험을 볼 수 있는 시대를 도래한다. 미리 학습된 이미지를 바탕으로 얼굴을 판별하고, Motion recognition 기능을 이용하여 얼굴, 동공, 자세 등의 움직임을 인식하여 분석한다. 이처럼 인공지능 시스템을 이용한다면, 실시간 수업 학생 관리, 범죄 예방 등 타 분야에서 다양한 서비스를 실용화할 수 있다.

The LIS with the Kernel of the Process Management

  • Yong, He;Zhong, Chen
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 2009
  • Based on the design of the LIS of GuangZhou and BeiJing, this paper discusses the resolution of the LIS with the kernel of process management. It applies the idea of workflow in the management supporting stratum, applies the process-oriented mechanism in the definition, coordination, supervision and control of the management process. The scheme has the character of information-media-oriented, work process dynamic changing supported, application system extended and restructure supported and is independent of the running environment of specific work.. Due to the previous character, the LIS is flexible, useable, elastic and able to support the dynamic application.

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Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Near Surface Transit Signal System (저심도 도시철도 신호시스템의 사전 위험원 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Bong-Kwan;Park, Ki-Jun;Lim, Sok-Woo;Cha, Gi-Ho;Oh, Kwi-Jin
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2015
  • To achieve the safety and reliability, RAMS activity for a railway signal system of Near Surface Transit is studied. In this paper, preliminary hazard analysis in RAMS activities is studied for the railway signal system of Near Surface Transit. Preliminary hazard analysis is done through automatic train protection, automatic train operation and automatic train supervision. The hazards are defined, then causes and consequence for each hazard are defined. The total 75 preliminary hazards are classified. For high severity hazards are changed to acceptable level by upgrading of system requirement specification.

Tracking Control of Ball and Plate System via Integrated Fuzzy Controllers (결합된 퍼지 제어기를 이용한 볼과 플레이트 시스템에서의 추정제어기 설계)

  • Seo, Min-Seok;Hyun, Chang-Ho;Park, Mig-Noon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.10c
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    • pp.223-225
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    • 2006
  • A ball moving on a beam is a typical nonlnear dynamic system, which is often adopted to proof test diverse control schemes. Ball and plate system is the extension of the traditional ball and beam problem that moves a metal ball on a rigid plate. In this paper, a trajectory planning and tracking problem is proposed for ball and plate system, which is to control the ball from a point to another without hitting the obstacles. Our scheme is composed of three controllers, TS type optimal path tracking controller, mandani type obstacle avoidance controller and trajectory planning controller that determines the desired trajectory. But this type of construction can give rise to chattering executions. Because the difference of contributions from concurrent controllers can cause behaviors unsmoothly. We propose fuzzy pid supervision control1er to handle this problem.

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Implementation of Unmanned Remote supervisory System having Multipurpose Measuring Modules

  • Park, Jung-Hoon;Hong, Sung-Hoon;Kang, Moon-Sung
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.132.1-132
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we have studied for development of unmanned remote supervisory system using mobile communication network, not wire network, not to be affected by space or distance. The unmanned remote supervisory system consists of data processing unit main part and measuring systems (modules part)-temperature measuring module, humidity measuring module and human body sensing module. The data processing unit to collect and process informations of each measuring module has the functions of data communication between a mobile cellular telephone and measuring systems. Each measuring module has supervisory and warning functions for a target of supervision. And then we have designed each system and evaluated accuracy and reliability of the combined total system.

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