• Title/Summary/Keyword: superior potato

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Selection of the Superior Potato Clones Based on Acrylamide Reduction for Cold Chipping (아크릴아마이드 저감화된 콜드칩 가공용 우수감자 계통 선발)

  • Jin, Cheng Wu;Hwang, Won Nam;Cho, Dong Ha;Kang, Wie Soo;Lim, Hak Tae
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.603-612
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    • 2012
  • In order to select potato clones for making cold chip, this study analyzed the glucose content, acrylamide content, and the correlation between the two properties after harvest, $4^{\circ}C$ and $8^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage, and $20^{\circ}C$ heating treatment of 47 breeding clones and control cultivars 'Atlantic', 'Sumi', and 'Gui Valley'. In all of the control cultivars and 47 clones, glucose content was below 0.25% and acrylamide content was below 1000 ppb just after harvest, but after $4^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage both the glucose content and acrylamide content increased rapidly and only 4 clones H7, H13, H16, and H40 showed a level below 500 ppb. In $8^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage as well both contents increased, but the increase was relatively smaller than that in $4^{\circ}C$ low-temperature storage. In addition, $20^{\circ}C$ heating treatment decreased both contents. In the results of analyzing the correlation between glucose content and acrylamide content at low-temperature storage, a positive correlation was observed. In conclusion, clones H7, H13, H16, and H40 showing low glucose content even at low-temperature treatment were found to contain less acrylamide and therefore they were selected as potato clones suitable for making cold chip.

Effects of Organic Mulching on Potato Production and Weed Management (감자의 생육과 잡초발생에 미치는 유기물 멀칭의 효과)

  • Lee, Chae-Young;Kim, Tae-Jung;Lee, Guang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.587-598
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to elucidate the effects of mulching materials on the growth of potato and weed control at the experimental farm of Chungbuk National University from August 9 in 2008 to June 28 in 2009. Tested potato, cv. 'Superior', was grown under the different mulching materials such as pine tree leaf, oak tree leaf, rice straw, rice hull and sawdust, and control(non-mulching). We tested two times with autumn and spring culture season. The obtained results from this study were summarized as follows; There was significantly difference in plant height, stem length, leaf length, leaf weight and tuber weight in pine tree leaf mulching treatment in autumn season among the treatments. The dominant weeds were Echinochioa crus-galli var. fadmerntacca and Cyperus amvuricus in autumn culture season, while were Echinochioa crus-galli var. fadmerntacca and Digitaria sanguinalis in spring culture season. The appearance of weeds in all of mulching treatment was significant reduced compared to control. The soil moisture content was the highest in rice hull mulching treatment, and that of mulching treatments was significantly higher than control. The soil temperature of mulching treatments was lower than that of control by from $1.0^{\circ}C$to $2.8^{\circ}C$ in autumn season and from $0.7^{\circ}C$ to $2.3^{\circ}C$ in spring season. The soil temperature was low in the order of pine tree leaf, rice straw, oak tree leaf, rice hull, sawdust, and control.

Effects of Soft Steam Treatments on Quality Characteristics of Potatoes (감자의 품질특성에 대한 저온스팀 열처리 방식의 효과)

  • Cheigh, Chan-Ick;Lee, Jin-Hee;Chung, Myong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2012
  • This paper examines the effects of various methods of soft steaming(i.e., forced convection-boiler, forced convection-fan, and natural convection) on the quality of potatoes. In particular, the paper investigates the effects of cooking conditions (the steaming method, the treatment time, and the temperature) on the color(L, a, b), moisture content, texture profile, and ascorbic acid of potatoes. The results indicate that not only the cooking method, the treatment time, and the temperature but also the heat transfer mechanism had considerable influence on potato quality. In addition, natural convection steaming was superior to other treatment methods in terms of nutrient retention and texture maintenance. The results of this study should be useful for establishing commercial standards for processing potatoes and improving the quality of thermally processed foods.

Seed and Root Rots of Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) Caused by Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium spp.

  • Reeleder, R.D.;Roy, R.;Capell, B.
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2002
  • Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) has become one of the most valuable herb crops grown in North America. However, traditional cropping practices are favourable to disease and significant losses due to root disease are common, despite frequent use of fungicides. Seedlots are often contaminated with pathogens, however, little is known about the causes of seed decay and the role of seed pathogens as incitants of root rots. It was shown that both Fusarium spp. and Cylindrocarpon destructans were able to rot seeds and that C. destructans was more virulent than Fusarium spp. on seedling roots. A modified rose bengal agar MRBA) medium (1 g KH$_2$PO$_4$; 0.5 g MgSO$_4$; 50 mg rose bengal; 10 g dextrose; 5 g Bacto peptone; 15 g Bacto agar; 30 mg streptomycin sulfate; 250 mg ampicillin; 10 mg rifampicin; 500mg pentachloronitrobenzene; 500 mg dicloran; and 1 L distilled water) was superior to potato dextrose agar in detecting C. destuctans in diseased roots. Isolation of C. destructans from diseased seedlings arising from seeds sown in replant soil supported the hypothesis that this pathogen is a cause of ginseng replant failure in North America.

Antioxidant and Inhibition on Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Activity of Colored Potato Extracts (유색감자 추출물의 항산화 및 항고혈압 활성)

  • Park, Young-Eun;Cho, Huyn-Mook;Lee, Hyeon-Jin;Hwang, Young-Sun;Choi, Su-San-Na;Lee, Su-Jin;Park, Eun-Sun;Lim, Jung-Dae;Choung, Myoung-Gun
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.447-452
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    • 2007
  • This experiment was conducted to enhance the colored potatoes utilization and to determine the biological activity of colored potato extracts. In order to understand the factors responsible for the potent antioxidant and antihypertensive ability of colored potatoes, it has been evaluated for anti-oxidative activity using Fenton's reagent/ethyl linoleate system and for free radical scavenging activity using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl free radical generating system. There were significant differences of antioxidant activities in $50{\mu}g/mL$ extracts treatment among different colored potatoes. About two-fold higher radical scavenging activity was found in 'Daegwan 1-102', 'Daegwan 1-104' and 'Jasim' compared to that in 'Superior'. Based on the flesh color tested, potatoes with purple tuber showed higher radical scavenging activity than red potatoes, while white potato showed the lowest radical scavenging activity. The ability of 80% ethanol extracts from colored potatoes to influence the inhibitory activity of angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) and xanthine oxidase(XOase) has also been investigated. Expect 'Jasim', the high levels of inhibition activity of xanthine oxidase in two colored potatoes such as 'Daegwan 1-102' and 'Daegwan 1-104' were highly correlated to $IC_{50}$ values of ACE inhibition activity. The various therapeutic benefit claims in the new functional medicinal usage of colored potatoes ascribed to the phenolic compounds and anthocyanin. This result revealed that the extracts of colored potatoes are expected to be good candidate for development into source of free radical scavengers and anti-hypertentive agent.

Effect of Spring Potato Cultivation Period on Growth, Yield and Processing Quality of Autumn Potato Cultivars (봄감자 재배기간이 가을감자 품종의 생육, 수량 및 가공품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Gyu Bin Lee;Jang Gyu Choi;Do Hee Kwon;Jae Youn Yi;Hee Tae Lee;Yong Ik Jin
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, potatoes have served as a side dish, but their role as snacks, such as chips or French fries, has recently gained traction. While there is a high demand for processing potatoes, there remains a dearth of research on the impact of double cropping, particularly during autumn, on processing quality. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effects of different spring potato cultivation periods on growth, yield, and processing quality during autumn cultivation. Following spring planting, harvest was carried out four times: 70 days, 80 days, 90 days, and 100 days. Subsequently, autumn cultivation was carried out in Gangneung and Seocheon regions using these seed potatoes. Results showed an increase in above-ground emergence rate with shorter spring growing period. When seed potatoes with a spring cultivation period of 80 and 90 days were grown in the autumn in the Gangneung region, the stem length was 47.2 to 48.9, which was greater than that of other treatments. However, stem number and leaf color (SPAD) showed no significant differences across cultivation periods. The number of tubers, tuber weight, yield, and marketable yield did not vary significantly with cultivation periods but described clear cultivar dependent differences. The tuber weight of the Saebong cultivar in Gangneung and the Eunseon cultivar in Seocheon was superior. The starch content peaked at 7.9% when seed potatoes grown for 80 days in the spring were harvested after autumn cultivation in the Gangneung region, but there was no significant differences in the Seocheon region. Glucose content showed a clear difference depending on the cultivation period, increasing with longer spring cultivation period during autumn cultivation. In conclusion, as a result of the effect of the spring potato cultivation period on the growth, yield, and processing quality of tubers when cultivating potatoes in double-cropping, the differences depending on the cultivation period were insignificant, while cultivar-based disparities were pronounced. The Eunseon cultivar exhibited robust above-ground growth and yield, while the Saebong cultivar demonstrated excellent processing quality.

Culture conditions of liquid spawn and the growth characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus (느타리버섯의 액체종균 배양 조건과 생육 특성)

  • Lee, Soo-Jung;Kim, Hun-Hwan;Kim, Seon-Ho;Kim, In-Soo;Sung, Nak-Ju
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2018
  • To improve the productivity of Pleurotus ostreatus, different conditions of liquid spawn culture were tested. The optimum culture conditions were potato dextrose broth, incubation temperature of $22^{\circ}C$, and pH 6. Fifteen different media ('A' to 'O') containing 0.3% soybean meal (SM) were prepared by varying sugar and glucose contents. The cultures were propagated in SM media for 14 days, at $22^{\circ}C$, and pH 6. Their absorbances were higher after 14 days of incubation in the media containing both sugar and glucose. In particular, the absorbance of media containing 5 to 20% of glucose alone ('C', 'D', 'E', and 'F') tended to increase in the incubation period. Dry cell weight was lower in media containing less than 20% sugar or glucose alone than in media containing 30% sugar ('A') or 30% glucose ('B') alone. In sawdust media, in 900 mL-bottle, the optimum inoculation volume of liquid spawn was 15 to 20 mL. The texture of the mushroom cultivated with the liquid spawn was superior to that cultivated in the solid spawn.

Transgenic Plants with Enhanced Tolerance to Environmental Stress by Metabolic Engineering of Antioxidative Mechanism in Chloroplasts (엽록체 항산화기구 대사조절에 의한 환경스트레스 내성 식물)

  • Kwon Suk-Yoon;Lee Young-Pyo;Lim Soon;Lee Haeng-Soon;Kwak Sang-Soo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2005
  • Injury caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), known as oxidative stress, is one of the major damaging factors in plants exposed to environmental stress. Chloroplasts are specially sensitive to damage by ROS because electrons that escape from the photosynthetic electron transfer system are able to react with relatively high concentration of $O_2$ in chloroplasts. To cope with oxidative stress, plants have evolved an efficient ROS-scavenging enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and low molecular weight antioxidants including ascorbate, glutathione and phenolic compounds. To maintain the productivity of plants under the stress condition, it is possible to fortify the antioxidative mechanisms in the chloroplasts by manipulating the antioxidation genes. A powerful gene expression system with an appropriate promoter is key requisite for excellent stress-tolerant plants. We developed a strong oxidative stress-inducible peroxidase (SWPA2) promoter from cultured cells of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) as an industrial platform technology to develop transgenic plants with enhanced tolerance to environmental stress. Recently, in order to develop transgenic sweetpotato (tv. Yulmi) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Atlantic and Superior) plants with enhanced tolerance to multiple stress, the genes of both CuZnSOD and APX were expressed in chloroplasts under the control of an SWPA2 promoter (referred to SSA plants). As expected, SSA sweetpotato and potato plants showed enhanced tolerance to methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress. In addition, SSA plants showed enhanced tolerance to multiple stresses such as temperature stress, drought and sulphur dioxide. Our results strongly suggested that the rational manipulation of antioxidative mechanism in chloroplasts will be applicable to the development of all plant species with enhanced tolerance to multiple environmental stresses to contribute in solving the global food and environmental problems in the 21st century.

Studies on Formation of Organic Acid and Saccharifing Amylase in Koji Culture by Asp. usamii shirousamii $U_2$ (Asp. usamii shirousamii $U_2$ 균의 국식배양에 의한 유기산 및 당화효소 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Bok-Hyun;Park, Yoon-Joong;Lee, Suk-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 1974
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the producing conditions of organic acid and saccarifing amylase in Koji culture by Asp. usamii shirousamii $U_2$. The results were as follows. 1. When the strain $U_2$ was incubated at $30^{\circ}C$, for 3 days in wheat flour and wheat bran media, the organic acid production was maximum. In the case of incubation at $35^{\circ}C$, for 3 days in wheat flour medium and at $35^{\circ}C$, for 2 days in wheat bran medium the activity of saccharifing amylase was highest. 2. When water was added 60% to wheat flour and 50% to wheat bran in the case of 3 days incubation, the organic acid production was superior. Both in wheat flour and wheat bran media, the saccharifing amylase production was most highly, when water was added 90-100%. 3. Comparatively speaking, the organic acid production was better in wheat flour medium than wheat bran medium, but the activity of saccharifing amylase was higher in wheat bran medium. 4. When the sweet potato starch waste and the wheat flour were mixed with same amount, the organic acid and saccharifing amylase production were higher than in simple wheat flour medium. 5. In the medium of sweet potato starch waste the organic acid and saccharifing amylase production were low extremely. 6. In the case of incubation at $30^{\circ}C$, 3 days in wheat flour medium admixed with 60% water, the amount of citric acid in the organic acid formed was about 91%.

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Cultural Characteristics and Morphological Comparison of the Wild Mushroom Lentinula edodes Cultivated on Sawdust Substrate (표고 야생형 계통의 배양 및 형태적 특성 비교)

  • Park, Young-Ae;Seo, Sooyoung;Ka, Kang-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2018
  • The cultivation characteristics of 26 wild strains of Lentinula edodes were investigated for their use as breeding material. Strains NIFoS 68, 136, 1521, 1651, and 2064 showed an above average mycelial growth on potato dextrose agar at 10, 20, and $30^{\circ}C$. NIFoS 411 showed the lowest mycelial growth at $20^{\circ}C$, but the highest growth at $30^{\circ}C$. The rate of weight loss of L. edodes cultivated on sawdust (2 kg) ranged from 13.5 to 47.5%, with the highest rates showed by NIFoS 50 (47.5%), NIFoS 128 (34.5%), and NIFoS 54 (34.4%). Fruiting bodies were produced in nearly all (24/26) strains and productivity ranged from 3 g to 446 g/2 kg medium. Temperature was not significantly correlated with mushroom production or mycelial growth. Larger weight loss correlated strongly with fruit yield. In terms of production, NIFoS 50 (446 g), NIFoS 952 (435 g), and NIFoS 53 (421 g) were useful as breeding material. The NIFoS 667 strain was superior in terms of morphology. NIFoS 670 showed the characteristic yellowish-brown color of fruiting bodies.