• Title/Summary/Keyword: substantial bond

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Characteristics of Bond Strength with Measuring Methods of Concrete (시험방법에 따른 신ㆍ구 콘크리트의 부착강도 특성)

  • 장흥균;김성환;홍창우;윤경구
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.597-600
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    • 2003
  • The development and maintenance of a sound bond are an essential requirements of concrete repair and replacement. The bond property of a bonded overlay to its substrate concrete during the lifetime is one of the most important performance requirements which should be quantified. A standard or a verified bond strength measurement method is required at field for screening, selecting materials and quality control for overlay or repair materials. This study compares the nipple pipe direct tensile test, flexural adhesion test, and core pull-off test with their test results. Substantial differences in the failure stresses of three test methods were attributed to their different geometries and loading conditions. From these comparison and investigation, core pull-off test was relatively good because the coefficient of variation values were about 2%. It would be suitable for use in-situ because of its simplicity and accuracy.

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The problem of corporial substance by Leibniz (2): Is the corporial substance a substance? (라이프니츠에서 물체적 실체의 문제 (2): 물체적 실체는 하나의 실체인가?)

  • Yun, SunKoo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.94
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    • pp.53-87
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    • 2011
  • Leibniz regards a corporeal substance, which is composed of monads, as 'one substance' and tries to prove that it has a true unity. This position seems to be contradictionary to his Monadology. Therefore, many scholars have ignored Leibniz's stand that corporeal substance is 'one substance', or consider this only as a stand from his theory of substance in his early works, which has been discarded afterwards. This Research will show that Leibniz adheres to this position throughout his lifetime; that although Leibniz uses the concepts such as substantial form and substantial bond to explain his stand, but the concept of substancial bond doesn't fit in with his philosophical system; that to explain the unity of the corporeal substance, the concept of substancial form and the theory of preestablished harmony are sufficient; and that nevertheless the stand that the corporeal substance is 'one substance' inconsistent with the position that the monad is 'one substance'; and that if Leibniz abandons that stand, the theory of the corporeal substance is a good foundation of his panorganism.

Charateristics of Adhesive Joint between Concrete and FRP Using Numerical Method (수치 모델을 사용한 콘크리트-FRP 부착면의 거동 특성)

  • 조정래;조근희;박영환;김병석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 2003
  • Substantial experimental and theoretical work exists on the bond characteristics of FRP-concrete adhesive joints. Experimental studies show that the bond strength cannot always increase with an increase in the bond length, and that the ultimate strength is strongly influenced by the concrete strength. To solve this feature, analytic solutions based on fracture mechanics are widely used, and the local shear stress-slip curve with a softening branch is known as more rational model. The analytic solution, however, cannot describe various shapes of model curve. In this study, numerical method using interface element is introduced to express various shapes of model curve. Characteristics of adhesive joint is investigated for the shapes of the model curve and their parameters. And the numerical solutions are compared with the test results of CFRP sheet adhesive joints.

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Bond-Slip Model for FRP-Concrete Interface II: Characteristics of Adhesive Joint (FRP-콘크리트 계면의 부착모델 II : 부착특성)

  • 조정래;조근희;박영환;박종섭;유영준;정우태
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.902-907
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    • 2003
  • Substantial experimental and theoretical work exists on the bond characteristics of FRP-concrete adhesive joints. Analytic solutions based on fracture mechanics are most commonly accepted for theoretical work on joint. The solutions may be derived for the simple form of the shear strees-slip curve. And it is difficult to determine the model parameters consisting the curve. In this study, the bilinear curve with softening branch is introduced. The model parameters are determined by the method described by the companion paper with comparison of test results. There are many uncertainties in the test results of CFRP sheet adhesive joints, so that test results used for the construction of the regression problem should be reasonably selected.

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Capital Markets for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Startups in Korea

  • BINH, Ki Beom;JHANG, Hogyu;PARK, Daehyeon;RYU, Doojin
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.195-210
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    • 2020
  • This study describes the structure of the capital markets for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startup companies in Korea, which is an emerging market that has experienced drastic changes. The overall capital market can be divided into private and public capital markets. In the private capital market, most of the demand for capital comes from non-listed private firms, including startups and SMEs. In the case of SMEs and startups, the KOSDAQ, the Korea New Exchange (KONEX), and primary collateralized bond obligations (P-CBOs) are part of the public capital market. SMEs and startups are generally incapable of raising sufficient capital owing to their low credit ratings, and they largely have limited access to primary markets to issue shares and borrow money. The Korean government has developed a systematic financial aid program to provide funds to these companies. The fund for SMEs has significantly contributed to the development of the venture capital market. Many Korean banks provide substantial lending to SMEs, but this lending is available only because of the Korean government's loan recovery guarantee. Furthermore, SMEs can issue corporate debt in the form of primary collateralized bond obligations through government guarantees, but such debt issuances have placed increasing pressure on public guarantee institutions.

Numerov-Cooley Method on a Potential of NO Molecule (산화질소 분자 퍼텐셜에 적용한 Numerov-Cooley 방법)

  • Cho, Seon-Woog
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.125-128
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    • 2007
  • In applying Numerov-Cooley method, Excel tool ‘Solver' is used to match those two wave functions propagated inward and outward, respectively. It is numerically confirmed that the same eigenvalue is obtained by using the average of two energy values of each inward and outward wave functions. This method is applied to a NO molecule potential, and we calculated the variations of the average bond distance and tunneling for a given vibrational energy. It is found that the average bond lengths increase proportionately to the vibrational energy, while the tunneling is not so sensitive to the energy changes. Rather substantial amount of tunnel effect is found for every vibrational state.

Effect of Acidic Environment on the Push-Out Bond Strength and Surface Morphology of Tricalcium Silicate Materials (산성 환경이 Tricalcium Silicate 재료의 압출강도와 표면형태에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Misun;Kim, Jaehwan;Choi, Namki;Kim, Seonmi
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a range of acidic pH values on the push-out bond strength and surface morphology of tricalcium silicate materials: Biodentine$^{(R)}$, Theracal$^{(R)}$ and ProRoot MTA$^{(R)}$. The standardized lumens of root slices prepared from extracted single-root human teeth were filled with Biodentine$^{(R)}$, Theracal$^{(R)}$ and ProRoot MTA$^{(R)}$ according to manufacturer's instructions. The specimens were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 20) for each material and then incubated for 4 days at $37^{\circ}C$; 3 acidic groups (butyric acid buffered at pH 4.4, 5.4, 6.4) and 1 control group (phosphate buffered saline solution at pH 7.4). The push-out bond strengths were then measured by using a universal testing machine and the surface morphology of each experimental group was analyzed by a scanning electron microscope. Biodentine$^{(R)}$ and Theracal$^{(R)}$ showed higher push-out bond strength compared with ProRoot MTA$^{(R)}$ after exposure to acidic pH values. A substantial change in the surface morphology of each material occurred after exposure to different pH values. In conclusion, the push-out bond strengths of Biodentine$^{(R)}$ and Theracal$^{(R)}$ are higher than the ProRoot MTA$^{(R)}$. Further the acidic environment weakens the push-out bond strength and microstructure of tricalcium silicate materials.

Seismic design of beam-column joints in RC moment resisting frames - Review of codes

  • Uma, S.R.;Jain, Sudhir K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.579-597
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    • 2006
  • The behaviour of reinforced concrete moment resisting frame structures in recent earthquakes all over the world has highlighted the consequences of poor performance of beam column joints. Large amount of research carried out to understand the complex mechanisms and safe behaviour of beam column joints has gone into code recommendations. This paper presents critical review of recommendations of well established codes regarding design and detailing aspects of beam column joints. The codes of practice considered are ACI 318M-02, NZS 3101: Part 1:1995 and the Eurocode 8 of EN 1998-1:2003. All three codes aim to satisfy the bond and shear requirements within the joint. It is observed that ACI 318M-02 requires smaller column depth as compared to the other two codes based on the anchorage conditions. NZS 3101:1995 and EN 1998-1:2003 consider the shear stress level to obtain the required stirrup reinforcement whereas ACI 318M-02 provides stirrup reinforcement to retain the axial load capacity of column by confinement. Significant factors influencing the design of beam-column joints are identified and the effect of their variations on design parameters is compared. The variation in the requirements of shear reinforcement is substantial among the three codes.

Effect of Blood Contamination on the Push-Out Bond Strength and Surface Morphology of Tricalcium Silicate Materials (혈액오염이 Tricalcium Silicate 재료의 압출강도와 표면형태에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Misun;Kim, Jaehwan;Choi, Namki;Kim, Seonmi
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of blood contamination on the push-out bond strength and surface morphology of tricalcium silicate materials; Biodentine$^{(R)}$, Theracal$^{(R)}$ and mineral trioxide aggregate. The standardized lumens of root slices prepared from extracted single-root human teeth were filled with Biodentine$^{(R)}$, Theracal$^{(R)}$ and mineral trioxide aggregate by manufacturer's instruction. The specimens were randomly divided into 2 groups (n = 20) for each material and then incubated for 4 days at $37^{\circ}C$; control group (phosphate buffered saline solution) and experimental group (fetal bovine serum). The push-out bond strengths were then measured by a universal testing machine and the surface morphology of each experimental group was analyzed by scanning electron microscope. Biodentine$^{(R)}$ and Theracal$^{(R)}$ showed higher push-out bond strength compared with mineral trioxide aggregate after exposure to fetal bovine serum. A substantial change in the surface morphology of each material was observed after exposure to fetal bovine serum. In conclusion, the push-out bond strengths of Biodentine$^{(R)}$ and Theracal$^{(R)}$ were higher than mineral trioxide aggregate when exposed to blood contamination. Therefore, it is supposed that the use of Biodentine$^{(R)}$ and Theracal$^{(R)}$ is appropriate in the presence of blood.

Grinding Characteristic of Hard Disk Glass by Glass by ELLD Grinding

  • Kim, Gyung-Nyun;Hitoshi Ohmori
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we discuss the machining characteristics of HDD glass. Glass is now being used globally as a data storage device, Such glasses are usually machined by lapping by this technique requires a long machining time, resulting in low productivity, For this reason, we examine the possibility of EILD grinding in HDD glass workpieces, A move to ELID grinding may result in substantial cost reduction. Our purpose is to investigate the grinding characteristics of HDD glass in ELID grinding. The bonding materials for fixing the abrasives of cast iron, cobalt and bronze are applied, and grinding conditions such as rotation speed and feeding are varied. Results show that with the use of ELID, mirror surfaces can be achieved with high efficiency.

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