• 제목/요약/키워드: subsidy

검색결과 444건 처리시간 0.023초

WTO보조금 협정하의 분쟁사례 연구 - 조선 및 하이닉스 반도체의 보조금 분쟁을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Dispute Case under the WTO ASCM - Focus on the Subsidy for Korean Shipbuilding and Hynix Semiconductor(DRAM) -)

  • 김지용
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.451-465
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    • 2007
  • It is true that every country which includes the developing country has planned own economic development through government subsidies. Korea also has developed their some major industry through supporting government subsidies. Under the WTO structure, however, government's specific supports for export firms come under prohibited subsidy and subsidy supporting must be based on WTO ASCM(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures). The purpose of this paper was to study on the WTO ASCM and to analyze cases on the shipbuilding and Hynix DRAM dispute which Korean concerned major subsidy issue. Korea has been undergoing subsidy dispute with EU and U.S.A. concerned matter of shipbuilding and Hynix DRAM respectively. From this research results were as follow : First of all, the WTO ASCM introduced a definition of subsidy and divided subsidies into three categories and was legally bound through dispute settlement mechanism and implemented by all WTO members. Also, through analyzing cases, results were indicated that Korea wins a lawsuit against the matter of shipbuilding subsidy whereas losing the lawsuit against the matter of DRAM subsidy. It means that the case of shipbuilding subsidy do not violation WTO ASCM and the case of Hynix DARAM is against WTO ASCM. Additionally, as we see the dispute cases concerned Korean industry, it is necessary that government should operate subsidies which were provided for certain governmental policy as consisted with WTO ASCM.

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뇌성마비 소아청소년의 발달재활서비스 운동발달재활 영역 이용 및 지원금 현황: 보호자 조사연구 (A Study of Current Use and Subsidy Adequacy of Motor Development Rehabilitation Part of Development Rehabilitation Service in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: A Parental Survey)

  • 한승현;함석찬
    • 대한통합의학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.155-167
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : Accumulation of accurate data regarding the use and adequacy of subsidies is important to provide optimal development rehabilitation services. However, no reports have discussed the status regarding the use and adequacy of subsidies available for motor development rehabilitation as a part of development rehabilitation services in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. In this study, we investigated the current use and subsidy adequacy of motor development rehabilitation as an essential part of development rehabilitation services in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Methods : The study included parents of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, who underwent motor development rehabilitation of development rehabilitation services (n=148). The participants were administered a questionnaire to investigate the current use and subsidy adequacy of the motor development rehabilitation part of development rehabilitation services. Results : Most respondents indicated that 310,000-410,000 /month was an appropriate subsidy and agreed that the subsidy should be extended to adults with cerebral palsy. We observed a significant difference in the appropriate subsidy based on age groups (p=.029), as well as type of development rehabilitation service most needed (p=.005) and whether or not agree to extend the subsidy to adults according to gross motor function classification system level (p=.015). There were significant relations of appropriate subsidy (p<.001) and appropriateness of copay (p=.004) according to degree of transportation cost burden. Moreover, there were significant relations of appropriateness of current subsidy (p=.015) and appropriate subsidy (p<.001) according to degree of inconvenience of using transportation. Conclusion : This study highlights the need to increase subsidies for motor development rehabilitation of development rehabilitation services and that the subsidy should be determined based on the burden of transportation costs and the inconvenience of using transportation. Development rehabilitation service for adults with cerebral palsy should also be supported.

Effects of a Universal Childcare Subsidy on Mothers' Time Allocation

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2016
  • This paper examines the effects of a universal childcare subsidy on childcare decisions and mothers' employment by using Korea's policy reform of 2012, which provided a full childcare subsidy to all children aged 0 to 2. I find that the introduction of a universal childcare subsidy increased the use of childcare centers by children aged 0-2, which led to less maternal care compared to that provided to children aged 3-4. However, the expanded subsidy had little effect on mothers' labor supply. Moreover, the policy effects vary by individual and household characteristics. The effects of the expanded subsidy are mainly found in low-income households and less educated mothers. Highly educated mothers and high-income households are likely to focus more on the quality of childcare service. These results imply that a simple reduction in childcare costs would bring only limited effects on mothers' time allocation behavior; thus, more attention should be paid to improving the quality of childcare services.

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결혼보조금이 결혼에 미친 영향: 2004-2018 한국의 결혼이민자를 중심으로 (The Effect of Marriage Subsidy on Marriages: Focusing on Marriage Immigrants in South Korea 2004-2018)

  • 박지현
    • 노동경제논집
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2020
  • 이 연구는 2006년부터 한국의 일부 지자체에서 지원된 결혼보조금이 결혼에 미친 영향을 분석한다. 한국 남성과 외국인 여성 간의 국제결혼을 대상으로 한 결혼보조금은 국제결혼에 대한 경제적 유인을 증가시킨다. 2004-2018년 기간의 한국의 인구동향조사의 혼인 데이터를 기반으로 기초지자체(시군구) 및 연도별 결혼보조금 차이 및 이중차분법을 활용하여 분석한 결과, 결혼보조금은 비혼 한국 남성이 외국 여성과 결혼하는 확률을 통계적으로 유의하게 증가시켰다. 한국 여성과의 결혼에 대한 구축효과(crowd out effect)는 나타나지 않았으며, 결혼보조금이 전체결혼에 미치는 영향은 통계적으로 유의하게 양으로 나타났다. 세부그룹 분석 결과 결혼보조금이 나이가 많고 학력이 고졸인 남성에게 있어 가장 뚜렷하게 국제결혼을 증가시키는 효과를 보였다.

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친환경양식어업육성 민간보조사업비 집행효율 증대 방안 (A Study on the Efficiency of Execution of the Private Subsidy for Environmentally Friendly Aquaculture)

  • 김국주
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제51권1호
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2020
  • The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is supporting the "Environmentally Friendly Fisheries Promotion and Private Assistance Project" to increase production of eco-friendly, high-value-added foods. Private-backed operators selected for the project will have an economic opportunity to build, expand or refurbish eco-friendly fishing grounds. To facilitate this, the scope of project support was expanded after 2015 and an opportunity was prepared for private subsidy projects to grow to a new level in terms of quality and quantity by switching to a public offering project. However, starting in 2017, demand from the private sector will plunge and selected projects will be delayed or the project implementation rate will be lowered. It was a time for subsidy-related laws and systems to be reinforced but private subsidy projects do not temporarily shrink simply due to the increased administrative burden on private subsidy operators on subsidy management. It plans to review the correlation between laws and systems related to the construction of fish farms and suggest ways to enhance the efficiency of implementation so that economic advantages, the biggest advantage of the private subsidy project, can be recovered within the current legal system.

The Impact of Government Innovation Subsidies on the Survival of SMEs in Korea

  • Kim, Sangsin
    • STI Policy Review
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.55-76
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the effect of the government R&D subsidy program on long-term firm survival. In order to estimate the average treatment effect for the treated group, we used the survival analysis and matching method by constituting a comprehensive dataset of more than 90,000 observations. The analysis results show that the government R&D subsidy has a negative impact on long-term firm survival. In particular, not only the subsidy does not have a statistically significant effect on firm survival in the relatively short-term, the survival probability of the subsidized firms is statistically significantly lower than the non-subsidized firms after six years. These results can be seen as weakening the justification of government R&D support. There may be problems in the subsidy policy itself and the process of selection of subsidy awardees; however, the more fundamental problem is that the subsidy policy is concluded as the one-time event. Admittedly, it would be difficult for the government to precisely manage the subsidized projects over a long term period. However, in the case of a project in which short-term performance is detected, it would be necessary to provide a step-by-step support to strengthen the firm's competitiveness through further support and continuous development of performance. Of course, mid- and long-term evaluations of subsidy support policy should be performed in parallel with such phased support.

농축산물 수출 물류비의 지원효과 검증 (The analysis on governmental subsidizing program for the distribution cost of agro-food exportation)

  • 김경필;김성훈
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2011
  • Korean government has executed some programs to support producers and/or exporters for the promotion of agro-food exportation. Especially, governmental subsidizing program about the distribution cost for agro-food exportation shows positive effects. However, this subsidy should be changed or partly abolished due to the low effectiveness of subsidy. The goal of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of governmental subsidy and to present the agro-food products with the low effects of subsidizing program. As the results of analysis, the subsidy for several products, including Ginseng drinks, Paprika, and Chrysanthemum, might be considered to be stopped due to low effectiveness.

소득 이전과 임금 보조금 정책의 효과 비교 (Relative Effects of Income Transfer and Wage Subsidy)

  • 김대일
    • 노동경제논집
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.1-35
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    • 2019
  • 본 논문은 간단한 일반균형 모형을 통해 소득 이전과 임금 보조금 정책의 경제 효과를 비교한다. 지원 대상인 저임금 근로자가 수요의 소득탄력성이 높은 재화 및 서비스 생산에 집약되어 있을수록 조세를 통한 재분배 효과는 제한적으로 나타난다. 한편, 지원 방식에 있어서 근로장려세제와 같은 임금보조금(wage subsidy) 정책은 단순한 소득 이전(income transfer)에 비해 고용과 GDP 증가라는 긍정적 효과를 동반할 수 있지만, 그 재분배 효과는 노동공급뿐 아니라 노동수요의 탄력성에 크게 의존하는 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 효율성과 형평성의 최적 조합을 위해서는, 각 정책의 효과에 대해 면밀한 실증분석이 필요하다고 판단된다.

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단말기 유통법에 관한 연구: 보조금 규제의 영향 (Study on Mobile Terminal Distribution Act: Effects of Subsidy Regulations)

  • 야오슈에팅;곽주원
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제15권12호
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - This paper analyzes the effect of the handset subsidy and the Mobile Number Portability subscriber subsidy regulation, which are the main regulation adopted in "Law on the Improvement of the Mobile Terminal Distribution System" (Mobile Terminal Distribution Act), on the social surplus, the consumer surplus and profits of telecommunications carriers. We focus our analysis on whether the service charge competition is stimulated enough so that it can compensate for the loss of subsidies. Research design, data, and methodology - We use simple economic model to assess the impact of the handset subsidy and the Mobile Number Portability subscriber subsidy regulation. Unlike the former researches on this topic, we depart from using Hotelling model, and instead use the switching cost model, which uses switching cost as a parameter of market powers of telecommunications carriers. We also study the effect of the two different regulations when they are adopted both independently and concurrently. Results - If the market powers of telecommunications carriers are over certain threshold, contrary to the regulatory agency's assertion, the service charge competition would not be stimulated enough to compensate for the deduction in the subsidies, and thus the consumer surplus is compromised. Number Portability subsidy, especially, undermines the rival's market power and thus reduces the service charge. On the other hand, the regulations will also increase the profits of telecommunications carriers. However, social surplus is maximized when both of the regulations are present because the regulations reduces the frequency of switching handsets inefficiently. Conclusions - In enacting the Mobile Terminal Distribution Act, the telecommunications regulatory agency asserted that the regulation on subsidies will stimulate service charge competition, and in the long run, enhance the consumer surplus. However, contrary to the regulatory agency's assertion, subsidy regulation, especially the regulation on Number Portability subsidy, reduces consumer surplus. On the other hand, the Mobile Terminal Distribution Act can also increase the profits of telecommunications carriers because it decreases competition among the telecommunications carriers. However, the Mobile Terminal Distribution Act can increase the social surplus because it reduces inefficient switching of handsets.

Strategic Trade Policies under International Process R&D Competition with or without Market Leaders

  • Yang, Il-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to study strategic trade policies under international process research and development (R&D) competition with or without market leaders for free trade and a subsidy regime and compare the effects of R&D subsidies and export subsidies on the equilibrium levels of firm profit and social welfare. Design/methodology - For the analysis, we use previous work by Haaland and Kind (2008) and construct a differentiated goods duopoly model, wherein two firms compete via quantity in a third-country market for free trade and the subsidy regime. We consider simultaneous-move quantity competition when the two firms choose their quantities simultaneously and sequential-move quantity competition when they choose their quantities sequentially. The results are compared to those of Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004), who studied export subsidies. Findings - The following are the findings. First, the results of firm preference orderings regarding firm position from Dowrick (1986) and Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004) may not hold in our model when the firms' strategies are strategic substitutes under free trade. Second, the preference rankings under Cournot competition for free trade and a subsidy regime are the same as those in the strategic trade policy of export subsidy. Third, except for the cases of too close substitutes and complements, the results of firm and government preferences regarding firm position are different from those of Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004) in that Stackelberg leadership in a subsidy regime is advantageous when the goods are substitutes but is disadvantageous when the goods are complements. Moreover, the equilibrium level of firm profit is the highest in the Cournot-Nash play when the goods are substitutes in a subsidy regime. Fourth, except for the cases of too close substitutes and complements, the results of firms' and their respective governments' trade regime preferences are similar to those of Balboa, Daughety and Reinganum (2004) in that a Stackelberg leader firm and government prefer free trade if the goods are substitutes and prefer a subsidy regime if the goods are complements. Furthermore, a Stackelberg follower firm and government strongly prefer a subsidy regime to free trade. Originality/value - By analyzing the effects of R&D subsidies and export subsidies in international markets, we can find similarities and differences between them in international markets.