• Title/Summary/Keyword: subjective Well-being

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Worker Customized Stress Monitoring through Body Composition Analysis and Wearable Bio-Sensor

  • Junhee JUNG;Seohyun YANG;Emmanuel KIMITO;Dohyeong KIM;Chansik PARK;Dongmin LEE
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.463-470
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    • 2024
  • Recent wearable devices can measure workers' physical and mental stress levels in the workplace, enabling timely interventions or adjustments to improve safety, well-being, and productivity. However, stress is a subjective metric, response and recovery from stress varies depending on the individual's physical condition. This study is a preliminary study to test whether there are relationships between stress and physical conditions (i.e., body compositions) of individual workers. To find the relationship between various body compositions of the participants and their stress levels, Spearman correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis were conducted. The results showed a significant relationship between workers' stress level and their body composition. This suggests that by utilizing easily measurable body composition, customized stress monitoring for individual workers can be achieved, contributing to the prevention of construction accidents and the creation of a safer construction site.

Correlation of commute time with the risk of subjective mental health problems: 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS)

  • Hyo Choon Lee;Eun Hye Yang;Soonsu Shin;Seoung Ho Moon;Nan Song;Jae-Hong Ryoo
    • Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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    • v.35
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    • pp.9.1-9.10
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    • 2023
  • Background: Studies conducted so far on the link between commute time and mental health among Koreans remain insufficient. In this study, we attempted to identify the relationship between commute time and subjective mental health using the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS). Methods: Self-reported commute time was divided into four groups: ≤ 30 (group 1), 30-60 (group 2), 60-120 (group 3), and > 120 minutes (group 4). Subjective depression was defined as a score of 50 points or less on the WHO-5 well-being index. Subjective anxiety and fatigue were defined as answering 'yes' to the questionnaire on whether they had experienced it over the past year. The analysis of variance, t-test, and χ2 test was used to analyze the differences among the characteristics of the study participants according to commute time, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for depression, anxiety, and fatigue according to commute time were calculated using multivariate logistic regression models adjusted for sex, age, monthly income, occupation, company size, weekly working hours, and shift work status. Results: Long commute times showed increased ORs and graded increasing trends for depression, anxiety, and fatigue. The ORs for depression increased significantly in group 2 (1.06 [1.01-1.11]), group 3 (1.23 [1.13-1.33]), and group 4 (1.31 [1.09-1.57]) compared to group 1 (reference). The ORs for anxiety increased significantly in group 2 (1.17 [1.06-1.29]), group 3 (1.43 [1.23-1.65]) and group 4 (1.89 [1.42-2.53]). The ORs for fatigue increased significantly in group 2 (1.09 [1.04-1.15]), group 3 (1.32 [1.21-1.43]), and group 4 (1.51 [1.25-1.82]). Conclusions: This study highlights that the risk of depression, anxiety, and fatigue increases with commute time.


  • Fulder Stephen;Kataria Mohan;Smith Beryl Gethyn
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 1984.09a
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 1984
  • Panax ginseng has often been suggested as a geriatric restorative. This study is a double blind crossover trial to test whether ginseng can improve function in subjects with the depression and reduced abilities associated with senescence. 49 screened subjects were given 1500 mg Korean Red ginseng and identical placebo each for ten days, with a washout period in between the dosages. Standard tests of mental function, neuromuscular reflexes, responsiveness, mood and well being were used. The subjects were somewhat better at the co-ordination and speed test ('number copying') but tests of concentration and memory ('Concentration', 'Paired Association', 'Digit Span' and 'Object Learning') gave equivocal results. There were small improvements in mood and well being ('Life Satisfaction' and 'General Health Questionnaire') while the subjects indicated increased energy, alertness and less sleep, but also less happiness on the daily analogue scales. The major result was a highly significant improvement in reactivity, speed and co-oridnation at the tapping test, and the visual, auditory and disjunctive reaction timer. These are the most objective and accurate tests used in this trial. It is therefore concluded that ginseng can increase function in senile individuals. This effect is most easily visualisable in objective psychophysical tests, rather than the more subjective memory and concentration tests.

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A study on the Nurses' Perception of Comfort (임상간호사가 지각하는 환자의 안위에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Keum-Soon;im Kyung-HeeK;Kang Ji-Yeon;Seo Hyun-Mi;Won Jong-Soon;Jeong In-Sook;Chung Hae-Kyung;Sohng Kyeong-Yae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.300-310
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study describes the perception of comfort by hospital nurses. Q-methodological was used. Method: The participants completed a 37-item a sort made up of statements which could be ranked in terms of their relevance to the subjective meaning of comfort Result: Three interpretable types of comfort were identified. They are as follows : Type I, emotional and spiritual well-being style: The nurses perceived that patients feel comfortable when they feel emotional support from others and spiritual easiness. The nurses felt that the patients put worth in hope for a healthy life. free from pain and fear of death. Type II, acceptive medical environment style: The nurses perceived that patients have a secure and satisfied attitude towards prompt responses, exact information and skilled Intervention techniques. They also perceived that patients feel safe and secure when they feel free of pain and medical staff are kind. Type III, physical well-being style; The nurses perceived that patients feel safe and comfortable when they feel free of pain and have a good sleep and are able to maintain a comfortable position. They perceived that patients put a high value on meeting the basic needs of safety, such pain, sleep and positioning. Conclusion: The result of this study can be used as a basis to develop nursing measures for promoting comfort. Further studies are recommended on factors which influence nurses' perception of comfort and strategies to promote comfort according to the style of the patients.

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An Analytical Research on Cognitive Intensity of Valuation on the Urban Environment -A case study on KyungJu- (도시환경에 대한 시민의 가치도분석 -경주시 사례연구-)

  • 조세환;오휘영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.34-49
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    • 1993
  • This research aimed to analize the cognitive intensity of valuation(C.I.V) on urban environment as a first stage of the works on evaluative urban image under the hypothesis that it could be interpreted with a correlation analysis between the C.I.V and attitude(Satisfaction of unsatisfaction Intensity) toward urban environment. As a method of a study, 118 cognitive elements were selected representing an urban environment, and each of elements was suggested to citizens of Kyungju with 7 point Likert Scale. The analysis of C.I.V was operated under the three criteria: The first, three of urban space scale(urban scale, neighborhood scale, and housing scale), the second, four elements of urban living environment(safety, amenity, healthfulness, and effectiveness), and the last, thirteen urban unit environment(housing, traffic, education, tourism, medical/health, culture, etc.). The results were as follows: C.I.V to each of 118 elements was cleary defined, showing the possibilities of being applied to a method for subjective, or cognitive evaluation on urban environment: It was revealed that citizens'C.I.V was rather higher in non-physical, qualitative elements than in physical and quantitative ones. This shows well the limitation of the objective method of evaluation of urban environment: The results of the others' studies on the image of Kyungju based on the cognitive approach, being focused on the analysis of the visual aspects of urban structure, cultural assets, historic site and tourism, were almost same as this study but it was quite different for this research to reveal well the citizens' cognition on their living environment of traffic, education, medical, etc..

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Correlation between Instrument on Pattern Identification for Depression and Psychological Tests by Statistical Analysis (통계적 분석을 통한 우울증 변증도구와 심리검사의 상관성 연구)

  • Kim, Hwan;Lee, Hun-Soo;Lee, Eun Jung;Park, Joon-Ho;Kang, Wee-Chang;Jung, In Chul
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study was performed to determine the correlation between Instrument on Pattern Identification for Depression and Psychological tests by Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Regression analysis.Methods: Two assessors carried out the evaluation using the instrument on pattern identification for depression. They also performed the following psychological tests: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI_Total), Self-disclosure Inventory, subjective well-being Inventory, Health perception Inventory, and Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI). A total of 167 participants who got HAM-D score over 12 were targeted for the evaluation. Our research team carried out Pearson correlation coefficient analyses and regression analysis between pattern identification for depression and Psychological tests. We listed the results by descending order and interpreted the results.Results: Pearson correlation analysis revealed the following results: 1) Stagnation of Liver Gi was associated with BDI (0.60) and STAI (0.55); 2) Dual Deficiency of the Heart and Spleen was associated with BDI (0.60), ISI_Total (0.52), and STAI (0.42); 3) Relieving stagnation of Phlegm-Gi was associated with BDI (0.65), STAI (0.54), and Subjective well-being inventory (−0.52); 4) Gi-deficiency Mingled with sputum was associated with BDI (0.50), ISI_Total (0.40), and STAI (0.395); 5) Stagnant Gi transforming into fire was associated with BDI (0.56), STAI_TR (0.51), and Health perception Inventory (−0.458); 6) Yin-Deficiency with Effulgent Fire was associated with BDI (0.55), ISI_total (0.54), and STAI (0.41).Conclusions: Through correlation analysis between Instrument on Pattern Identification for Depression and Psychological tests, we could suggest a System for Oriental Medical Diagnosis for Depression.

Curse of 'M': Work-Life Balance and Essential Development of Policies in Social and Cultural Aspects ('M'의 재앙: 사회·문화적 관점에서 본 일과 삶의 균형과 정책 방향)

  • Kim, KyungHee;Ryu, Seoung-ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.416-431
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    • 2016
  • Along with the mood of 'Beyond GDP', it is necessary to explore how these subjective concepts such as happiness and well-being are quantified to be compared among many countries. The concept of 'Work-life balance (WLB)' is likely to be located on the boundary between the subjective and objective areas. Thus, this article aims to examine the policies related to WLB and how to change or develop those policies considering the concept of WLB and the circumstantial particularity of Korea. There are several suggestions on certain developments in the existing policies interfering WLB at three levels. First the government needs to conduct campaigns to transform traditional gender roles through active advertisement. Second, the company needs to use the long-lasting 'hierarchical organisation culture' for employee's work-life balance for regulating working hours and exhausting paid holidays and maternity or paternity leave. Finally, families should understand and support their wives' current circumstances facing the struggle between a mother and economic worker.

Cross-cultural Validation Test and Application of LSS-short Form (여가만족척도(LSS-short form)의 타당도 검증과 적용)

  • Kim, Mi-Lyang;Lee, Yeon-Ju;Hwang, Sun-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.435-445
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the current study was to examine the validity of the Leisure Satisfaction Scale(LSS) and confirm the relations between the LSS and subjective well-being. The LSS developed by Beard and Ragheb[9] has been used for about 20 years without the examination of the validity since it was utilized in Lee[2]'s study in Korea. First, all items of the original LSS and the operational definition of factors were translated and then inversely translated, and reviewed by experts in leisure studies. A total of 515 respondents participated in the study. To achieve the goals of this study, item-total correlation, correlation analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted by SPSS 14.0 and AMOS 5.0 programs. Main findings are as follows: First, the factor names(psychological, educational, social, physical, esthetic, and relaxation) and items were modified. Second, modified operational definition of factors were presented. The reliability and validity of the LSS consisted of 24 items and five factors were very high. Psychological and relaxation factors of LSS affected subjective well-being positively. The new LSS would be useful for the future studies associated with leisure satisfaction.

Effects of the Caring burden of Caregivers who manage Dementia patients on the Health perception and Somatic symptoms (치매환자를 돌보는 요양보호사의 케어부담감이 건강지각과 신체증상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soon-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.427-440
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    • 2018
  • This study was a descriptive correlation investigation that assessed the caring burden of caregivers who care for dementia and examined the effects of the burden on the somatic symptoms and health perception. The subjects were 174 caregivers and data collection was conducted from April 1 to 30, 2018. The data were analyzed t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. A Scheffe test was used for post-analysis. The caring burden and somatic symptoms were found to be mid-high and moderate, respectively. The health was perceived to be not good, and the subjective awareness of well-being appeared to be low. The caring burden showed a positive correlation with the somatic symptoms(r=.157, p<.05), and the somatic symptoms showed a positive correlation with the perceived health(r=.220, p<.01). As a result of the study, caregiving burden of caregivers showed the factors influencing their physical and mental health status, it is suggested to carry out research to find out whether there is a difference in burden of care according to the working place of caregiver. In addition, it is necessary to develop a tool to measure the burden of caregivers and to carry out repeated research.

A Exploratory Study on The Determinants of Youth Facilities Visits (청소년시설이용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Sin-Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2023
  • This study purports to investigate potential factors in various levels that affect respondents' use of youth facilities. Those levels include individual, family, and school. The data from 「2021 Youth Survey on Human Right Conditions」 will be analyzed. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis shows several results. First of all, respondents' age and level of human rights related information strongly influence respondents' use of youth facilities. Secondly, the analysis also shows that subjective well -being, abusive language and physical punishment from school faculty, and experience of human rights violation in schools affect the level of respondents' use of youth facilities. The order of effect sizes among significant variables are as follows; respondents' age, level of human rights related information, subjective well -being, abusive language and physical punishment from school faculty, and experience of human rights violation in schools. The independent variables in the model explain roughly 20 percent of whole variation of dependents variable.