• Title/Summary/Keyword: structural damage assessment

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Shake table testing of confined adobe masonry structures

  • Khan, Faisal Zaman;Ahmad, Muhammad Ejaz;Ahmad, Naveed
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2021
  • Buildings made using the locally available clay materials are amongst the least expensive forms of construction in many developing countries, and therefore, widely popular in remote areas. It is despite the fact that these low-strength masonry structures are vulnerable to seismic forces. Since transporting imported materials like cement and steel in areas inaccessible by motorable roads is challenging and financially unviable. This paper presents, and experimentally investigates, adobe masonry structures that utilize the abundantly available local clay materials with moderate use of imported materials like cement, aggregates, and steel. Shake-table tests were performed on two 1:3 reduce-scaled adobe masonry models for experimental seismic testing and verification. The model AM1 was confined with vertical lightly reinforced concrete columns provided at all corners and reinforced concrete horizontal bands (i.e., tie beams) provided at sill, lintel, and eave levels. The model AM2 was confined only with the horizontal bands provided at sill, lintel, and eave levels. The models were subjected to sinusoidal base motions for studying the damage evolution and response of the model under dynamic lateral loading. The lateral forcedeformation capacity curves for both models were developed and bi-linearized to compute the seismic response parameters: stiffness, strength, ductility, and response modification factor R. Seismic performance levels, story-drift, base shear coefficient, and the expected structural damages, were defined for both the models. Seismic performance assessment of the selected models was carried out using the lateral seismic force procedure to evaluate their safety in different seismic zones. The use of vertical columns in AM1 has shown a considerable increase in the lateral strength of the model in comparison to AM2. Although an R factor equal to 2.0 is recommended for both the models, AM1 has exhibited better seismic performance in all seismic zones due to its relatively high lateral strength in comparison to AM2.

Reliability-based combined high and low cycle fatigue analysis of turbine blade using adaptive least squares support vector machines

  • Ma, Juan;Yue, Peng;Du, Wenyi;Dai, Changping;Wriggers, Peter
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.293-304
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    • 2022
  • In this work, a novel reliability approach for combined high and low cycle fatigue (CCF) estimation is developed by combining active learning strategy with least squares support vector machines (LS-SVM) (named as ALS-SVM) surrogate model to address the multi-resources uncertainties, including working loads, material properties and model itself. Initially, a new active learner function combining LS-SVM approach with Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is presented to improve computational efficiency with fewer calls to the performance function. To consider the uncertainty of surrogate model at candidate sample points, the learning function employs k-fold cross validation method and introduces the predicted variance to sequentially select sampling. Following that, low cycle fatigue (LCF) loads and high cycle fatigue (HCF) loads are firstly estimated based on the training samples extracted from finite element (FE) simulations, and their simulated responses together with the sample points of model parameters in Coffin-Manson formula are selected as the MC samples to establish ALS-SVM model. In this analysis, the MC samples are substituted to predict the CCF reliability of turbine blades by using the built ALS-SVM model. Through the comparison of the two approaches, it is indicated that the reliability model by linear cumulative damage rule provides a non-conservative result compared with that by the proposed one. In addition, the results demonstrate that ALS-SVM is an effective analysis method holding high computational efficiency with small training samples to gain accurate fatigue reliability.

Performance based assessment for tall core structures consisting of buckling restrained braced frames and RC walls

  • Beiraghi, Hamid;Alinaghi, Ali
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.515-530
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    • 2021
  • In a tall reinforced concrete (RC) core wall system subjected to strong ground motions, inelastic behavior near the base as well as mid-height of the wall is possible. Generally, the formation of plastic hinge in a core wall system may lead to extensive damage and significant repairing cost. A new configuration of core structures consisting of buckling restrained braced frames (BRBFs) and RC walls is an interesting idea in tall building seismic design. This concept can be used in the plan configuration of tall core wall systems. In this study, tall buildings with different configurations of combined core systems were designed and analyzed. Nonlinear time history analysis at severe earthquake level was performed and the results were compared for different configurations. The results demonstrate that using enough BRBFs can reduce the large curvature ductility demand at the base and mid-height of RC core wall systems and also can reduce the maximum inter-story drift ratio. For a better investigation of the structural behavior, the probabilistic approach can lead to in-depth insight. Therefore, incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) curves were calculated to assess the performance. Fragility curves at different limit states were then extracted and compared. Mean IDA curves demonstrate better behavior for a combined system, compared with conventional RC core wall systems. Collapse margin ratio for a RC core wall only system and RC core with enough BRBFs were almost 1.05 and 1.92 respectively. Therefore, it appears that using one RC core wall combined with enough BRBF core is an effective idea to achieve more confidence against tall building collapse and the results demonstrated the potential of the proposed system.

Feasibility study on an acceleration signal-based translational and rotational mode shape estimation approach utilizing the linear transformation matrix

  • Seung-Hun Sung;Gil-Yong Lee;In-Ho Kim
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2023
  • In modal analysis, the mode shape reflects the vibration characteristics of the structure, and thus it is widely performed for finite element model updating and structural health monitoring. Generally, the acceleration-based mode shape is suitable to express the characteristics of structures for the translational vibration; however, it is difficult to represent the rotational mode at boundary conditions. A tilt sensor and gyroscope capable of measuring rotational mode are used to analyze the overall behavior of the structure, but extracting its mode shape is the major challenge under the small vibration always. Herein, we conducted a feasibility study on a multi-mode shape estimating approach utilizing a single physical quantity signal. The basic concept of the proposed method is to receive multi-metric dynamic responses from two sensors and obtain mode shapes through bridge loading test with relatively large deformation. In addition, the linear transformation matrix for estimating two mode shapes is derived, and the mode shape based on the gyro sensor data is obtained by acceleration response using ambient vibration. Because the structure's behavior with respect to translational and rotational mode can be confirmed, the proposed method can obtain the total response of the structure considering boundary conditions. To verify the feasibility of the proposed method, we pre-measured dynamic data acquired from five accelerometers and five gyro sensors in a lab-scale test considering bridge structures, and obtained a linear transformation matrix for estimating the multi-mode shapes. In addition, the mode shapes for two physical quantities could be extracted by using only the acceleration data. Finally, the mode shapes estimated by the proposed method were compared with the mode shapes obtained from the two sensors. This study confirmed the applicability of the multi-mode shape estimation approach for accurate damage assessment using multi-dimensional mode shapes of bridge structures, and can be used to evaluate the behavior of structures under ambient vibration.

Acute toxicity and genotoxicity assessment of Ligigeopoong-san (이기거풍산의 급성독성 및 유전독성 평가)

  • Sung-Young Jo;Sung-Min Hwang;Su-Yeong Kim;Jun-Sub Kim;Kyeong-Wan Woo;Hyun-Woo Cho;Jong-Hyun Nho
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aimed to investigate whether Ligigeopoong-san induces acute toxicity and genotoxicity Methods: Ligigeopoong-san contains the rhizome of Cnidium officinale MAKINO, an herb with potential teratogenicity. Teratogenicity is closely associated with genotoxicity. We analyzed whether Ligigeopoong-san induces acute toxicity and genotoxicity using various experimental models in accordance with Korean non-clinical test standards for pharmaceuticals and OECD test guidelines. Results : When Ligigeopoong-san was administered as a single dose to male and female rats, no toxic reactions, including organ damage, were observed at doses up to 2,500 mg/kg. In the bacterial reverse mutation test, no DNA mutations were detected at concentrations up to 5,000 ㎍/plate. In cell models, Ligigeopoong-san did not induce structural or numerical chromosomal aberrations at concentrations up to 2,000 ㎍/mL. Additionally, in animal studies, it did not cause bone marrow toxicity or form micronuclei in erythrocytes at doses up to 2,000 mg/kg. Conclusions : The experiments using various models demonstrated that Ligigeopoong-san did not induce acute toxicity or genotoxicity.

A Experimental Study on the Evaluation of Deteriorated Concrete Member Exposed One Side at High Temperature (고온에 일면 노출된 콘크리트부재의 손상깊이 평가를 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Joong-Won;Choi, Kwang-Ho;Hong, Kap-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.3 s.93
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2006
  • The determination of the depth of deteriorated concrete is one of the main problems in the structural assessment of concrete structures that have been subjected to a fire. This information is particularly important in order to optimize the future operations of repair/strengthening, or in decision-making concerning a possible demolition. The purpose of this study is to propose evaluation technique of damaged depth of concrete exposed at high temperature. In order to evaluate damaged depth of core picked at member under fire, the 24 specimens have been made with variables of concrete strength(20 MPa, 40 MPa, 60 MPa) and heating exposure condition in 600 and 800 for 2 hours. Color change analysis and water absorption after heating have been measured and split tensile stress test was performed to ka the residual compressive strength against the depth of specimen. The results show that the deeper of the depth from heating face, water absorption ratio is smaller and residual stress ratio is larger and the color of heated face is changed to red color. Using this technique at damage evaluation of fired structure, We evaluate damaged depth of member under fire and determine the reasonable strengthening range.

Impact Monitoring of Composite Structures using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors (광섬유 브래그 격자 센서를 이용한 복합재 구조물의 충격 모니터링 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Byeong-Wook;Park, Sang-Oh;Lee, Yeon-Gwan;Kim, Chun-Gon;Park, Chan-Yik;Lee, Bong-Wan
    • Composites Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2011
  • Low-velocity impact can cause various damages which are mostly hidden inside the laminates or occur in the opposite side. Thus, these damages cannot be easily detected by visual inspection or conventional NDT systems. And if they occurred between the scheduled NDT periods, the possibilities of extensive damages or structural failure can be higher. Due to these reasons, the built-in NDT systems such as real-time impact monitoring system are required in the near future. In this paper, we studied the impact monitoring system consist of impact location detection and damage assessment techniques for composite flat and stiffened panel. In order to acquire the impact-induced acoustic signals, four multiplexed FBG sensors and high-speed FBG interrogator were used. And for development of the impact and damage occurrence detections, the neural networks and wavelet transforms were adopted. Finally, these algorithms were embodied using MATLAB and LabVIEW software for the user-friendly interface.

Contact forces generated by fallen debris

  • Sun, Jing;Lam, Nelson;Zhang, Lihai;Gad, Emad;Ruan, Dong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.589-603
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    • 2014
  • Expressions for determining the value of the impact force as reported in the literature and incorporated into code provisions are essentially quasi-static forces for emulating deflection. Quasi-static forces are not to be confused with contact force which is generated in the vicinity of the point of contact between the impactor and target, and contact force is responsible for damage featuring perforation and denting. The distinction between the two types of forces in the context of impact actions is not widely understood and few guidelines have been developed for their estimation. The value of the contact force can be many times higher than that of the quasi-static force and lasts for a matter of a few milli-seconds whereas the deflection of the target can evolve over a much longer time span. The stiffer the impactor the shorter the period of time to deliver the impulsive action onto the target and consequently the higher the peak value of the contact force. This phenomenon is not taken into account by any contemporary codified method of modelling impact actions which are mostly based on the considerations of momentum and energy principles. Computer software such as LS-DYNA has the capability of predicting contact force but the dynamic stiffness parameters of the impactor material which is required for input into the program has not been documented for debris materials. The alternative, direct, approach for an accurate evaluation of the damage potential of an impact scenario is by physical experimentation. However, it can be difficult to extrapolate observations from laboratory testings to behaviour in real scenarios when the underlying principles have not been established. Contact force is also difficult to measure. Thus, the amount of useful information that can be retrieved from isolated impact experiments to guide design and to quantify risk is very limited. In this paper, practical methods for estimating the amount of contact force that can be generated by the impact of a fallen debris object are introduced along with the governing principles. An experimental-calibration procedure forming part of the assessment procedure has also been verified.

A GIS-Based Seismic Vulnerability Mapping and Assessment Using AHP: A Case Study of Gyeongju, Korea (GIS 기반 AHP를 이용한 지진 취약성 지도제작 및 평가: 경주시를 중심으로)

  • Han, Jihye;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a seismic vulnerability map of Gyeongju city, where the 9.12 Gyeongju earthquake occurred, was produced and evaluated using analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and geographic information system (GIS). Geotechnical, physical, social, structural, and capacity factors were selected as the main indicators and 18 sub-indicators to construct a spatial database. Weights derived using the AHP were applied to the 18 sub-indicators, which generated a vulnerability map of the five main indicators. After weighting the five generated maps, we created seismic vulnerability maps by overlaying each of the five maps. The seismic vulnerability map was classified into five zones, i.e., very high, high, moderate, low, and safe. For seismic vulnerability, the results indicated that 3% of Gyeongju area is characterized as having very high vulnerability, while 19% was characterized as safe. Based on district standards, Jungbu-dong, Hwangoh-dong, Hwangseong-dong, Seonggeon-dong, and Dongcheon-dong were high-risk areas, and Bodeok-dong, Gangdong-myeon, Yangbuk-myeon, Yangnam-myeon, and Oedong-eup were characterized as safe areas. The seismic vulnerability map produced in this study could possibly be used to minimize damage caused by earthquakes and could be used as a reference when establishing policies.

The Stability Assessment of ASSM Tunnels in Service (공용중인 ASSM 터널의 안정성 평가)

  • Kwon, Young Jeong;Park, Min Chul;Shin, Hyo Hee;Lee, Song
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2011
  • The need of securing the stability and extending service lives by efficient maintenance of deteriorated tunnels for several decades has been increased. The stability and the usability of conventional tunnels can be decreased by change of physical properties of the surrounding ground, geometrical properties of the tunnel, an underground water level, environmental conditions, oxidation of lining and the breakdown of constituent materials. In respect of a long-term view, it is need to check all sorts of degradation, the degree of damage and durability to improve the serviceability and to come up with measures to maintain effectively. This paper is about study to analyze the stability of conventional tunnels(American Steel Support Method. ASSM). Three tunnels are chosen in those built in the 1930s and 1960s and the locations of tunnels are selected variously(ChungCheong, GyungBuk, GangWon, Jeolla, etc.) to secure reliability of this study. The state of repair and reinforcement of linings, cracks, and thickness and strength of lining of conventional tunnels in service are researched, compared and analyzed. The crack gauge, the GPR, the schmitt hammer was used for the crack investigation, cavitation, the strength respectively. By using these, the comparative analysis for conventional tunnels was conducted. As a result, there are more cracks in tunnels built in the 1930s than those of tunnels built in the 1960s, and lining strength of the 1930s is higher than those of the 1960s. The thickness of lining in tunnels built in the 1960s is higher than those in tunnels built in the 1930s. In proportion to thickness, cavitation occurred more frequently in tunnels built in the 1960s compared to those in tunnels built in the 1930s.