• Title/Summary/Keyword: stream depletion

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The Effect of Drought Simulated by Discharge Control on Water Quality and Benthic Diatom Community in the Indoor Experimental Channel (인공하천에서 유량감소로 모사한 가뭄효과가 수질 및 부착돌말류 군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hye-Jin;Kim, Baik-Ho;Kong, Dong-Soo;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2012
  • We investigated an ecological impact of drought simulated by discharge depletion on the water quality and benthic diatom community in the indoor experimental channel. As artificial substrates slide-glass was installed in acrylic channel for 16 days. Channels were supplied continuously with eutrophic lake water with a discharge rate of 6 L $min^{-1}$ in duplication during the colonized period. And then during the discharge depletion period, three discharge rates were provided: NDF (No depletion of flow rate (Control): 6 L $min^{-1}$), LDF (Low depletion of flow rate: 3 L $min^{-1}$) and HDF (High depletion of flow rate: 1 L $min^{-1}$). Environmental factors in the water, such as suspended solid, Chl-$a$ and nutrients concentration, were measured with periphytic algae including AFDM (ash free dry matter), Chl-$a$ concentration and cell density at 1-day intervals. Light intensity increased significantly with discharge depletion (F=229.5, p= 0.000). $NH_4$-N concentration was highest at HDF. Suspended solid in outflowing water decreased at HDF (88%), LDF (97%) and NDF (99%), compared to inflowing water (100 %). Chl-$a$ in substrates increased more than two times at LDF and HDF than NDF (F= 8.399, p=0.001). Also AFDM and benthic diatom density increased significantly at LDF and HDF than NDF (F=9.390, p=0.001; F=6.088, p=0.007). In all experimental groups, $Aulacoseira$ $ambigua$, $Achnanthes$ $minutissima$ and $Aulacoseira$ $granulata$ were dominant species accounting for greater than 10% of benthic diatom density. The most dominant species, $A.$ $ambigua$ was highest at LDF, followed by HDF and NDF (F=8.551, p=0.001). In conclusion, the effect of drought simulated by discharge depletion in an artificial stream ecosystem caused significant changes on water quality and benthic diatom biomass. This result provides a useful data to understand the effect of draught on stream ecosystem in situ.

Verification and validation of isotope inventory prediction for back-end cycle management using two-step method

  • Jang, Jaerim;Ebiwonjumi, Bamidele;Kim, Wonkyeong;Cherezov, Alexey;Park, Jinsu;Lee, Deokjung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.2104-2125
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents the verification and validation (V&V) of a calculation module for isotope inventory prediction to control the back-end cycle of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The calculation method presented herein was implemented in a two-step code system of a lattice code STREAM and a nodal diffusion code RAST-K. STREAM generates a cross section and provides the number density information using branch/history depletion branch calculations, whereas RAST-K supplies the power history and three history indices (boron concentration, moderator temperature, and fuel temperature). As its primary feature, this method can directly consider three-dimensional core simulation conditions using history indices of the operating conditions. Therefore, this method reduces the computation time by avoiding a recalculation of the fuel depletion. The module for isotope inventory calculates the number densities using the Lagrange interpolation method and power history correction factors, which are applied to correct the effects of the decay and fission products generated at different power levels. To assess the reliability of the developed code system for back-end cycle analysis, validation study was performed with 58 measured samples of pressurized water reactor (PWR) SNF, and code-to-code comparison was conducted with STREAM-SNF, HELIOS-1.6 and SCALE 5.1. The V&V results presented that the developed code system can provide reasonable results with comparable confidence intervals. As a result, this paper successfully demonstrates that the isotope inventory prediction code system can be used for spent nuclear fuel analysis.

Effect of Carrier Size on the Performance of a Three-Phase Circulating-Bed Biofilm Reactor for Removing Toluene in Gas Stream

  • Sang, Byoung-In;Yoo, Eui-Sun;Kim, Byung-J.;Rittmann, Bruce E.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1121-1129
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    • 2008
  • A series of steady-state and short-term experiments on a three-phase circulating-bed biofilm reactor (CBBR) for removing toluene from gas streams were conducted to investigate the effect of macroporous-carrier size (1-mm cubes versus 4-mm cubes, which have the same total surface area) on CBBR performance. Experimental conditions were identical, except for the carrier size. The CBBR with 1-mm carriers (the 1-mm CBBR) overcame the performance limitation observed with the CBBR with 4-mm carriers (the 4-mm CBBR): oxygen depletion inside the biofilm. The 1-mm CBBR consistently had the superior removal efficiencies of toluene and COD, higher than 93% for all, and the advantage was greatest for the highest toluene loading, $0.12\;M/m^2-day$. The 1-mm carriers achieved superior performance by minimizing the negative effects of oxygen depletion, because they had 4.7 to 6.8 times thinner biofilm depths. The 1-mm carriers continued to provide protection from excess biomass detachment and inhibition from toluene. Finally, the 1-mm CBBR achieved volumetric removal capacities up to 300 times greater than demonstrated by other biofilters treating toluene and related volatile hydrocarbons.

Fraction and Mobility of Heavy Metals in the abandoned closed mine near Okdong stream sediments

  • Kim, Hee-Joung;Yang, Jae;Lee, Jai-Young;Jun, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2003
  • Fractional composition and mobility of sediments some heavy metals in Okdong stream are investigated. The fractional scheme for sediment heavy metal was made for five chemically defined heavy metal forms as adsorbed fraction, carbonate fraction, reducible fraction, organic fraction, and residual fraction (Tessier et at., 1979). The most abundant fraction of the sediment heavy metal is reducible and secondly abundant organic fraction. Adsorbed fraction is minor part of the total heavy metals. Mobilization of sediment heavy metals in stream Okdong is occur 19.8∼56.7% of total cadmium concentrate. The most abundant fraction of the sediment metal is organic fraction in Cu, Pb metals investigated. Labile fraction of sediment metals are 0.5%∼48.5% of total Zn, 2.6%∼48.1% of total Pb, 0.2∼36.9% of total Cu respectively, Most of labile fraction consists of reducible fraction for Cd, Zn, adsorbed fraction for Pb, reducible fraction for Cu, adsorbed fraction for Ni. The Mobilization of Zn and Cu is most likely to occur when oxygen depletes and that of Pb and Ni occurs when physical impact, oxygen depletion and pH reduction.

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Study on Development of the stream depletion Indices and Estimation of stream depletion Scale for Ensuring Riverine Ecosystem Health (하천의 수생태계 건강성 확보를 위한 건천화지표 산정 및 규모 추정 연구)

  • Kim Se Min;Park Young Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.479-479
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    • 2023
  • 하천의 건천화는 물이용은 물론 수질과 수생태 측면에서 부정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 알려져 있으나, 건천화의 정의는 물론 건천화 판단기준에 대해서도 학술적인 정리가 부족한 실정이다. 국내의 하천환경을 고려할 때 대부분의 건천화는 대하천이나 하천의 본류보다는 중소하천 규모에서 발생하고 있으며, 이는 만경강유역에서도 동일할 것으로 판단된다. 건천화를 판단하기 위해서는 장기간에 걸친 신뢰할 만한 유량자료가 축적되어 있어야 하나, 중소하천 규모에서 장기측정망을 운영하기는 쉽지 않은 특성으로, 이를 보완하는 방법으로 현장에서의 유량 측정과 함께 모형을 이용하여 하천의 유황을 추정하는 것이 타당할 것으로 판단된다. 건천화된 하천의 유량확보와 관련하여 고려할 수 있는 하천유지유량 제도는 국가하천과 지방 하천을 대상으로 하고 있어 실제 건천화가 발생하는 중소하천에는 적용하기 어려울 것으로 보여, 환경생태유량 제도의 활용을 검토하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 보이지만, 중소하천이나 그 이하 규모의 소하천의 경우 유량 확보를 위한 현실적인 방안이 제한되어 있는 문제가 있다. 본 연구에서는 선행연구에서 제시한 기준유량과 건천화 평가지표를 검토하고 적용하였다. 또한 하천유역의 특성을 반영하기 위해 대조하천, 농업하천, 도시하천, 준도시하천으로 구분하고 이들 하천에 대한 현장조사와 함께 장기유출모형을 구축하여 하천의 유황을 파악하고 만경강유역의 건천화 규모를 추정하였다. 건천화 등급을 산정한 결과, 건천화율이 대부분 5등급(매우나쁨)수준으로 평가었고, 산정된 건천화 비율로 살펴봤을 때, 건천화를 개선하기 위한 유량공급이 필요한 단계로 사료된다. 이러한 연구 결과는 향후 건천화현상에 대한 원인규명과 방지대책을 강구하기 위한 기초자료로 활용가능 할 것으로 판단된다.

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An Analysis of Groudwater Budget in a Water Curtain Cultivation Site (청원 수막재배 지역의 물수지 특성 분석)

  • Chang, Sun Woo;Chung, Il-Moon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1259-1267
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, rural groundwater development faces new challenge, which have not been experienced so far. The problem is a groundwater depletion by the water curtain cultivation (WCC) during winter season. This study investigates the groundwater depletion using three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow program, MODFLOW to verify the water budget of the shallow aquifer of Cheongweon area. Interdisciplinary research, which has become a worldwide trend, has been adopted in studying groundwater modeling in field scale. In particular, the method of groundwater recharge estimation adopted precise modeling techniques, SWAT to groundwater flow modeling. Based on qualified field data, the model calibrated and validated its reliability. The objective of this study is to simulate various stream-aquifer interactions according to groundwater pumping with artificial boundaries, such as weirs and drainage system. We also analyzed a seasonal variation of cumulative water budget of the site to quantify the groundwater depletion and recovery in the pumping field.

Extraction of Snowmelt Factors using NOAA Satellite Images and Meteorological Data (NOAA위성영상 및 기상자료를 이용한 융설 관련 매개변수 추출)

  • Kang, Su-Man;Shin, Hyung-Jin;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.10 s.171
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    • pp.845-854
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    • 2006
  • Establishment of snowmelt factors is necessary to simulate stream flow using snowmelt models during snowmelt periods. The few observed data related snowmelt was the major cause of difficulty in extracting snowmelt factors such as snow cover area, snow depth and depletion curve. The objective of this study was to extract snowmelt factors using RS, GIS technique and meteorological data. Snow cover maps were derived from NOAA/AVHRR images for the winter seasons from 1997 to 2003. Distributed snow depth was mapped by overlapping between snow cover maps and interpolated snowfall maps from 69 meteorological observation station. Depletion curves of snowmelt area were described from the linear regression equations of each year between the average temperature and snow cover area in Soyanggang-dam and chungju-dam watershed.

Combined Effects of Groundwater Abstraction and Irrigation Reservoir on Streamflow (지하수 이용과 농업용 저수지가 하천유량에 미치는 복합 영향)

  • Kim, Nam Won;Lee, Jeongwoo;Chung, Il Moon;Lee, Min Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.719-733
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a watershed-based surface-water and groundwater integrated model, SWAT-MODFLOW was used to evaluate streamflow depletion induced by groundwater withdrawals and irrigation reservoirs for the Juksan-cheon watershed in South Korea. The streamflow responses to groundwater pumping and irrigation reservoirs were simulated under several different scenarios. The scenarios were (1) current pumping well withdrawals with reservoirs; (2) current pumping well withdrawals without reservoirs; (3) no pumping well withdrawals with reservoirs; (4) no pumping well withdrawals without reservoirs (natural condition). The simulated results indicated that the effects of groundwater pumping on streamflow depletion are a little more significant than those of irrigation reservoirs. Particularly, the groundwater withdrawals with irrigation reservoirs at current status (scenario 1) has induced the decrease of more than 20% in drought flow against the natural condition (scenario 4) at the outlet of the watershed. The specific drought flows through the main stream of Juksan-cheon watershed were simulated in order to assess the irrigation effects on downstream flows. It was found out that the specific drought flows are increasing as the distance from the reservoir increases due to the accumulation of the return flows to stream.

Analysis of stream depletion from groundwater pumping near Hwangguji stream (황구지천 주변 지역 지하수 양수 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Jeongwoo;Kim, Nam Won;Chung, Il-Moon;Hong, Sung Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.385-385
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    • 2017
  • 지하수 관정의 위치에 따라 대수층과 인근 하천의 수리특성이 다양하여 하천수량에 미치는 지하수 양수의 영향이 공간적으로 다르게 발생하며, 그 영향을 지도(map)상에 표출한 것을 가칭 지하수 양수 영향구역도(국토교통부, 2014)라 한다. 본 연구에서는 황구지천 하류유역에 대해 하천주변 천부대수층 지하수 양수에 따른 하천수 감소량을 Hunt(1999, 2009)의 해석해로 산정하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 지하수 양수 영향구역도를 작성하였다. 지하수 양수 영향구역도 작성에 필요한 입력자료를 구축하기 위해서 현장에서 직접 양수시험을 수행하여 대수층 수리상수를 산정하고 기존 문헌값을 함께 이용하여 수리상수의 공간분포도를 작성하였다. 또한 양수시험공에 인접한 하천의 바닥에 피조미터 및 시피지미터를 설치하여 하상수리전도도를 측정하였다. 하천주변 및 하상의 수리상수값을 Hunt 해석해에 대입하여 지하수 양수량 대비 하천수 감소율을 30m 크기의 셀 단위로 산정하고 이를 구글어스상에 공간적으로 표출하였다. 하천구역에서 300m 이내 지역에서 지하수를 양수할 경우에는 양수기간 5년동안 평균적으로 양수량의 70%를 초과하는 하천수량의 감소가 일어나는 것으로 분석되었다. 지하수 양수 영향구역도를 활용하면 지하수 개발 이용자 및 허가 관련 행정기관이 지하수 관정의 공간적인 위치에 따른 하천수 감소 정도를 정량적으로 쉽게 파악할 수 있다.

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Propagation of radiation source uncertainties in spent fuel cask shielding calculations

  • Ebiwonjumi, Bamidele;Mai, Nhan Nguyen Trong;Lee, Hyun Chul;Lee, Deokjung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.3073-3084
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    • 2022
  • The propagation of radiation source uncertainties in spent nuclear fuel (SNF) cask shielding calculations is presented in this paper. The uncertainty propagation employs the depletion and source term outputs of the deterministic code STREAM as input to the transport simulation of the Monte Carlo (MC) codes MCS and MCNP6. The uncertainties of dose rate coming from two sources: nuclear data and modeling parameters, are quantified. The nuclear data uncertainties are obtained from the stochastic sampling of the cross-section covariance and perturbed fission product yields. Uncertainties induced by perturbed modeling parameters consider the design parameters and operating conditions. Uncertainties coming from the two sources result in perturbed depleted nuclide inventories and radiation source terms which are then propagated to the dose rate on the cask surface. The uncertainty analysis results show that the neutron and secondary photon dose have uncertainties which are dominated by the cross section and modeling parameters, while the fission yields have relatively insignificant effect. Besides, the primary photon dose is mostly influenced by the fission yield and modeling parameters, while the cross-section data have a relatively negligible effect. Moreover, the neutron, secondary photon, and primary photon dose can have uncertainties up to about 13%, 14%, and 6%, respectively.