• Title/Summary/Keyword: sports education model

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Prediction of Student's Interest on Sports for Classification using Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory Model

  • Ahamed, A. Basheer;Surputheen, M. Mohamed
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.246-256
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    • 2022
  • Recently, parents and teachers consider physical education as a minor subject for students in elementary and secondary schools. Physical education performance has become increasingly significant as parents and schools pay more attention to physical schooling. The sports mining with distribution analysis model considers different factors, including the games, comments, conversations, and connection made on numerous sports interests. Using different machine learning/deep learning approach, children's athletic and academic interests can be tracked over the course of their academic lives. There have been a number of studies that have focused on predicting the success of students in higher education. Sports interest prediction research at the secondary level is uncommon, but the secondary level is often used as a benchmark to describe students' educational development at higher levels. An Automated Student Interest Prediction on Sports Mining using DL Based Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory model (BiLSTM) is presented in this article. Pre-processing of data, interest classification, and parameter tweaking are all the essential operations of the proposed model. Initially, data augmentation is used to expand the dataset's size. Secondly, a BiLSTM model is used to predict and classify user interests. Adagrad optimizer is employed for hyperparameter optimization. In order to test the model's performance, a dataset is used and the results are analysed using precision, recall, accuracy and F-measure. The proposed model achieved 95% accuracy on 400th instances, where the existing techniques achieved 93.20% accuracy for the same. The proposed model achieved 95% of accuracy and precision for 60%-40% data, where the existing models achieved 93% for accuracy and precision.

The Effect of Role Recognition on Responsibility and Self-directed Learning of Middle School Soccer Clubs by The Sports Education Model (스포츠교육모형을 적용한 중학교 축구클럽활동 참여학생의 역할인식이 책임감 및 자기주도학습에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Wang-Hee;Cho, Gun-Sang;Kim, Min-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of role recognition of students participating in middle school soccer club activities applying sports education model on responsibility and self-directed learning. In order to achieve this purpose, 410 samples were selected from male students based in Busan using the convenience sampling method. Among them, and 370 data were finally verified through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's α coefficient calculation, and correlation analysis using the SPS statistics 25.0 program. Finally, a regression analysis was performed for hypothesis testing, and the results were as follows. First, the awareness of the role of the student participating in middle school soccer club activities, which applied the sports education model, was found to have a positive effect in part on the sense of responsibility. Second, the role recognition of students participating in middle school soccer club activities, which applied the sports education model, was found to have a partial positive influence on self-directed learning. Finally, the responsibility of students participating in middle school soccer club activities, which applied the sports education model, was found to have a positive effect on self-directed learning in part. Therefore, physical education teachers should ensure that students can choose the right roles for themselves through various role experiences in soccer classes so that more active learning can take place.

How to Measure the Intention of Watching Offline eSports Games: From the eSports Fan-centric Perspective

  • Jialing Zhang;Myung Ja Kim;Chulmo Koo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.227-260
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    • 2023
  • As an emerging competition, eSports is currently receiving a growing amount of attention, but relatively little research has been conducted on the likelihood of offline watching. Using the push-pull theory, we propose and test a research model of fans' perception-centered offline game-watching of eSports matches. Half of the 399 eSports fans we surveyed were from Korea (n = 200) and the other half were from China (n = 199). The results indicate that the entertainment atmosphere has the greatest impact on the intention to watch a match offline, followed by the intention to consume beforehand. There is no direct relationship between offline escapism and offline match-watching. In addition, the diverse personalities of fans affected the entertainment atmosphere and the intention to consume beforehand. This research has theoretical and practical implications for the growth of the eSports offline viewing and eSports tourism industries.

Model for the Structural Relationships of Safety Education by a Marine Leisure Sports Experience Center to First-Aid Coping Skills and Experience Satisfaction (해양레저스포츠 체험센터의 안전교육이 응급처치 대처능력 및 체험만족도에 관한 구조적 관계 모형)

  • Choi, Mi-Young;Moon, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.552-561
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to verify a model for the structural relationships of safety education provided by a marine leisure sports experience center to first-aid coping skills and experience satisfaction. 307 male and female customers who used a marine leisure sports experience center located in the city of S-si, K-do Province, were investigated from June 15 to August 30, 2017. The collected data were statistically analyzed by SPSS/PC+ 20.0 and Amos 16.0. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the safety education offered by the marine leisure sports experience center was found to have affected first-aid coping skills(t=3.425, p<.001). Second, the safety education by the marine leisure sports experience center was found to have exerted an influence on experience satisfaction(t=3.751, p<.001). Third, the first-aid coping skills of the marine leisure sports experience center was found to have had an impact on experience satisfaction(t=6.781, p<.001). The measurement model for the hypothesis test in this study was found to be appropriate(GFI=.978, NFI=993, CFI=984). Given the findings of the study, more extended safety education is expected to be effective, as customers who use marine leisure sports experience centers will be able to enjoy marine leisure sports more safely and improve their quality of life when they are compulsorily required to receive safety education.

Introduction to a Health-related Physical Education Curriculum Model in the United States : Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) (미국의 최신 건강중심 체육교육수업의 소개 - Sports, Play, Active Recreation for Kids(SPARK) 체육프로그램 개발배경 및 사례보고 -)

  • Yoo, Soo-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this article is to introduce the Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) physical education curriculum. SPARK is a model for health-related, research-based and evidence-based physical education programs in the United States. The outcome of school physical education can relate to public health, but there exists few evidence-based physical education programs reporting health-related variables. School physical education can provide more opportunities for children and adolescents to be physically active and to learn more about healthy lifestyles. However, physical education programs have been cut and eliminated due to lack of funding in the U.S. as in South Korea. Although facing these problems, SPARK programs have been implemented in over 50% of schools, after school programs and coordinated school health programs in the U.S. This article reviewed: (a) background information of the SPARK program, (b) examples of effective interventions, and (c) methods of dissemination to schools nationally in the U.S. The methods showed in SPARK may use as a model for researching, developing and implementing new physical education(PE) program and after school programs in Korea.

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The Consumer Attitude on Sports Star Model Advertisement according to Sports Involvement (스포츠 관여도에 따른 스포츠스타 모델광고에 대한 태도)

  • Ju, Eun-Seok;Choe, Seung-Ho;Park, Hye-Seon
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.115-131
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of sports involvement and consumer attitude on fashion advertisement using sports star models(CAATTM) according to demographics and to investigate the effect of sports involvement to CAATTM. The subjects selected for final analysis were 398 adults living in Daejeon. The statistics used for analysis included factor analysis, ANOVA, multiple range test, regression, $Cronbach'\alpha$, and frequency. The results were as follow: 1. Sports Involvement was divided Cognitive Sports Involvement(CSI) and Emotional Sports Involvement(ESI). The CSI and ESI were different according to sex. And CSI was different according to age, education level and marriage status. 2. CATTM was divided into three factors: Emotional Attitude(EA), Cogitive Attitude(CA), and Ethical Attitude(ETA). CA was different according to sex, age, income, and marriage status. 3. The sports involvement affected CAATTM. People who were high in CSI and ESI showed high attitude in EA and CA.

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Analyzing the Intention of Sports Consumers' Purchase Behavior Through Online Sports Distributors

  • Kibaek KIM;Minsoo KIM;Jinwook HAN
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze Korean sports consumers' intention to stay using online sports products and services through online sports distribution platforms or return to using sports facilities and services in person. Research design, data and methodology: This study set up two models measuring consumers' recognition, attitude, and purchase intention toward online sports products and services based on involvement theory. An online survey was conducted and a total of 2,263 consumers participated in this study. Male participants were 1,256(55.5%) and female participants were 1,007(44.5%). Descriptive statistics were performed, and a path analysis was utilized to analyze the proposed model using SPSS 26 and SAS. Results: The results revealed two proposed models used in this study supported that consumers' online sports product and service recognition leads to a positive attitude toward online sports products and services. Moreover, consumers' positive online sports product and service attitudes were shown to lead to positive intentions to purchase online sports products and services. Conclusions: The findings revealed the recognition of consumers' online sports products and services led to positive attitudes and behavioral intentions. Implications were provided by suggesting the sports industry stick to developing online sports products and services until the endemic of COVID-19 is declared.

A Study on the Change of Women's Sports Wear in the 19th Century (19세기 여성 Sports Wear 변천에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yu-Kyung;Lee, Hee-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.203-219
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    • 2007
  • The education chance and job opportunity of women have increased in the 19th century. Also, women tried to get the right and chance equal to men in this period. Therefore, the population of women participating in the sports have increased. And comfortable and practical pantaloons which men have been wearing were suggested to women. This study investigated the characteristics and change of women's sports wear relating to social change in the 19th century. The results of this study were as follows: 1. According to the social change, women participated in the sports activities with the opportunity equal to men, and the appropriate women's sports wear was needed. 2. Pantaloons which were suggested as the clothing reform movement became popular with the development of sports wear. 3. Simple, effective, comfortable and easy style sports wear was preferred. 4. Women accepted men's sports wear positively. 5. The women's sports wear varied according to the various kinds of sports. 6. The healthful design was preferred and harmful design was excluded. 7. Underwear was improved functionally and simplified. 8. The main materials were flannel, wool, tweed, homespun and serge, and the mail colors were brown, dark blue, gray and black.

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Analyzing the relationship between Sports Commitment and Behavioral Intention of Sports Wearable Devices through UTAUT Model (UTAUT 모델을 통한 여가스포츠 참여자의 스포츠몰입과 웨어러블 디바이스 수용 간의 관계)

  • Chun, Sung Bum;Lim, Jin Sun;Lee, Chul Won
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.291-306
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between Sports commitment and Behavioral intention of wearable device among sports participants through UTAUT model. Convenience sampling was conducted and 239 questionnaires from various sports participants were analyzed after data cleaning. SPSS ver 21 and AMOS 20.0 software were used to anayze the collected data. As a result, first, the main 4 factors of UTAUT had positive effect on Behavioral intention and Use behavior but Sports commitment was not statistically related to Behavioral intention. Second, the full mediation effect of UTAUT main factors between Sports commitment and Behavioral intention were verified.

Developing Competency Based Integrated Curriculum for Fostering Sports Marketer in Sports Industry (스포츠마케터 인재양성을 위한 역량기반 융합형 교육과정 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Se;Ahn, Jai-Han;Kim, Mi-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.449-462
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a competency-based convergence curriculum for the development of sports marketers, sports talent in the sports industry. For this purpose, we conducted literature analysis, in-depth interviews and job analysis to derive necessary capabilities to become sports marketers, draw up a capability profile, and then developed a capability model through expert verification. Sports marketers ' capacity models were divided into sport marketing / PR and sports events by type of experience, with six common basic competencies including sports mind and 12 professional competencies including sponsorships. Sports marketers education courses developed based on capacity models are composed of understanding of sports industry, sports marketing communication, sports law, understanding of sports facility, sports facilities management, sports sponsorship, sports media, sports licensing, sports agent, sports event planning, sports event management, make a proposal, sports event field practice. The developed training courses for sports marketers will be used in colleges and private education institutions related to the sports industry, contributing to fostering and expanding sports industry talent.