• 제목/요약/키워드: spatial thinking

검색결과 147건 처리시간 0.021초

초등학교 6학년 학생들의 공간감각과 공간추론능력 실태조사 (An Investigation on $6^{th}$ Grade Students' Spatial Sense and Spatial Reasoning)

  • 김유경;방정숙
    • 대한수학교육학회지:학교수학
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.353-373
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 초등학교 6학년 학생들의 공간감각과 공간추론능력의 실태를 조사하였다. 공간감각 측면에서는 전반적으로 학생들의 공간 시각화 능력이 공간 방향화 능력보다 우수하였는데, 각각의 하위 요소를 분석한 결과 변환능력이 회전능력보다, 방향감각과 물체의 구조인식능력이 위치감각보다 상대적으로 우수하였다. 공간추론능력 측면에서는 학생들이 문제를 해결할 때 다양한 공간추론능력을 사용하는 것으로 드러났는데, 특히 변환의 인식과 사용, 분석과 종합, 시각화 방법의 개발과 적용을 많이 사용하였다. 본 논문은 학생들의 공간감각 및 공간추론능력 사용형태를 상세히 분석함으로써 이와 관련한 교수 학습 과정에 시사점을 제공하고자 하였다.

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라슬로 모호이-나쥬의 비재현적인 공간 표현의 이념에 관한 연구 (A Study on the idea of the non-representational spatial expression of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy)

  • 이란표
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2007
  • In the face of the new dimension of the developed technology $L{\acute{a}}szl{\acute{o}}$ Moholy-Nagy, a master of 'the Bauhaus Akademie', made an effort to constitute the integrated life of the intellectual and the emotional by translating the experiences of the new technology Into the emotional language and the cultural realities. As an artist who criticized in the constructivist ethos the conception of the image as the imitation and brought the Image movements into relief Moholy-Nagy groped for a new expressive idea that can be called as 'the idea of the non-representational spatial expression' in which the expressive elements interact one another. His idea of the non-representational spatial expression that is made up of the pure forms of the nature, the direct colors and the spatial elements is oriented to incorporate the modern realities, i.e. the space experiences as the complicated sensory workings and the new technology as the measure of the human thinking, and further to see where they will move to. This study is on the one hand purposed to explicate the fundamental idea of the non-representational spatial expression that was poorly illuminated in spite of its importance in the respects of the design and art history, on the other to re-actualize the implications of the space-design which are contained in it.

초등학교 아동의 미술영재성 판별에 따른 인지능력검사모형 구안 (The Development of the Inspection Model about Cognitive Ability according to Visual Artistic Giftedness Identification of the Elementary School Children)

  • 박명옥
    • 영재교육연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2010
  • 본고는 미술영재성 판별에 따른 인지적 능력과 관련하여 문헌연구와 선행연구들을 바탕으로 미술영재성과 인지능력과의 관계를 고찰함으로써 초등학교 아동의 미술영재성 판별에 따른 인지능력검사모형을 구안하고자 하는 데 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 먼저, 미술영재성과 인지능력의 관계를 고찰하여 미술영재성의 구성요인으로서 인지능력의 타당성을 규정한 다음, 앞선 문헌연구를 통해 초등학교 아동의 미술영재성 판별에 따른 인지능력검사모형을 구안하였다. 그리고 구안된 검사모형의 타당성과 신뢰성을 검증하기 위해 일반학급 아동집단과 미술영재 아동집단을 대상으로 검사를 실시하였다. 그 결과 초등학교 아동의 미술영재성 판별에 따른 인지능력의 구성요인으로서 시각적 사고력과 공간 지각력, 비판적 사고력이 논리적, 경험적으로 타당성이 있다고 검증되었다. 이러한 연구의 결과는 앞으로 이루어질 초등학교 아동의 미술영재성 판별에 대한 다양한 모색의 가능성과 미술영재교육 프로그램의 개발에 새로운 접근을 제공해줄 수 있을 것이다.

종합병원 내부공간의 공간파악과 탐색에 관한 연구 (2) - 사인을 중심으로 한 탐색행동 분석 - (A Study on the Cognition of the Spatial Structure and Wayfinding in the Interior Space of General Hospital (2) - Analysis by Wayfinding Behavior around Sign -)

  • 정수경;이낙운
    • 의료ㆍ복지 건축 : 한국의료복지건축학회 논문집
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    • 제5권8호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 1999
  • It's difficult to understand the interior of complex facilities such as general hospital, because interior spatial composition in hospital tends to be focused. So it is important to find out how people understand the structure of interior spaces. Therefore, this study aims to analyze spatial information from the sign data concerned with sighting and thinking of subject who make way-finding as a first-time visit from an entrance to a goal by way-finding method and clarify plan of sign in two general hospital which have typical plans in Korea.; One is corridor type and the other is hall type.

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페터 춤토르 작품에 나타난 존재론적 공간개념에 관한 연구 (A Study on Ontological Spatial Concept shown at Works of Peter Zumthor)

  • 이옥재;김문덕
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2015
  • With the modern society approaching, a lot of new paradigms have been created which can be explained by the existing space notions while suspicions on the true essence and existence of space have been raised. Ontology regards as the beginning the cause for a 'Field' which will be faced for the research of the essence of a space where 'being-in-the-world' exists. This study has analyzed the existing method of space construction in the spatial thinking and works of Peter Zumthor who mentioning ontological viewpoint as the physiological background of his works so that the ontological spatial concept may be clarified. The following is the study results. First, in order to construct the structures of his own designing into a 'Field' for experiencing the existential meaning, Zumthor chose a reductive pattern with the entire additional elements removed. The materials leading the subjects to call attention to memory and experience and the methods dealing with it enables the realization of various spatial essences. Second, the ontological event-system is required for the formation of relationship among beings. He tried to create a spatial meaning by introducing external environment into the inside and using the materials reflecting regional features and phenomenological empiricism through the multisensory experience. Third, he applied assimilation/insert/adjustment/formative change as the way of constructing the relationship between site and structure.

The Study of Particle Filter Localization Algorithm Based on Magnetic Field Data

  • Chang, Kun;Huang, He;Jing, Changfeng;Deng, Nanshan
    • 대한공간정보학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2016
  • Most of the indoor positioning algorithms based on magnetic data mainly focus on reducing the accumulated error of the odometry data, such as signals produced by the inertial sensors. However, in most cases such as positioning by using smartphones in the indoor environment, those approaches seem unfeasible due to the absence of the inertial sensors. Thus, in this paper, we try to study a positioning algorithm exclusively based on the magnetic data. We refer to some thinking from the steps of Particle Filter and conduct an experiment to verify the application of the new algorithm. Besides, we use the variance of the result of the previous step to decrease the area to be matched in the next step, intending to improve the accuracy of the results. The result of the experiment shows that the new algorithm has a high probability to match with accuracy less than 2 meters in a 24 meters by 2.6 meters corridor.

约翰内斯堡空间转型的背景, 进程与效果研究 (Analyzing the Spatial Transformation of Johannesburg: Background, Process and Effectiveness)

  • Tang, Wei
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2018
  • Due to its speciality, Johannesburg has drawn wide attention from the international academia, which the existing urban theory cannot easily explain. This paper focuses on the spatial pattern of Johannesburg, and finds that it is highly fragmented: first North-South Division due to apartheid and gold mining, secondly, the continuous sprawl due to population densification, and thirdly formation of city-region due to the fill-in spatial policy. The fragmented spatial pattern undermines the social integration and weakens the potential economic sustainability, which make the balanced multi-core spatial pattern inevitable under the influence of the international planning thought. The Johannesburg's spatial transformation comes not only from social integration, but also from the development vison of world-class status of an African city. In reality, since the collapse of apartheid, the municipal government has released series of strategic planning in different executive phase. These different plannings unanimously focus on the world class status although since 2008, the social inclusiveness is more emphasized. Thus, Johannesburg implements some spatial policies, as promoting the corridor of freedom, identifying the key nodes in the city then developing with high density, implementing the in-filling policy, managing the urban growth boundary, effectively preserving the natural system. However, the industrial structure in Johannesburg is already quite high-ended which cannot produce many jobs and also require much investment in advanced infrastructure. Thus, the strategic goals of world-class status of an African city and social inclusiveness which really need widely shared public services to some extent are in tension. After evaluation, we can see that spatial transformation is quite limited. Obviously spatial transformation largely depends on the social-economy. The population is still in flow. In this sense Johannesburg must energetically support the employment-based industry, effectively control the spatial sprawl and carry out institutional innovation which further incentive investment, gradually build an integrated regional governance. In general, how Johannesburg combines globalization and its own condition is still worth thinking in both theory and practice.

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심리적 거리로서의 가상성과 시간적 거리: 제품 정보 유형의 제품 태도에 미치는 효과를 중심으로 (Virtuality as a Psychological Distance and Temporal Distance: Focusing on the Effect of Product Information Type on Product Attitude)

  • 박도형
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2017
  • Recent advances in technology are evolving to enable individuals to perform various activities necessary for their lives, without being constrained by physical, temporal, and spatial constraints. The online services and experiences that originated from solving the discomfort in the actual offline space have created the newness that can only be experienced in the digital world and furthermore uniquely new experiences in actual space as well. While many previous studies have suggested several interpretations of unique individual behaviors in virtual environments, a recent research approaches virtuality as an interesting perspective of the change of thinking style. Virtuality is defined as how far apart we are from everyday reality, and if the individual faces a situation far from reality, the psychological distance of the individual becomes distant and ultimately leads to the thinking style of high construal level. Otherwise, it is said to have a relatively low construal level of thinking style. In this study, I try to confirm the virtual distance as the role of psychological distance in new virtual contexts. Simultaneously considering temporal distance, which are most used in psychological distance, and virtual distance based on virtuality, this study tries to find whether the effect of virtual distance on product attitude is the same as that of temporal distance and check the relationship between virtual distance and temporal distance in the context of consumers' product evaluations depending on product information type.

Teleology, Discontinuity and World History: Periodization and Some Creation Myths of Modernity

  • Pomeranz, Kenneth
    • Asian review of World Histories
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.189-226
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    • 2013
  • Discussions of world history often focus on the pros and cons of thinking on large spatial scales. However, world history also tends to employ unusually large timescales, both for research and teaching; frequently it is framed around a teleology and a series of "revolutions" which mark milestones taking humans from a very distant past to "modernity". Moreover, world history usually rejects regionally specific period markers (e.g. Renaissance), making periodization within this long timespan especially difficult. This article surveys various approaches to these problems, and shows that any of them, if treated as sufficient by itself, introduces significant distortions. It argues for a world history that highlights this problem, rather than hiding it, and which uses the need to deploy multiple timescales simultaneously to clarify the distinctive intellectual contribution of historical thinking.

Analysis of Mathematics Ability Structure in Chinese Mathematical Gifted Student

  • Li Mingzhen;Pang Kun
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.329-333
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    • 2005
  • Based on author's practice of instructing Chinese gifted students to join the Chinese Mathematics Olympic (CMO), the paper adopted test analysis model of the Scholastic Aptitude Test of Mathematics (SAT-M), tested mathematics ability of 212 mathematical gifted students to join the CMO, applied correlation analysis and factor analysis and proposed the mathematics ability structure in Chinese gifted students including comprehensive operation ability, logic thinking ability, abstract generalization ability, spatial imagination ability, memory ability, transfer ability and intuition thinking ability. And it analyzed the expression form of these abilities respectively and gave some suggestion on mathematics teaching about gifted Chinese students.

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